Soul Horizon: A Soul Eater RP

(Hey! I'm so sorry it took so long to post this! I hope its still accepted! Also, I realized Quincy seemed a bit to much like Patty, so I changed her up just a tiny bit.)


Name: Quincy Boyd

Height/Weight: 5'4 and 120 lbs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: Quincy's hair is naturally light brown, but on the suggestion of her Mother she died it dark purple. She has brown eyes.

Classification: Weapon

History: Quincy's Mother, Lucy Boyd, was a semi-successful model. She never married Quincy's Father (Lucy isn't quite sure who it is), but around a month after Quincy was born, she became engaged to Roger Smitty, a wealthy alcoholic. Lucy withstood him for Quincy's sake. This ended when Roger attempted to kill Lucy and Quincy in a fit of drunken rage. They both survived, but the then one-year-old Quincy became blind in one eye. Lucy also thinks she may have been hit a bit harder on the head than they believed, but she keeps this to herself.

Lucy finally made a break through after publicly speaking about surviving her abusive relationship, and her modeling success sky-rocketed. Despite this, she still tries to be there for Quincy as much as possible.

When Quincy was 14, her Mother sent her to a private boarding school to meet more people her age. There, she met Oliver and confided to him that she was the only weapon in her family and she didn't know what to do about it. In return, Oliver confided that he was a meister and a cross dresser. They made a deal that they would go to the DWMA together. Quincy knows that Oliver has a crush on her, but she doesn't want to tell him that she's a lesbian.

Personality: Quincy has a very happy-go-lucky personality, and is something of an idiot. She is incredibly loyal and if one of her friends was to betray her, she would be heart broken. She acts like she doesn't care about her appearance, but she is incredibly self conscious and if somebody told her to change the way she looked, she would do it. She holds her Mother in very high regard. Quincy wears an eyepatch to cover up her blind eye, opposed to a fake one. She always tries to smile for people, even if she finds them insufferable. She is a lesbian, but hasn't come out to anyone because she doesn't want to hurt Oliver's feelings. Quincy puts to much trust in people, and is a bit stuck up. She doesn't really think when she makes desicions, which often leads to awkward situations.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mysterious_character_bust___eyepatch_schoolgirl_by_sephzero-d62kkbj.jpg.882b391603c1e760b64c8fc3ba9b172f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mysterious_character_bust___eyepatch_schoolgirl_by_sephzero-d62kkbj.jpg.882b391603c1e760b64c8fc3ba9b172f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weapon Partner: Oliver is her meister (his profile should be right above Quincy's).

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Misc: Quincy always carries a bag of salt water taffy with her wherever she go's. She will only stop eating it in an emergency. She also carries a spare eyepatch with her, just in case.


Soul Resonance: When Oliver and Quincy achieve soul resonance, Quincy will turn into a very real and deadly bow and arrow set. She will also become sharper as well, and her dim-witted, childish personality will disappear She will become cold and calculating. The bow will give off a warm golden glow.



  • mysterious_character_bust___eyepatch_schoolgirl_by_sephzero-d62kkbj.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 23
[QUOTE="noir birdie]
(Hey! I'm so sorry it took so long to post this! I hope its still accepted! Also, I realized Quincy seemed a bit to much like Patty, so I changed her up just a tiny bit.)

Name: Quincy Boyd

Height/Weight: 5'4 and 120 lbs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: Quincy's hair is naturally light brown, but on the suggestion of her Mother she died it dark purple. She has brown eyes.

Classification: Weapon

History: Quincy's Mother, Lucy Boyd, was a semi-successful model. She never married Quincy's Father (Lucy isn't quite sure who it is), but around a month after Quincy was born, she became engaged to Roger Smitty, a wealthy alcoholic. Lucy withstood him for Quincy's sake. This ended when Roger attempted to kill Lucy and Quincy in a fit of drunken rage. They both survived, but the then one-year-old Quincy became blind in one eye. Lucy also thinks she may have been hit a bit harder on the head than they believed, but she keeps this to herself.

Lucy finally made a break through after publicly speaking about surviving her abusive relationship, and her modeling success sky-rocketed. Despite this, she still tries to be there for Quincy as much as possible.

When Quincy was 14, her Mother sent her to a private boarding school to meet more people her age. There, she met Oliver and confided to him that she was the only weapon in her family and she didn't know what to do about it. In return, Oliver confided that he was a meister and a cross dresser. They made a deal that they would go to the DWMA together. Quincy knows that Oliver has a crush on her, but she doesn't want to tell him that she's a lesbian.

Personality: Quincy has a very happy-go-lucky personality, and is something of an idiot. She is incredibly loyal and if one of her friends was to betray her, she would be heart broken. She acts like she doesn't care about her appearance, but she is incredibly self conscious and if somebody told her to change the way she looked, she would do it. She holds her Mother in very high regard. Quincy wears an eyepatch to cover up her blind eye, opposed to a fake one. She always tries to smile for people, even if she finds them insufferable. She is a lesbian, but hasn't come out to anyone because she doesn't want to hurt Oliver's feelings. Quincy puts to much trust in people, and is a bit stuck up. She doesn't really think when she makes desicions, which often leads to awkward situations.


View attachment 42658


Weapon Partner: Oliver is her meister (his profile should be right above Quincy's).

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Misc: Quincy always carries a bag of salt water taffy with her wherever she go's. She will only stop eating it in an emergency. She also carries a spare eyepatch with her, just in case.


Soul Resonance: When Oliver and Quincy achieve soul resonance, Quincy will turn into a very real and deadly bow and arrow set. She will also become sharper as well, and her dim-witted, childish personality will disappear She will become cold and calculating. The bow will give off a warm golden glow.

Definitely accepted. Nothing problematic here, and the Resonance is strong enough as to be nice and versatile. Welcome aboard!

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