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Nation Building Space Empires

Name: Liami

Home System: Liami System

Empire Subtype 1: Scientist

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3


Story: Evolved from a cat like being into a strong and proud nation. Very capable of everything. Quiet like a ninja but fast on both ground and in water.

*Other: They have been living for 800 years and come in sizes from 20 to 50 feet tall and wide.
Name: fire Dragon

Home System: Scrylian Republic

Empire Subtype 1: scientist

Empire Subtype 2:scientist

Empire Subtype 3:scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3


Story: They evolve from small lizards to great beasts, violent and they try to destroy everything in their path.
TheMan said:
Name: Liami
Home System: Liami System

Empire Subtype 1: Scientist

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3


Story: Evolved from a cat like being into a strong and proud nation. Very capable of everything. Quiet like a ninja but fast on both ground and in water.

*Other: They have been living for 800 years and come in sizes from 20 to 50 feet tall and wide.
tessema said:
Name: fire Dragon
Home System: Scrylian Republic

Empire Subtype 1: scientist

Empire Subtype 2:scientist

Empire Subtype 3:scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3


Story: They evolve from small lizards to great beasts, violent and they try to destroy everything in their path.
You cannot share a home system with another empire. Change your home system, and then you will be allowed to RP
Name: Terran Empire

Government type: Fascist

Home System: Epsilon Eridani, Home Planet: Epsilon Eridani II, also know as terra

Empire subtype: warrior

Empire subtype: scientist

Empire subtype: scientist

Tech level: 6

Appearence: Almost Identical to humans, except that they are generally taller with males on average being 6 ft 2 in and females on average being 5 ft 8 in. However, they bones are 8 times denser than a standard human and their muscles are more compacted allowing for greater durability and strength. They organs run more efficiently aswell, giving them a longer lifespan and overall more efficient body.

Story: For most of the terran's history, they have been at war with each other, only unifying after world war in which a fascist state had achieved victory. Shortly after the war's end, an alien message was intercepted by the new government. With the new found knowledge of not being alone in the universe, the terrans banded together, initiating a new golden age. Within a century, the planet's population grew to 8 times the amount it was before the world war. They had also begun expanding into the rest of their solar system with little resistance, since they were the only sentient species from the Eridani system. Despite developing their first FTL (faster than light) drive, they did not immediately expand outside of their solar system, due to paranoia of alerting another race to their presence. As a result of this, the eridani system is very built up and heavily populated. Once they started colonizing other systems, their massive population growth helped them expand quickly.

The Eridani system is filled with numerous stations of all types, from habitat stations, to defense platforms and even shipyards. The Home Fleet is always in system, and its sole purpose is to defend the eridani system.

The inner colonies are the first 60 colonies to be founded, and are the most powerful of the colonies. Generally, they have populations upwards of a billion, and can produce even the largest terran warships on their own. They commonly have numerous defense platforms in orbit aswell. However, even the greatest of the inner colonies pale in comparison to the eridani system. the inner colonies are defended by inner defense fleet, the largest terran fleet to exist.

The outer colonies are the next 400 colonies to be founded. Generally, except for the rare exceptions, the outer colonies are much smaller than the inner ones. They are primarily agriculture based or growing into industrial planets. They are defended by the outer defense fleet, a very large fleet due to having to patrol 400 systems.

The outermost colonies are known as the frontier, and most of them are very small and insignificant or are military bases. The only truely important frontier planet is demeter, a vital refueling point and the only frontier planet to have a shipyard. The frontier is mostly protected by auxiliary fleets, however, the infamous wolfpack is current station at demeter.

Terran families are generally encouraged to have as many kids as they can. This, aswell as a usual abundance of food and excellent medical technology, allows for very fast population growth. Terrans are very patriotic and are willing to die for the survival of the species, leading to a very dedicated military and a well equipped populous.


Terran infantry use ballistic firearms, since they are cheap to produce, very reliable, easy to replace, easy to fix and still lethal. Their firearms use high velocity FMJ rounds, usually 7.62 or higher, meant to pierce the armor of any alien species they may encounter. Their armor is a ballistic mesh underlay with plastoid and titanium alloy designed to defend against ballistic and energy weapons alike. All soldiers are given a HUD with connection to a virtual battle net, which gives them real time information and allows them to transmit information back to command. because of this, any enemy movements that have been spotted by one soldier have essentially been spotted by all.

