Space Opera Exalted

This is more of a Microcosm by this point, but the movie Immortal has a lot of good ideas when it comes to Exalted.

Anybody ever seen it? And what do you think?
Haku said:
Kyeudo said:
You should be enthusiastically and vigorously beaten, KGB-style for putting that here.
Why? I think that version of Shinji would make a very good Zenith Caste Solar. Just give him a Warstrider and get out of his way.
No... just... no.

^ This.
Kyeudo said:
I suggest taking Warhammer 40K and fusing it with Exalted, then running amok. The Tau get the Dragon-Blooded, the Necrons get the Abyssals, the Eldar get the Sidereals, the Orks get the Lunars, the Chaos Space Marines get the Infernals, and the Space Marines get the Solars. The only real question is where to stick the Fair Folk in the 40k universe, since you'd want to leave the Warp to the Demons.
Nobody came up with one? Really?

TYRANIDS. They're both ALIENS.

I actually think that the Serenity reference would work a little better since The 'Verse is kind of set up that way. Just change the colors a little.

(I couldn't control the image size so here's a link) ... G_4886.jpg

I'm a little bias since I'm running Serenity right now.

To me the biggest factor is how much of a difference there is between regular tech and magitech. If you don't have any nonmagical spaceships at all then that doesn't change things as much. It occurs to me that Tenchi Universe may be a good kind of show to reference since a lot of the technology might as well be magic.

(insert Arthur C Clark quote here)
I see no one has bothered to read the file I linked earlier. :lol:

It's a perfectly epic method of making Exalted a space opera while still retaining the feel of GOD mode as an exalted, and has variants of the various types of exalted.
Dune. Exalted In Space (as far as I'm concerned) should be all about Dune.

Bene Gesserit= Sidereals. Probably Bronze sids.

The Emperor= The Scarlet Emperor

The Sarduakar= The Imperial Legion

The Great Houses= The Great Houses

The Guild = The Guild

Muad Dib = A Solar (...or a Ronin Sidereal, or the Godblooded son of the Maiden of Battles...)

The Butlerian Jihad = The Usurpation

The Fremen = Tiger Warriors

The Tleilax = Lunars

The Coming Scary We're Avoiding With The Golden Path = The Deathlords/Returning Yozi

Mentats = AWESOME.

I'm not saying you should run a Dune game with the Exalted rules, but Dune's one of the inspirations for Exalted listed in the Core. If you're gonna run Exalts-in-space, Dune is one of the best ways to get in the right sorta mood for it, and it's already set in space.

And I'd have the Unconquered Sun be the god of not "every" star, but a SINGLE star, an ancient giant found deep in the deadly Wyld-storms of the Meru system. He led the gods against the Yozis (I'm seeing a real "Vorlons vs Shadows" a la Babylon 5 feel here) in the First War, and the gods created many new species (including humanity, and probably several others) to fill their armies, as well as their Exalted champions. Then they retired to a higher plane, leaving their champions to rule in their stead, feeding on worship, growing ever-more distant as the Solar Exalted pushed the boundaries of known space outward, and grew more and more mad with power. Hushed tales slowly spread across space of isolated worlds where the Solars hid their excesses, whole planets of tortured mewling blind things that were once people, entire systems wiped out of existence because the Sun Lord didn't like way they looked on the sky of his favorite planet. Enter our own Dragonblooded Butlerian Jihad, uniting countless worlds and tremendous numbers against the three hundred Solars during their yearly Calibration meeting on Meru (Calibration's when the time when all the various worlds re-synchronize to Galactic Mean Time and perform system-checks, and many important systems-including automated defenses that prevent the Yozi teleportation engines from entering our space- are down all over the galaxy). Their shapeshifting allies fled to the edges of known space, and the distant reaches of the galaxy have grown darker since, as newly-invented and blasphemous races swarm civilized worlds...

And, of course, just yesterday a world-sized worship crewed by dead slid OUT of a black hole in a relatively unimportant system just rimward of the Marukani Alliance, and moved into a position to blot out the local sun, plunging the four billion people of Thorns into winter before unloading wave after wave of black dropships...

And, of course, the Scarlet Empress, the invincible ruler of and matriarch of the Great Houses which comprise the worlds of the Scarlet Empire (famed for her activation of the long-dormant and long-thought incomprehensible weapons technologies of the Anathema and her use of their weapons to turn back the advance of the Balorian Armada) has gone missing. Her flagship hasn't left its berth, but no one can seem to find her, and the planetary authorities are debating whether to inform the rest of the Empire...

And, of course, a rift has opened in the fabric of space over a swampy planet several jumps away from the sparkling volcano-world of Gem, and from it swarms of strange outsiders in oddly insectile suits have descended on the planet, stripping it bare before moving on to the next, and those few who have managed to open a comm channel with them find their AIs suddenly infiltrated and suborned by the will of the Great Maker...

And, of course, the unnoticed civilizations on the rim of the galaxy, too barbaric and backward to solve their problems with mortality and disease, much less travel the stars, are almost ready to reveal their secret: they're actually magitechnological powerhouses, and they've been secretly building their fleets for centuries, with the elusive backing of the Lunar Anathema, who have finally decided that it's time to replace the Scarlet Empire with something better...

And, of course, the Chosen of the Stars, sitting in their secretive meetings halls and directing the movements of the bodies of the galaxy, are just beginning to notice that several systems of unrelated alien life forms have all been infected with the same strange and highly deadly virus...and it's slowly creeping outward...

And, of course, the Eye of Autochthon, the deadly reality-warping Primordial flagship of Bagrash Kol's fleet (rumored to be capable of travelling through time), has been spotted near the Neck Nebula...

And, of course, the Lost Planet of Denandsor, where the Solar Anathema used great Reality Engines to construct whole worlds designed to their exact specifications, lost during the great Contagion (a mighty computer virus, this time-what better way to lose so much first age tech on a galaxy-wide scale?) but guarded by automatic systems has just been found-- by an insane two-headed Wyld mutant megalomaniac, who has no idea what he wanted to find it for, and suspects that he may be hiding something from himself...

And, of course, on the ruined planet Rathess, an ancient darkness not seen since the First War has just awoken, and cast its hungry gaze upon the stars. Now if only it had a ship...

And, of course, the Ebon Dragon stretches inside a Dyson sphere formed of flesh and sinew and brass, and spots a weakness...

And, of course, the Linowans, beseiged for centuries by the United Worlds of Halta, tremble before the barbarian fleet the Haltans have found on the Rim, and beg the Empire to send the Tepet Armada...

And, of course, the Planet Gem, riddled with exotic and valuable and often highly radioactive metals and cursed with an unstable tectonic system due to its proximity to a nearby planet, is going to careen straight into it in only ten years' time...

And, of course, black ships bearing the symbols of the long-vanished Solar Anathema are preying on trade lines, reaving whole crews but leaving the cargo and the derelict ships untouched...

And, of course, corrupt energy beings rule whole worlds far from the watchful eye of the Immaculate Order, and plot the theft of planets nearby from their fellows...

And, of course, the Guild is selling millions to the shapeless creatures that lurk in the darkness beyond the edge of space, in exchange for wondrous and impossible technologies, and who knows WHAT they need with enough slaves to populate a dozen worlds, but they keep right on buying more...

And, of course, in the midst of a universe of danger and strife, on worlds all over the galaxy, suddenly, creatures of all races find themselves filled with golden power and strength and purpose, and the fabric of space-time itself trembles at the return of the masters who wrote their dominion and their magic upon its very skin. And their suns smile down once more upon them.

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