Soul Horizon: A Soul Eater RP


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Character Creation

Ahoy! This spreadsheet is specifically designed for Meister/Weapon creation.


Name: (Your name!)

Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

Age: (Old man? Young newt?)

Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Classification: (Meister or Weapon! If you're creating both, prep up a seperate profile.)

History: (A concisive explanation about your character. What shaped them? Where were they from? Be as informative as you can. Watch out for the mary sue syndrome!)

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Appearance: (What do they look like? Pictures can be added!)


Weapon Partner: (If you've agreed with someone else to be your Meister/Weapon, link them here. Otherwise, briefly tell us who they are.)

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: (As a weapon, describe what you shift to, and your meister. As a meister, list your Weapon and your style of use, such as offensive, defensive, support, so on.)

Misc: (Small knives, lockpicks, particular books, spyglasses, what are, if any, small pieces of things your meister/weapon carries? Should be relatively significant, no need to list spare change.)


To be expanded

Soul Resonance: (At the beginning of your journey, you and your meister/weapon may have one ability that combines your strengths into a focused attack. Keep in mind your inexperience will leave you lacking in sheer offense/defense, but is subject to change based on RP events. Note that this area will be subject to heavy balance and scrutiny.)


Do not continue from here unless you are applying for a Canon Character.

Hi Hi! This spreadsheet is for Canon Character Creation from the Soul Eater series.


Name: (Your name!)

Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

Age: (Old man? Young newt?)

Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Series Classification: (What were they in Soul Eater?)

History: (A concisive explanation about your character. What shaped them? Where were they from? Be as informative as you can. Canon applicators, do NOT use Wiki entries!)

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Appearance: (What do they look like? Pictures can be added!)


This is the big one! You must be able to demonstrate competency and care with your claim. It's off putting when Maka talks like a catastrophe of cat typing, as I'm fond of saying. There will be a few 'tests' to see if you'll fill the itinerary needed. If you care enough about the character, no worries! This section to seperate who is concerned about their craft, and who's up for a power grab.

Example Situation:

(What does this Canon character do? Provide an example of about 500 or so words, be it a conversation or some action the character is known for.)

Knowledge Reaction:

(Provide one more example about their fighting style, a big component of RP. If your canon character is attacked, write and demonstrate a reasonable response!)


(Entirely optional, but if you're applying to use this character, what's your reasoning or desire to?)

Do not continue from here unless you are making a Witch.

Witch Creation

Greetings! This section is reserved for Witch Creation. Do not fill this out if you are

applying for a Meister/Weapon.


Name: (What are you called?)

Age: (Something to keep in mind, the younger you are, the weaker your witch powers will be.

If your Witch is an elder, it will be subject to much scrutiny and balance.)

Weight/Height: (The tallness, the lightness/heaviness.)

Eye Color/Hair Color: (Witches are subject to unique, vibrant colors, by the way.)

History: (Were you trained by a coven of witches, or slow to discover your power? Where are you from? Things like that.)

Personality: (Being a witch can earn you great respect, fear, hatred, or compassion, depending on your affiliation and history. Consider that into the Witch's personality.)

Appearance: (Witches, by route of power, typically share a garb that matches their animal familiar form. Keep that in mind!)


Familiar: (Witches posess an alternate animal form they can transform into at will. Be it crow, frog, spider, or the like, what is your Witch's Familiar. Some limits will apply.)

Innate Powers: (Choose one of three.)

(Flight) – A common but useful trait, allows Witch to fly with use of an object.

(Meisterhood) – A trait that allows this Witch to train and use Weapons. Will not be as strong as normal Meisters, however.

(Soul Flex) – A Witch can break parts of their soul to create copies or different forms of themselves. Allows one mirror image at start.


(A section with various attributes. Witches or magic users operate on Mantras and have powers that revolve around their Familiar theme. In this area you'll describe what initial magic power you have, what it does, and your mantra. As you expand in strength, you'll update this section with additional powers.)

Way of the (Familiar): (Way of the Fish? Worm? Rabbit? What is your Witch's way, and what is their initial power? A destroyer spell? Defensive? Summoning? Etc.)

Mantra: (Mouse Rouse Touse Mousuu, SqwawCawCha! Witches incite their magic through various sayings that sound like babble. Each new spell you acquire will have its own Mantra. If you're not sure how to sound one out, take your Familiar and mess with its spelling and saying. In this section, place your Mantra for your first spell, and new Mantras for each additional one.)

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Name: Janus Francisco Santangelo

Age: 17

Height & Weight: Five foot eight,180 pounds.

Eyes & Hair: Both brown,and his hair is thick like tar,and wavy,but not curly. Kept fairly short.

Classification: Weapon,Demon Cage Armour

Personality: He has what many would call a Hero Complex or Bodyguard Complex;unless his is physically made unable to,he will ALWAYS attempt to intervene in a situation where someone is at risk. When the situation warrants it,he's dead serious,doing everything he can to make sure his side of the conflict comes out safe,but,otherwise,he's a pretty fun guy,full of energy and always has a fun or interesting idea.


Just ditch the signet necklace and cane. Janus enjoys a good suit and longcoat,and as such is often seen wearing them. He isn't rich,or anything. He just likes them enough to wear them proudly.


Ignore the backpack and anything that looks like a weapon on the robot.

A fully autonomous Weapon form,in this form,Janus is protected by both the tough polymer and metal shell of the robot,as well as ballistic armour,but also his unusually strong soul energies. Although tough as nails,this form is no faster than he is normally,and it lacks a means to strike from a distance.


The Diamond Sword variant.

This form is armour,plain and simple. Powered by the soul energies of both Weapon and Meister,it moves fluidly enough to not restrict mobility...Much. However,it is heavy,and as such it is difficult to move with haste,and is quite large and bulky,making all movements look exaggerated and cartoonish. Again,lacking in any distance firepower,the claymore on the back is for more than show; It can be removed and used as a claymore is to be used. However,there is nothing special about it,aside from durability.

In this form,Janus envelops his Meister's soul with his own,protecting their soul with his own,and their body with his. For their enemies to get at the Meister within his body,they have to go through him first,no matter their approach. The suit stands a good seven and a half feet tall.

Background: Janus Francisco Santangelo was born in Canada. His parents were lawyers,and both have family histories of producing Weapons. For Janus' case,he was an armour Weapon. When his abilities manifested,his parents did everything they could to teach him to use his abilities. However,after numerous altercations with other students at his school,universally involving him attempting to tear down a bully who was picking on someone else,his parents made the call to send him to the DWMA,with nothing more than some clothes,some choice pocket electronics,and enough money to last a month or so. If he was going to go through DWMA,they didn't want to spoil or pamper him.

Partner: Liam O'Connery

Weapon Style: Demon Cage Armour and Demon Cage Machine Man. Almost purely defensive in nature,Janus can become either a suit of powered armour for a Meister,or a robot when he lacks a Meister to support. As armour,he protects his Meister on all fronts: His body protects his Meister's own,and he uses his own soul to create a shell around his Meister's soul. It should be noted that Janus' soul has been observed to be noticeably more powerful than his peers,which is poured fully into his defenses. The price,however,is mobility. While range of movement isn't particularly impeded,it forces the wearer to move slowly,due to the massive weight,and all movements will be exaggerated,making them easy to read.

As a robot,the soul energy is poured into the defense of one person,and one alone: Himself. This means that he's even more durable than a robot made of steel and toughened polymers wearing a ballistic vest. In this form,however,he cannot move any more quickly than if he were human.

Misc: Carries a cell phone,which he endeavours to keep charged,as well as a PSP with a couple of games.

Soul Resonance: Blazing Dynamo. Janus,when his soul resonates with his Meister's,unlocks his greatest potential when in this state. While shockingly temporary,lasting only a scant few seconds,it's often enough to tip the tide of a battle. The armour is wreathed in golden flame,the claymore bearing blue-cored green fire. The vents on the shoulders and legs come to life,and serve as explosive burst jump or booster packs,granting unprecedented speed and mobility. While this state lasts only for a few seconds,the result is obvious: The blade can cut through just about anything,and the armour is nigh-impenetrable. Well,even more so.
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[QUOTE="Alad V]
Name: Janus Francisco Santangelo
Age: 17

Height & Weight: Five foot eight,180 pounds.

Eyes & Hair: Both brown,and his hair is thick like tar,and wavy,but not curly. Kept fairly short.

Classification: Weapon,Demon Cage Armour

Personality: He has what many would call a Hero Complex or Bodyguard Complex;unless his is physically made unable to,he will ALWAYS attempt to intervene in a situation where someone is at risk. When the situation warrants it,he's dead serious,doing everything he can to make sure his side of the conflict comes out safe,but,otherwise,he's a pretty fun guy,full of energy and always has a fun or interesting idea.


Just ditch the signet necklace and cane. Janus enjoys a good suit and longcoat,and as such is often seen wearing them. He isn't rich,or anything. He just likes them enough to wear them proudly.


Ignore the backpack and anything that looks like a weapon on the robot.

A fully autonomous Weapon form,in this form,Janus is protected by both the tough polymer and metal shell of the robot,as well as ballistic armour,but also his unusually strong soul energies. Although tough as nails,this form is no faster than he is normally,and it lacks a means to strike from a distance.


The Diamond Sword variant.

This form is armour,plain and simple. Powered by the soul energies of both Weapon and Meister,it moves fluidly enough to not restrict mobility...Much. However,it is heavy,and as such it is difficult to move with haste,and is quite large and bulky,making all movements look exaggerated and cartoonish. Again,lacking in any distance firepower,the claymore on the back is for more than show; It can be removed and used as a claymore is to be used. However,there is nothing special about it,aside from durability.

In this form,Janus envelops his Meister's soul with his own,protecting their soul with his own,and their body with his. For their enemies to get at the Meister within his body,they have to go through him first,no matter their approach. The suit stands a good seven and a half feet tall.

Background: Janus Francisco Santangelo was born in Canada. His parents were lawyers,and both have family histories of producing Weapons. For Janus' case,he was an armour Weapon. When his abilities manifested,his parents did everything they could to teach him to use his abilities. However,after numerous altercations with other students at his school,universally involving him attempting to tear down a bully who was picking on someone else,his parents made the call to send him to the DWMA,with nothing more than some clothes,some choice pocket electronics,and enough money to last a month or so. If he was going to go through DWMA,they didn't want to spoil or pamper him.

Partner: Currently,none. I'm open to requests,however.

Weapon Style: Demon Cage Armour and Demon Cage Machine Man. Almost purely defensive in nature,Janus can become either a suit of powered armour for a Meister,or a robot when he lacks a Meister to support. As armour,he protects his Meister on all fronts: His body protects his Meister's own,and he uses his own soul to create a shell around his Meister's soul. It should be noted that Janus' soul has been observed to be noticeably more powerful than his peers,which is poured fully into his defenses. The price,however,is mobility. While range of movement isn't particularly impeded,it forces the wearer to move slowly,due to the massive weight,and all movements will be exaggerated,making them easy to read.

As a robot,the soul energy is poured into the defense of one person,and one alone: Himself. This means that he's even more durable than a robot made of steel and toughened polymers wearing a ballistic vest. In this form,however,he cannot move any more quickly than if he were human.

Misc: Carries a cell phone,which he endeavours to keep charged,as well as a PSP with a couple of games.

Alad! I like what I see. The information is there, the personality justifies the ability, his background makes sense and his balance is good. Only thing, minor grammar issues, space after commas! Not a major problem, but helps with sentence clarity. Other than that I'd say it's accepted and you're a gogo!



Yamue Shizuka


5"8 / 175 lbs.



Eye Color/Hair Color:

Light Brown / Light Red


Weapon - Anti-Personnel Sniper Rifle


Born into a Weapon family with his father being of a very militaristic mindset, Yamue has never had anything given to him. He's been run ragged by all of his family, trying to hold his own while competing against an older, more experienced brother and a younger prodigy of a sister. His school grades were near perfect, he trained his body and mind rigorously outside of school and he even became the youngest of his siblings to shift into his weapon form. Now that he's being admitted into the DWMA, he's starting to realize he has a few problems... ( Cue clever transition! )


Yamue has the mindset of a soldier, his father's words quite firmly beaten into his head. He's serious, sharp, a perfect display of self control and concentration. That doesn't, however, make him any good at socialization. While he's unshakeable in a formal setting, it's when things get informal that he loses his cool. He's very nervous and almost a bit shy, not able to make eye contact or even be too close to people as he feels that he's put his shield down. He also becomes a nervous wreck, apologizing endlessly for the tiniest of things and worrying about messing up whenever he's not doing that. This doesn't mean he's unlikeable of course. He's incredibly sincere and does want to get along with people, often making baby steps to do just that.