Terrans very commonly use drones in combat, the most common one being an autonomous infantry unit known as the spectre. Spectres are humanoid and about the same size as a terran, however they are very hard to kill even without armor. They wear an armored chest piece, meant to be easily replaceable and defend the robot. Spectres are relentless killing machines, and unless they are rendered completely inoperable, will stop at nothing to kill their target.

ASPs are robotic vehicles, and come in two variants: one with a missile launches, and one with a miniature railgun cannon. They move around four legs and are hard to kill.

M43 walker tanks are heavily armored ground vehicles armed with a massive cannon. They have the thickest armor of any terran ground vehicle and come equiped with a trophy system designed to help defend against anti-tank rockets. They normally move around on treads split four armored segments. When trying to traverse particularly tough terrain, the segments can shift to make allow the tank to walk around on them.

APC-25 is an armored personal carrier meant to transport troops quickly to the battlefield. It is armed with a 45mm cannon and anti-vehicle missiles, aswell as a HMG. It can move at speeds up to 120 KM/Hr. It is very heavily armored and even if it is disabled, it is likely the soldiers inside are still combat capable.

The Reaper is an automated gunship drone designed to quickly support ground operations without the risk of life involved with a manned gunship. it is lightly armed, only having 12 missiles and a 20mm autocannon.

the hawk is a manned gunship that is slower than the reaper but more heavily armed and armored. it has 32 missiles, a 25mm autocannon and a new dual partical beam weapon. it also can transport a squad of soldiers into battle, making it an excellent multi-role gunship

the albatross is a large aerial transport capable of transporting several vehicles or a platoon of infantry. it is slow but hard to kill. They have light hexagonal shielding.

Terran heavy troopers come wear massive power armor suits that are powered by fusion cores. They are very resistant to all forms of attack and, because of the immense power generated by the fusion core, can move almost as fast as a standard infantry unit.

dagger fighters are drone fighter that can operate on their own. they are lightly armed and armored, however they are also extremely nimble interceptors that, due to excellent AI programming, are very "skilled". They come with 12 Medusa missiles and a 25mm autocannon.

Rapier fighters are manned spacecraft that are a bit slower than daggers, but come with more armor. They offer great protection for their pilots, who wear EVA suits capable of re-entry into atmosphere. They have light hexagonal shielding, and are armed with 24 Medusa missiles, dual 40mm autocannons and are capable of delivering a nuclear payload.

claymore bombers are surprisingly nimble for their size, and are the standard bomber of the terran empire. they require a 4 person crew, and come equipped with a 120 Gauss cannon, and can carry 16 nuclear weapons.

Frigates are the main patrol craft of the Terran navy. They are armed with 50mm autocannons and directed energy weapons for defense against missiles and fighters, however they can be used to help fight against other ships. It can deploy 20 nuclear missiles, and is armed with 24 high power missile pods (72 missiles each). The ship's structure is built upon an extremely powerful mass accelerator cannon, which is meant as its main weapon against enemy ships. They are also equipped with 6 heavy plasma projectors. They have hull 1.8 meters thick, made from high grade titanium alloy battle armor. Heavy Hexagonal shielding is also standard on frigates. frigates are about 600 meters in length.

Destroyers are the main guns of any fleet, and like the frigates, are armed with 50mm autocannons and directed energy weapons, however they have much more. Destoyers are also built upon a mass accelerator cannon of the same type, and are armed with missile pods. they only have 20 missiles pods, instead having 8 heavy plasma projectors and 4 antiship railguns. They have 30 nuclear missiles and can carry 16 fighters/bombers. Their hull is 2.5 meters thick and they also have heavy hexagonal shielding. they are about 800 meters in length.

cruisers are seen leading task forces and providing support for destroyers and frigates. They have the same autocannons and directed energy weapons equipped on every terran ship, but have twice as many as a destroyer has. They have dual mass accelerator cannons that are both larger than those found on a destroyer. They have over 60 missile pods, and have 60 nuclear missiles. They can launch 50 fighters/bombers. They have 18 plasma projectors and 10 railguns. their hull is 3.8 meters thick, and they have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding. They are 1.4 Kilometers long.

carriers are meant for deploying ground forces and fighters. they are armed with less than the cruisers, only having one mass accelerator cannon, 30 missiles pods, a bit more point defense weapons (autocannons and energy weapons), 4 railguns and 8 heavy plasma projectors. They can deploy over 300 fighters/bombers and have hull 4 meters thick. they also have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding and are 3 km long.

