Soul Keeping (1x1x1 Raviael/Vanille/Chrisse) [Inactive]


Zero Satisfaction
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_marmkevQRr1rqliaa.gif.f1240f541ba4a6cef750627372983be2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"And that's a rap for the day!" Julius smiled as he clapped at his two start models.

Done with their job and to all of Ross's dismay, Chime let go of his waist and backed away.
"Today was a good day." she smiled over at both of the men before removing the ridiculously tall heels that she had to model in- her way too long golden blonde hair cascading off her shoulders and hitting the marble floor as she knelt down. Ross could only do nothing but stare at the beauty before him in awe and silence. Sure, he was a model too...but Chime's beauty was that of a perfect goddess. Her tall and slender figure, long golden hair that always seemed clean and silky, a milky complexion where nothing seemed out of place and big sapphire eyes underneath long black lashes. There was no way she was human.

"Alright you two, we'll meet back over here first thing tomorrow morning. 7 o' clock on the watch. We gotta get these pictures in before the deadline. Those picky go get your beauty sleep!" Julius urged them on a little too energetically, which usually meant today was a very satisfying day or he was trying too hard to not look sleepy and, in this case, it could be either. Julius had horrid bags under his normally handsome face but who could blame him? The magazine they'll be feature in next month were really way up in his ass about the pictures they wanted. One small detail and they flipped out and Julius had to struggle to keep his cool.

"Oh, but Julius we were going to hit the Hibachi down town, you don't want to come? I thought you loved sushi." Chime asked gently and angelically as she finished putting on her flats and standing up, ready to go.

"No, no afraid I can't this time around doll-face." Julius shook his head, looking a bit upset that he was going to miss a chance for sushi. "I got lots of work to do before tomorrow, so I'll be hitting it late at the office tonight. You two go on ahead. No buts I need you two. You're my stars."

Without much else to say, Ross and Chime left the building without word and began to walk down the sidewalk. Ross bit his lip in agitation to the silence and finally, when he couldn't take it any longer, looked over at her and spoke.

"Yeah.." Chime glanced over at him before returning her direction to the road. "It was supposed to be know..." she said quickly and hesitated, trying to think of her next choice of words. "A congrats for the hard work. For, you know, all of us." she added a strained smile to try to support her excuse which was nothing short of bullshit. "Sorry, another time OK? And you know what Julius sleep, right?" she offered another reassuring smile before turning around and began to run off.

Ross watched her in still motion for a minute. How she so quickly tried to get away from him, and - being the stereotypical dumb blonde she could sometimes be- began to run off down the road without even thinking or looking well enough. And he watched how she hesitated when the cars began to speed down.

"CHIME-!" And, of not being any of a better case, without event thinking about it- had Ross recklessly jumped as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/thsr23.gif.0aa0a50c0cd68e8d872712b8e8cc7d12.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/thsr23.gif.0aa0a50c0cd68e8d872712b8e8cc7d12.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Nnnnghhh..." Ross opened his eyes. It was dark around him, but there was a little bit of luminescence, enough to see around him. Hell, he didn't even need to look to figure out he was in a hospital. He felt like shit- it smelt like shit - everything around him ached and then there was annoying beep beep beep from one of the heart machines. How was anybody supposed to sleep with this shit?

With a few more groans thanks to his aching limbs and his ridiculous migraine, Ross managed to swivel himself to sit up, if only just a little bit. His bed was neighboring a window, and he was able to see that it was night time...or morning. He wasn't sure as he couldn't find a clock anywhere.

Cursing under his breath constantly, he sat there- blank and mind nulled...not quite there just yet- and still only half asleep.

Easily, this could all just be a dream itself, after all.



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"You shouldn't push yourself" a voice cold seeming uncaring yet some what warm, she looked at him with a blank expression of course her face was covered by a black hood with red rimming the only part of the face able to be seen was her mouth and of course that didn't give much to her expressions, ah she loved her job but she hated the people who freaked out over her, she stood at the end of the bed staring at him, "you've got yourself in a big mess Ross, and i'd have to wasn't worth it" Her voice thoughtful as she stood there, her hands gripping onto a long bending scythe, with green vines seeming to grown onto the scythe it's self, at the start of the bend of the blade was a dark purple flower of some kind, not one to be found in the human world, another of those flowers at the end of her scythe, she smirked at Ross.
Ross looked over to see a hooded figure- female by the sound of with a voice that gave him several mixed emotions that he wasn't quite sure he could bare, thanks to this week state of his. Groaning slightly some more at his aching head, he stared over carefully at the mysterious female and ...he could only assume she was staring back over at him- her standing right in front of the bed and all.

