Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
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Im starting a new rp where all the captains of soul society are retired, now were in need of captains so well replenish the ranks of captains and vice captains. Although in order to to this you have to fill out some information for me... For Example ill do my character

Name: Jing Mizumori

Eye color: Green

Hair Color: Blue

Age: 350

Gender: Male

Zanpaktuo's name: Relentless Earth

Zanpaktuo Activation command: pound them into dust

Zanpaktuo's appearance: An average size katana with a rusted blade and a green square blade guard, the hilt is wrapped with a white fabric.

Zanpaktuo's shikai ability: The blade crumbles into pieces and fall into the ground. Thus it gives the user the ability to control the ground around him.

Zapaktuo's Bankai ability: The ground shift an creates a blade made of diamonds that not only can cut through steel, but can create green life such as plants.

Bankai Appearance: A long katana with a black hilt, a golden square blade guard and a blade constructed of shinning diamonds.

Picture if you have one

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Also your powers cannot be way to strong. So apply power in moderation, have fun with it :>!!

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Deep in the heart of soul society terror has struck, the captains have all been retired due to a deadly battle that raged throughout soul society. Each captain and vice captain suffered wounds the placed there bodies in life threatening conditions. Medics couldn't treat there wounds and now soul society is practically defenseless. So now were calling for all who can fight, were calling for the strongest of soul society to stand up. Were looking for new captains, but not just that, were looking for heroes. So hear our call and fight for soul society.
Name: Sakura Mogami

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Black

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Zanpaktuo's Name: 私の影 My darkness

Zanpaktuo's Activation: どっか いって よ!

Zanpaktuo's Appearance: nine-ring broadsword

Zanpaktuo's shikai ability: The opponent becomes surrounded in a darkness that only Sakura can see. And the blade breaks up into sections that strike when the oppenent least expects {Called: へびのめ)eye of the snake)

Zanpaktuo's Bankai Ability: Sections of the blade become dark shadows that cannot be seen and attack only when the opponent is vulnerable to an attack, otherwise they will wait until the opponent attacks the seemingly defenseless master

Bankai appearance: A hilt with a sword that is the made up of shadows

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Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Shinigami

Station: Kurakuratown-Soul society

Personality: Riyoshi is not very strict when it comes to the rules and guidelines. He thinks of them as rough boundaries and tries to find a way around them. If his superiors give him an order, he will follow it like a good soldier but the entire time he is doing so, he would be thinking of what fun things he could have been doing. In a fight, Riyoshi seems to take on another personality all together. Instead of being the goofy person among his friends, he turns into a blood thirsty, cold hearted, killing machine. He will destroy his enemy without hesitation, and without mercy. Some say that it is his zanpakutou leaking and corrupting his soul. But no one knows for sure.



Name: Dragon King

Release phrase: Dissolve, Dragon king.

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:
I have decided you can use up to 3 characters if you feel the need to well as long as your not using the characters to create an unfair difference in this role play. Thus im placing two more of my characters within soul society.

Im posting these two characters here but to avoid confusion i want everyone to start posting them in the sign up thread

Name: Zieru Spirit

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color: Blue

Age: 250

Gender: Male

Zanpaktuo's name: Heavens Spark

Zanpaktuo Activation command: Light up the Sky

Zanpaktuo's appearance: A large blue broad sword

Zanpaktuo's shikai ability: The broad sword is able to control wind and lightning

Zapaktuo's Bankai ability: The broad sword changes and produces a armor around the users body along with a strong electrical current that allows the user take metal from the surrounding area and manipulate its structure and add onto the armor to add boosters for speed, thicker armor or weapons.

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Name: Grim Kazimoto

Eye color: Red

Hair Color: Red

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Zanpaktuo's name: Sun Goddess

Zanpaktuo Activation command: Burn the Wind

Zanpaktuo's appearance: A katana with a hilt wrapped in a gold fabric a cross shaped blade guard and a golden blade.

Zanpaktuo's shikai ability: It has two abilities, one to be able to booth produce and absorb heat, second the blade can produce flames and guide them by a wave of the hand.

Zapaktuo's Bankai ability: Grim's Bankai is called soaring Sun Goddess once activated wings would appear on grim's back but not just any wings, flaming wings. These wings can reduce almost anything that touches it to ash.

Bankai Appearance: Grim's Bankai stays in shikai form

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From time to time soul society has found itself in great battles, fighting hollows arrancar and and traitors of soul society. But there has never been a war so violent to take out the captains of soul society until now. A new new breed of hollows was forged, these hollows were given a unique ability. A ability that affected shinigami and shinigami only. Once a hollow were to injure a shinigami the wound would never heal. Years went by with the shinigami struggling to keep the balance of life while battling hollows. Only one man was strong enough to keep off the hollows while being unaffected by its curse. His name was Kurosaki Ichigo, a substitute shinigami. For years he kept the hollows at bay protecting soul society. Until the man became old of age, he had given up fighting for a society he gave his entire life time to. Now Ichigo was retired to enjoy being an elder, it was finally time for him to put down the sword.