No one as of yet, willing to take anyone who wants to be

Weapon Description:

Yamue takes a form similar to that of a .300 mm anti-personnel sniper rifle though an obvious difference outside of his abnormal design is that he fires concentrated soul wavelength 'rounds', giving him the bonus of not only being able to hurt non-human enemies quite easily but he also requires no reloading or cartridge discharging, both made obvious by the lack of clip and ejector. His scope can easily magnify to x10, he's built to help stabilize his heavy shots and he even has a small bayonet at the end of his barrel. A drawback is that not only does a meister wielding him have to be accurate but he has to concentrate to condense and keep the shot steady.

He always has a cellphone and military-grade first aid kit on his person at all times.


Soul Resonance:

N/A at this time




No one as of yet, willing to take anyone who wants to be

Weapon Description:

Yamue takes a form similar to that of a .300 mm anti-personnel sniper rifle though an obvious difference outside of his abnormal design is that he fires concentrated soul wavelength 'rounds', giving him the bonus of not only being able to hurt non-human enemies quite easily but he also requires no reloading or cartridge discharging, both made obvious by the lack of clip and ejector. His scope can easily magnify to x10, he's built to help stabilize his heavy shots and he even has a small bayonet at the end of his barrel. A drawback is that not only does a meister wielding him have to be accurate but he has to concentrate to condense and keep the shot steady.

He always has a cellphone and military-grade first aid kit on his person at all times.


Soul Resonance:

N/A at this time

Hello hello! Thanks for putting in the application. Thus far everything seems in place, though it teeters on being very strong early in, the sniper that is.

Ignoring Meister limitations, consider the following drawbacks:

-Strong shots with a very, very slow rate of fire

-Weaker shots with a faster rate of fire

Minding these balances, or others to keep away the sense of being over powered early on, will be necessary. I don't think however, from what I've read, that will be an issue.

Aside from this, this profile is accepted!
Shinigami said:
Hello hello! Thanks for putting in the application. Thus far everything seems in place, though it teeters on being very strong early in, the sniper that is.
Ignoring Meister limitations, consider the following drawbacks:

-Strong shots with a very, very slow rate of fire

-Weaker shots with a faster rate of fire

Minding these balances, or others to keep away the sense of being over powered early on, will be necessary. I don't think however, from what I've read, that will be an issue.

Aside from this, this profile is accepted!
I know I didn't state it exactly but I sort of implied strong, slow shots. Both being a sniper rifle and him having to concentrate while the meister aimed, he'd be pretty useless in a run and gun. :) With that said, thank you! I'm looking forward to this roleplay very much.

Name: Andrea Nicole Tolzuine

Height/Weight: 5'6" 160 lbs.

Age: Teenager/Young Woman 17 years

Eye Color/Hair Color: Purple Eyes Platinum Blonde Hair

Classification: Demon Weapon, GunsXSwords

History: Andrea was originally from a small hidden village located in the North Eastern region of America. This village consisted of several bloodlines from the original Demon Weapons formed by Arachne. Originally, the lines were carefully selected to prevent inbreeding but later included lines of unifying weapon types to create more than one form. This was primarily due to the village having friendly rivalries with members of the Nakatsukasa clan. However when the Star Clan became so bloodthirsty and even killed members of Andrea's village, the whole village became full enemies of the Star Clan and aided in their destruction. How though was kept secret.

This Village contains so many different weapon bloodlines that it doesn't one clan name and Exiled members, such as Andrea, are forbidden to name it as to not 'Sully the Great Name'. The story of Andrea's exile is known to people such as Lord Shinigami, Death the Kid and any Death Scythes that read upon her confidential files. She was born to a long family of weapons that also had traces of Witches in their bloodline. She has a Twin Sister that is not a weapon but a Witch with their initial differences being their hair colour alone. Sarah-Susan, her twin sister, is a Flamingo Themed witch and responsible for Andrea's exile.

Due to history and long being targets of witches, the village disdains witches of all sorts. As a result, the Tolzuine family hid their Witch daughter for many years using both Andrea to cover for Sarah-Susan largely until Sarah learned how to use her powers to 'imitate' a weapon form. When Andrea and Sarah were both 15, both had developed a crush on the same boy. This boy liked Andrea more than Sarah; Whereas Sarah was the haughty spoilt Princess personality, Andrea was more of the outgoing adventurous and independent personality which the boy liked greatly.

Sarah, who became used to getting what she wanted when she wanted it, began to hate her sister and seethed with rage so much that she planned Andrea's downfall and within Six Months conjured up a scheme that would expose the Witch of the Tolzuine family. Only it wasn't Sarah...but Andrea. This successfully broke off Andrea's relationship she had with the boy, and got all but Andrea's own parents to attempt to exterminate Andrea's own life. Andrea had been chased through the woods and fought members of her own clan for survival. Finally she found herself unable to fight and survive so she hid; as a silver dagger camouflaged between lake grass and similar grey stones in a River.

Months went by before the village would learn of their mistake; for the truth of the sisters was eventually exposed and Sarah, who had most of the village wrapped around her finger, was exposed by the very boy she had tossed away like garbage in favour of a more handsome man who had been passing through. The two men though exposed her Flamingo magic and Illusion and Sarah had been chased out of town. A messenger for the village was sent out looking for Andrea; but Andrea was no where in the State or surrounding areas of America. Instead she, without a Meister, used her Weapon abilities to become a Solo Bounty Hunter and continued to move never staying in the same place twice as a result of the trauma and fear her village had instilled on her the night they chased her out of town.

Eager to be in a place longer than a day or a week if she were lucky, Andrea came to DWMA and was very quick to tell her story. However they already knew as a messanger, anticipating Andrea might come to DWMA, left a note that explained the situation about both sisters to DWMA and a note to Andrea that Sarah had been exiled and the village would like to welcome her back as Weapon Bloodlines are valued, especially ones that can turn into more than one form, above all else. However, Andrea vowed not to go back and wishes to eventually become a Death Scythe and meet a Meister who is Honest, strong willed, and can be as adventurous and the boy was before him/her and then help to make her a Death Scythe.

Andrea never responded to the letter but was told that the staff had responded for her. Whether this is true or not, Andrea doesn't know or care as she has dropped all contact with her former village the day they exiled her and the only exception was learning what happened to her sister.

Personality: Adventurous, Strong Willed, Snappy, Aggressive namely with witches, particularly bad/evil ones. Usually works alone but can partner up from time to time if needed to fufill a contract or required by DWMA. But most importantly, she is a survivor and an intelligent one, and that sadly has come with a distrusting attitude towards Witches and easily susceptible weak willed 'FOOL'S.



Weapon Partner: No Meister, as of yet.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Has the ability to shift into twin blades or twin guns or a mix between the two. Since she has no Meister yet, her swords are small as are her guns and the latter has a short range. She is very fast but lacks defense. However she makes up for her lack of Defense and Power in Speed, Agility, and Accuracy.

Misc: Lockpicks, First Aid Kits, medicinal herbs, cell phone and charger, a CD Player which she listens to from time to time, note book which she doodles in and keeps record of her contracts as well as pen and any books that at the time interest her in some way or another.
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Name: Andrea Nicole Tolzuine

Height/Weight: 5'6" 160 lbs.

Age: Teenager/Young Woman

Eye Color/Hair Color: Purple Eyes Platinum Blonde Hair

Classification: Demon Weapon, GunsXSwords

History: Andrea was originally from a small hidden village located in the North Eastern region of America. This village consisted of several bloodlines from the original Demon Weapons formed by Arachne. Originally, the lines were carefully selected to prevent inbreeding but later included lines of unifying weapon types to create more than one form. This was primarily due to the village having friendly rivalries with members of the Nakatsukasa clan. However when the Star Clan became so bloodthirsty and even killed members of Andrea's village, the whole village became full enemies of the Star Clan and aided in their destruction. How though was kept secret.

This Village contains so many different weapon bloodlines that it doesn't one clan name and Exiled members, such as Andrea, are forbidden to name it as to not 'Sully the Great Name'. The story of Andrea's exile is known to people such as Lord Shinigami, Death the Kid and any Death Scythes that read upon her confidential files. She was born to a long family of weapons that also had traces of Witches in their bloodline. She has a Twin Sister that is not a weapon but a Witch with their initial differences being their hair colour alone. Sarah-Susan, her twin sister, is a Flamingo Themed witch and responsible for Andrea's exile.

Due to history and long being targets of witches, the village disdains witches of all sorts. As a result, the Tolzuine family hid their Witch daughter for many years using both Andrea to cover for Sarah-Susan largely until Sarah learned how to use her powers to 'imitate' a weapon form. When Andrea and Sarah were both 15, both had developed a crush on the same boy. This boy liked Andrea more than Sarah; Whereas Sarah was the haughty spoilt Princess personality, Andrea was more of the outgoing adventurous and independent personality which the boy liked greatly.

Sarah, who became used to getting what she wanted when she wanted it, began to hate her sister and seethed with rage so much that she planned Andrea's downfall and within Six Months conjured up a scheme that would expose the Witch of the Tolzuine family. Only it wasn't Sarah...but Andrea. This successfully broke off Andrea's relationship she had with the boy, and got all but Andrea's own parents to attempt to exterminate Andrea's own life. Andrea had been chased through the woods and fought members of her own clan for survival. Finally she found herself unable to fight and survive so she hid; as a silver dagger camouflaged between lake grass and similar grey stones in a River.

Months went by before the village would learn of their mistake; for the truth of the sisters was eventually exposed and Sarah, who had most of the village wrapped around her finger, was exposed by the very boy she had tossed away like garbage in favour of a more handsome man who had been passing through. The two men though exposed her Flamingo magic and Illusion and Sarah had been chased out of town. A messenger for the village was sent out looking for Andrea; but Andrea was no where in the State or surrounding areas of America. Instead she, without a Meister, used her Weapon abilities to become a Solo Bounty Hunter and continued to move never staying in the same place twice as a result of the trauma and fear her village had instilled on her the night they chased her out of town.

Eager to be in a place longer than a day or a week if she were lucky, Andrea came to DWMA and was very quick to tell her story. However they already knew as a messanger, anticipating Andrea might come to DWMA, left a note that explained the situation about both sisters to DWMA and a note to Andrea that Sarah had been exiled and the village would like to welcome her back as Weapon Bloodlines are valued, especially ones that can turn into more than one form, above all else. However, Andrea vowed not to go back and wishes to eventually become a Death Scythe and meet a Meister who is Honest, strong willed, and can be as adventurous and the boy was before him/her and then help to make her a Death Scythe.

Andrea never responded to the letter but was told that the staff had responded for her. Whether this is true or not, Andrea doesn't know or care as she has dropped all contact with her former village the day they exiled her and the only exception was learning what happened to her sister.

Personality: Adventurous, Strong Willed, Snappy, Aggressive namely with witches, particularly bad/evil ones. Usually works alone but can partner up from time to time if needed to fufill a contract or required by DWMA. But most importantly, she is a survivor and an intelligent one, and that sadly has come with a distrusting attitude towards Witches and easily susceptible weak willed 'FOOL'S.



Weapon Partner: No Meister, as of yet.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Has the ability to shift into twin blades or twin guns or a mix between the two. Since she has no Meister yet, her swords are small as are her guns and the latter has a short range. She is very fast but lacks defense. However she makes up for her lack of Defense and Power in Speed, Agility, and Accuracy.

Misc: Lockpicks, First Aid Kits, medicinal herbs, cell phone and charger, a CD Player which she listens to from time to time, note book which she doodles in and keeps record of her contracts as well as pen and any books that at the time interest her in some way or another.

