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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga

Olivia didn't pay any attention to the new kids. She was more interested in the wolves. "You know a lot about what's happening then." She said walking over to the wolves. She rolled her eyes at Justin's remark about the girl but nodded a little because she isn't blind.
Sora saw the kids appear around him, and hoped they didn't think him out of the ordinary from their own group. Though, now he was curious about the wolves. Are they an enemy? However, another thought soon grew into his mind. Why would Drake summon all these kids here?
The wolf spoke again. "Hold on for a second and allow me to get more comfortable." Suddenly in a bright flare of blue flame the wolf changed into a more humanoid form, but it was obvious that this was no human as the area six feet around him grew cold and frozen from his mere presence.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Odin_by_yigitkoroglu.jpg.b7421a8aa90237f67829036f9046514a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Odin_by_yigitkoroglu.jpg.b7421a8aa90237f67829036f9046514a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Much better. Welcome summoners. I am Odin, your trainer. I will be teaching you everything you need to know about summoning your souls. You will refer to me as Master, or Master Odin for the derange of your stay here. Any disrespect will get you exiled immediately." He said starring at Drake with disgust.



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Sora walked over to Odin and bowed his head. "Nice to meet you, Uncle Hairy." Sora was not trying to show disrespect. He just liked giving people nicknames. Sora felt somewhat cold around him though, and began to shiver a bit. But, did not move from the spot hoping to get a reply from him.

Kauro had walk in just before the wolf had changed, it was weird watching a wolf change to a human, but its even worse now that he new that was the man that had influenced his family to send him. he walks over to odin and with a small bow, and a small quiver off his lip he spoke "Hello, master odin, ive heard lots about you, the eyes story is by far my favorite" he forces a smile and off pffers his hand in respect.

Odin acknowledges Sora and Kauro with a nod of his head.

"We will now begin the first exercise of the day. Located twelve miles west of this jungle is the camp grounds located within the elysian fields. That is where you will eat and sleep comfortably during your training here but the gates to the camp close at midnight. Use any means necessary including summoning to get there. You have about six hours before midnight. The exercise begins now." And with a flare of blue flame he and the wolves vanished.

A second later a loud voice could be heard. Eventually it changed into multiple voices and they were all hysterically laughing. It could be heard coming from a cave about 20 feet away, and eventually what looked like a crowd of little green creatures came strolling out.


They broke into a run, leaping and dashing at the group of summoners.

Drake was the first to react calling one of his souls out.


Name: Chain Blade Ninja

Class(s): Warrior


Size: Average

Abilities: Chain Blade Ninja is a very agile and deadly warrior. Although not very strong, speed is on his side. He uses his two sharp blades and long chains as weapons to silent dispatch enemies.

"Slice and dice em up!" Drake yelled with a sick pleasure in his eyes.
Justin quickly summons out shrew and got on it's back. "I'm sorry Olivia but it's every man and woman to themselves." He told them as his Cursed wolf started to run west at a fast pace.
Olivia just glared after him. "Fine." She mumbled pulling out her phone. She tapped on Ryuma and jumped on his head. "Let's go." She said as her dragon leaped into the air and went towards the camp.
Sora watched as Drake started to attack the monsters with his summon. "Thanks for the help, Drake. You aren't as bad as you play it." Sora could see the pleasure in his eyes. It was the same look he himself got. "Can I join in on the fun?" Sora was going to wait to see if Kauro was anywhere around, but he knew he needed to head to the camp. Everyone else was pretty much going every man for himself. But, abandoning people wasn't in Sora's nature. Even if he did fail to get there in time. Sora wasn't going to leave behind Kauro. Sora was wondering if it would even be right to leave Drake behind.

As Ryuma and Olivia began to ascend toward the top of the tall tree's a sound could be heard in the distance. It reminded one of the shaking of maraca's and it grew louder the higher up they got until they broke above the tree's into the sunlight. Suddenly multiple loud hisses could be heard as a flock of winged rattle tailed serpents attacked.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/53553a787ca05cae60ccbeda729d542a.jpg.e3b05199fc0fb4ebfc89bc14339f362d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/53553a787ca05cae60ccbeda729d542a.jpg.e3b05199fc0fb4ebfc89bc14339f362d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@wizard justin



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Justin seemed to see the Orcs and he smirked and he thought he could shake them off. He turned off course doing a zig zag around the bit he was in. And he then got back on course.
Ryuma gave a giant push with his wings and soared above the serpents. "Dive bomb them" Olivia said as Ryuma folded in his wings and went straight towards the snake mouth open firing acid all around him in a cloud.


Name: Infrit

Class(s):Cursed, Magic, warrior

Size: Average

Rank: Uncommon

Abilities: high physical and magical combat capabilities, Good healing capabilities , controls flames, well armored, demonic.

Sora summoned forth Infrit and looked at Drake. His eyes showed an intense blood lust and began to lick his lips. "I really hope helping you doesn't hinder my chances of learning here." he said trying to contain the excitement in his voice. Sora enjoyed the thrill of a battle so much it made him ecstatic. He watched as Infrit began cutting through and burning some of the gremlins. "I can't say he's really up for battle. But.." Sora paused a moment. "He always had such a temper." Sora was just watching the gremlins being slaughtered by them both. Sora was doing this mostly for the children though. It wasn't right to leave them like this...they seemed so helpless not summoning forth a soul to defend themselves. "I gotta say ...Reggie was an interesting battle..Soul Force I believe? Heh, the only reason he managed to defeat my soul...interesting." Sora was indeed praising Reggie. He really liked Reggie and hoped that someday they would become great friends without conflict. But, he knew that day likely wouldn't come very soon.