But with kurosaki down that left no one to fight, all the captains of soul society were giving orders. Not a single one of them were capable of fighting although for the last few decades captain mayuri kurotshuchi was developing a serum to counter the effects of the hollows. He didnt find a way to heal himself and the other injured shinigami but he found a serum to make the user immune to future attacks. So Soul society decided it was time for new captains to take over, each captain was to chose there substitute to lead. Captain of the First division Yammamoto was first to decide his successor, his name was Jing Mizumori. A man of great skill and greater intelligence, he was a bit young for his age but was truly a natural leader.

Many gathered in the court yard to see there new first captain as they looked upon the young blue haired man. He stood before them with a smile, he wore the white captains robe with a black hashi. Wooden sandals were strapped to his feet with white socks, a blue haori was wrapped around jing's waist holding his zanpaktuo to his side."I swear with all my heart, power and soul i will protect soul society till my last breath." As the man spoke Jing's reiatsu began to rise, a blue surge or aura began to cover the man. Winds began to press outwards from his body with a centrifugal force begging to emmerge. Spiraling winds increased in force and speed as small pebbles began to lift upwards from the ground under the pressure of jing's reiatsu.
Darq Parodox

[Crowds of shinigami stood watching the new captain, his name was Jing Mizumori. Many wowed at the wonders of his display of power, but was strength really what soul society needed. Soul society needed a balance not someone so obsessed with themselves they had to display there own strength for many to see. "What makes you so special?" Darq raced out infront of the new first captain. Many shinigami looked at the woman who stood before the new captain. Her hair was black and gleamed, her eyes white and shined with a instinct to fight. Her shinigami robes were different that most, she had purple stitching through the sleeves and a purple collar. A purple haori was tied around her waist holding her zanpaktuo. Around her feet sandals like most shinigami, wrapped around her arms were white bandages with markings looking like seals.]

"Prove to me your worthy first captain Jing!"

[Darq placed her hand upon the hilt of her zanpaktuo, the sheath was black and the hilt was white. Slowly she began to pull the sword from its sheath with a serious look, she intended to fight this captain. For years she grew up under yamamoto's watch, training to one day surpass him however that day would never come due to the injury of the captains. But at least she could beat the successor captain yamamoto picked. She drew her zanpaktuo and yelled with a battle cry "Shine on thy Darkness". Darq spoke the release command of her zanpaktuo's shikai as the blade itself changed. Her zanpaktuo changed into the form of a katana, a katana with a shinning white blade. Darq ran towards Jing holding her zanpaktuo the Dark Light with one hand, reiatsu forming around her body. Especially around her right foot. She pressed down upon that foot leaping forwards entering striking range of Jing. With a strong thrust Darq pushed the point of her zanpaktuo's blade at Jing with the intent to pierce his flesh.]
In just one moment the spirit pressure around jing changed, it moved from around his body to the palm of his hand. In one instant he not only focused the reiatsu but placed his palm forwards using the energy to block the strike of Darq. Jing's eyes flared green feeling the pressure of Darq's reiatsu. Jing had remembered stories of Darq, yamamoto had trained her from when she was young however there was a reason Jing was picked to be the new leader of soul society. For one instance Jing's reiatsu was out of this world, with little effort he could block a strike with only the palm of his hand. Jing smiled before the shinigami as his palm was still placed before her blade.

"Very Well i accept your challenge, lets see what you got"

With a gust of wind Jing's reiatsu rose using the energy upon his palm to push back darq. The force was strong enough to send her back at least ten feet. Once he spread out his reiatsu a blue aura began to glow with his energy rissing again. The reiatsu began to from again around Jing's left hand. Winds formed as a centrifugal force was created around his left fist. Raising his left hand upwards his thrusted it down with a smile. The ground cracked and exploded with wind force exploding forwards at darq. This force moved forwards with explosive power tearing up the terrain in its path. Winds one hundred time great than hurricane force winds ripped forwards towards darq. Shinigami scattered in all directions under Jing's incredible reiatsu, it was surely a spectacular display of power and shear force. If Darq didnt move soon she would be impaled by the winds and everything the winds picked up before it got to darq as well as she could be pushed back for miles with debris rocks and objects being whiped around at her while being pushed backwards.

"I hope were not done here girl... Im just getting warmed up"
"No way... how can a person be this strong?"

