Soul Mate (Actual RP)

Lori Williams

Two Thousand Club
When we have at least 3 boys and 3 girls we can start but so far we don't have any boys at all so we can't. Please encourage others to join this RP! Thanks everyone! Once I put up the starting post, you may start. Please be patient!! Thank you all very much~
I'm very interested! 
Oh and i love your profile pic!
Lexie got out of her father's BMW. She had been invited to be some kind of experiment. Sooo happy *sarcasm*. Her dad got off and handed her the many, MANY bags that she had packed. Carrying them all was hard, but anything to get away from her father. He tried to give her a hug but Lexie turned away. He frowned then gave her a kiss on her forehead and let her go. Although she had a heart for her father, she tried not to show it. It was a boiling hot day and all she wanted to do was get some air conditioning. It was a very modern school, well experiment place, and she actually liked the design. She walked up the steps to the main gate. Her dad waed her goodbye. She gave a slight wave back. Lexie could see the tears in her father's eyes. Although she didn't want to hurt him, without doing anything, she went inside.

"Now where was my room?" she asked herself. Lexie took out her New student's paper and checked. She was the leader of room 1. There was hardly anyone. Just a few janitors and some cafeteria ladies. She looked at the big map in front of the entrance. Her room was to the right. Ahh. She realized. The dorms were separated. One for the girls and one for the boys. She was looking forward to meeting some other boys. Lexie pushed the 10th floor button. She wondered what the other floors were used for. She got off. 101. That was her room. She walked through the hallway and saw the room. She took out her room card. There was a slot for her card so she put it in. The machine sucked it in and the door slid to the right letting her in. It was a nice room. There was a bunkbed. She didn't like being squished so she took the top bunk. There was a nice view and a small terrace. Then she got a good look of the whole mansion. It was amazing! It had everything a girl or boy could ever want.

She was getting kind of bored. Lexie wanted to meet someone so she could socialize. Something she hadn't done in a while because she broke up with her school's jock. She was hoping that she would meet someone special here. After all, it was a project about soul mates. Maybe she would meet that one guy. Maybe she wouldn't...
Ana stepped from the sleek black car that was sent to retrieve her and bring her to this so-called 'school'. The letter she had received was stuffed into her front pocket, as was her other letter which directed her on the school and her place within it. She hauled out her duffel bag, shutting the car-door behind her and watching it with a slight surprise as it raced off, leaving her standing there in front of the large, modern building towering above her.

Ruby eyes were wide with anxiety, an uncomfortable knot in her stomach. She felt so nervous to meet new people-she hated social anxiety with the very deepest loathing of her heart. her throat dry, she swallowed and hauled her duffle bag onto her shoulder, staggering slightly under it's weight before striding slowly and almost shakily towards the glinting doors of the building.

She entered, freezing and having a moment of shock-and-awe. The place was absolutely gorgeous-she had never been in another building quite as clean-kept and modern as this. A moment of stillness and silence passed, and she quickly recomposed herself from her shocked state, reaching in her pocket and pulling out the other form that directed her to where she would be staying.

She appeared to be the leader (she re-read the word, shocked that somebody had chosen her to lead anything) of Room 4. She squinted as she examined the directions on how to get there, stuffing the paper back into her pocket and beginning her slow approach towards her new living quarters, taking plenty of time to admire the beauty of the walls around her, entering the elevator when required and moving up the floors.

A few minutes of admiration and walking passed after her ascent, walking in complete, content silence before she snapped from her trance to find herself standing in front of the room she had been looking for. She looked at the card slot, felt something click in her mind, and reached into her back pocket to retrieve her key card before sliding it into the slot and unlocking the door.

Another moment of awe passed at the sight of her room. It sure was a nice one, to be honest-it's features were elegant, yet simple all the way, making it a perfect choice for her. A small grin tugged at the corners of her lips, her eyes brightening at the observation. Perhaps this would go better than she had expected. She sure hoped.