Please don't be a scary tumblr fangirl... he thought in dismay as he remembered one night when Julius showed Ross one of his fan pages on tumblr and saw some- horribly terrifying confessions/fantasies that they had. Not something he wanted to remember at all.

Pushing that thought aside he watched her carefully- only for something else to catch his attention. Something glistening slightly against the moonlight that shone through the window and as he tilted his head ever so slightly he jolted back to see the scythe.

"Holy shit..." he breathed, wide eyed and having to force himself to ignore his pounding migraine. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit..." he began to curse, a bit freaked out.
She laughs a bit at him "Ross do try to get a hold of yourself" she holds the scythe with one hand leading on it slightly and reaching into her pocket getting out a piece of candy and throwing it onto his lap "Now, Clam down before i do take your soul" annoyed a bit at his freak out her tone a bit colder then the other things she has said "hes another one of those..." She thought
"Wh-what..." he looked down at the candy and over at her. "Wh-what the fuck...." his eyes quickly averted back up at her. He had to move- had to quickly finds a means of escape or she was going to kill him. This psycho bitch from the ward next door was totally going to slay my ass!!!

"L-look...w-we can talk!? you have money, cuz I have a GREAT insurance policy. It it's money you want..." he began to quickly stammer, his voice dripping with all sense of desperation.
"Your money is no good to me" her voice becomes very cold at this point to the point of where she's looking down upon him "You should know a reaper doesn't like to listen to these kind of things" she sighs heavily and walks over to another side of the bed by the window "You have a year, once that year is over I shall come for your soul" her tone harsh
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"Wait...what?" his voice was now rather calm and dumbfounded, as he stared over at this 'reaper' whom was claiming to take his soul. a year? Ok, that didn't add up.

"A year huh? So I'll be a year?" he asked, rolling over the thought constantly but it just didn't register. If he was to think anything about this whole ordeal in a serious way, then his only thought would be 'oh hey I died in this hospital bed.' but a year? That was the deal now? Now this was nothing but a big, confusing mess.

", why are you here now?" he couldn't help but to ask dubiously.
"That's simple my dear poor soul, it seems your life has taken many odd turns? Well a reaper like me, well we're suppose to help the dead so to speak get to the right place, and yours is undecided, so yours truly is gonna have to help you out" she gives him a smug smile "and to do that.." she mumbles and reaches into her pocket pulling out a skull charm attached to a necklace chain "If you fear the reaper or just need some friendly reaper advice or get rid of some annoying tumble or twitter fan girls, call me with this, all ya gotta do is kiss it that's it" she leans over the bed some of her long brown hair showing and bit more of her place skin showing from under her hood she hooks the necklace onto him "take care of it okay?."
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Ross wasn't sure what to say as he took in all the overwhelming confusing information, despite his awful migraine. He was dead still as she woman leant forward and put the necklace on for him and he couldn't do anything but stare- to bore his eyes into the woman that's apparently a 'reaper.' Finally when she was done he finally took a few shuddering breaths and looked down at the necklace- close to nearly having a panic attack.

"Wh-what the hell...? This has got to be some kind of sick joke." he looked up at her hopefully. He was ready to wake up. None of this was actually possible- it was all just a dirty joke. Merely a sick and twisted dirty joke. It had to be. There was no other explanation. Reapers and all that fantasy shit didn't exist.