[Darq was pushed backwards from the first wind of reaitsu when jing caught her blade. She slid back eight feet before catching herself. The lady shinigami looked at jing in disbelief that he caught her sword with only the palm of his hand. She now was considering maybe jing was stronger than yamamoto although she still needed proof, she needed to see his skills and power of his zanpaktuo. Darq increased her reiatsu around her feet, digging the soles of her sandals into the ground. The ground gave way under her feet insuring shed be held in place under the force of the raging winds. She placed booth hands on her zanpaktuo as the blade began to glow with a bright ultra violent light, this light was more than shinning sword. This shinning blade was a source of energy that could cut through almost any solid object or surface. Darq swung her sword at the objects that were picked up off the ground from the wind. Once the wind passed her by she pulled her feet from the ground and charged again at Jing. ]

[Her legs were incased in a glowing aura of reiatsu, this reiatsu chanelled through her legs increasing her speed with each and ever step. She held her blade to her side as she raced forwards after jing. Moving four feet she struck the ground with a downwards slash but swinging it up to send debris at him just like he did do her. Following the first strike darq placed her sword over her head with the blade spinning faster and faster gathering momentum until she came into range of jing. Her zanpaktuo shinned with a brilliant color of light and darkness as it spun like a wind mill. Once in range Darq struck her sword down once more with great momentum and force, enough to cut Jing in two. ]

"You might be strong, but if your not stronger than me you dont deserve to lead soul society!"
Grim Kazimoto

-Grim Kazimoto was just hanging out in soul society, he laid back looking up at the sun. He laid upon a roof top watching the sky above with a smile. "The sun shines so beautiful today" Grim said looking into the sky. Grim was a shinigami who was different then most others for one instant he was a vizard who had hollow powers yet he was a shinigami. But other than that he wore untraditional robes. Grim was infatuated with the color red, his clothes, his sword, his hair they were all red. Grim wore red shinigami robes with a black sash across booth his chest and waist. His zanpaktuo tied upon his back. Red boots were upon the mans heels for he had made many trips to the living world and saw a red pair of combat boots which he just needed to have. Red cufflings upon the mans wrists. And a necklace with a red gemstone around his neck. The man laid back until he heard commotion going on, the man jumped off the roof top seeing a fellow shinigami running. He grabbed the shinigami by his collar and started yelling at him. "Hey what the hell's going on causing you to run like that?"

-The man begin to studder looking at the tall shinigami that was known for having a habbit of picking fights with other shinnigami. "U u u uum the n new captain is fighting another shinigami." Grim smiled throwing the guy to the side with a burst of joy across his face. "New captain fighting another shinigami eh" Grim clenched his fist and his a building with just an iota of his strength knocking a ten foot hole in the wall. "I think im gonna get a piece of this action" Grim began running towards the location were the fight was taking place. He jumped ontop of a large building to see the vast court yard where the two fights were taking place. "So that blue haired freak is captain Jing eh?.... so who is this chick?" Grim sat watching waiting to see the outcome of the two after all it should surely be a quick match he though seeing jing fighting with only his hands.-

Jing Mizumori

Jing stood firm upon the ground not moving a single iota since the battle begun, with Darq sending debris at jing. He simply flexed his right wrist sending out more reiatsu that shattered the debris into pieces. The mans green eyes watched as darq sent her attack hurtling down at him. His eyes were truly observant on small details. There was such a great spinning momentum behind darq's zanpaktuo. Jing admired the technique in which darq used her attack, it was a deadly form. In interesting attack using momentum combined with a ultra violent light that could melt through surfaces, it was truly unique. No matter how interesting it would be to block the assualt and see what happens jing knew when to avoid attacks. Jing took one single step backwards and seemed to instantly vanish before darq's attack. This move was called flash step it allowed him to move at bursts of speed allowing the user to move faster then they eye can track making it appear as if they have teleported. Jing would reappear twenty feet behind were he stood before.

"Nice moves but i think ill settle this now...Relentless Earth...
Pound them into Dust"

Jing drew his zanpaktuo from its sccabard, the blade was rusted and corroded. Once the blade was drawn it crumbled into pieces entering the grounds surface due to the release command. Jing's zanpaktuo was very unique, he didnt fight with a blade in his zanpaktuo's shikai. Once he activated his shikai, his blade would sink into the earth giving him control of the earth surrounding him him. As soon as the blade fragments sunk into the ground, the ground in the court yard began to vibrate. The local shinigami watching the fight began to yell and scream fleeing the court yard. "RUN HE ACTIVATED HIS ZANPAKTUO!!!! A shinigami watching the fight said as they all scattered, well all except Grim Kazimoto who stayed upon the roof top watching the fight. With a wave of jing's hand a the stone ground in the court yard exploded upwards with a giant stone fist moving towards. The stone fist was 10 foot wide and 6 foot long. The arm of the stone fist would extend from the earth if it missed its target it would spin around and attack again. While the stone fist moved forwards Jing stood with his arms crossed awaiting a response from Darq.