The only error I see is there should be a space before your Personality section, as those got clumped up. Otherwise, quite acceptable. The balance of relying on speed more than strength helps keep the ranged/melee advantages in check early on. Since many Witches now help the DWMA, should be interesting to see that interaction sometime in. Nice work!
Name:Rebecca Matthews

Height/Weight:5’0”/ 110 pounds


Eye Color/Hair Color:Brown hair/ Light green eyes


History:Rebecca has had a fairly normal childhood. She was born and raised just a state over from the DWMA, southern California. She was just an average girl in school with average grades, average friends, and an average life. However, there was one that that wasn’t normal about her. Both of her parents were familiar with the weapon/meister world. They were even each others’ partners. When it was discovered that their daughter was not a weapon, they trained her, so she could be physically ready to become a meister one day. Despite her parents’ attempts to make her stronger, she hated their strength workouts, but she loved to run, so she only managed to develope her speed and agility. Finally the day came when she was of age, so her parents shipped her off to the DWMA to find a weapon and to grow as a meister.

Personality:She is a very friendly girl, and she highly values the power of friendship. When she finds a weapon partner and a group of friends, she hopes to become very close and life-long friends with them. Because of this, she is an open book and is willing to befriend anybody that she meets. Her work ethic is horrible. She refuses to do work or to put any effort into anything she is uninterested in. The only way to get her to work is to threaten her or to somehow convince her that it is beneficial to her.




Weapon Partner:Open for requests

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Taking advantage of being petite and lightweight, she is very quick on her feet. Her speed allows her to get out of any situation quickly. She is a very defensive fighter, so if she had to take the offensive, she would much rather do that from a distance. Because she is so small, she lacks in strength, and she often has trouble carrying anything too heavy.

Misc:A smart phone, in which she puts everything in (notes, pictures, reminders, etc); a pair of sunglasses; bobby pins and hair ties to manage her thick hair.
Bluepen19 said:
Name:Rebecca Matthews
Height/Weight:5’0”/ 110 pounds


Eye Color/Hair Color:Brown hair/ Light green eyes


History:Rebecca has had a fairly normal childhood. She was born and raised just a state over from the DWMA, southern California. She was just an average girl in school with average grades, average friends, and an average life. However, there was one that that wasn’t normal about her. Both of her parents were familiar with the weapon/meister world. They were even each others’ partners. When it was discovered that their daughter was not a weapon, they trained her, so she could be physically ready to become a meister one day. Despite her parents’ attempts to make her stronger, she hated their strength workouts, but she loved to run, so she only managed to develope her speed and agility. Finally the day came when she was of age, so her parents shipped her off to the DWMA to find a weapon and to grow as a meister.

Personality:She is a very friendly girl, and she highly values the power of friendship. When she finds a weapon partner and a group of friends, she hopes to become very close and life-long friends with them. Because of this, she is an open book and is willing to befriend anybody that she meets. Her work ethic is horrible. She refuses to do work or to put any effort into anything she is uninterested in. The only way to get her to work is to threaten her or to somehow convince her that it is beneficial to her.




Weapon Partner:Open for requests

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Taking advantage of being petite and lightweight, she is very quick on her feet. Her speed allows her to get out of any situation quickly. She is a very defensive fighter, so if she had to take the offensive, she would much rather do that from a distance. Because she is so small, she lacks in strength, and she often has trouble carrying anything too heavy.

Misc:A smart phone, in which she puts everything in (notes, pictures, reminders, etc); a pair of sunglasses; bobby pins and hair ties to manage her thick hair.
Hey hello! It's good to see our first Meister! Nothing here strikes me as problematic, so you're definitely accepted! Weapons, if you'd like to offer yourself as a partner, you may do so! Bluepen, in the event the current Weapons aren't your style, you can also create a Weapon profile. See you on the field soon enough!
Name: Liam O'Connery

Age: 16

Height & Weight: Five foot two,220 pounds.

Eyes & Hair: His eyes are emerald green,and his hair is a magnificent copper,and is twisted like a bramble thicket. He's about as ginger as you can get.

Classification: Meister

Personality: He grew up the preferred target for bullies,and is as such fairly meek and self-conscious. However,he also has a fairly short temper,and it's known to be remarkably explosive. He is a shining example of what happens when you push a person too far; no one in the fights comes out in decent shape,but the object of his ire generally gets the worst of it. However,beneath all of that fury and self-resentment,he's a remarkably intelligent and erudite.

Liam is,for lack of a better term,fat. He can eclipse the sun,can make the dishes orbit him,and causes magnitude eight quakes when he rolls out of bed. At least,these are all what his tormentors say,among other,far less charitable things. The fact of the matter is,while fat,he can still fit within your average door,but he'd never be able to share it with someone under any circumstances. His skin is fairly pale,and his hair looks like copper wire shrubbery on his head.

His clothes consist of button-up shirts,jeans,and running shoes,and generally wears neutral or cool coloured attire. He bears a scar across his right cheek,and his nose is deformed,having been broken several times in the past. His forehead looks worn and bears tiny scars that are only evident under close examination.

Background: Liam was born and raised in Dublin,his father a soldier,and his mother a programmer. He was always a larger boy,and tended towards more technical and intellectual pursuits,while most of his peers preferred physical activities. These factors initially made him a target. He was different. He was a boy,but he used language that went way over their heads. He was a boy,but he didn't care for rugby. And he was fat! Needless to say,the torture started early,and thick.

His tormentors learned fairly quickly that Liam was also fairly quick to anger,and is often equated to a bear when pushed. As he grew up,Liam was continuously picked on,and every now and then,he would beat his torturer of the day so senseless that they never tried again,once even crippling the school's star rugby captain,shattering both of his knees. After this particular incident,his parents decided to send him off to the DWMA,where he can get the discipline he needs to control his temper,and the opportunity to use his obvious talent for taking a punishment and giving it back with interest for a higher purpose than ruining the lives of those who try to make his miserable.

Partner: Janus Francisco Santangelo,the Demon Cage.

Misc: Carries a cell phone,and wears a digital watch,set to 24-hour time. Owns a laptop,which he uses for damn near anything he can.

Name: Justin Daevos Sucu-Incubin

Height/Weight: 6'3" 210 pounds

Age: 18 Young Main

Eye Color/Hair Color: Blonde hair Brown Eyes

Classification: Meister

History: Justin's history is even further shrouded in shadow than Andrea's. What -is- known about him is that he was born to a Death Scythe Mother and a strong Meister for a father. Justin does not posses the ability to become a weapon on his own but he does have the means to fight and kill those who would harm him or those/things he cares about.

The man is dangerous, secretive and is a trained killer. Those who have killed before can see it in his very eyes. His parents made more than their fare share of enemies, so Justin was not an exception to the wrath of these very enemies. He had to be trained to kill to survive.

Sometime in the past, the Village of Kris contacted Justin's parents. The Village of Kris happens to be Andrea and Sarah-Susan's home village and their grandparents, heads of the Tolzuine family made contact with the Sucu-Incubin's to arrange a marriage between Andrea and Justin. This information, like Andrea, is privy only to Death Scythes, Lord Shinigami and Death the Kid.

Justin didn't care for an arranged marriage for his own multiple reasons, but mostly because he didn't know the person or know how well they would hold up in a life or death fight. Instead he was looking for a partner, a 'weapon that did not break'. He gained his scars during his search for such a weapon when he allowed him to be tricked by a seemingly harmless boy with glasses...who ended up being a Flamethrower Gun Weapon.

Justin, for his own survival, was forced to kill the weapon boy who had been sent to slay Justin from a group who's initials read F.o.A. It was found on a parchment note made from linen of the flax plant and contained orders for the bow to kill Justin and then an escape method for the boy after proper disposal was met. Though the boy did die thanks to Justin's own hands, he had forever left his mark on Justin. However this has not ruined his looks, rather added to his rugged charm. It also makes enemies hesitant to fight him.

Justin was not interesting in going to The Village of Kris until after word came of Andrea's exile...and her apparent defending of herself culminating in a trick of deceit and escape. Intrigued, Justin though to meet Andrea and wished to start off with what her parents could tell him. When he came to the Village of Kris, years of experience and dealing with witches had allowed him to see what Sarah-Susan truly was. With the aid of her freshly ex boyfriend, the two of them exposed the fraud.

An embarrassed village elder, presumingly the towns acting leader, requested nay practically begged Justin to find Andrea and bring her back to the village. The Village of Kris is greatly remourseful of what they had done and wish for Andrea to take her place back in the village, if to preserve the weapon bloodline. Justin thought to find Andrea not for the village, but possibly for himself as a weapon.

Justin's eventual search has lead him to DWMA, largely in part with the contact he retains with The Village of Kris and DWMA. He also tracked Andrea's bounties. Justin has many secrets.

Personality: Quiet, Calculated, rugged. He has the eyes of a murderer, assassin, survivor and mercenary, but only those who are trained can see it. Otherwise he comes off as a quiet yet sexy man. He's also a man of many secrets.



Weapon Partner: Currently no weapon partner as he and Andrea have not met face to face yet.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Without a Demon Weapon, Justin can fight on his own using a mixture of Hand to Hand, Senbon Needles and kick boxing. He's also deadly accurate with a pool stick if needed. His fingernails look a little like claws though and they hurt as well and add to his hand to hand damage.

Misc: Senbon needles, PDA for documentation and doubles as his phone, CD Player and music, books that interest him. He wears a cross attached to a chain around his neck.
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[QUOTE="Alad V]
Name: Liam O'Connery
Age: 16

Height & Weight: Five foot two,180 pounds.

Eyes & Hair: His eyes are emerald green,and his hair is a magnificent copper,and is twisted like a bramble thicket. He's about as ginger as you can get.

Classification: Meister

Personality: He grew up the preferred target for bullies,and is as such fairly meek and self-conscious. However,he also has a fairly short temper,and it's known to be remarkably explosive. He is a shining example of what happens when you push a person too far; no one in the fights comes out in decent shape,but the object of his ire generally gets the worst of it. However,beneath all of that fury and self-resentment,he's a remarkably intelligent and erudite.

Liam is,for lack of a better term,fat. He can eclipse the sun,can make the dishes orbit him,and causes magnitude eight quakes when he rolls out of bed. At least,these are all what his tormentors say,among other,far less charitable things. The fact of the matter is,while fat,he can still fit within your average door,but he'd never be able to share it with someone under any circumstances. His skin is fairly pale,and his hair looks like copper wire shrubbery on his head.

His clothes consist of button-up shirts,jeans,and running shoes,and generally wears neutral or cool coloured attire. He bears a scar across his right cheek,and his nose is deformed,having been broken several times in the past. His forehead looks worn and bears tiny scars that are only evident under close examination.

Background: Liam was born and raised in Dublin,his father a soldier,and his mother a programmer. He was always a larger boy,and tended towards more technical and intellectual pursuits,while most of his peers preferred physical activities. These factors initially made him a target. He was different. He was a boy,but he used language that went way over their heads. He was a boy,but he didn't care for rugby. And he was fat! Needless to say,the torture started early,and thick.

His tormentors learned fairly quickly that Liam was also fairly quick to anger,and is often equated to a bear when pushed. As he grew up,Liam was continuously picked on,and every now and then,he would beat his torturer of the day so senseless that they never tried again,once even crippling the school's star rugby captain,shattering both of his knees. After this particular incident,his parents decided to send him off to the DWMA,where he can get the discipline he needs to control his temper,and the opportunity to use his obvious talent for taking a punishment and giving it back with interest for a higher purpose than ruining the lives of those who try to make his miserable.

Partner: Janus Francisco Santangelo,the Demon Cage.

Misc: Carries a cell phone,and wears a digital watch,set to 24-hour time. Owns a laptop,which he uses for damn near anything he can.

Liam ought to be an intriguing dynamic, he's definitely not typical in the character sense. Accepted, hoo hah!

Name: Justin Daevos Sucu-Incubin

Height/Weight: 6'3" 210 pounds

Age: 18 Young Main

Eye Color/Hair Color: Blonde hair Brown Eyes

Classification: Meister

History: Justin's history is even further shrouded in shadow than Andrea's. What -is- known about him is that he was born to a Death Scythe Mother and a strong Meister for a father. Justin does not posses the ability to become a weapon on his own but he does have the means to fight and kill those who would harm him or those/things he cares about.

The man is dangerous, secretive and is a trained killer. Those who have killed before can see it in his very eyes. His parents made more than their fare share of enemies, so Justin was not an exception to the wrath of these very enemies. He had to be trained to kill to survive.

Sometime in the past, the Village of Kris contacted Justin's parents. The Village of Kris happens to be Andrea and Sarah-Susan's home village and their grandparents, heads of the Tolzuine family made contact with the Sucu-Incubin's to arrange a marriage between Andrea and Justin. This information, like Andrea, is privy only to Death Scythes, Lord Shinigami and Death the Kid.

