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Soul mate

Laps covered her mouth, covering a hearty laugh. She was she shaking, trying to control. "NO! no I-I-IT's not b-b-bad!" Lapis said, before bursting out laughing. Her gut was shaking as she rocked around in her chair. After she managed to control the laughter she said. "How bout we think about the words first." She asked.
"See, I told you you'd laugh." said Rhez while sighing. Listening to Lapis' advice, he nodded. "Like earlier, I have a couple of ideas BUT since I shared my ideas for the title, it's your turn." he told her the last part with a grin before crossing his arms and waited for her response, copying her stance a while ago. Rhez was pretty sure Lapis would notice that. And plus, it was funny. Well, in his point of view at least.

Lapis giggled and punched his shoulder. "Stop copying me." She said. She thought for a moment and then said, "What about something along the lines of someone you meet and it was love at first sight?" She asked. It sounded a bit cheesy, but it would work. She smiled at him, awaiting his approval.

"Sounds cheesy, but eh, I never heard a law that you're not supposed to make cheesy stuff. If there is, cheese burgers wouldn't exist." said Rhez, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay... Since you shared your idea then that means... Aw man." He had to tell her his ideas for the lines in the poem. "Hmm... Let's see... Love at first sight..." he muttered to himself before snapping his fingers, "I got it:

From the moment I saw you

I was in love.

Gazing deeply in your eyes

I saw your soul

so pure.

I was addicted

I could not look away.

It took but a moment

and instantaneously

my heart melted.

The frozen gates

that sheathed my soul


The guard that had enslaved

my life

dropped his weapon.

He withdrew

from his post

leaving me open

to new possibilities.

I knew from that very first glance

that I would eternally

be in love."

((That took me a while.))

After he recited lines that seem to have suddenly came out of his mouth, he blinked. "
Since when did I get so good in poem creations...?"

Lapis laughed. "I have no idea, but probably overnight." She said. She gripped her chin, thinking. "How about Frozen gates as the title?" She asked him, looking up at his grey gaze. She smiled and awaited his approval. The poem was really good. She probably could have never come up with that so quick.
Rhez shrugged. "Probably." he said as he began to think of what he did last night. He was broken out of his thoughts by Lapis' title suggestion. "Frozen Gates? You're a genius!" he exclaimed while shaking her shoulders. While he was doing so, however, he felt a jolt went up his arm, but he ignored it. He then took his black ball pen from his shirt pocket and began writing down the lines of the poem, along with the title. "Do we need to pass this today or is there another deadline?" he asked Lapis, as he was about to finish writing down the poem.

Lapis felt a jolt when he shook her, like her skin shuttered as she felt his warm hand on her arm. When he let go, the sensation faded. She smiled."I think it is supposed to be done by tomorrow." Lapis said. She looked at him. 'What just happened?" She thought to herself. She wanted to know what exactly happened between her and him.
Rhez nodded. "Done by tomorrow. Got it." he said, giving her a thumbs up whilst writing the last word. "Eh... It's done before tomorrow. Oh well. What's done is done." He then placed the paper inside his folder envelope so that it wouldn't get crumpled and then was about to say something to Lapis when the teacher bid them goodbye then exited the room. "Hm. Well that was convenient." he commented as the next teacher entered. It was time for Music class. The teacher stated they would be learning about the kinds of instruments and their roles in music. Rhez's eyes widened when his teacher told them to bring out their books. "Oh dang. I forgot to bring my book." he said while doing a face palm.

Lapis passed her book over to the middle of both of them. She had already memorized all the songs. It was a cake walk for her. She smiled and turned her attention back to the teacher. When she asked if anyone would sing the piece, she raised her hand. The teacher told her to come up. She stood in front of the class and sang the soprano 1 line loud and clear, which was difficult because they were going up super high.
Rhez watched Lapis with wide eyes. "Dang," he murmured. That soprano is high as heck! It was amazing that Lapis could actually do that. Well, Rhez could sing, but only normal/low tones songs. His voice would sound really weird if it's a high tone. And yeah, his talent with the guitar. Unmatchable. Believe me. The only thing Rhez was focused on was Lapis.

Lapis sat down in her seat as the representatives frim the other sections came up one by one. She sighed, her vocal chords hardly strained. She smiled at Rhez and went back to looking at the teacher who insisted on droning on and on. She wished class would be over as this was hardly work for her.
Rhez grinned back at Lapis and gave her a thumbs up. Rhez then watched as the representatives sang. "..." He stayed silent until the teacher told them to go back to their seats. The teacher gave them an assignment to make a song about love. Again? he thought to himself. The teacher said that they would be working with no partners and that the songs should be done by the day after tomorrow. "Yes, I can finally make a song!" he cheered quietly, pumping his fist. Right after he did that, the bell rang. Recess!

Lapis was to busy looking at her paper. Faintly scribbled on the paper were lines to a song. A love song. She ignored everyone else as they passed, because she was to focused. She hummed a little tune in her head as she wrote down lines on the paper. It was still a first draft, and a little bit cheesy, but overall it sounded good.
Rhez tapped Lapis' shoulder. "Lapis, it's recess time. Come on." he told her. "You can finish that after you eat." Truth to be told, Rhez was tempted to stay in the classroom and make his song as well, but he would be starving if he did so. "..." Rhez sighed when he received no reaction from his friend. So, he did the 'natural' thing. Since he was in front of her, he made her stand up by pulling her up by her hand. After that, he practically dragged her to the canteen. "I hope you're hanging onto your paper and ball pen 'cause Teach is lockin' the door."

Lapis sighed. "It's really hard to concentrate when you are dragging me across the room." She said, still holding the paper. She blushed a little when she felt the warmth of a hand in hers and continued walking towards the canteen with him. "Fine." She said, stopping at her locker and putting away her stuff. She then grabbed her tiny bento box and walked to the canteen.
Once Rhez entered the canteen with Lapis, he guided her to a table and pulled a chair a little so that she would be able to sit down easily. "So... Uh... I'll just... buy food... Yeah..." he said slowly, a little red from holding her hand. After he said that, he rushed to the canteen people, asking to buy a glass of iced tea and a box of Stick O' (Hey, what's wrong with eating it? It's delicious!). After he bought the food he wanted, he sat on his and Lapis' table. He was adjacent to her when he sat down. Actually... Whoa, since when were we close enough to sit together in one table? he suddenly thought to himself. "So, what're you gonna eat?"

Lapis looked at him. "Yeah." She said, opening her bento and pulling out her chopsticks. She picked up the rice and began eating. The box was really small but it was enough for her. She took of the first level and began the second. She wondered why Rhez had even bothered to sit next to her, but she brushed it off.

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