Zieru Spirit

As the commotion continued within the court yard yet another shinigami had shown up. He had blue hair just like Jing but his hair was shorter, this shinigami was yet another unique part of soul society. He didnt wear average shinigami robes, he wore combat gear. He had a sleeveless zipped down turtleneck with black cloth covering his left arm and leg. He had a pauldron upon his chest with a Lightning bolt symbol upon it. The man wore black combat boots and black pants with a brown belt with the lightning bolt symbol upon it. Upon the mans back was his zanpaktuo which was within its shikai form. It was a large broad sword that was covered in bandages to prevent the blade form being seen. This man was known as Zieru Spirit, but others called him by eon blue apocalypse due to his apparel and fighting style. He walked up to Grim Kazimoto standing beside him.
"Man i can feel this guys reiatsu half way across soul society, so this is our new captain?" Grim nodded "Soul Society sure is changing these days, attacking a captain would have resulted in death years ago. Now look at it, the captain fights its underlings with a smile. Surely this will be our downfall, or uprising."

As Riyoshi watched the battle raging between the new captain and his opponent, he smiled and placed his hand upon his zanpakutou.

I know, i know. I am not going to step in till it is needed. I will not let any one die here under my watch. Riyoshi thought to himself.

You see them don’t you. You need to step in and take control over the situation before they tear soul society apart. You see the power Jing wields, he has not even awakened shikai and he was able to destroy that much. Ryujin replied.

I know. What do expect me to do against the new captain commander? Riyoshi replied in thought.

I expect you to save some lives, or i will step in and deal with this. Ryujin said with a demanding tone.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi stood up and looked upon the battle field. Standing above the courtyard and above the battle, Riyoshi witnessed a large fist made of stone rise out of the ground. Reaching up and removing his zanpakutou, he took a deep breath and pointed the blade at the court yard.
[Darq's blade struck the ground creating a crater with debris exploding upwards. The lady shinigami looked at the damage done by her blade as dust and debris setteled from the impact of her zanpaktuo's strike. The lady looked forwards seeing Jing stand twenty feet away with a sigh,"Figures....Flash Step..." Darq said as held her zanpaktuo tightly within her right hand. Her grip was growing tighter and tighter seeing Jing release his zanpaktuo. In suprise she watched as the blade crumbled before her eyes, in her min she thought no way, his blade was rusted and decayed. Then as it was drawn it crumbled into the ground, but she knew no zanpaktuo was what it seemed. Then suddenly the ground began to shift and move under her feet. At that moment she knew his zanpaktuo effected the ground, only then her suspicions came true. A giant stone hand formed off the ground was suddenly moving towards her. Bending her knees reiatsu formed at her feet as she leaped into the air like a frog. She moved twenty feet into the sky as she grabed fabric hanging off the end of her zanpaktuo. With one single swing she threw her zanpaktuo downwards. She held the ending fabric as the blade as it untwined as it propelled downwards. The blade glowed again and struck the stone fist, but as it did so darq spoke the words "Dark Light Explosion!" At that moment energy was released blowing up the stone fist into hundreds of rock fragments. And once the Dark Light stuck the stone fist Darq pulled on the fabric, sending her zanpaktuo back to her. This battle was changing by the moment, she knew Jing's zanpaktuo was an attack that had to be done from afar. If she could just get close she could win the fight, but there was always the fact of flash step.]

[Darq opened her left palm as he aimed it towards Jing, a blue light began to form into her palm as she smirked. Energy began to build and form into a blue sphere as the reiatsu increase until the energy exploded outwards.
"Lets see if you can match my Kido Jing! Hado number four! Pale Lightning" Blue lightning exploded from the palm of darq bursting forwards towards Jing with great momentum. But this was nothing more than a distraction, darq thrusted her zanpaktuo into the ground holding the fabric once again, it entered and dug into the ground. The blade would cut through and resurface right below jing's feet and rise upwards aimed at his chest. If the attack were to fail Darq would pull backwards upon the fabric of her zanpaktuo sending her sword to cut through the ground from jing to her sending debris upwards to cause a distraction for her to conceal herself and counter attack.]

Sakura Mogami

Sakura didn't say anything as she watched the battle from the rooftops. 私の影 was itching to join in on the action, but she wasn't really in the mood to do anything right now. She would wait until someone else made it her business, but for now she watched as new captains arose. Sakura didn't think she was suited for such a stressful task and there seemed to be no way she'd be a match for anyone down there. She sighed heavily as her blade rang against her side. She stroked the sharp blade. It was cold as ice because sunlight never reached it. How could it when her blade was tainted with souls and shadows. Sakura welcomed the blade's cold response to her touch. She didn't dare show off her skill in front of these people. Her confidence had wavered some as she watched this fight. Jing was incredibly strong.

"I don't stand a chance..."