She traipsed over to a bed, resting her duffel bag there and getting herself comfortable and adjusted to the new environment. Everything felt so clean-cut and smooth-even the air was crisper and fresher. She had honestly never had the luxury of a nice home like this, and she relished the whole thing, a small bud of gratitude forming in her mind, slowly blooming.

[ I have to be off to bed, so I'll let this sit and simmer for a little while. Excited to get into this. ]
Hunter was zooming through the roads on his motorcycle. There were hardly any cars on the street. When he got there he saw a BMW leave. At least someone was there. Hunter hadn't packed much. Just a big backpack full. His phone buzzed. When he looked, it was his girlfriend. Well ex-girlfriend. They had broken up and she wanted to get back together when she was the one that dumped HIM! That was why he accepted the offer of the project. He needed someone to love again. Hunter hadn't been with any girl for a long time. he had even given up playing football. Now he was concentrated on swimming. Thanks to this, he had an okay body. Anyway, he opened the gate and zoomed in. and parked in the car-park. He took of his helmet then dropped his keys in his pocket. His room was room......... Wait, what was his room? Hunter pulled out the crinkled piece of paper from his pocket and checked. Room 101 of the boys dorm. He walked up to the big building on the left. Hunter went in and pushed the button to close the doors. He punched the 10th floor and up he went.

When he got up he started walking to his left. Oops. Wrong way. He turned around and continued to the right. His room was the first one he saw. 101. He slipped his card in the slot and the door slid to the right. His room had a big window which was refreshing and nice. There was a baseball chair that was pretty cute too. He liked to be close to the ground so he dropped his bag on the bottom bunk. His phone then rang again. He ignored it knowing that it was his girlfriend again. He checked the paper again. He was the leader of this room... Damn. He was bad at these kind of things. Last time he was in charge he broke a very expensive glass vase while having a party that he wasn't allowed to have... Whatever. As long as he kept everybody out he'd be okay. He got bored so he went outside, but hardly anybody was there so he sat on the grass and waited. 

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
I'm very interested! 
Oh and i love your profile pic!
you can start role playing now!
Alana arrived in a taxi. She pulled ten dollars out and throw it at him. She got her bags out and admired the house for a couple minuets. She picked her bags up and walked to the front doors. She walked in "Hello?" She said and shrugged. She looked at the little piece of paper 101 of the girls dorm. She walked to the elevators and pressed the button. She had her head phones in and was listing to music. She pressed the button number ten. She wilted for a minuet and the doors oped. She stepped out of the elevator. She walked down the hallway and saw her dorm number. She knocked on the door and walked in she saw a girls with long blonde hair "Hi I'm Alana" she said and shut the door behind her.
"Hi!" Lex said to the so called girl Alana. She seemed kind and apparently, her new room mate. She tried to start a conversation. "So.. Where are you from?"
"South Carolina, how about you?" She said with a smile. And started unpacking the assigned cabinets.

Marco drove up to the school in Black Honda. He accepted the school because every girl he liked just used him to get to the next best person. He got his bags out and walked to the door and opened it. He walked to his room and saw a guy. He really didn't want to talk. He started to unpack his things, once he was done he laid of the bed the other guy didn't have his stuff on.
"I'm actually from NYC... I moved to Connecticut after.. Well after... After my mom passed away...." She said getting quiet. She could feel the tears making her eyes sting.

"Hey you can't just walk in a room without introducing yourself. Come on chill! The name's Hunter by the way." He said casually.
He looked at him "My names Marco" he said and look at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

Alana looked at her "Oh I'm sorry" she looked down.
Jaylynn stepped out of her 1970's mustang with her eyes glued to the floor. She was nervous, but who wouldn't be? A whole 'school' full of people she didn't know, and she was supposed to fall in love with one of them? As soon as Jaylynn looked up, she was taken aback by the design of this so called 'school.' It was a probably the most beautiful building she's ever seen. Jaylynn stood there for a minute, looking into the courtyard, she could see a few people have already arrived. She pulled her bags from the trunk of her car and started walking towards the building, hoping not to get caught up in anybody's chat before she got unpacked. Jaylynn felt so out of place in the sea of good looking people. She shuddered a bit as she got past the group of people. A few minutes later she strolls by her room, room number two. She opens the door to a fabulous vintage room, just the way she imagined it. Without hesitation, jaylynn set her bags down on a table and jumped into the ever-so-fluffy queen bed, wrapping herself in the blankets and taking in the atmosphere.
Hunter stood up and held out his hand with his golden ring on it. "We are room mates now aren't we? I think we should get to know each other! Don't be so reluctant. Let's be friends!" He said sarcastically. It wasn't the best start to a relationship but it was something. Maybe not a good something.

