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Realistic or Modern Soul's School For Troubled Teens



Welcome to Soul Academy. Here you will be able to take classes, enjoy your time, and have fun. You have 7 classes you can take. There is a variety of them all. You have Art, Music, Choir, Math, English, Foods, Science, Chemistry, History, Literature, Journalism, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, and Gothic Literature.
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Jake opened the door to the art room, taking in a deep breath like he always did. "I love this." he said to himself. He set his stuff on his desk, then walked to the back of the room where he continued on his drawing.



Catiya Mae Daegon

Catiya yawned, entering her first class. Sitting down in a seat in the back, she put her feet up on her desk and pulled a book out of her backpack. Today was not a good day for the young girl, and she was especially irritated from getting no sleep last night. She beginning to doze off, then suddenly snapped awake. She wore a batman outfit. Everything she had was batman, except for her arm warmers. They were bones instead of batman. She sighed, running a hand through her bright red hair, then beginning to mess with her lip piercings. "Are we starting any time soon or can I take a nap?" She said quietly, looking up from her book, the lights making her green eyes appear brighter. She tugged down her arm warmers, pulling down her sleeves as well.



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He set his drawing aside and pulled his sleeves down. He was wearing just a simple white button up shirt with a red pullover sweater. He walked to the front and looked down at his roll-call sheet, "Catiya, that is your name correct," he asked politely "we are actually beginning now. For now I would like for you to draw in this" A thick sketch book is held in his hand "for, a little warm up each day you are here. You may doodle in it if you would like. It's for you and is not taking a grade. Draw... hmm.. whatever you please." he says as he walks over and sets it on her desk. He smiled softly at her and walked back to his desk. "Soon, you'll have a project to create, well sketch, what the world looks like through your eyes."
Aria sauntered her way down the halls. She had just walked into the building a few moments ago, already incredibly late. This was not new with her. The girl shrugged it off easily and opened the door to her art class, giving her teacher an easy smile. "Sorry I'm late, boss."

Her eyes roamed around the classroom, taking a second to stop at the pretty girl with red hair. Aria was careful not to show any bit of recognition towards her. She gave a careful nod to the teacher and took her seat in the center of desks.
He smiled, "At least you showed up. Passed students hardly showed up." he walked over and set a sketch book on her desk,"You can draw anything you'd like in here, its not for a grade, its for your creativity to run free." Jasper walked to the back and picked up his drawing that he had finished early morning. He placed it on the stack of others that he had created. "If you would like you can start on the project." he said warmly
Aria ran her fingers carefully over the book and looked up towards the oddly kind teacher. " What's the project about?" As she spoke she reached into the small bag next to her and pulled out a sketching pencil, an eraser, and sharpener. Aria carefully placed these onjecrs on the desk in almost a specific order without really ever deciding mentally that there was one.
"The world through your eyes," he said as he was gesturing to his eyes. "I want to see how your creativity flows, and what kind of person you are." He smiled warmly. Watching how organized she was, "I just want to get to know you through your art, as how I express myself through art." Walking to the back of the room he picked up a pencil from his bin of art supplies and began quickly sketching. As he finished, in a mere 5 minutes, he held up his art work. "You can take your time, or finish quickly. Either way, you will not fail."

Aria nods and admires his work momentarily before he set his piece back on his desk. This should be interesting..She immediately began thinking of all the things she could use for this project. Aria wanted to do something of her own. Something she knew no one else would do..
He walks to the front of the room, hair a little messy. He sips his coffee and looks at the work he's done and sighs.
Priscilla enters the room, her eyes focused on her iPhone. She sits down next to Aria, saying "Hi," though she's lost in her own world. Just a little more evading and I think I have this solved. Once again, Priscilla, the Poison Apple, is hacking into a criminal database just for fun. She looks up when she sees a sketchbook on her desk. "Oh, thank you." She begins writing notes as she continues hacking.
Carlos Kaine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.35d66a76a28184081866a8223b43ad3e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.35d66a76a28184081866a8223b43ad3e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Carlos was still asleep in his humble room that he lived in with another. Of course, the female he lived with neglected to wake him up before she left towards the same location... Or did she? "
Sorry... I woke up late too." Said Sheri, walking into the room wearing her nightgown. She was up fairly late last night, Carlos could only speculate why.