私の影 vibrated even more against her leg. No matter how much her zanpakuto protested, she wasn't going to get involved in this fight. She wasn't going to embarass herself out there. Sakura had too much pride for that and for the time being no one had discovered her up there on the roof. She hated that Ichigo had been slain. He was such a great asset to them. Sakura shook her head. The power she could feel coming from the battle had reached her. It was almost difficult for her to stay on the roof without losing her balance. She wondered however, who else would stand against this, Jing.
Jing Mizumori

Jing watched darq counter his stone fist although this was no entirely his true strength. This man couldnt fight at his full power, he would tear soul society to pieces. Jing could have just as easily created twelve or more stone fists from the earth and overwhelmed the poor girl. Although she may have been strong, she was not at a captain level. The truth was she was a vice captain's level from what Jing could tell, although there were many factors to judge and she had not released her bankai. But the fact was neither did Jing, but Jing's bankai was truly deadly, he vowed never to release it unless he had to kill that person. So now with a hado lightning spell heading towards him he waved his hand with a giant stone wall of earth peering infront of him. The lightning spells clashed against the stone wall leaving a small scortch mark. This stone wall was filled with condensed minerals and soil found deep in the ground.

Then a second strike came from below with the glowing Dark Light ripping upwards from the ground towards Jing's chest. In a instant rock moved around the shinigamis feet to his right arm. A rock armor filled with the toughest of rock and minerals including diamonds formed around his arm. He placed the armor with the path of the Dark Light with a blue aura of reiatsu covering his arm. He slapped back the Dark Light as it slammed into the stone wall jing created and back towards darq. But as soon as the wall crumbled so did the armor around his right arm. The armor crumbled into particles of reiatsu as a golden ball of reaitsu formed into the palm of jing's right hand.
"Your good, but im afraid your no match for me.... Hado sixty three. Thunder roar sear!" A golden blast stream of electrified reaitsu teared forwards at darq. This blast far far superior to the simple hado number four, this was one of the strongest hado spells in soul society. The golden blast would strike down at darq with enough force to create a massive crater. Jing would begin to walk away from the court yard as the pieces of the relentless earth were recalled and formed his rusted zanpaktuo once more. He dusted himself off and pointed at a man sitting upon a building. "You Grim Kazimoto, your case is in review to be the second captain. If Darq wishes to go another round take over." Grim stood with a smile on his face as he jumped down to the ground on the torn up court yard. He stood with his arms at his side with a wide grin. He was just waiting for a fight.

"What ever you say first captain" said grim
私の影 protested until became almost annoying. "Okay, 私の影 okay." Sakura whispered to her blade. The courtyard had been completely destroyed. There was pretty much nothing left. Sakura could feel that this Jing person still had yet even more power. Her red eyes stared him down before she jumped down onto one of the upturned rocks. She had done it with grace. She had only planned to watch once more. Seeing as 私の影 had stopped protesting. Sakura assumed that maybe it only wanted to get closer to the action. Sakura wasn't going to fight this Jing. She was going to... analyze him rather and watch each one of his moves carefully. She pulled out a scroll and a pen to take notes. Perhaps with careful study she could be somewhat of a challenge. Surprise was luckily on her side seeing as this Jing had not seen any of her skills or powers yet. Jing was definitly captain material and she was deteremined to make him fight for a victory when she did finally challenge him.

Sakura stood there watching. Eyeing him carefully. She realized that she was out in the open, but she was also noticing all of the shadows this courtyard now had because of Jing's attacks. She would easily be able to maneuver herself around with all this darkness, but it was not enough to be able to move. She needed the distance to be closed and opened at the same time. Perhaps if her shadows and the pieces of her blade could get close enough, she would be able to do that. So many possibilities and so many of them already spelled failure. She sighed. There was nothing she would be able to do accept wait it out and plan this person's next move. She was eager to start testing on her own time, then she would challenge him when she was ready, but she knew there was always a possibility that he might attack her where she stood, but she was ready for that.
[Darq pulled back on the blade seeing it had failed on striking jing, but then something startled her. His reiatsu once again was on the rise, but at a whole different level. He had charged a kido spell not only stronger than hers, but one of the most deadly kido's soul reapers use. Darq quickly focused her reiatsu within her zanpaktuo while focusing a layer around her body as well. The Lightning roar sear blasted forwards impacting into darq pushing her into the far wall of the court yard. As she was pushed back her feet dug into the ground and drug into the gorund all the way to the court yard wall. About a minute went by after darq was hit by the hado spell. Smoke arose from the broken wall until darq stood tall. She stood from the debris with scortch marks upon her hands and rips on her shinigami robes. The young lady took off her outer top shinigami robes showing a white tank top she had underneath. Then she began removing her bandages on each arm.]