[QUOTE="wizard justin]Justin seemed to see the Orcs and he smirked and he thought he could shake them off. He turned off course doing a zig zag around the bit he was in. And he then got back on course.

Justin indeed had succeeded in putting some distance between himself and the Orcs but they were still hot on his trail. Suddenly a loud could be heard as two more Orcs appeared riding in front of him. It was an ambush. Five Orcs surrounded him, two in front and three in the back. Suddenly the app on Justins cell phone lit up. Another one of Justins souls was calling to him, begging to be let out so it could fight in Justins honor, but would Justin take the chance to summon two souls at once?
"Hm, this is a first... I wonder which soul wants to fight..." He said outloud. He thought through the pros and cons for summoning a second soul but he sighed and summoned the second soul seeing if it would work. Suddenly my hydra appears "Hmph Savy Take them out!" Savy soon breathed fire at the orcs riders trying to defeat them.
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LizzyBeth said:
Ryuma gave a giant push with his wings and soared above the serpents. "Dive bomb them" Olivia said as Ryuma folded in his wings and went straight towards the snake mouth open firing acid all around him in a cloud.
The flying snakes were thrown backwards when hit by the cloud of acid but otherwise was hardly effected. They were indeed venom users themselves so other than being blasted their were immune to its ill effects. Two of the snakes succeeded in their attack one biting into Ryuma's leg and the other clawing at Ryuma's neck. Suddenly Olivia's phone as a notification popped up. "Secondary soul activation unlocked. Dual summon mode allowed." The flock of flying snakes began to pull around for another attack. 

[QUOTE="wizard justin]"Hm, this is a first... I wonder which soul wants to fight..." He said outloud. He thought through the pros and cons for summoning a second soul but he sighed and summoned the second soul seeing if it would work.

(Its totally up to you which soul gets summoned Justin.)
Orion said:
Sora summoned forth Infrit and looked at Drake. His eyes showed an intense blood lust and began to lick his lips. "I really hope helping you doesn't hinder my chances of learning here." Sora was just watching the gremlins being slaughtered by them both. Sora was doing this mostly for the children though. It wasn't right to leave them like this...they seemed so helpless not summoning forth a soul to defend themselves.

The other kids were pretty fairly new to summoning souls and after seeing what Drake, Sora, and Kauro had done decided to do the same. They began to summon their souls as well in all sorts of varieties and types, most all of them common or uncommon in rank. But one girl named Victoria, the hot one that Justin had mentioned, decided that she wanted to try something different. She wasn't just some newbie summoner like the rest and had lots of experience in summoner battles. Victoria opened her app and summoned her first soul.

Name: Harpy

Class: Beast

Size: Average


Abilities: Razor sharp claws on hands and feet, fast flight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png.3bd6e9f8838125b75e2efcd65b1fc1d8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png.3bd6e9f8838125b75e2efcd65b1fc1d8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Gentleman Magician

Size: Average

Class: Magical

Rank: Rare

Abilities: Trickster Mage has the ability to create limited illusions and use weak telekinesis.

Then she sacrificed both of her souls causing them to break into a flurry of sparkling lights. Drake was the first to notice.

"Oh hell! What is she doing?! Why would she summon that thing now? To fight gremlins, is she crazy!?" Drake said starting to panic.

"Sora! We gotta get out of here! She wont be able to control a monster of that Rank!"

Victoria using the energy of the two souls she had sacrificed could now summon a monster of Legendary rank.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/airmech___pirate_warthog_by_reza_ilyasa-d7ijqnr.jpg.4e639a972e1e4555d3ee584e614b60c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/airmech___pirate_warthog_by_reza_ilyasa-d7ijqnr.jpg.4e639a972e1e4555d3ee584e614b60c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: X-Skull Dredge

Size: Large

Class: Mech, Warrior

Rank: Legendary

Abilities: Dredge has super strength, uses a huge Gatling machine gun, he can fire missiles, and has a jetpack for flight, lastly he has durable armor.

Victoria smirked in triumph as she had just summoned her first ever legendary soul.

" X-Skull Dredge annihilate those filthy Gremlins!" She called to her soul, but it took no heed to her words, it hefted its massive gun and began firing everywhere in all directions. A the crowd of gremlins and even a some of younger summoner kids where hit by the mass of bullets as the X-Skull Dredge ripped through the surrounding tree's, the totem poles, and ritual site with no regard for mercy.

Victoria dove to the ground in shock. "Why-why wont it listen!? Why is my soul trying to kill us! Stop! Stop it!" She screamed in panic.

Drakes Ninja soul snatched its master and using its chain quickly climbed up into a tree branch hiding behind the brunt of the tree for cover.

"Its because its a legendary soul and you don't have enough power to control it, you suicidal idiot? When I gave it to you, I told you to never summon it with me around!" Drake said screaming in a of rage. 
(Hey Orion and Lizzybeth! You can both add a new soul to your character sheet. You can also summon two souls at once now)





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Sora looked quite shocked having to sacrifice Infrit out he made another summon.


Name: Vek Dez

Class(s):Magical, beast

Size: Large

Rank: Common

Abilities: ability to fly at very fast speeds, Can control the cold, Low healing capability.

Sora knew he couldn't do much but since he tried to summon another one to help.


Name: Zenos

Class(s):Mecha, Magical

Size: Large

Rank: Uncommon

Abilities:Can manipulate wind, can shoot out countless steel feathers, mild healing properties, Flight.​

Sora commanded his two summons to get the children out and to the training area whilst the Legendary rampaged. Sora waited for them to get on and fly off. However, this sacrifice would mean he had no way to defend himself or get out himself. Sora knew Drake probably wouldn't help him as he seemed scared completely. That and they were enemies.


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