"It's okay" she said quickly wiping away a tear. "I got over it years ago." "So you okay with the bottom bunk? Sorry I'm not good with covered spaces..." 

ElenaHayes said:
Jaylynn stepped out of her 1970's mustang with her eyes glued to the floor. She was nervous, but who wouldn't be? A whole 'school' full of people she didn't know, and she was supposed to fall in love with one of them? As soon as Jaylynn looked up, she was taken aback by the design of this so called 'school.' It was a probably the most beautiful building she's ever seen. Jaylynn stood there for a minute, looking into the courtyard, she could see a few people have already arrived. She pulled her bags from the trunk of her car and started walking towards the building, hoping not to get caught up in anybody's chat before she got unpacked. Jaylynn felt so out of place in the sea of good looking people. She shuddered a bit as she got past the group of people. A few minutes later she strolls by her room, room number two. She opens the door to a fabulous vintage room, just the way she imagined it. Without hesitation, jaylynn set her bags down on a table and jumped into the ever-so-fluffy queen bed, wrapping herself in the blankets and taking in the atmosphere.
(you're got an advantage of choosing your room! I just chose them for the others because they would take too long. You're our special girl!) 
Hunter stood up and held out his hand. "Come on. Don't be so reluctant. Let's be friends!" He said sarcastically. it wasn't a good start to a relationship but it was something. Maybe that something was bad.

"Oh it's ok." She said wiping away a tear. " i got over it years ago. I hope you're okay with the bottom bunk! I just got the top one cuz im not good with covered spaces."

(Ooh! Sorry Anna Estes ! Forget about his last one. read the one before the reply thing.) 
(you there?)
She nodded "Yup that's fine" she said. She looked at the room and looked around the room. She laid down and closed her eyes.
"Do you wanna go swimming or something?" She asked the girl named Alana. "There are many swimming pools here according to the student's guide.
After a bit of thinking and near-napping, Jaylynn gets up and grabs her ipod from the nightstand, unplugging it from the charger and putting her earbuds in, 'Thank God..' Jaylynn thinks to herself, nobody had switched her ipod out. She still had the same Muse song on replay that was there before. She looked out the window and covered her eyes from the sun. "They sure know how to make sure you're awake before sunrise." Jaylynn chuckled and closed the curtains before turning on a pearl-looking chandelier and putting her clothes into her dresser. After that she decided to introduce herself in the lamest way ever, by sitting by a hedge until someone noticed her. With her Jack Skellington headphones on, Jaylynn made her way to the courtyard, strutting to the beat of Unnatural Selection.
Hunter walked out and saw a girl sitting on a hedge. She was listening to music. He walked over and said, "Hi!" He was wearing a white tight t-shirt and a leather jacket with his golden ring on his hand. He waited for an answer.
Jaylynn looked up at the male who had spoken to her. "H-Hi." She stutters a bit, pulling her headphones down so they rested on her neck.
"No need to be so nervous sweetheart." He said casually. "You wanna drop by the pool?? My room mate is super boring" He asked
Jaylynn shrugged. "I'm not really in the mood for swimming." She frowned a bit, it was mostly her insecurity that took that toll. "Maybe later." She nodded.
"Okay then." Hunter said, a bit disappointed. "What ya gonna do now?" He said, hoping that it was something he could join in with.
"Just sit here, listen to some music. Like I said, I might go swimming later." Jaylynn looked at her ipod and realized she could only pull off that act until her ipod died, she really did want to listen to some music though.
Jaylynn raised an eyebrow. "Well. That happened." She put her headphones back on and resumed listening to her music.

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