[With a explosive force her reaitsu took off, nearly doubling as a purple aura began to cover her body. She pressed off her feet jumping into the air doing a flip in the sky. Her heels suddenly crashed into the court yard about ten feet from Grim Kazimoto as she saw jing head away from the court yard. The bandages that were on her arm concealed her true reaitsu, it also acted as a training method to expand ones reiatsu. She widened the stance of her legs aiming her zanpaktuo towards Grim Kazimoto with her reiatsu still expanding. Soon a spiraling wind was forming around darq as she grasped the hilt of her sword tightly.
"If i can beat Jing ill just have to beat a captain canidate!" As she spoke rocks began to shake as if they almost were lifted up into the air from her reiatsu. "So Grim, Fight me if you dare... you got the first move!"]
Grim Kazimoto

-Once grim stood in the court yard to continue jings bout he didn't expect his opponent to come back with such minimal injuries and he definitely didn't expect her to have such strength. The man smiled grabbing his zanpaktuo on his back, sliding his hand upwards he pulled his blade form its sccabard. A smile on his face and a burning passion in his eyes. This man loved to fight, and loved to get drunk and sometimes he loved to do booth at the same time. But that kind of time was banned by the former captains, last time he fought drunk. He took out a fiftyith of soul society. Grim took his blade within his right hand and rested the tip of the blade against the ground. At that moment his reiatsu spiked, a massive aura began to build around Grim's body without strong wind currents being exerted.-

"Alright Darq lets see if you can beat me..... Sun Goddess Burn the wind."

-With a flash of light Grim's zanpaktuo changed into its shikai form, the hilt was wrapped in a golden fabric with a cross shape blade guard. The blade itself changed from a silver steel into a shinning gold color. Grim pressed his blade almost a centimeter in the ground as the ground below crumbed under the force of his reiatsu. The man changed his stance placing his zanpaktuo at his left side, he slid his feet apart placing his right foot slightly forwards while bending his right knee slightly. Then he pushed off his right foot launching himself forwads, this was a form of the flash step although not exactly. In flash step the speed tricks the users eye while grims moves a great speeds that let the eye just barely keep up. After the first step he followed up using a second with his left foot, although this time he triggered the flash step appearing right infront of Darq. With a full swing Grim slashed his sword upwards from his left side to his right aimed for Darq's chest. But as his sword progressed at the female shinigami his blade began to produce heat, then flames. These flames spread across Grim's golden blade. If darq was to swing her sword to block grim's zanpaktuo embers would spit out from his blade in darqs direction.-
-With a twist of her sword darq changed her stance into that of a defensive style. Raising her right hand she twisted her wrist blocking the strike from Grim. Her glowing dark eyes gazed at his with more determination that ever before. Embers sparked towards her burning her clothes slightly as her blade remained locked with the heated flaming sword of Grim. Her blade began to shake with the pressure of Grim's sword pressing down but she kept her ground. Once again the dark light began to shine with the ultraviolent light matching the power grim exerted. Using her left hand she pressed against the dull edge of her zanpaktuo while reiatsu formed upon her feet. She leaped backwards flipping in a full three sixty degree angle. She came back a unbroken portion of the court yard gate bracing her footing against the gate. Her feet bent against the gate as she pushed off the siding with reiatsu exploding from her feet sending her hurtling towards Grim. -

- Her hair became wild as she moved with tremendous speed towards her opponent, she held her zanpaktuo steady moving near the speed of flash step although with actuall momentum behind her not just a fast flicker of speed. She thought calmly, her mind pure free from emotions that would cause her to lose focus. She was taught from an early age, to have a serene state of mind focusing on your abilities and that of your opponents, dont involve anger or any emotion because that would be the downfall of you. As Darq ascended before Grim she swung her sword at him with full force yelling "Dark Light Flash!". Her zanpaktuo yet again glowing with ultraviolent energy although this time when she swung her sword, it was seconds before impact unleashing a crescent wave of reiatsu that could impale Grim.
Grim Kazimoto

-Grim felt the force of the dark light pushed against his as the female began to counter his move. She moved back using the terrain to her advantage as she soon came right back with speed and momentum on her side, from what grim could tell this woman didn't fight from afar at all. She seemed to be highly experienced in close hand to hand combat. Just moments before striking grim Darq released her reiatsu in a cresent wave tearing straight for grim. With booth hands Grim placed his zanpaktuo blocking the incoming attack, pressure was placed against him as he feet were pushed backwards. But Grim's zanpaktuo had a very peculiar ability, not only was it able to produce heat and flames. But it could also absorb heat, although Darq's attack wasn't entirely heat, he could absorb most of its ultra violent properties. Seconds went by with the crescent reiatsu wave pushing grim back through the court yard with the attack growing weaker and weaker while grim absorbed what he could. Until the moment Grim unleased reiatsu from his body cutting the attack in two.-