She let's out a bit of a annoyed sigh "Ross my dear, you may be a model but I know your smarter then this" she pets his head gently "I'll be keeping my eye on you over this year you just may not know how you poor soul" she lends back down over the bed to him her face close to his thought still covered by the hood her cheeks showing a slight bit her smile unquestionable "if this were a joke then I would of already said of such but I simply am not laughing am I?" She pauses for a second looking at the door "someone's on their way so I'll make this fast.." she looks back at him moving her hood slightly to show her red eyes "I am a reaper no question about it, but I shall show up again you just won't know me" she lends in closer her lips close to his and then kisses his forehead quickly before disappearing out of a humans sight.
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A short and slim figured albino girl peered into the hospital room, slight uneasiness swirled within her pink orbs which darting around as if in search. When a rather panicked and confused Ross greeted her glance, her whole posture immediately lit up as she ran from the door, silky white hair flowing behind her in two neat pigtails, to the males bedside. The girl gave a warm hug that lasted for quite a while before releasing her grip and looking up with a slightly worried look. (which is actually rare because she doesn't show her emotions often)

"...Are you.. okay..?" she asked in a small voice, while offering a bento. "...This... I made.. Are you.. hungry..?"
"Shiraishi..." Ross finally uttered the words out softly as he saw his young next door neighbor/friend at his bedside. Swallowing slightly, trying to figure out if he just came across a WAY too real dream or not, his jaw tightened and his breathes shuddered. "S-sorry..." he shook his head after a moment for he didn't want to make her worry. "Just having a rough time. Suddenly I wake up and find myself in a hospital bed- wires all around me." he offered her a light smile as he tried to ease up the mood- more or less for himself. He finally looked over at the bento she offered and took it without hesitation, thanking her wholeheartedly as he was welcomed to the wonderful scent of it.

" looks wonderful. Really I can't thank you enough."
Sora sat outside the window from a distance still able to see what was going on, sitting on her scythe which was floating in the air and glow a slight black, though no human could see her and she could get closer if she wished she kept her distance, she let her hood down and let out a calm sigh and smirked "this is gonna be fun" she whispered to her self happily.
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The girl looked Ross concerned due to his stuttering and terrible body language and frowned even more when he forced a smile. Although her mood was lightened a bit when he thanked her, and replied with a tiny smile. She reached out a tiny hand to pat his head slightly. "...You're welcome..." Pulling her hand back Shiraishi returned to her worried self. "...Re..member" she reminded rather sternly, taking the now empty bento box from the male, placing the lid on top and dropping it back into a plastic bag from which she carried it in. She proceeded to take the bedsheets and tuck Ross in like a mother would and sat down quietly on a nearby chair.
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Ross looked over at her- his gaze was weary and fragile, very much different from his usual confident and steady gaze.

"Are you really staying the night in such a uncomfortable hospital such as this?" he asked her, his words somewhat slurred and stretched out - his voice hoarse. "You really don't have to do that you know? Not for somebody like me." he offered her his comforting warm smile that he didn't offer to many, as she was close to his heart. Like a little sister.
Shi nodded in reply to Ross's first question, then lightly protested at the next. "...You're.. not just anyone..." Inching the chair closer to the bedside, the girl brushed the male's hair aside. "You're my big brother... Who..needs to rest..." Shi went to dim the lights, but remembered to switch on a night light in case he required to leave the bed in the middle of the night. "You.. looked a bit.. shaken.. when I saw you.." Returning to her seat, she tilted her head. "Is there.. something wrong..?"
"I-I..." Ross swallowed and his eyes darted away from hers and he found himself looking down at the necklace that the so called 'reaper' had put on him. No way that was a dream, if the necklace was right here as proof. But there's no such thing as a reaper...yet she just disappeared like that. How the hell was he supposed to explain that.

His migraine began to surge more and Ross looked away from the pendant; he needed to make himself ignore that for now until he began to feel much better. Now was just not the time to be playing mind games or trying to pull logic out from the impossible. His gazed set on the window as he looked out at the sky, and he sighed slowly. "I just had...a bad dream." he finally said, to reassure Shiraishi.
The albino girl frowned slightly, her hobby of observing human emotions and actions gave her the ability to see right through Ross, even more so since they were so close. She noticed his eyes wandering to an odd looking pendant in which she had never seen him wear before and pouted, assuming he was having girl trouble. 'Should I press on the topic..? It really seemed to bother him, maybe it'll help to talk about it..' A blank poker expression found it's way onto her face, a rather obvious sign she was deep in thought. 'But if Ross doesn't want to discuss it I probably shouldn't ask right..? I don't want to upset him or anything..'
Finally after a while, Ross began to close his eyes. This was just all too much. He just needed to sleep on it. To wake null his mind. Heh, that almost sounded like some kind of wish to drink away his problems or something.