Justin didn't care for an arranged marriage for his own multiple reasons, but mostly because he didn't know the person or know how well they would hold up in a life or death fight. Instead he was looking for a partner, a 'weapon that did not break'. He gained his scars during his search for such a weapon when he allowed him to be tricked by a seemingly harmless boy with glasses...who ended up being a Flamethrower Gun Weapon.

Justin, for his own survival, was forced to kill the weapon boy who had been sent to slay Justin from a group who's initials read F.o.A. It was found on a parchment note made from linen of the flax plant and contained orders for the bow to kill Justin and then an escape method for the boy after proper disposal was met. Though the boy did die thanks to Justin's own hands, he had forever left his mark on Justin. However this has not ruined his looks, rather added to his rugged charm. It also makes enemies hesitant to fight him.

Justin was not interesting in going to The Village of Kris until after word came of Andrea's exile...and her apparent defending of herself culminating in a trick of deceit and escape. Intrigued, Justin though to meet Andrea and wished to start off with what her parents could tell him. When he came to the Village of Kris, years of experience and dealing with witches had allowed him to see what Sarah-Susan truly was. With the aid of her freshly ex boyfriend, the two of them exposed the fraud.

An embarrassed village elder, presumingly the towns acting leader, requested nay practically begged Justin to find Andrea and bring her back to the village. The Village of Kris is greatly remourseful of what they had done and wish for Andrea to take her place back in the village, if to preserve the weapon bloodline. Justin thought to find Andrea not for the village, but possibly for himself as a weapon.

Justin's eventual search has lead him to DWMA, largely in part with the contact he retains with The Village of Kris and DWMA. He also tracked Andrea's bounties. Justin has many secrets.

Personality: Quiet, Calculated, rugged. He has the eyes of a murderer, assassin, survivor and mercenary, but only those who are trained can see it. Otherwise he comes off as a quiet yet sexy man. He's also a man of many secrets.



Weapon Partner: Currently no weapon partner as he and Andrea have not met face to face yet.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Without a Demon Weapon, Justin can fight on his own using a mixture of Hand to Hand, Senbon Needles and kick boxing. He's also deadly accurate with a pool stick if needed. His fingernails look a little like claws though and they hurt as well and add to his hand to hand damage.

Misc: Senbon needles, PDA for documentation and doubles as his phone, CD Player and music, books that interest him. He wears a cross attached to a chain around his neck.

Hmm, in many other settings I'd have difficulty accepting a trained killer. So long as he's balanced and subject to flaws, however, this is acceptable. The personality is sensible for someone who'd have to do some forced murdering. Accepted, but I'll be waaatching.



Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

3' 0''(Without hat)

4' 0'' (With Hat)

Age: (Old man? Young newt?)

My legend dates back to the twelfth century thank you very much.

Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Black eyes

No hair (White?)

Series Classification:

FOOL! I am known as "The great old one" I am always needed.


My legend dates back the the twelfth century, there is not enough time for you to listen to my story.

((Yea dude sorry, there isn't really much history to Excalibur that I can remember exactly.))

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Excalibur's personality isn't exaclty explainable. He's very outgoing and sees everyone to be unknowning of his greatness, in his eyes they are all a fool. Excalibur is always seen being calm when he's not explaining his heroic story or coming out in a song. He can also be known as "annoying" to most people.




Excalibur stood still with his cane while staring at the small group of people. After a moment of being admired he nodded and began to speak. "Would you like to hear of my legend? It's a heroic tale filled with tragedy, mischief. And it has been known throughout the land." He waited for a moment only to spin around quickly and point his cane in someone's face who had only coughed. "Fool! Do you not understand that this tale is an epic journey? Do you wish to hear it?"

((Just a quick type up thing I'm terrible at coming up with things on the spot.))

Example Situation:

Get back to me on this one <<

Knowledge Reaction:

(Provide one more example about their fighting style, a big component of RP. If your canon character is attacked, write and demonstrate a reasonable response!)


Just because. 


Night Misuki

Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Snow white hair with ocean blue eyes.




Night had always been in Death city He was born there and grew up on the outskirts of the city. His father had passed away long ago leaving him to grow up with his mother. When Night reached the age of thirteen he received his weapon which he named "Midnight" Midnight had no exact name and was always known as the silent blade because he never spoke to anyone and always kept to himself, so Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around others, Midnight was always agressive. Night on the other hand had always shown kindness to him no matter how much he was pushed away. A year after fighting with Night. Midnight had accepted to be his weapon hoping to become an amazing death scythe in the future. So the two began working together practicing their moves and attempting to 'self teach' themselves to fight with the scythe. They worked with one another and did their best to aim towards a goal of being the best they could be as a weapon and a scythe wielder. After a couple of months into their self training Night joined the DWMA as hopes he could start collecting souls and eventually turn his weapon into a death scythe as well as learn how to fight easier with Midnight.


Night is a very calm person, he doesn't enjoy fighting all to much unless he has to and the person is dark and corrupted. But if they are doing no harm and he has the chance he will do his best to attack quickly and end the fight as soon as possible. When around others Night is as kind as possible to anyone around and tries to make sure everyone is a part of the conversation.



Midnight (Left) Night (Right)


Weapon Partner: Midnight (Misuki)

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Weapon is a Scythe, Night uses an offensive style of fighting, quick to rush into the fight and use his scythe to strike the foe quickly.

(As a weapon, describe what you shift to, and your meister. As a meister, list your Weapon and your style of use, such as offensive, defensive, support, so on.)



To be expanded

Soul Resonance: N/A as of right now.








Ren Midnight (Misuki)


5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color:

Black hair, green eyes




Ren was born into a family of weapons, his parents were rarely around and had always given him off to a baby sitter or another family member. Due to his parents pawning him off he began to earn a great hatred for his family feeling as if they didn't care about him or what he became. So when Midnight reached the age of ten he ran off from home disregarding his old name and continued on with his life, stealing from fields of corn for food. Drinking from the river/lakes around him. Ren continued this until he found Death city. It was here he found Night who showed him kindness no matter how much Ren pushed him away. A few years had gone by and Night decided to give him the name "Midnight".He had no exact name since he gave up his original name and around anyone else in death city he was known as the silent blade. Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around anyone besides Night, Midnight was always aggressive.Midnight eventually accepted Night's offer to be his weapon and hopefully become one of the best Death Scythes in the world.


Midnight doesn't care for anyone but Night. He would rather cause trouble in a group rather then work together with the group. He keeps to himself and doesn't speak much to anyone. When Night is around Midnight is calmer and speaks up to people when he's spoken to.


In the sheet above this one. He's the one on the left.


Weapon Partner:

Night Misuki

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Weapon is a Scythe, Night uses an offensive style of fighting, quick to rush into the fight and use his scythe to strike the foe quickly.



To be expanded

Soul Resonance:
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[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]


Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

3' 0''(Without hat)

4' 0'' (With Hat)

Age: (Old man? Young newt?)

My legend dates back to the twelfth century thank you very much.

Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Black eyes

No hair (White?)

Series Classification:

FOOL! I am known as "The great old one" I am always needed.


My legend dates back the the twelfth century, there is not enough time for you to listen to my story.

((Yea dude sorry, there isn't really much history to Excalibur that I can remember exactly.))

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Excalibur's personality isn't exaclty explainable. He's very outgoing and sees everyone to be unknowning of his greatness, in his eyes they are all a fool. Excalibur is always seen being calm when he's not explaining his heroic story or coming out in a song. He can also be known as "annoying" to most people.




Excalibur stood still with his cane while staring at the small group of people. After a moment of being admired he nodded and began to speak. "Would you like to hear of my legend? It's a heroic tale filled with tragedy, mischief. And it has been known throughout the land." He waited for a moment only to spin around quickly and point his cane in someone's face who had only coughed. "Fool! Do you not understand that this tale is an epic journey? Do you wish to hear it?"

((Just a quick type up thing I'm terrible at coming up with things on the spot.))

Example Situation:

Get back to me on this one <<

Knowledge Reaction:

(Provide one more example about their fighting style, a big component of RP. If your canon character is attacked, write and demonstrate a reasonable response!)


Just because. 


Night Misuki

Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Snow white hair with ocean blue eyes.




Night had always been in Death city He was born there and grew up on the outskirts of the city. His father had passed away long ago leaving him to grow up with his mother. When Night reached the age of thirteen he received his weapon which he named "Midnight" Midnight had no exact name and was always known as the silent blade because he never spoke to anyone and always kept to himself, so Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around others, Midnight was always agressive. Night on the other hand had always shown kindness to him no matter how much he was pushed away. A year after fighting with Night. Midnight had accepted to be his weapon hoping to become an amazing death scythe in the future. So the two began working together until Night joined the DWMA as hopes he could start collecting souls and eventually turn his weapon into a death scythe.


Night is a very calm person, he doesn't enjoy fighting all to much unless he has to and the person is dark and corrupted. But if they are doing no harm and he has the chance he will do his best to attack quickly and end the fight as soon as possible. When around others Night is as kind as possible to anyone around and tries to make sure everyone is a part of the conversation.



Midnight (Left) Night (Right)


Weapon Partner: Midnight (Misuki)

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Weapon is a Scythe, Night uses a defensive strategy to fight. He does his best to counter and catch the opponent off

(As a weapon, describe what you shift to, and your meister. As a meister, list your Weapon and your style of use, such as offensive, defensive, support, so on.)

Misc: (Small knives, lockpicks, particular books, spyglasses, what are, if any, small pieces of things your meister/weapon carries? Should be relatively significant, no need to list spare change.)


To be expanded

Soul Resonance: Witch Hunter








Midnight (Misuki)


5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color:

Black hair, green eyes




"Midnight" Midnight had no exact name and was always known as the silent blade because he never spoke to anyone and always kept to himself, so Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around others, Midnight was always agressive. Night on the other hand had always shown kindness to him no matter how much he was pushed away. A year after fighting with Night. Midnight had accepted to be his weapon hoping to become an amazing death scythe in the future. So the two began working together until Night joined the DWMA as hopes he could start collecting souls and eventually turn his weapon into a death scythe.

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Appearance: (What do they look like? Pictures can be added!)


Weapon Partner: (If you've agreed with someone else to be your Meister/Weapon, link them here. Otherwise, briefly tell us who they are.)

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: (As a weapon, describe what you shift to, and your meister. As a meister, list your Weapon and your style of use, such as offensive, defensive, support, so on.)

Misc: (Small knives, lockpicks, particular books, spyglasses, what are, if any, small pieces of things your meister/weapon carries? Should be relatively significant, no need to list spare change.)


To be expanded

Soul Resonance: (At the beginning of your journey, you and your meister/weapon may have one ability that combines your strengths into a focused attack. Keep in mind your inexperience will leave you lacking in sheer offense/defense, but is subject to change based on RP events. Note that this area will be subject to heavy balance and scrutiny.)

Okay, as it stands and I'm sure you know, the Excalibur application is too thin to be accepted. It's currently in the Denied status. As for the profile(s), a bit more history would be useful on both characters. Where were they from? How did they learn to fight? Why do they fight? Things like that should be expanded on.

Obviously certain sections are missing and need info.

Since your Meister is defensive, I recommend a different weapon than a Scythe. If it is a scythe, it should be designed in such a way that permeates defense (maybe it's blade is flat and rectangular, than curved).

Your Soul Resonance must be something else, we cannot use abilities of Canon characters. It could be a variation, but not the same thing (EX: Instead of Witch Hunter, maybe it's Witch "Cage," or a defensive ability, since that's what you were aiming for.)

So right now you're just missing a lot of details. Get some more of that in, and a different Resonance, and you should be good to go.

  • Name: Kyle Heart

    Height/Weight: 5"7'/76kg

    Age: 16

    Eye Color/Hair Color: Brown/ Dirty Blonde

    Classification: Meister


    Michael Heart and Anna Heart (Kyle's Parents) are world renown biologist/zoologists, intrepid adventurers and possess genius level intellects. Their eldest three children are also possessed of genius level intellects, their ages range from 17-25. Their fourth and youngest child; Kyle is not a genius and the family's black sheep. Each of his older siblings are extremely talented and have an unnaturally high aptitude for anything they truly put their minds into. For example; His oldest Sbilings Andrew and Nina (Oldest and second oldest.) have both graduated from College (with their masters degrees) and uphold vigorous sports career while his brother Michael is a published writer and world famous musician. Kyle on the other hand is still in Highschool or its equivalent. Unlike his older siblings Kyle has a 'just above average' intelligence, a greater proclivity for physical ventures and he possesses a powerful soul wavelength and is particularly suited for the work of a meister though his siblings constantly give him flak for his sub par intelligence.