After a while of constant blabber between the both of them, Sheri drops Carlos off at the school; where she also had work at. Carlos had mixed feelings for the girl at this point, hell, she was pretty much like an older sister. Carlos quickly made his way into the school and entered his first class of the day; Art. It was obvious he was late, but the Art teacher was known for being chill, so Carlos wasn't worried.

Guess I outta' explain mah self, or you jus' gonna let me pass on this one, fam?" Carlos said, in his beepish English accent. He crossed his arms and awaited a response, not entirely sure what everyone else was doing.



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Priscilla continues taking notes. She looks up when she sees the newcomers and flashes a polite smile before returning to the completely full piece of paper.

Then she is caught by one of the accounts she is hacking. Priscilla groans through her teeth audibly and exits out of the page. "Busted..." She slams the sketchbook shut, casts a wary look at it, and opens it again so she can write down and figure out what she did wrong.
Aria tossed an intrigued glance toward the girl who took the seat next to her and smirked to herself. She's kinda cute...She runs a quick hand through her purposely scruffy hair and takes a moment to study the girl's actions. The girl's face remains unrecognizable and this excites Aria even more. A few minutes pass before Aria clears her throat and speaks "Hey, you love around here?"
"Hm? What do you mean?" Priscilla mutters, continuing her long-winded explanation of what she did wrong, weaving it into mathematical terms just for the hell of it. She looks up at Aria; her face reddens. She's really pretty...oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. What do I do? "I...hack computers," she says stupidly.
Aria chuckles lightly, flashing her perfect teeth as she does so, knowing exactly what she's doing. "Like, are you from the neighborhood? I haven't seen you around before. Really, computers? That's kind of cool. You'll have to show me some of that action sometime." Aria adjusts herself in the desk she's in so that her body is facing more towards the girl versus the front of the classroom.
"No, I'm not around here," Priscilla says, her face the color of a ripe cherry. "I don't really try standing out either," she adds nervously. "Do I stand out? I suppose that I'd better be more careful." She looks over her notes. "Ah, now I see what I did wrong." She nods, takes her iPhone out, and begins her work, explaining what she does in an undertone. "First I need to get past all these firewalls," she says. "Then I need to get the right passcode...shouldn't be too difficult...and now, I need to speak as though I'm the leader of a dangerous gang. Let me see...something like...like...hmm..." She types something and presses the SEND button. "And now we wait."
"No, don't worry. I just happened to notice your pretty little face and was curious." Aria cocked her head and listen to the girl ramble on about things she wasn't familiar with, intrigued. She watched her dink around for a few moments before asking, "Hey pretty girl, what's your name?"
Adam pokes his head through the art door, and realizing that he's very late he quietly walks in and moves towards the corner. Please don't notice I wasn't here. Please.


Jasper walks into the art room, dark circles under his eyes and his eyes red and puffy. "Alright everybody, sorry I've been gone..something had come up.." he straightens his shirt. "Today, today is going to be a free draw day. Draw whatever you would like. But! Don't forget that the project is due next week, for those who don't know what the project is the view of the world through your eyes" he said softly, smiling smaller than what he usually does.


Max walked onto the school grounds with sunglasses on and a cigarette in his mouth. His guitar was in its case on his back. Smiling, he walks into the school. Not bothering to put the cigarette out. He passes by the art room and sees Jasper. Walking in, he says "Hey Jasp, keep your head up man," he looks to the class, "I'm Max, the new music teacher. Room 12." he beams a smile and walks out.​
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Kino Dashed into class and tripped over his shoelace in the doorway with an "oof!" His bag fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Sorry!" He whispered as he stood up and dusted himself off. He quickly found a seat in the back of the room and took out his sketchbook and a pencil.

Jasper glances up from his desk just in time to see a student trip an fall. "Are you ok young man?" he says, looking at him. As he walks over with a sketch book for him, he beams a smile to reassure the class.
Kino nodded with a shy smile

"S-sorry." He took the sketchbook and his eyes brightened like they always did whenever he had inspiration. He looked at his new teacher and asked "what are we doing today?"

Jasper just nodded "It's okay, at least you bothered to show up. We are just having a free draw today... And there is a project due next week which is about how the world is through your eyes.." Walking back to the stack of drawing he has in the back corner of his room, "I have done one of them as an example" he held up a drawing

. "It can bee many things; violence, isolation, happiness, joyfulness, or anything you can think of"
Adam glances at the boy who fell, him being closer than Adam would've liked. He nods to himself and starts sketching using short, erratic strokes. When he finished the outer sketch he works on the actually drawing.

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