"Sorry..." he uttered as he moved a sore arm and rested his hand atop of hers in a reassuring way. "I'm going to go to sleep..or try at least. Thanks Shiraishi." he said before going silent again.
Even with his gentle large hand covering her own, Shi couldn't shake the odd feeling resonating from the pendant. Nonetheless, she wanted to obey her brother-like neighbour's wish. Placing her free hand on top of Ross's, she bid him "Good night..", slowly pulled her fingers from the pile and left the room.
She comes back into the room as Ross is asleep, she sits by the bed in a chair and smiles pulling her hood down she strokes his head softly with a very light touch that which you may not feel while asleep,she hums quietly to herself playing with his hair slightly while she does so, every now and again a nurse would come check up but she was unnoticed as she is a reaper and may only be seen by him and a few others, she sighs quietly 'he really had gotten himself into a pickle..maybe just maybe i could turn things around for him like the last..but master would be so mad...' She thought as she watched him sleep through the night as the sun was making its daylight show through the window she sighed annoyed she then looked at his sleeping face and gave him one last soft pet on the head before leaving the hospital room as she knew he was going home that day and had to get her human form ready.


~*~ The next morning~*~

Ross was out of bed, groggy but overall healthy and trying not to question the previous night. Shiraishi had come to pick him up and lead him home, in case the fatigue was too much for him. The nurses told him what he could and could not do for the next several days, and all the things he should look out for. After the lecturing and the signing out forms, they were finally released.

"Damn..." Ross muttered anxiously. "I bet Julius is miserable now, thanks to me. The deadline for the shoot is past now and I wasn't there to get the pictures even taken." Ross's jaw was tight when he said it, and it was obvious to tell he was mad at himself and wouldn't let it go so easily. He had his arm around Shiraishi's shoulder and he almost stumbled a bit and cursed under his breath before straightening himself up again.
"Are you alright?" chimed a women standing infront of him, she doesn't look like the type to be in the hospital, her long brown hair shinned with a slight copper tone to it, it covered one of her eyes and curled to her face on the other side, it went down to her hips, her eye seemingly had no sparkle to it, they were a dark blue, her skin was pale as though she had never really been out to see the sun, she wore a t-shirt with a skull on it though seemingly a bit faded and a red and black striped jacket which cut off at her elbow, she had a very short black skirt with black leggings which were ripped down her legs paired with a pair of black and white laced converse, her expression a bit worried but she greeted him with a slight smile, "I can give you a ride home if you need one" her voice chimed again, she sure was a looker in many ways.
Holding Ross's hand which was draped around my shoulder, I secured him in place before making our way to my car. Even though I am only sixteen, I learned how to drive so I didn't worry my family. He was fretting about how a coworker would be anxious now that he missed his model shooting. I patted the top of his hand. ".....I'm sure..he will..understand.." As we strolled careful through the parking lot, a rather pretty lady with chocolate brown locks appeared to chat with Ross, questioning him if he was alright, and offered a ride. I furrowed my eyebrows. 'There's..something odd..about this girl..' How could her skin be so pale..? And her eyes.. I could always give an educated guess of what any person was thinking via their body language, expression, tone of voice and eye movement, but her signals were jumbled up. "I..already prepared a ride.." Although, I wasn't sure if Ross knew and trusted her, so I peered over to check for any sign of approval/disapproval.
Ross stared over at the lady that stood before the two of them. She was a bit TOO friendly and though he didn't have the same thoughts as Shiraishi was having currently, he did have one idea plastered into his self-centered mind. Ick a fan, I've seen enough Misery to know where this may just lead to.

"Thanks but no thanks. I already have a ride." he told her while motioning his head over to Shiraishi before he told her to walk away and they began to make their way out, without anymore input or care for the beautiful woman that had just seized their attention. Although she was beautiful, Ross had already had his eye on a particular golden blonde haired model named Chime. One that ...probably wouldn't ever give him the time of day, as it had seemed to be right now.

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