    He is young which is to say that he can be; stupid, emotional, stubborn, awkward, shy, brave, daring, caring, sweet, selfish and depressed often all at the same time. Generally he is somewhat lazy and has an apathetic nature. He likes to call it 'going with the flow', people often remark at how calm he can be during even the most dire of situations. Not a hardened warrior with experience behind his belt but instead a young man who processes things differently to most. He can be rather sensitive when people talk about how smart he is and is angered quickly hen called 'dumb'.



    E Q U I P M E N T

    Weapon Partner: Alan Virtus

    Weapon Style:

    Sword Type

    Kyle prefers a 'utility over specialty' approach when using weapons, instead of focusing particularly on either offense or defense he makes sure to balance the two equally. True, he does trade off on really damaging attacks or a diamond hard defense but he gets the ability to switch between a good offense and a good defense as opposed to a Great offense and a poor defense or vice versa.

    Misc: He keeps a small journal of his observations and a pen with which to write
Will change at your command @Shinigami
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[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]


Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

3' 0''(Without hat)

4' 0'' (With Hat)

Age: (Old man? Young newt?)

My legend dates back to the twelfth century thank you very much.

Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Black eyes

No hair (White?)

Series Classification:

FOOL! I am known as "The great old one" I am always needed.


My legend dates back the the twelfth century, there is not enough time for you to listen to my story.

((Yea dude sorry, there isn't really much history to Excalibur that I can remember exactly.))

Personality: (What do they act like? Who are they in conversation?)

Excalibur's personality isn't exaclty explainable. He's very outgoing and sees everyone to be unknowning of his greatness, in his eyes they are all a fool. Excalibur is always seen being calm when he's not explaining his heroic story or coming out in a song. He can also be known as "annoying" to most people.




Excalibur stood still with his cane while staring at the small group of people. After a moment of being admired he nodded and began to speak. "Would you like to hear of my legend? It's a heroic tale filled with tragedy, mischief. And it has been known throughout the land." He waited for a moment only to spin around quickly and point his cane in someone's face who had only coughed. "Fool! Do you not understand that this tale is an epic journey? Do you wish to hear it?"

((Just a quick type up thing I'm terrible at coming up with things on the spot.))

Example Situation:

Get back to me on this one <<

Knowledge Reaction:

(Provide one more example about their fighting style, a big component of RP. If your canon character is attacked, write and demonstrate a reasonable response!)


Just because. 


Night Misuki

Height/Weight: (How tall or short, how heavy)

5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color: (No snakes for hair please.)

Snow white hair with ocean blue eyes.




Night had always been in Death city He was born there and grew up on the outskirts of the city. His father had passed away long ago leaving him to grow up with his mother. When Night reached the age of thirteen he received his weapon which he named "Midnight" Midnight had no exact name and was always known as the silent blade because he never spoke to anyone and always kept to himself, so Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around others, Midnight was always agressive. Night on the other hand had always shown kindness to him no matter how much he was pushed away. A year after fighting with Night. Midnight had accepted to be his weapon hoping to become an amazing death scythe in the future. So the two began working together practicing their moves and attempting to 'self teach' themselves to fight with the scythe. They worked with one another and did their best to aim towards a goal of being the best they could be as a weapon and a scythe wielder. After a couple of months into their self training Night joined the DWMA as hopes he could start collecting souls and eventually turn his weapon into a death scythe as well as learn how to fight easier with Midnight.


Night is a very calm person, he doesn't enjoy fighting all to much unless he has to and the person is dark and corrupted. But if they are doing no harm and he has the chance he will do his best to attack quickly and end the fight as soon as possible. When around others Night is as kind as possible to anyone around and tries to make sure everyone is a part of the conversation.



Midnight (Left) Night (Right)


Weapon Partner: Midnight (Misuki)

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Weapon is a Scythe, Night uses an offensive style of fighting, quick to rush into the fight and use his scythe to strike the foe quickly.

(As a weapon, describe what you shift to, and your meister. As a meister, list your Weapon and your style of use, such as offensive, defensive, support, so on.)



To be expanded

Soul Resonance: Soul Hunter

When using Soul Hunter, The blade can be swung at an enemy and if struk by the blade it disrupts the soul wave link leaving the user to have a slowness to them. If used on a Meister and a Weapon it puts the two souls out of sync for about five minutes.








Ren Midnight (Misuki)


5' 4''



Eye Color/Hair Color:

Black hair, green eyes




Ren was born into a family of weapons, his parents were rarely around and had always given him off to a baby sitter or another family member. Due to his parents pawning him off he began to earn a great hatred for his family feeling as if they didn't care about him or what he became. So when Midnight reached the age of ten he ran off from home disregarding his old name and continued on with his life, stealing from fields of corn for food. Drinking from the river/lakes around him. Ren continued this until he found Death city. It was here he found Night who showed him kindness no matter how much Ren pushed him away. A few years had gone by and Night decided to give him the name "Midnight".He had no exact name since he gave up his original name and around anyone else in death city he was known as the silent blade. Night gave him the same last name as him. When he was around anyone besides Night, Midnight was always aggressive.Midnight eventually accepted Night's offer to be his weapon and hopefully become one of the best Death Scythes in the world.


Midnight doesn't care for anyone but Night. He would rather cause trouble in a group rather then work together with the group. He keeps to himself and doesn't speak much to anyone. When Night is around Midnight is calmer and speaks up to people when he's spoken to.


In the sheet above this one. He's the one on the left.


Weapon Partner:

Night Misuki

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Weapon is a Scythe, Night uses an offensive style of fighting, quick to rush into the fight and use his scythe to strike the foe quickly.



To be expanded

Soul Resonance: Soul Hunter

For now, with Excalibur, I'm going to have him in an idle status. As we've only just begun the intro RP, I'd like everyone to kind of focus on getting a feel for Soul Horizon and have a chance to muck about. In the future then Excalibur may fit. Somewhere.

Everything else is a bit more solid. You'll need to rename your Resonance, however.

I'd swing more in the direction of disruption if you could. While 5 minutes is too absolute, and definitely varies on the people in question, I can see the advantage of having disruptive attacks. If you haven't all ready, perhaps make this a passive Resonance that lasts for a certain duration?

When you solidify these I can approve what you have. :)

ninbinz said:

  • Name: Kyle Heart

    Height/Weight: 5"7'/76kg

    Age: 16

    Eye Color/Hair Color: Brown/ Dirty Blonde

    Classification: Meister


    Michael Heart and Anna Heart (Kyle's Parents) are world renown biologist/zoologists, intrepid adventurers and possess genius level intellects. Their eldest three children are also possessed of genius level intellects, their ages range from 17-25. Their fourth and youngest child; Kyle is not a genius and the family's black sheep. Each of his older siblings are extremely talented and have an unnaturally high aptitude for anything they truly put their minds into. For example; His oldest Sbilings Andrew and Nina (Oldest and second oldest.) have both graduated from College (with their masters degrees) and uphold vigorous sports career while his brother Michael is a published writer and world famous musician. Kyle on the other hand is still in Highschool or its equivalent. Unlike his older siblings Kyle has a 'just above average' intelligence, a greater proclivity for physical ventures and he possesses a powerful soul wavelength and is particularly suited for the work of a meister though his siblings constantly give him flak for his sub par intelligence.


    He is young which is to say that he can be; stupid, emotional, stubborn, awkward, shy, brave, daring, caring, sweet, selfish and depressed often all at the same time. Generally he is somewhat lazy and has an apathetic nature. He likes to call it 'going with the flow', people often remark at how calm he can be during even the most dire of situations. Not a hardened warrior with experience behind his belt but instead a young man who processes things differently to most. He can be rather sensitive when people talk about how smart he is and is angered quickly hen called 'dumb'.



    E Q U I P M E N T

    Weapon Partner: Alan Virtus

    Weapon Style:

    Sword Type

    Kyle prefers a 'utility over specialty' approach when using weapons, instead of focusing particularly on either offense or defense he makes sure to balance the two equally. True, he does trade off on really damaging attacks or a diamond hard defense but he gets the ability to switch between a good offense and a good defense as opposed to a Great offense and a poor defense or vice versa.

    Misc: He keeps a small journal of his observations and a pen with which to write
Will change at your command @Shinigami

Glad to have you on board. This was organized well; I almost thought you were going to call the Meister a genius prodigy. Got me there! You may need to provide a brief description about the different weapon modes though. Perhaps a short description about what each mode does and the advantages/disadvantages it has.

Other than that, I can approve this.
Basic Information


Name: Claire Canis

Height: 5‘ 2“

Weight: 138 lbs

Appear. Age: 14

Actual Age: 19

Eye Color: Golden with hints of Orange.

Hair Color: Light almost white blond. Very little hint of yellow.

Skin Color: Pale with light freckles on arms, cheeks and nose.

Classification: Witch

Appearance: Claire looks young. She was soft pale skin with freckles gracing her cheeks, arms, back, and nose. Her hair is long in the front and longer in the back, but is often hidden by her hood. She is always seen with short jean shorts that have sparkily designs on the rear, and sheer thigh highs. Her shoes are often red converse style shoes that are only tied to the ankle and the tops hang loose. Her cloak often takes the form of one of two styles; a hip hugging hoody or a zip up jacket. The sleeves hang long and cover most of her hand and the bottom of the jacket/hoody cover her short shorts which often make it seem like she has nothing on underneath. In the rare instance her jacket is unzipped or zipped low, she wears a black bikini top underneath. She doesn't often reveal that much skin unless not paying attention or entirely to hot. This is because it is light and comfortable. Beyond this, her body is slender but has the mild curves of a blossoming teen.

Personality: Claire is kind of snobby and rude but this is because she speaks her opinion. Sometimes she can be funny other times she can be annoying. She kind of acts like shes better then everyone but its because she doesn’t think she has any talent like the other students and only wishes to be as good as they are. She buries herself in work to study and become better only to try and keep on par with others. Claire doesn’t understand why she is incompatible with all the weapons she has met thus far or why she can transform into an animal of all things. She usually keeps her ability to transform secret. People know of Claire, and they know of the Red Cloaked puppy but not that they are one in the same. She is fiercely loyal, but has a hard time trusting others because she has always gotten burned.

History: Claire doesn’t remember much of her childhood, at least outside of Shibusen When she was 4 she was sent here and has lived mostly on her own under watch of the school. She has always been a student but has finally reached the age where she could enter the academy that protects the world from madness. She wants to learn as much as she can and possibly find out where she is from and why her parents abandoned her at such a place. Don’t get her wrong. This is her home. But a some point a person always has questions about their origin.

Aside from being an outcast, she hopes to maybe finally make some friends and be able to trust them.

Ability Information.

Animal: Canis Lupis Dirus (Dire Wolf)

Power: Air/Concussion

Weapon: Deep Red Cloak

Animal Details:

Most of the time, her standard transformation is a wolf puppy, about the size of an adult house cat. In this form she retains her red cloak. It is wavy and ‘alive’ so to speak since her powers are active for her to transform. However, she always thought this was her ability, she never associated it with being a witch.


She transforms into a Large Wolf. This form is as tall as any man and as ferocious looking as a real creature of equal shape and size. She is stronger in this form because of her cloak acting as her weapon and using all the abilities it provides. She is faster and stronger in this form. Her ability and movement in combat are no better than a trained humans. Where her speed really shines in flat out running. Her size and stride length can let her travel some distance in seemingly short amount of time. The real power though comes in the form of her bark. As with her pup form, this form also has the ethereal cloak of deep red around her neck and down the back of her body. It flicks and fights just as if it was 'alive'.

When she barks so to speak. the compressed air which reverberations around her is like the power of a wrecking ball. It can tear up ground, smash buildings and annihilate anything in between. The more air she uses in her lungs the larger the damage. Her anger seems to effect this a lot also.


Growling comes from deep within. This can be used for intimidation but also the power of it can raddle the area around her like an earthquake. Crevices can form, the ground will shift and break. Or it could merely make gravel tumble. Every situation is different.


