Soul Keeping (1x1x1 Raviael/Vanille/Chrisse) [Inactive]

Sora crossed her arms as she watch them walk away and let out a heavy sigh "This is gonna be harder then i thought..." she whispers to herself though kinda loud enough for someone else to hear, she stood there for a little while just watching them with a worried expression, which quickly changed to a cold stone glare towards Ross though she didn't really hate him she was annoyed by his human thoughts, 'that was humans reacting badly, thats why i have this job' she started thinking to herself before disappearing from there.
Shiraishi didn't know why but she felt a wave of arrogance rush over her, and she couldn't help a tiny smile cross her lips when Ross rejected the lady's offer. ((Sister complex~)) She quickly frowned afterwards, realizing she was being rude. Bowing slightly, her pigtails flew behind as she and her big brother figure began to trot passed the brunette. The smaller girl overheard the former muttering about how something was going to be harder than she believed it to be, and grew anxious. Shi quickly urged Ross to hurry to the car while she herself sped up.
They entered the vehicle and Ross was quick to put on his seat-belt for once and sluggishly rest his head upon the window aside of him. He looked exhausted- much more so than his usual model weariness- this one was pitiful and could quickly show age- if not acted upon. These were legit bags, he even had stubble that he needed to shave.

"Thanks...for the ride." Ross mumbled softly, fatigued.
Shi hastily entered the drivers seat and peered into the side mirror anxiously to see if the lady was still there before fishing the keys out of her jean pocket and jammed them rather harshly into the slot. She was quite uncomfortable in her presence, which she didn't like one bit. Upon entering the slot, her car began to light up as gas erupted from the back. Attempting to calm her hammering heart, the teenager almost missed her passenger's gratitude. Almost. "You're..welcome.." Shi replied. During the tedious drive home, the uneasiness in the driver's chest wouldn't dissipate. The longer it lingered, the more she became paranoid. She wondered if she could ask Ross about it now..
Ross stayed quiet during that time. He continued to stare out the window, and he refused to go to sleep- he could do all that when he arrived home. He just needed to survive the car ride home. He tried to just delude his thoughts and only think about petty things- such as what he saw through the window, but that damned necklace never ceased to catch his eye- as it reflected light from the sun. Squinting, he held necklace from his neck and sighed wearily. This was crazy...what the hell was that even all about? He tried to make himself not think about it.
Shi couldn't help but glance back and forth between the road and he mirror, easily catching onto the thick tension around Ross, and more so around the pendant. She saw he was uncomfortable and kept darting his eyes to the necklace as if there was something forcing his attention onto it. He looked exhausted, even though he had woken up a few hours ago, so the driver decided not to press on the subject. Instead, she tried to direct his thoughts on other subjects.

" should call.. your workplace.. about the situation..?"
"Yeah.." Ross said wearily, as he looked over at her- misery in his eyes. "I feel bad...Julius was so intent on this shoot and now it's all ruined because of me. He isn't mad at me, is he?" he asked, thinking about it. He was in a small coma for a few days so he only remembered Shiraishi. For all he knew Julius didn't come to visit...or Chime. Did Chime even care? He bit at his lip and sighed again, pained from such a thought.
She noticed it. The blank, hallow sadness clouding his eyes as he responded to her question. "I-I'm sure that he won't mind..!" The girl insisted, turning at the intersection when the lights flashed to green. "I mean.. since it was serious enough.. for you to be in a hospital.." Shi then remembered Chime. If anything could brighten his mood, it should be that girl, the only one the petite driver allowed to get near her precious big brother. "Chime.. is probably worried too.. So.. we'll go to your workplace.. tomorrow.." As the last part of the sentence escaped her lips, the car pulled into her drive way. Clicking the seat belt, it retracted into the corner as the doors unlocked.
"So here's home...huh?" he asked blankly. It was the kind of question that didn't expect an answer. It just kind of came out in a question-like manner. He unbuckled himself and just sat there...not sure if he even wanted to get out. Sure, he was tired. Sure, he just wanted this whole little nightmare to be over but..would it really even be over? He'd like to tell himself that, and he would if he could but each time he tried to that damned pendent came into his field of vision, cursing him with an overwhelming dread of the unknown and confusing him. It only ever made him feel worse.

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