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Active [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms


Roleplay Artist
Hello! This rp is set in the Isekai hell universe. Check out our hosted project page if you think you might be interested in joining!

RP Goal:

Succeed in Faazi Merchant Guild Mission to help strike a trade agreement in the Shade of the Fae See.

Shael: Successfully Guide and Protect Euthalia and company on their mission.

Nikita: ??? (Feel free to lmk ooc if have one or some in mind)


Location: Southern Faazi Merchant Guild Trading Outpost, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Euthalia and company had been instructed by The Great Shaamil to congregate at one of the Faazi Merchant Guild’s southern trading outposts because it was on the way toward their final destination The Shade.

Euthalia, Keone, Islwyn, and Nikita would find themselves traveling south for the operation. It was at the outpost which they would meet their guide for them to head into the Shade which Shaamil said would be waiting for them; it had all been written down on a scroll and given to Euthalia before they departed. Success would mean getting paid once again, and opening up more opportunity in the Faazi Merchant guild through an increase of standing.

The journey to the south, thankfully, had gone relatively well. Nobody had tried attacking them and while Nikita got the occasional looks of judgment and or curiosity as to what such a primitive in many eyes of Fae See natives was doing alongside a Diplomat of Euthalia’s caliber, nobody acted out in a way which hindered their process.

Along the way, some of the tall green and purple lizardmen sort which Euthalia, Keone, and Islwyn from last time also accompanied them, carrying scimitars at their sides, and wearing turbans, as an additional form of escort to ensure their safety for the duration of the trip.

This brought them to the current on a forest path, in the distance, a classic marker of the Faazi Merchant Guild outpost could be seen in the form of a sizable tent with a sign denoting their guild. There were other tents there, and a make shift wall which had been erected around the perimeter with presumably more mercenary sorts hanging around to keep the outpost safe and commerce flowing through. With the way it was designed it was pretty apparent the outpost was fairly mobile and could be relocated pretty quickly if need be with the tent set up.

Islwyn who had been keeping close to Euthalia and looking over at her every now and again, smiled a bit.

Islwyn Meadhra
Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 4.34.35 PM.png

“{My, Shaamil was certainly in a better mood earlier wasn’t he? The agreement looked more generous than last time, like, he even had the foresight to provide us with some more muscle! I’m sure it thanks to your matchmaking that his spirits have been lifted Euthalia, though, I do hope that his ‘dear Tama’ is still happy with him after all this time together.}”

She’d then look to Nikita, “And how are you holding up? We’re almost there from the looks of things..”

Keone Nagendra


Keone had also been slithering along near Euthalia and Nikita,

“Tch, Euthalia went through all that trouble, he better be treating her right, if he wasn’t It’d be pretty hard for me to stop myself from giving him a piece of my mind, and while I’d also like to think the pay is better just cause Euthalia here made his life better and he’s thanking her, from what I heard of the Shade it’s not exactly a walk in the park, so the point is, the more difficult task is probably means more pay.”

Keone would then look to one of the nearest lizardmen with her eye, a bit curiously, as he looked back like he was about to speak.

He then responded in beastial with a gruff voice,

“<Both of you have fair points, it’s difficult to know sometimes what our..great greatest employer is thinking But I wouldn't mind it too much, valuables are valuables are they not? Coin or gems, I care not.>”

Faazi Merchant Guild Southern Trading Outpost

Shael Xyvern

Just outside of the tent, there was a hooded pale figure who looked like she was waiting for someone, the other lizardmen mercenaries who were around the tent seemed to pay her no mind.

She was holding a scroll which actually looked similar to the one which Euthalia had been holding, and which bared the seal of the Faazi Merchant Guild on the bottom to show that it as in fact formally endorsed by The Great Shaamil himself.

Occasionally the sound of an animal could be heard moving through the woods, the soft whispers of those much smaller and the wind blowing..moving through the trees it was all a bit..idyllic in some ways.

While she waited and looked at the nearby traveling path out front suddenly she’d see who she had been tasked with guiding through the shade and protecting.

Shael promptly approached the group when they got much closer to the tent before giving a bit of a formal bow in the general direction toward Euthalia.

“Greetings, you must be the diplomat who I was sent here by the Faazi Merchant Guild to guide in The Shade, I’m Shael Xyvern, and it’s an honor to work with a diplomat of the Fae See.”

She’d say with a soft smile, in common noticing the diverse group with Euthalia, not sure if they were able to Speak Sylvan or not.

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