In this stage her weapon is very alive. It looks much like a fire in the way it moves. It is secured around her neck and drapes the back of her wolf form. It can also form streams which can be used to attack. Like with her ability air compresses and can be used to stop weapons or attack with force though it is usually more defensive in this form. This is primary because of her bigger form she can easily protect others better.

Human Details:

Her cloak when ‘not alive’ takes the shape of a hip hugging hoody or zip up jacket. This all kind of depends on her mood and it can change at any time depending on how she feels. In this way it is completely useless. It will not defend against attacks of any kind It’s just kind of there for style.


Her most powerful form is her human form when her cloak is ‘alive’. Like the picture it is like an ever fluttering piece of material and as it dissipates looks much like fire as well. Almost ethereal in form and some could sit and stare for hours at its beauty.

Her cloak in this form is her weapon. Her power is to consciously and subconsciously compress sound and air and use them for defensive and offensive purposes. She can use her voice to slam and dice depending upon tone or even overtime compress air to create a bomb. Her cloak can reach out and using compression to stop and negative certain types of attacks. Since the power she uses is formed form her energy it can nullify equal or lesser spiritual attacks. Her energy can also be used at any point on her cloak as it is ‘alive’ and a part of her.

Power Details:


She has the ability to compress air. This means she can manipulate sound as well. Or maybe she manipulates sound to compress air? It’s actually unknown but either way her ability goes hand in hand with this. Think of how loud a sonic boom is when a jet passes. its the explosion of air when layers of sound waves combine and an object finally breaks that barrier. By physically condensing sound waves it compresses air and when released rapidly the result is devastating. Likewise she can condense sound into edges that can slice. Also by condensing air are certain points, the release of energy can slow, stop or even reverse objects strong enough to withstand the forces. However most of this is unknown to her as of right now

Ability Details:


As with most witches she can ‘float’. If she uses a broom she can fly at decent speeds

Soul Protect:

She also has the ability to conceal herself.


Echo Location: If she closes her eyes and focuses, much like a human using soul perception, she can hear any sounds made within a room, either by her or someone else and this literally 'draws’ what the room looks like as if her eyes were open to see. Because of this abilities that impair your vision can be nullified by her, and likewise, abilities that effect hearing she is more susceptible too.

Hand to Hand:

Her combat skills consist of the ability to fight hand to hand decently and skill with a weapon should her soul be compatible. As current no weapons are compatible with her. [Mainly because of her Forced Soul Protect]

Weapon Details:

[All Locked]

Claire hood or ‘cloak’ is deep red in color and when her power is active it flutters as if it were ‘alive’. Besides all the previous abilities as before she can also do certain things like Medusa and the others.

Exploding Wolf:

She makes wolf out of her cloak. It looks much like an real one but is colored mostly dark hues of red. Then creatures can charge the enemey and explode upon contact with their target. If attacked they can release prematurely. Damage is only moderate for a direct hit with an equal level foe. Max of 2 at any given time. 4 total before they get 33% weaker per pair creation. 8 total after that before she can no longer form them. Ex; First 4 100% power, 2 at 66% power, 2 at 33%, then none.

Wolf Trap:

A small picture of a wolf appears on the skin of someone. Is like a mini bomb. when activated, it can disrupt a soul for a few seconds. Causes no physical damage but to an untrained foe, can disrupt a attack. Can only be used once per battle, requires physical touch, and may not work on someone whos seem the attack in previous. Simply creates a one time opening.


1. I made this sheet because i really want to play a witch. My goal for her is kind of like a sidekick and maybe even plot at some point.

2. All the


skills are for character development. Starting off, she pretty much has nothing.

3. I didn't wait for your sheet because as you can see, witch is fairly complicated. First her character is based around a wolf. Second, her power is sound/compression because wolves howl/bark/whine. Third, her weapon/witch power is her cloak. Compared to the witches in cannon i feel like ive done a decent job at following their guildlines. I know she is far from perfect, but what OC isnt? Medusa has snakes, tattos, and vectors, Arachne has webs, spiders and claws, Eruka has frogs, a pet, and tadpoles.

4. I made her a student that is basically some sort of classified experiment at shibusen. I've left you a lot of room to play with plot. I feel this should be a positive mark for my character. Unless obviously you hate this idea. As is, she doesnt actually know she's a witch.

5. Like your RP idea for and if you accept this i cant wait to see what you have in store.

6. In case you couldn't tell by the obvious, this character is a play on little red riding hood.

7. If you see a need for improvements or something i forgot you would like to see, simply ask. Or if you completely don't like the idea of a playable witch, just deny the whole thing. no hard feels.

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Kaine said:
Basic Information

Name: Claire Canis

Height: 5‘ 2“

Weight: 138 lbs

Appear. Age: 14

Actual Age: 19

Eye Color: Golden with hints of Orange.

Hair Color: Light almost white blond. Very little hint of yellow.

Skin Color: Pale with light freckles on arms, cheeks and nose.

Classification: Witch/Meister

Appearance: Claire looks young. She was soft pale skin with freckles gracing her cheeks, arms, back, and nose. Her hair is long in the front and longer in the back, but is often hidden by her hood. She is always seen with short jean shorts that have sparkily designs on the rear, and sheer thigh highs. Her shoes are often red converse style shoes that are only tied to the ankle and the tops hang loose. Her cloak often takes the form of one of two styles; a hip hugging hoody or a zip up jacket. The sleeves hang long and cover most of her hand and the bottom of the jacket/hoody cover her short shorts which often make it seem like she has nothing on underneath. In the rare instance her jacket is unzipped or zipped low, she wears a black bikini top underneath. She doesn't often reveal that much skin unless not paying attention or entirely to hot. This is because it is light and comfortable. Beyond this, her body is slender but has the mild curves of a blossoming teen.

Personality: Claire is kind of snobby and rude but this is because she speaks her opinion. Sometimes she can be funny other times she can be annoying. She kind of acts like shes better then everyone but its because she doesn’t think she has any talent like the other students and only wishes to be as good as they are. She buries herself in work to study and become better only to try and keep on par with others. Claire doesn’t understand why she is incompatible with all the weapons she has met thus far or why she can transform into an animal of all things. She usually keeps her ability to transform secret. People know of Claire, and they know of the Red Cloaked puppy but not that they are one in the same. She is fiercely loyal, but has a hard time trusting others because she has always gotten burned.

History: Claire doesn’t remember much of her childhood, at least outside of Shibusen When she was 4 she was sent here and has lived mostly on her own under watch of the school. She has always been a student but has finally reached the age where she could enter the academy that protects the world from madness. She wants to learn as much as she can and possibly find out where she is from and why her parents abandoned her at such a place. Don’t get her wrong. This is her home. But a some point a person always has questions about their origin.

Aside from being an outcast, she hopes to maybe finally make some friends and be able to trust them.

Ability Information.

Animal: Canis Lupis Dirus (Dire Wolf)

Power: Air/Concussion

Weapon: Deep Red Cloak

Animal Details:

Most of the time, her standard transformation is a wolf puppy, about the size of an adult house cat. In this form she retains her red cloak. It is wavy and ‘alive’ so to speak since her powers are active for her to transform. However, she always thought this was her ability, she never associated it with being a witch.


She transforms into a Large Wolf. This form is as tall as any man and as ferocious looking as a real creature of equal shape and size. She is stronger in this form because of her cloak acting as her weapon and using all the abilities it provides. She is faster and stronger in this form. Her bite could cripple a building but her agility and mobility are no more better than her human form. When gaining enough momentum she can travel at very fast speeds. The real power comes in the form of her bark. As with her pup form, this form also has the ethereal cloak of deep red around her neck and down the back of her body. It flicks and fights just as if it was 'alive'.

When she barks so to speak. the compression air which reverberations around her is like the power of a wrecking ball. It can tear up ground, smash buildings and annihilate anything in between. The more air she uses in her lungs the larger the damage. Her anger seems to effect this a lot also.


Growling comes from deep within. This can be used for intimidation but also the power of it can raddle the area around her like an earthquake. Crevices can form, the ground will shift and break. Or it could merely make gravel tumble. Every situation is different.


In this stage her weapon is very alive. It looks much like a fire in the way it moves. It is secured around her neck and drapes the back of her wolf form. It can also form streams which can be used to attack. Like with her ability air compresses and can be used to stop weapons or attack with force though it is usually more defensive in this form. This is primary because of her bigger form she can easily protect others better.

Human Details:

Her cloak when ‘not alive’ takes the shape of a hip hugging hoody or zip up jacket. This all kind of depends on her mood and it can change at any time depending on how she feels. In this way it is completely useless. It will not defend against attacks of any kind It’s just kind of there for style.


Her most powerful form is her human form when her cloak is ‘alive’. Like the picture it is like an ever fluttering piece of material and as it dissipates looks much like fire as well. Almost ethereal in form and some could sit and stare for hours at its beauty.

Her cloak in this form is her weapon. Her power is to consciously and subconsciously compress sound and air and use them for defensive and offensive purposes. She can use her voice to slam and dice depending upon tone or even overtime compress air to create a bomb. Her cloak can reach out and using compression to stop and negative certain types of attacks. Since the power she uses is formed form her energy it can nullify equal or lesser spiritual attacks. Her energy can also be used at any point on her cloak as it is ‘alive’ and a part of her.

Power Details:


She has the ability to compress air. This means she can manipulate sound as well. Or maybe she manipulates sound to compress air? It’s actually unknown but either way her ability goes hand in hand with this. Think of how loud a sonic boom is when a jet passes. its the explosion of air when layers of sound waves combine and an object finally breaks that barrier. By physically condensing sound waves it compresses air and when released rapidly the result is devastating. Likewise she can condense sound into edges that can slice. Also by condensing air are certain points, the release of energy can slow, stop or even reverse objects strong enough to withstand the forces. However most of this is unknown to her as of right now

Ability Details:


Flying: As with most witches she can ‘float’. If she uses a broom she can fly at decent speeds


Soul Protect: At current she has a forced soul protect activated upon her so that besides her basic transformation, others, including herself do not realize she is a witch. It is classified information to know that and only the highest ranks within Shibusen know she is a witch.


Echo Location: If she closes her eyes and focuses, much like a human using soul perception, she can hear any sounds made within a room, either by her or someone else and this literally 'draws’ what the room looks like as if her eyes were open to see. Because of this abilitys that impair your vision can be nullified by her, and likewise, abilities that effect hearing she is more susceptible too.

Hand to Hand:

Her combat skills consist of the ability to fight hand to hand decently and skill with a weapon should her soul be compatible. As current no weapons are compatible with her. [Mainly because of her Forced Soul Protect]

Weapon Details:

[All Locked]

Claire hood or ‘cloak’ is deep red in color and when her power is active it flutters as if it were ‘alive’. Besides all the previous abilities as before she can also do certain things like Medusa and the others.

Mini Wolf:

She can make a real to life puppy-sized wolf. This entity can travel, spying on others. If it gets within range it can be like a gps, emitting a low frequency ping that only Claire can hear. This creature can also be like an IED. Should she feel it, she can self destruct it, causing massive damage to an unsuspecting foe or ally.

Wolf Tag:

A small picture of a wolf appears on the skin of someone. This tag absorbs into their soul and causes a persons soul to resonate at a frequency which only Claire can track. Should she put enough power into it. She can actually use this to disrupt a soul. This could effect a persons fighting or even resonance but only temporarily and without physical harm.

Resonance of Destruction:

If she wants to she can match her wavelength and resonate against the other persons will. While doing this she can use her ability to constantly and violently disrupt the other persons soul. If strong enough, she can actually destroy a persons soul, killing them. This can also lead to damage of her soul. Even if a person doesn't die, it can cause dramatic physical damage. Ex; bleeding out of orifices, breaking bones, excruciating pain.

[This will not be used ever, unless for some extreme reason a story plot calls for it. Simply added it because every character should have that one ultimate, forbidden skill.]


1. I made this sheet because i really want to play a witch. My goal for her is kind of like a sidekick and maybe even plot at some point.

2. All the


skills are for character development. Starting off, she pretty much has nothing.

