

New Member
It was a experiment gone wrong, it was only meant to strengthen the body while slowing down moral standings, but somewhere down the road it happened. The good doctor Rickshaw Jones, was able to rip a person soul right from the body causing odd things to happen to the soul, it formed a new body, The newbods developed powers dealing with the mind, while the oldbods developed powers of strength and speed seemingly never wearing down. The new bods escaped and were hunted to be Killed They were inhuman affected others with The powers they gained as they grew stronger. the oldbods were locked away in camps to keep them from destroying others around them. A few escaped always drawn back to their souls.



hair and eye color

Oldbod or newbod?




Name: Girl (and family)

Age: (not sure)

Hair/Eyes: Brown, Brown (mostly until the blonde/blue of some of them xD or black/blue)

Oldbod or Newbod: Neither

Abilities: Shapeshifters

Personality: very varied. Probably after their "First" romp together, dont know if any others would have taken place, and/or if they'd have died>born again yet.
Name: Nickkie Terreasa (first and middle)

Age : 8

hair and eye color : Hair color is Silver, eye color is Sapphire

Oldbod or newbod? : Neither, she doesn't know what she is

Abilities? : Control of air, water, and fire. Also healing abilities through the earth

Personality? : Calm and collected, she seems to be cold at times, though that is because she looks at everything from a distance, she can go from acting like a normal child to suddenly thinking and acting like an adult in seconds.

Job: None, seeing as she is a child.

So, here is mah character. I will be reading everything while waiting to be accepted. (note: It will be raining tomorrow, so I will have time. xD Then Friday will be time to play 'pick up sticks' and then mowing come the weekend (maybe).)
Name: Sedrian

Age: he doesn't care

hair and eye color: black hair, crimson eyes.

Abilities: control of fire, and shadow, enhanced strength, and speed.

personality: crazy, deluded, psychotic, sometimes pure evil, sometimes happy.

Job: none. assassin for hire.
Name: Hazama

Age: he claims to be 6,000

hair and eye color: Black hair, red eyes

Oldbod or newbod?: Old

Abilities?: Pyromancy and umbramancy

Personality?: Usually laid back, but will get serious if needed. He loves meat and is good at cooking. He also enjoys fighting

Job: Blade smith
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: Looks 14

hair and eye color: Dirty blonde hair streaked with bleach blonde, grey-blue eyes

Oldbod or newbod: Newbod

Abilities: Telepathy and telekinesis

Personality: Cynical, sweet, kind, cruel, evil, cold

Job: N/A

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