battle cruisers are the command ships of the fleet and are the big guns. they have three ultra heavy mass accelerator cannons, and an extreme amount of point defense weapons. they have 180 missile pods and 120 nuclear missiles. They are also armed with a massive beam weapon that is foreward facing. The ship has 36 heavy plasma projectors and 28 railguns. They hold 200 bombers/fighters and have a hull that is 6 meters thick. they have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding. They are over 5km long

if anything is out of place or not allowed, please tell me.
JihadJohn said:
Name: Terran Empire
Government type: Fascist

Home System: Epsilon Eridani, Home Planet: Epsilon Eridani II, also know as terra

Empire subtype: warrior

Empire subtype: scientist

Empire subtype: scientist

Tech level: 6

Appearence: Almost Identical to humans, except that they are generally taller with males on average being 6 ft 2 in and females on average being 5 ft 8 in. However, they bones are 8 times denser than a standard human and their muscles are more compacted allowing for greater durability and strength. They organs run more efficiently aswell, giving them a longer lifespan and overall more efficient body.

Story: For most of the terran's history, they have been at war with each other, only unifying after world war in which a fascist state had achieved victory. Shortly after the war's end, an alien message was intercepted by the new government. With the new found knowledge of not being alone in the universe, the terrans banded together, initiating a new golden age. Within a century, the planet's population grew to 8 times the amount it was before the world war. They had also begun expanding into the rest of their solar system with little resistance, since they were the only sentient species from the Eridani system. Despite developing their first FTL (faster than light) drive, they did not immediately expand outside of their solar system, due to paranoia of alerting another race to their presence. As a result of this, the eridani system is very built up and heavily populated. Once they started colonizing other systems, their massive population growth helped them expand quickly.

The Eridani system is filled with numerous stations of all types, from habitat stations, to defense platforms and even shipyards. The Home Fleet is always in system, and its sole purpose is to defend the eridani system.

The inner colonies are the first 60 colonies to be founded, and are the most powerful of the colonies. Generally, they have populations upwards of a billion, and can produce even the largest terran warships on their own. They commonly have numerous defense platforms in orbit aswell. However, even the greatest of the inner colonies pale in comparison to the eridani system. the inner colonies are defended by inner defense fleet, the largest terran fleet to exist.

The outer colonies are the next 400 colonies to be founded. Generally, except for the rare exceptions, the outer colonies are much smaller than the inner ones. They are primarily agriculture based or growing into industrial planets. They are defended by the outer defense fleet, a very large fleet due to having to patrol 400 systems.

The outermost colonies are known as the frontier, and most of them are very small and insignificant or are military bases. The only truely important frontier planet is demeter, a vital refueling point and the only frontier planet to have a shipyard. The frontier is mostly protected by auxiliary fleets, however, the infamous wolfpack is current station at demeter.

Terran families are generally encouraged to have as many kids as they can. This, aswell as a usual abundance of food and excellent medical technology, allows for very fast population growth. Terrans are very patriotic and are willing to die for the survival of the species, leading to a very dedicated military and a well equipped populous.


Terran infantry use ballistic firearms, since they are cheap to produce, very reliable, easy to replace, easy to fix and still lethal. Their firearms use high velocity FMJ rounds, usually 7.62 or higher, meant to pierce the armor of any alien species they may encounter. Their armor is a ballistic mesh underlay with plastoid and titanium alloy designed to defend against ballistic and energy weapons alike. All soldiers are given a HUD with connection to a virtual battle net, which gives them real time information and allows them to transmit information back to command. because of this, any enemy movements that have been spotted by one soldier have essentially been spotted by all.

Terrans very commonly use drones in combat, the most common one being an autonomous infantry unit known as the spectre. Spectres are humanoid and about the same size as a terran, however they are very hard to kill even without armor. They wear an armored chest piece, meant to be easily replaceable and defend the robot. Spectres are relentless killing machines, and unless they are rendered completely inoperable, will stop at nothing to kill their target.

ASPs are robotic vehicles, and come in two variants: one with a missile launches, and one with a miniature railgun cannon. They move around four legs and are hard to kill.

M43 walker tanks are heavily armored ground vehicles armed with a massive cannon. They have the thickest armor of any terran ground vehicle and come equiped with a trophy system designed to help defend against anti-tank rockets. They normally move around on treads split four armored segments. When trying to traverse particularly tough terrain, the segments can shift to make allow the tank to walk around on them.