-The remainder of the wave swept past grim moving back behind him crashing into the court yard and exploding. Debris flung upwards behind grim as the man stared at his opponent. Slowly Grim placed his zanpaktuo within his sccabard, the man used a flash step regaining ground he lost a few moments ago. Then slowly he began walking towards Darq until his feet moved faster as he went into a jog to a run. Reiatsu began forming upon his right hand as he held his zanpaktuo, then upon his left hand that he held his sccabard with. Now 6 feet from Darq Grim began to draw his zanpaktuo's blade showing a shimmer of his golden blade. But as he began to show the sword, reiatsu formed on the sccabard and the blade guard. Showing about an inch of the blade, grim slammed his zanpaktuo back into its sccabard. A pressure was formed causing a sonic boom to occur from the force of the zanpaktuo's blade guard clashing with the sccabard. This sonic boom would disturb ones equilibrium, which is the sense that keeps one form falling. But this would not only effect there sense of balance, it would effect there visual system and there vestibular systel (eyes and ears). Grim took precausion with his attack, using reiatsu over his body like a shield keeping himself from being affected by his own attack. But, that was only the start of his assualt, following this move he would run closer drawling his sword as the golden blade grew molten hot from the heat he absorbed from the Dark Light flash. This attack was enough to melt the dark light if Darq was unprepared.-
Sakura was furiously taking notes on Grim Kazimoto as well as Darq. She was going to study her opponents just long enough to learn their moves and their attacks. As long as she could keep the upper hand she was in the clear... So this Darq person fought up close and was good at hand to hand combat. Weakness tends to be distance. This was good information she had learned. Sakura watched the battle intensely as the courtyard became more and more ruined. Grim Kazimoto was ready to show case his power. She was waiting for Darq to use her power as well. Simply put, Sakura was like a snake lying in wait for the prey. She was going to wait until she had seen all of the opponent's power so she would know what to expect and how to avoid being seriously injured. Her blade was becoming antsy with excitement as she thought about how to counterattack every move that she saw. The ground shook under Sakura as the battle raged on. She was happy she had not yet been spotted. She didin't want to be disturbed and fought in the middle of her research. That would cause her to go blind with rage as she had not gotten time to review her collected data.

Heat was what Grim used it seemed. This was also great information. Sakura scribbled it down. Her shadows could feed off the heat and light and make her more powerful. The shadows that make up her zanpaktuo long for the light, but it always escaped them, however light that was willing to go towards them... that was an entirely different story. Her sword zanpaktuo was most powerful when it reach an equilibrium and Grim Kazimoto had more than enough light to achieve a feat such as that. Sakura smiled to herself. Soon she would jump into the battle that raged before her. Soon all she had to do was collect a few more notes and study them while thinking of solutions in which to make her opponents struggle to beat her. This plan may fail, but at least she would be more than a match for anyone who had come to cross her path. Perhaps this is why the Soul Society had accepted her in the first place.
Zieru Spirit

Pushing off the ground of the building with his boots he rose into the sky. Then in a quake the mans heels fell upon the court yard right behind the woman sakura. The man couldn't help but notice that she was observing Grim and Darq fighting with far to much detail, infact she looked like a spy. And if she was a spy zieru couldnt let her live, after all he was getting annoyed with this battle taking place in soul society. He was old fashioned, if this battle happened a few decades ago, the shinigami would be put to death. But Zieru was not a captain, only one had been elected so far thus it was not his place to say anything although if he could become a captain then he would bring his opinion into the matter. But this was no place for these thoughts, zieru had a potential spy to take care of.

Zieru had a very good intuition about people, once feeling a reiatsu he could determine if this woman was a spy or not well at least for the most part. With his glowing blue eyes looking upon the shinigami taking notes he reached upon his back grabbing his zanpaktuo which was already within its shikai state although it was wrapped up in a white fabric. With his fingers upon the hilt of his sword he looked at the court yard around him, there surely wasnt enough space for him to release his power unless he wanted to turn the court yard into a waste land. "You woman, why are you so intent on taking notes of this battle. Why don't you fight me instead."Zieru said with confidence. "Although how about we take this battle to another location"
"It's easier to defeat your opponents when you know a lot about them..." Sakura said as she clutched 私の影 in her hands. It shook against her leg. She cursed under her breath. She knew nothing about this guy. Sakura turned around to face the man standing before her. A smile crept its way upon her face. She had been expecting someone to notice her, but to challenge her, perhaps not. She put her notes away. It was fine. Sakura had gotten what she needed. Her notes had turned out to be more than satifactory and she had more than enough information on Jing, Darq, and Grim. Perhaps while fighting this person she would take notes on him to. For the time being, maybe she would do little more than dodge while at the same time collecting intel. It was perfect. Once she had seen all of this person's moves, perhaps she could easily defeat him or at least put up somewhat of a fight. This person however, didn't seem to be a weakling and she would watch her step, using the shadows to mask her presence. This person had no idea what he was getting into.