3. I didn't wait for your sheet because as you can see, witch is fairly complicated. First her character is based around a wolf. Second, her power is sound/compression because wolves howl/bark/whine. Third, her weapon/witch power is her cloak. Compared to the witches in cannon i feel like ive done a decent job at following their guildlines. I know she is far from perfect, but what OC isnt? Medusa has snakes, tattos, and vectors, Arachne has webs, spiders and claws, Eruka has frogs, a pet, and tadpoles.

4. I made her a student that is basically some sort of classified experiment at shibusen. I've left you a lot of room to play with plot. I feel this should be a positive mark for my character. Unless obviously you hate this idea. As is, she doesnt actually know she's a witch.

5. Like your RP idea for and if you accept this i cant wait to see what you have in store.

6. In case you couldn't tell by the obvious, this character is a play on little red riding hood.

7. If you see a need for improvements or something i forgot you would like to see, simply ask. Or if you completely don't like the idea of a playable witch, just deny the whole thing. no hard feels.


Yes, and despite the complication, I still would prefer you have waited. Because there's lots of detail here, I'll let it slide for the time being.

My main issue here is the sudden jump from "no power at all," to, "extremely strong building destroying powers." A lot of these 'locked' powers have to be toned down. Even if you aren't using them in the beginning, they will be eclipsing if you have access to all of them.

"Her bite could cripple a building but her agility and mobility are no more better than her human form. When gaining enough momentum she can travel at very fast speeds."

A bite that takes out buildings? And then she follows suit with sound attacks that are equally powerful? And when she gains momentum she's faster than a human? That's a lot of powerful utility. Physically, no, her bite shouldn't be doing that. If it is that strong, you have to trade off the strength of the powers, if not give a few away. Or, they have to have a long, long, charge up times. She has to be slow or 'at the speed of a human,' momentum should not make up for that weakness, that defeats the purpose.

So the witch is a meister? Some can do that, but the trade off, in Soul Horizon, is that they're pretty weak at it. If you're a Meister, you'll need a Weapon profile for the cloak. Or, cut out the Meister bit and just have the cloak as your weapon.

Flying and Soul Protect are fine, these are normal powers Witches have. This though: It is classified information to know that and only the highest ranks within Shibusen know she is a witch.

Witches, in Soul Horizon, though uncommon, are known to actively help the DWMA. As such, it doesn't need to be classified and I can't see it as something high ranks need to keep secret. This will have to go, unfortunately.

Echo Location I'm concerned with. Depending on how you use it, whenever that time comes, will determine whether or not you can keep it.

The Mini Wolf is a spy and acts like a giant utility map? That I cannot approve (especially if in conjunction with Echo Location). Its explosion ability is fine though.

The Wolf Tag I just can't approve at all; it's immediate and has too many absolute effects, and gives another person no chance of resistance, sounds like. Disrupting a resonance is a pretty big deal.

I can't really approve RoD. I don't think the story will call on Claire to use some kind of soul killing attack, and I'm not keen on 'sudden hidden powers.' This applies to everyone, not just you.

Conclusively, I can accept this, but these powers will need revision and won't see use until the ones I pointed out are looked over and changed.

You can still go crazy with the cloak as a weapon in terms of using it, offers lots of possibilities. 
Kaine, the changes are better balanced so I can now accept the profile.
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Name: Ito Kutomoko

Height/Weight: 5'9/ 148Ibs

Age: 16

Eye Color/Hair Color: Red/Golden

Classification: Weapon, Demon Wire Gauntlet

History: Ito was adopted when he was 6 years old, having been abandoned at a church and found by priests. His foster parents were always extremely kind to him, but he always felt that something wasn't right with them. He would constantly be placed in strange and dangerous situations, with example such as heavy things falling near him and the sudden movement of a chair he would be standing on while trying to reach for something whenever his guardians were around. Eventually, he discovered their secret attempts to harm him when they attempted to harm him directly, and retaliated by transforming partially, marking this moment the first time he discovered his status as a Weapon. The actions of his former guardians that he trusted like his parents caused the massive amount of paranoia that he suffers from to this day, the exhaustion causing his bad temper. After a few years of dodging any human contact, he was discovered by authorities when living in an abandoned house and sent to the DWMA.

Personality: Ito is extremely paranoid, and he usually accuses people of ridiculous things while blowing things waaaaaaay out of proportion. If you offer to do anything for him, or even make a random movement, then he'll instantly start accusing you of something you probably didn't and wouldn't ever do. Despite his paranoia, he is extremely gullible and trusts people easily once they get past the stage in which he accuses and attacks you suddenly. Because of his paranoia, he hardly ever allows himself to rest in any way unless there was someone he trusted to watch over him while he rested. This causes Ito to usually be in a state of exhaustion, due to the fact that there was nobody that he trusted enough. Getting him angry is extremely easily, and he grows dangerously violent and impulsive when enraged, and his paranoia causes him to get angry even more than he would usually. If one ever betrays his trust, then they would be hard-pressed to regain it, if ever.



Meister Partner: None as of the current moment.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Ito can transform into a gauntlet made completely out of wires. As a Weapon without a current Meister though, he only partially transforms his hand into the gauntlet to fight using hand-to-hand combat. He can use the wires to cut and weave together depending on the thickness, but his violent tendencies usually cause him to forget about using wires and resort to the gauntlet more than anything. When he even tries to use his wires to attack, it never really gets a good result due to his low accuracy and guerilla attacks.

Misc: First aid kit, cellphone, spare cellphone, butterfly knife, a watch, diary, assorted snacks, water, lighter.


Soul Resonance: None as of the moment.
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kyannyabuta said:
Name: Ito Kutomoko
Height/Weight: 5'9/ 148Ibs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: Red/Golden

Classification: Weapon, Demon Wire Gauntlet

History: Ito was adopted when he was 6 years old, having been abandoned at a church and found by priests. His foster parents were always extremely kind to him, but he always felt that something wasn't right with them. He would constantly be placed in strange and dangerous situations, with example such as heavy things falling near him and the sudden movement of a chair he would be standing on while trying to reach for something whenever his guardians were around. Eventually, he discovered their secret attempts to harm him when they attempted to harm him directly, and retaliated by transforming partially, marking this moment the first time he discovered his status as a Weapon. The actions of his former guardians that he trusted like his parents caused the massive amount of paranoia that he suffers from to this day, the exhaustion causing his bad temper. After a few years of dodging any human contact, he was discovered by authorities when living in an abandoned house and sent to the DWMA.

Personality: Ito is extremely paranoid, and he usually accuses people of ridiculous things while blowing things waaaaaaay out of proportion. If you offer to do anything for him, or even make a random movement, then he'll instantly start accusing you of something you probably didn't and wouldn't ever do. Despite his paranoia, he is extremely gullible and trusts people easily once they get past the stage in which he accuses and attacks you suddenly. Because of his paranoia, he hardly ever allows himself to rest in any way unless there was someone he trusted to watch over him while he rested. This causes Ito to usually be in a state of exhaustion, due to the fact that there was nobody that he trusted enough. Getting him angry is extremely easily, and he grows dangerously violent and impulsive when enraged, and his paranoia causes him to get angry even more than he would usually. If one ever betrays his trust, then they would be hard-pressed to regain it, if ever.



Meister Partner: None as of the current moment.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description:

Ito can transform into a gauntlet made completely out of wires. As a Weapon without a current Meister though, he only partially transforms his hand into the gauntlet to fight using hand-to-hand combat. He can use the wires to cut and weave together depending on the thickness, but his violent tendencies usually cause him to forget about using wires and resort to the gauntlet more than anything. When he even tries to use his wires to attack, it never really gets a good result due to his low accuracy and guerilla attacks.

Misc: First aid kit, cellphone, spare cellphone, butterfly knife, a watch, diary,


Soul Resonance: None as of the moment.
Very clean. History justifies a lot of the personality aspects, the weapon, while looking like it will have lots of use, is nicely balanced too, nothing too strong in the early game. Definitely accepted!
Name: Jeanne Leroux

Height/Weight: Five foot six/140 pounds.

Age: Nineteen.

Eye/Hair Colour: Bloodred/black,almost blue.


Her right arm ALWAYS has a gauntlet over it,made to resemble a giant mantis foreleg.

Personality: Many would say that Jeanne is unhinged. Many mental health experts would agree. Her mind is an incomprehensible mass of fear,violence,and the desire to become strong enough to survive. Will to power. Survival of the fittest...Or wiliest. Despite her obvious mental and social issues,she is actually quite brilliant,should she decide to show it.

Background: Jeanne Leroux was born and raised in Paris. Her father,who was unaware that his wife was a Witch,worked in the tourism industry,so the family knew many languages. Jeanne herself picked up on English and German,alongside her mother tongue of Continental French. In secret,Jeanne's mother,Elise,trained her in the arts of Witchcraft.

After a couple of years,her father found out.

What followed was an argument that kept Jeanne up for nights at a time. Her father was furious. He demanded to know why she kept this from him. Her answer was simple; Her people are widely reviled. She couldn't take any chances,not with her life. Her father thought that there would be no secrets between them,that their love in eachother would be enough. But,Elise was adamant in her position. The next week,her father simply didn't return from work.

For much of her childhood,Jeanne was educated by her mother in the arts of Witchcraft,always pushing for more,to tap the potential. To improve. When the call to arms to rally against Kishin came,Elise refused,and trained her daughter. The training was Hell. It would make the Spartans of yore balk. Jeanne was subjected to horrors that she'd done her best to suppress from memory. However,one event she can't forget. No one can forget matricide,can they?

One evening,they were looking to sharpen Jeanne's control over large quantities of magical constructs. Jeanne conjured forth a multitude of knives,and began swirling them through the air. All was going well,until someone rang the doorbell. The sound broke her concentration,causing the knives to fly out of control. The rocketed hither and tither,some striking the walls,floor,and ceiling,others still shot out the window. However,most of them went straight into Elise.

The force of the projectile knives was enough to catapult the grown woman against the wall opposite in the hallway,and pin her there. Jeanne will never forget her expression. Surprise. Pain. Fear. Anger. At whom,Jeanne cannot rightly say,but then,she feared she was the subject of her ire. With a scream,she fled. Her mother's expression was frozen in time; two knives were in her neck,and three more in her chest.

The horror of her blunder burned into her mind,Jeanne lived on the streets of Paris,resorting to life in the gangs to get by. Kill,or be killed. Out-think and outlast,or die in the gutter. These became the only truths to her existence. During this time,Jeanne practiced her art when she could,but it was slow-going,without a tutor. One day she went to sleep in a stolen apartment,as per usual. Now? She doesn't have a clue. But she's scared. Awake in unfamiliar territory is tantamount to death,in her mind. And,to cap it all off? There's a metal collar around her neck,big and chunky,with an ominous red light. She has no doubts that it contains a bomb.

Familiar: Praying Mantis

Innate Power: Soul Flex (I)

Way of the Mantis: A purely offensive discipline,the Way of the Mantis allows the practitioner to conjure assorted blades,and manipulate the conjured ones without touching them. Although it can be used defensively,with the right trains of thought,most would never associate it with such practices. As Jeanne's skill and power increases,she can conjure more blades,and exert finer control over them.

Functionally,the Way of the Mantis is extremely flexible,exhibiting the ability to mimic flight,though it isn't quite flight,as she's simply hitching a ride on a blade that she's controlling. To get the desired effect,Jeanne must add certain keyprases to the end of her mantra. Observed keyphrases are as follows...

-Magnum: Size DOES matter! In this case,she brings up a sword with a blade the size of a man,with a hilariously tiny hilt.

-Thrust: The weapon exists solely to be fired like an arrow or ballista bolt. Expect it to be launched shortly after creation.

-Wingblades: Conjures a collection of blades,and assume a formation around the back of her shoulders,like wings.

-Wasp Needle: A small number of daggers are conjured,around a target,to deliver savage,yet precise,blows. Butterknives these are not.

-One Thousand Blades: An interesting keyphrase,causing a veritable beam of blades to shoot forth. The blades are universally tiny,and are delivered at incredible speed.

Mantra: "Blade and edge,claw and point,mantis man-mantis STRIKE!"
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gauntlet[/URL] over it,made to resemble a giant mantis foreleg.

Personality: Many would say that Jeanne is unhinged. Many mental health experts would agree. Her mind is an incomprehensible mass of fear,violence,and the desire to become strong enough to survive. Will to power. Survival of the fittest...Or wiliest. Despite her obvious mental and social issues,she is actually quite brilliant,should she decide to show it.