APC-25 is an armored personal carrier meant to transport troops quickly to the battlefield. It is armed with a 45mm cannon and anti-vehicle missiles, aswell as a HMG. It can move at speeds up to 120 KM/Hr. It is very heavily armored and even if it is disabled, it is likely the soldiers inside are still combat capable.

The Reaper is an automated gunship drone designed to quickly support ground operations without the risk of life involved with a manned gunship. it is lightly armed, only having 12 missiles and a 20mm autocannon.

the hawk is a manned gunship that is slower than the reaper but more heavily armed and armored. it has 32 missiles, a 25mm autocannon and a new dual partical beam weapon. it also can transport a squad of soldiers into battle, making it an excellent multi-role gunship

the albatross is a large aerial transport capable of transporting several vehicles or a platoon of infantry. it is slow but hard to kill. They have light hexagonal shielding.

Terran heavy troopers come wear massive power armor suits that are powered by fusion cores. They are very resistant to all forms of attack and, because of the immense power generated by the fusion core, can move almost as fast as a standard infantry unit.

dagger fighters are drone fighter that can operate on their own. they are lightly armed and armored, however they are also extremely nimble interceptors that, due to excellent AI programming, are very "skilled". They come with 12 Medusa missiles and a 25mm autocannon.

Rapier fighters are manned spacecraft that are a bit slower than daggers, but come with more armor. They offer great protection for their pilots, who wear EVA suits capable of re-entry into atmosphere. They have light hexagonal shielding, and are armed with 24 Medusa missiles, dual 40mm autocannons and are capable of delivering a nuclear payload.

claymore bombers are surprisingly nimble for their size, and are the standard bomber of the terran empire. they require a 4 person crew, and come equipped with a 120 Gauss cannon, and can carry 16 nuclear weapons.

Frigates are the main patrol craft of the Terran navy. They are armed with 50mm autocannons and directed energy weapons for defense against missiles and fighters, however they can be used to help fight against other ships. It can deploy 20 nuclear missiles, and is armed with 24 high power missile pods (72 missiles each). The ship's structure is built upon an extremely powerful mass accelerator cannon, which is meant as its main weapon against enemy ships. They are also equipped with 6 heavy plasma projectors. They have hull 1.8 meters thick, made from high grade titanium alloy battle armor. Heavy Hexagonal shielding is also standard on frigates. frigates are about 600 meters in length.

Destroyers are the main guns of any fleet, and like the frigates, are armed with 50mm autocannons and directed energy weapons, however they have much more. Destoyers are also built upon a mass accelerator cannon of the same type, and are armed with missile pods. they only have 20 missiles pods, instead having 8 heavy plasma projectors and 4 antiship railguns. They have 30 nuclear missiles and can carry 16 fighters/bombers. Their hull is 2.5 meters thick and they also have heavy hexagonal shielding. they are about 800 meters in length.

cruisers are seen leading task forces and providing support for destroyers and frigates. They have the same autocannons and directed energy weapons equipped on every terran ship, but have twice as many as a destroyer has. They have dual mass accelerator cannons that are both larger than those found on a destroyer. They have over 60 missile pods, and have 60 nuclear missiles. They can launch 50 fighters/bombers. They have 18 plasma projectors and 10 railguns. their hull is 3.8 meters thick, and they have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding. They are 1.4 Kilometers long.

carriers are meant for deploying ground forces and fighters. they are armed with less than the cruisers, only having one mass accelerator cannon, 30 missiles pods, a bit more point defense weapons (autocannons and energy weapons), 4 railguns and 8 heavy plasma projectors. They can deploy over 300 fighters/bombers and have hull 4 meters thick. they also have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding and are 3 km long.

battle cruisers are the command ships of the fleet and are the big guns. they have three ultra heavy mass accelerator cannons, and an extreme amount of point defense weapons. they have 180 missile pods and 120 nuclear missiles. They are also armed with a massive beam weapon that is foreward facing. The ship has 36 heavy plasma projectors and 28 railguns. They hold 200 bombers/fighters and have a hull that is 6 meters thick. they have ultra heavy hexagonal shielding. They are over 5km long

if anything is out of place or not allowed, please tell me.
1: I am sad to report I believe this RP may be dead, but I am not against reviving it

2: You're probably gonna get pegged for that username.

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