"おい いたいめ に? (Hey want to feel some real pain?)" Sakura pulled her zanpaktuo from it's sheath. The blade seemed to shake with anticipation. It wanted so badly to get out, to breath. Being a shadow how its downfalls. When you were sheathed, no light could reach you, but when the shadows emerged they glowed in the most eerie of ways. Sakura didn't know who this guy was, but he wasn't going to make a fool out of her. She had probably missed some vital points in the fight that was about to come and she hadn't seen Grim's bankai yet. She sighed. She'd have to wait to witness it. Some other time it seemed. Sakura was not a captain either, but not for the typical reasons. Sakura was a little bit of a mercenary and the way she observed everyone made her hard to trust. They were worried that she would become a target because she had so much intel on all of the captains she had studied under her and it was the same with her enemies. She could be a powerful ally and a dangerous enemy both at once.
Zieru Spirit

The man pulled his blade infront of him as the white fabric fell from the blade. His large broad sword pointed at the woman as the fabric fell revealings its color and beauty. The blade shinned with a blue glow, the blade itself was large, about half the size of the man himself. Pointing the blade at sakura with one arm he pointed his zanpaktuo with a smile. "Are you ready Heavens Spark" Zieru said looking at his zanpaktuo as his body remained stiff. Under the mans feet the ground began to vibrate. His reiatsu rose with his blue hair swaying in the wind. Looking upon the woman he looked at her zanpaktuo quite curious to what her abilities were, in a battle against a shinigami you never know what to expect.

Within the mans left palm a sphere of red reiatsu began to form as he looked upon the woman before him. He pointed the sphere at the sky while looking upon the woman who stood before him. "On the count of three im going to fire this into the sky, at that moment im giving you the first move. If you dont make that move, believe me ill strike in two seconds." Said zeiru as he held the sphere in the sky. This sphere was a hado kido spell, precisely this hado wa number thirty one red fire cannon. One Zieru spoke to three the sphere erupted upwards into the sky as his blue gaze remained upon Sakura awaiting her move.
[Darq stopped stabbing her zanpaktuo into the ground watching as the dark light flash tore forwards at Grim. The energy clashed with a brilliant light as she breathe deeply catching her breath. The woman sighed seeing Grim block her strike, so much force and effort was placed within her blades last strike she couldnt believe she didnt even put a dent into Grim. Picking herself up she pulled her zanpaktuo from the ground knowing what she must do. She was at her limits with her shikai, there was only one way to beat her opponent now. Darq raised her sword with grim moving forwards she held it forwards getting prepared to block girm's strike when he created the sonic boom. The women became dizzy while holding her sword, her eyes began to form after images while her ears went deaf. Then with force Grim struck his blade at her, with all the power in Darq she used her arms with reiatsu forming on the dark light. The sword glowed to block the strike but that only saved her life. Darq was catapaulted backwards through the court yard gate once more. ]

[Cuts covered her body once she picked herself from the debris. Her body in a great deal of pain as the dissorientaion vanished. She raised her sword towards Grim once more with her eyes flaring with desire to win although she kept her serene state of mind. With a loud battle cry the Darq yelled
"BANKAI" A giant orb of bright reiatsu covered darq with rays of light shinning outwards. Almost thirty seconds went by until the sphere faded, once it faded darq stood with armor upon her body. She stood 6.5 feet tall with white shinning armor and a black ripped cape upon her back. Shinning silver gauntlets were upon her body her arms and white shoulder armor with green crystals were on each arm. Upon her head was a white helm with a black diamond ontop. Within the hand of Darq was her bankai form zanpaktuo, it was a claymore sword with a white hilt. The blade was blade with a length of four feet. Darq stood tall with a black reiatsu expanding outwards. Winds pushed away from her body then began to spiral, although this time debris floated in the spiraling winds just like jings reiatsu earlier. Raising her sword above her head her reiatsu began to transfer spiraling around her sword. With a smile she struck her sword down with a giant wave of reiatsu rushing forwards at Grim. This reiatsu exploded forwards with the force of wind behind it as well. But Darq had adjusted her attack since the cresent wave, she expanded her attack and spread out the force, so that Grim couldnt absorb a majority of the attack and that if he'd try a majority of the attack would surround him and hurt him.]

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Such a stereotypical battle. Darkness versus the light. Sakura watched as the red sphere shot into the air. A smirk appeared on her face before she melted into the ground flesh and all. Then what remained appeared to have evaporated into nothingness. However This person wasn't even fighting the real Sakura. She was elsewhere and another part of her still watching the fight between Darq and Grim. She could only make so many clones before she could no longer rip her soul. Sakura would take in any fatigue her clones suffered so it was always dangerous to have too many out at once. That light however, she did not fear it. She more or less welcomed it. The part of her that melted wasn't even on the ground it was in the air. When his attack hit the ground, would she unleash her zanpaktuo's power. When that person breathed a little of Sakura's shadows, she would cause pain on the inside. She could see through every clone she had out there and she was taking notes. She always took notes and from the looks of it, this person preferred to fight at a distance. This was good news for her. She could excel either way. Her specialty was middle range but he would figure that out.

In some ways, this person was insulting her by giving her the first move. She wasn't that weak. Sakura could feel where she was in the air. The current was great for floating around in. Once that fire came raging down it would bring her higher into the air. All she had to do was dodge. There was going to be no showcasing of her abilities. He would leave him guessing and she would wait until she had learned almost everything. There was no telling how much power this one had, but she would have to endure whatever he threw at her if she wanted to keep the advantage. She hated fighting things she didn't have time to take notes on. It really was just tedious work.

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