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Active [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms Part 2


Roleplay Artist
Hello! this rp is a continuation of Finished - [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms Part 1

RP Goals:

Succeed in Faazi Merchant Guild Mission to help strike a trade agreement in the Shade of the Fae See.
Desired Outcome: Obtain an See of Chearon Diplomacy Asset'

Shael: Successfully Guide and Protect Euthalia and company on their mission.

Nikita: Assist Euthalia

Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

Shael nodded in agreement at Euthalia’s assessment of what could make things shake.

Sporfynn thankfully just nodded and seemed unbothered by what Nikita had to add.

Sporfynn was also agreeable to what Euthalia had to say, not having more to say on the matter after wishing her good luck and inviting them in, instead giving a nod and another wave when she thanked him.

The guards let out some chuckles at hearing what Nikita had to say.

“Yes I am sure you protect her very well human, you are so large and strong.” The left guard said.

The guard on the right looked a bit more puzzled when she said that they should let people of all kinds see their home because it was ‘cool’.

“{Well of course, Architecture in Mycothra is the best, who wouldn’t want to live in one of these?}” the left guard responded with a nod, sounding surprisingly more agreeable to what Nikita had to say.

At what Euthalia had to say, the right guard spoke up again, “{Oh you didn’t say you were one of those experimental types, those types of projects sounds pretty optimistic if you ask me, but I guess like you said if she’s a pet and has been in the wild maybe it’s more doable.}”

The left guard then spoke up, “{...Perhaps you make a point about beasts, at the very least they are better than human.}”

Keone rolled her good eye again at hearing this development from the guard, keeping her arms crossed while staying near Euthalia and Nikita.

However she side eyed Euthalia and smiled some when she heard her mention that she thought that she was useful.

Islwyn smiled not long after, before her expression was a tad more serious as Euthalia explained why she didn’t appreciate being stopped and questioned by the guards.

“{She’s right you know, while I understand your perspectives, I think it’s like, fair to say you both are here to keep whose in that office safe right? He already knew we were coming, so maybe next time you could..take into consideration that it isn’t unusual for a diplomat of all people to have a diverse group traveling with them.}”

“{Now then, I don’t think you’ll want us telling him about how poorly we were received as we're here for business prospects now that you know who we are and why we're here for certain right?}”
She’d further add,

This actually made the two guards change their stance, looking a bit more concerned when Islwyn mentioned that.

“{No..of course..please Miss Apricot come right in, our apologies, we meant nothing by it, we just wanted to make sure everything was proper..}” The right guard spoke.

The left guard nodded, “{Yes Proper..like we were saying it’s just so uncommon for foreigners to visit Mycothra..we really meant no offense.}” They’d quickly add.

The lizard man turban leader then spoke up, “{Quite right, beasts are much better than humans..}” Leaving it at that much rather than getting more specific it seemed.

Regardless the mushroom guards parted and the door to the tree opened up finally, allowing the group to pass.

On the interior was what looked like a lobby with a front desk, some simple chairs made up of what appeared to be mushroom matter lined the walls, as well as some scrolls placed on a small table, perhaps for browsing while waiting. There were some smaller colorful bioluminescent mushrooms for decoration for good measure, hanging from the ceiling.

At the front of the desk was yet another mushroom looking person.

Desk Shroom

“{Oh salutations, you must be the ones with the Faazi Merchant Guild who came to see Myco Mossveil, He’s been expecting you, please head up stairs, he heard from Shaamil that he was to expect your arrival around this time.}”

Shael looked a bit curious at this statement, did that mean that Shaamil had somehow been in contact at long distance, more quickly than she had initially thought, or was he just eerily good at predicting timing and was great at that like everything else according to him?

“{Thank you..sir we’ll do that then.}” She’d look to Euthalia and look to the door to the right which presumably lead to the stair case, she’d go ahead and open it for the rest of the group and gesture for them to go ahead of her.

The door revealed a winding staircase that went up the tower, further illuminate by more of the same types of mushrooms in the lobby area, leading up to a platform with yet another door, presumably going to his office. The group would need to become more like a line to get up the stairs, the lizards taking the front and back to continue their protection, while Shael stayed near the back.

After journeying up the stairs, Keone slithering along doing her best, Islwn gracefully going up them, Shael with focus following, and the lizardfolk not having much trouble given how athletic they were given how many stairs there were, eventually they reached the platform.

“So..how do you want to go about this?...”

Shael would ask softly before they entered, figuring that Euthalia might have a social strategy she’d want to use, or had an idea of who should do what to make this as successful as possible before actually talking to the guy.

There was a period of time to plan before entering which could be capitalized on for the group it was safe to say.
Character Goal: Improve See of Chearon Diplomacy Asset F => E, if obtained in grading for part 1, otherwise obtain it now.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

Oddly enough, the guard bullying Nikita replied in common, whilst the guard agreeing with her replied in Sylvan. So Euthalia sighed, quickly translating. “He agrees as said their architecture is the best.”

She'd turn to the right guard herself. “{I'm normally not, but this pet project came running to me. So I figured I might as well attempt to take it on, no?}” That was true enough, all things considered. She'd nod at the left guard. “{Indeed.}” Was all she figured she'd reply with.

It seemed like Islwyn was already putting on the pressure, which was neat. It meant Euthalia wouldn't have to play the 'Karen' in this exchange. “{Very well, you're forgiven.}” She'd state upon their apologies. Though after entering, she'd flash Islwyn a smile and whisper “{nice one}” to her.

By now the fungal folk were no longer surprising her all that much. It didn't make it any more comfortable for her, but at least she suppressed it better. “{Nice meeting you. Very well.}” It seemed this one was particularly efficient, especially compared to the guards just now. Seeing how she was let in and sent upwards in one go.

She felt bad for Keone. Stairs weren't ideal for her, spiral ones being even worse. Yet the snake managed. Euthalia herself just had to bend down on the occasion due to how tall she was. As for how she wanted to go about this... “Introduce ourselves first. Ask him about the mission. Then let him do most of the talking first. See if there's any in there that we can relate to the Hollow-kin. Ask critical questions once he's said his say.”

She looked at the others. “Nikita, perhaps it's best you mostly stay silent.” The Human probably wasn't going to be of much use in a diplomatic encounter like this. The same would go for Keone, but she knew that already. Just like how she assumed Islwyn knew to be on stand-by. She didn't want to speak for Shael. So that'd already cover everyone. “With how little we know about our assignment or about how the Hollow-kin tie into it, I'd say that's about the best we can do to prepare.”

Nikita nodded as the one mushroom person said she was big and strong as she was one of those things. Nikita in truth held far more strength than her thin small build would lead one to think. The fact this was a insult seemed to go right over her head, sge also just kind of ignored it and decided it was a complement. The other agreed with her it seemed or so Eithalia said and Nikita trusted Euthalia to be honest with her. Still why only one was speaking common she didn't know.

As they went in everyone spoke in the language that she only knew how to say her name in. She was just following along and trying not to get in the as well this was serious and she didn't really know of the mushroom people beyond could speak common. Still Nikita wanted to do something to help. She couldn't do much so what did pokemon that weren't good at fighting do? They helped their trainers in other ways.

" Okay I can't really understand any of it." Nikita agreed it would be different if she could sge would likely just talk without understanding turns and such. " If you get nervous ir annoyed you can pet or hold me to calm down " Nikita offered trying to help in her way.

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