Background: Jeanne Leroux was born and raised in Paris. Her father,who was unaware that his wife was a Witch,worked in the tourism industry,so the family knew many languages. Jeanne herself picked up on English and German,alongside her mother tongue of Continental French. In secret,Jeanne's mother,Elise,trained her in the arts of Witchcraft.

After a couple of years,her father found out.

What followed was an argument that kept Jeanne up for nights at a time. Her father was furious. He demanded to know why she kept this from him. Her answer was simple; Her people are widely reviled. She couldn't take any chances,not with her life. Her father thought that there would be no secrets between them,that their love in eachother would be enough. But,Elise was adamant in her position. The next week,her father simply didn't return from work.

For much of her childhood,Jeanne was educated by her mother in the arts of Witchcraft,always pushing for more,to tap the potential. To improve. When the call to arms to rally against Kishin came,Elise refused,and trained her daughter. The training was Hell. It would make the Spartans of yore balk. Jeanne was subjected to horrors that she'd done her best to suppress from memory. However,one event she can't forget. No one can forget matricide,can they?

One evening,they were looking to sharpen Jeanne's control over large quantities of magical constructs. Jeanne conjured forth a multitude of knives,and began swirling them through the air. All was going well,until someone rang the doorbell. The sound broke her concentration,causing the knives to fly out of control. The rocketed hither and tither,some striking the walls,floor,and ceiling,others still shot out the window. However,most of them went straight into Elise.

The force of the projectile knives was enough to catapult the grown woman against the wall opposite in the hallway,and pin her there. Jeanne will never forget her expression. Surprise. Pain. Fear. Anger. At whom,Jeanne cannot rightly say,but then,she feared she was the subject of her ire. With a scream,she fled. Her mother's expression was frozen in time; two knives were in her neck,and three more in her chest.

The horror of her blunder burned into her mind,Jeanne lived on the streets of Paris,resorting to life in the gangs to get by. Kill,or be killed. Out-think and outlast,or die in the gutter. These became the only truths to her existence. During this time,Jeanne practiced her art when she could,but it was slow-going,without a tutor. One day she went to sleep in a stolen apartment,as per usual. Now? She doesn't have a clue. But she's scared. Awake in unfamiliar territory is tantamount to death,in her mind. And,to cap it all off? There's a metal collar around her neck,big and chunky,with an ominous red light. She has no doubts that it contains a bomb.

Familiar: Praying Mantis

Innate Power: Soul Flex (I)

Way of the Mantis: A purely offensive discipline,the Way of the Mantis allows the practitioner to conjure assorted blades,and manipulate the conjured ones without touching them. Although it can be used defensively,with the right trains of thought,most would never associate it with such practices. As Jeanne's skill and power increases,she can conjure more blades,and exert finer control over them.

Mantra: "Blade and edge,claw and point,mantis man-mantis STRIKE!"

Everything looks nice and solid here, definitely can approve.

Name: Oliver Thompson

Height/Weight: 5’1 and 110 lbs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: He has light green eyes and orange hair, which he wears in pigtails.

Classification: Meister

History: Oliver was born to Genevieve and Harry Thompson, a former Meister and Weapon pair, who graduated the DWMA together. They got average marks, and never participated in any major battles. Because of this, they decided it would be best for them to settle down. The duo moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Harry worked as an American history professor at a nearby college, and Genevieve as a hairdresser. Genevieve soon became pregnant with their first child, a girl they named Margaret. Margaret showed signs of being an exceptional Meister at a young age. She often said that she wanted to be just like her Daddy when she grew up. Her parents, so proud of their then six-year-old daughter, decided to have a second child. Margaret was overjoyed, and soon she had a new baby brother to play with. He was named Oliver.

Oliver didn’t seem above average as a child. If anything, he seemed a bit below. He preferred to sit quietly and play house while other children his age wrestled, and seemed content to just listen to his parents read. Genevieve and Harry weren’t the least bit disappointed with Oliver, and still loved him very much. Oliver had a generally positive childhood, up until he started kindergarten. He was bullied for being rather, to put it bluntly, wimpy. This bullying continued well into middle school. He never exceeded at anything until second grade, when he showed a love for reading and writing. He has only slightly above par intelligence, but he loves to learn.

When he was in the seventh grade, he finally had enough of being called girly and weak. So after school, he went to the mall and bought make-up, skirts, and dresses. He claimed they were for his older sister. Oliver solved his problem by becoming what he was teased for. His parents were a bit confused as to why he was doing this, but they accepted him for who he was and allowed him to switch schools. He successfully pulled off his feminine masquerade, and soon met Quincy Boyd, a rather air headed girl who confided to him that she was the only weapon in her family. He confided to her that he was a man, and a meister at that. They agreed to be partners, and go to the DWMA together. Oliver soon began to feel an unrequited crush on Quincy.

Margaret decided not to go to the DWMA, as she didn’t want to leave behind all of her friends who also weren’t going to attend. She decided to instead travel the world with her boyfriend, Christopher. Margaret told Oliver to go to the DWMA for her, by saying: “Ya know, even if you are a wimpy, cross-dressing geek, your still my awesome lil' bro. You and Quincy go and become famous ‘kay? Can ya do that for me?” Their parents were a bit concerned, but said nothing and soon realized they had done the right thing. Margaret and Christopher were happily married at the age of eighteen, and they own a bookshop in London.

Oliver fulfilled his promise to Margaret, and his pact with Quincy by enrolling in the DWMA. He is nervous and wishes he could back down, but he’s doing it for his sister and secret crush.

Personality: Oliver is usually very quite and reserved in a conversation, and has a very dry sense of humor. He feels woozy at the sight of blood and almost always sees the worst way a situation could end. Despite all this, he is a very loyal and kind friend. He will often try to backtrack if he thinks he’s done or said something wrong. Oliver finds it easy to lie, but he dislikes it and it makes him feel uncomfortable. He acts cowardly most of the time, but if he works towards something and uses all of his willpower, he can usually accomplish it. He has slightly above average intelligence, and enjoys reading.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/213Pigtails.jpeg.c7886f15b2ce0e718767b919fb919393.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/213Pigtails.jpeg.c7886f15b2ce0e718767b919fb919393.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oliver has a rather petite build, which makes it easier for him to cross-dress as a female. He has wavy light red hair he keeps in pigtails, and light green eyes. He is rather short and has almost no muscle, making it easy to physically subdue him. He also wears long brown or dark blue skirts with a sailor top.


Weapon Partner: (Should I create another character profile for Quincy?) Quincy Boyd is an extremely optimistic, cheerful, but mostly annoying seventeen year old girl, who his Oliver's weapon partner. She always see's the glass as completely full, even if it's obviously empty. She is a complete airhead, and often forgets things. Many people find her annoying and incredibly hard to deal with because of this. Despite her cheerful personality, she has a rather dark past. Her Mother, an up and coming model, became pregnant with her at the age of eighteen. She tried her best to be a good mother, but she was trapped in an abusive relationship. One day, in a fit of rage when Quincy was nine months old, her Mothers boyfriend attempted to kill the infant Quincy. She was to young to remember the incident, but was left with a lasting souvenir in the form of a blind eye. Instead of trying to cover it up, she is very proud of it and wears bright multi colored eyepatches over it. Her Mother got help, and she soon gained enough money from modeling to send Quincy to the elite boarding school Oliver was attending. It was there that they met, and Quincy confided to him the fact that she was a weapon. She wasn't the least bit surprised when Oliver told her he was a boy ("Come on! When I first met you, I said "any girl who wears that much brown must have no fashion sense."). She wears ridiculously oversized sweaters, often ones she knitted herself. She is a bit plump, and has light chocolate colored skin.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Quincy is a bit of an...unusual weapon. By that, I mean usually rather useless. She transforms into a bow and a full quiver of arrows, which would be amazing, if the arrows didn't have rubber tips. You know those kiddie arrows with the suction cups on the end that are made of plastic and you can buy on retail for a little over a buck? Yeah, thats what she turns into. The only way to actually cause damage with her, would be to beat someone with either an arrow or the plastic bow.

Misc: Oliver always carries around the letter his sister gave him when he told her he was going to the DWMA. He also carries a messenger bag with him at all times, that holds paper, makeup, a change of clothes, and a book of french poetry that he doesn't know how to read, but he keeps on saying he will. Quincy always carries a bag of taffy around with her at all times. Always. No exceptions. Even in battle.


Soul Resonance: Oliver and Quincy have only achieved Soul Resonance once, and they both fainted afterwards because of the effort. When it happens, Quincy in bow form will change from plastic to wood, and the rubber tips will turn into actual arrows. A warm golden aura will emanate from around Quincy, and it will cause a feeling of warmth and happiness. Not exactly intimidating, but hey, it works.



  • 213Pigtails.jpeg
    58.3 KB · Views: 37
Whoa! How did I not see this! Ten million apologies, this went under my radar! Let me get to this post haste!

[QUOTE="noir birdie]Name: Oliver Thompson
Height/Weight: 5’1 and 110 lbs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: He has light green eyes and orange hair, which he wears in pigtails.

Classification: Meister

History: Oliver was born to Genevieve and Harry Thompson, a former Meister and Weapon pair, who graduated the DWMA together. They got average marks, and never participated in any major battles. Because of this, they decided it would be best for them to settle down. The duo moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Harry worked as an American history professor at a nearby college, and Genevieve as a hairdresser. Genevieve soon became pregnant with their first child, a girl they named Margaret. Margaret showed signs of being an exceptional Meister at a young age. She often said that she wanted to be just like her Daddy when she grew up. Her parents, so proud of their then six-year-old daughter, decided to have a second child. Margaret was overjoyed, and soon she had a new baby brother to play with. He was named Oliver.

Oliver didn’t seem above average as a child. If anything, he seemed a bit below. He preferred to sit quietly and play house while other children his age wrestled, and seemed content to just listen to his parents read. Genevieve and Harry weren’t the least bit disappointed with Oliver, and still loved him very much. Oliver had a generally positive childhood, up until he started kindergarten. He was bullied for being rather, to put it bluntly, wimpy. This bullying continued well into middle school. He never exceeded at anything until second grade, when he showed a love for reading and writing. He has only slightly above par intelligence, but he loves to learn.

When he was in the seventh grade, he finally had enough of being called girly and weak. So after school, he went to the mall and bought make-up, skirts, and dresses. He claimed they were for his older sister. Oliver solved his problem by becoming what he was teased for. His parents were a bit confused as to why he was doing this, but they accepted him for who he was and allowed him to switch schools. He successfully pulled off his feminine masquerade, and soon met Quincy Boyd, a rather air headed girl who confided to him that she was the only weapon in her family. He confided to her that he was a man, and a meister at that. They agreed to be partners, and go to the DWMA together. Oliver soon began to feel an unrequited crush on Quincy.

Margaret decided not to go to the DWMA, as she didn’t want to leave behind all of her friends who also weren’t going to attend. She decided to instead travel the world with her boyfriend, Christopher. Margaret told Oliver to go to the DWMA for her, by saying: “Ya know, even if you are a wimpy, cross-dressing geek, your still my awesome lil' bro. You and Quincy go and become famous ‘kay? Can ya do that for me?” Their parents were a bit concerned, but said nothing and soon realized they had done the right thing. Margaret and Christopher were happily married at the age of eighteen, and they own a bookshop in London.

Oliver fulfilled his promise to Margaret, and his pact with Quincy by enrolling in the DWMA. He is nervous and wishes he could back down, but he’s doing it for his sister and secret crush.

Personality: Oliver is usually very quite and reserved in a conversation, and has a very dry sense of humor. He feels woozy at the sight of blood and almost always sees the worst way a situation could end. Despite all this, he is a very loyal and kind friend. He will often try to backtrack if he thinks he’s done or said something wrong. Oliver finds it easy to lie, but he dislikes it and it makes him feel uncomfortable. He acts cowardly most of the time, but if he works towards something and uses all of his willpower, he can usually accomplish it. He has slightly above average intelligence, and enjoys reading.


View attachment 42038

Oliver has a rather petite build, which makes it easier for him to cross-dress as a female. He has wavy light red hair he keeps in pigtails, and light green eyes. He is rather short and has almost no muscle, making it easy to physically subdue him. He also wears long brown or dark blue skirts with a sailor top.


Weapon Partner: (Should I create another character profile for Quincy?) Quincy Boyd is an extremely optimistic, cheerful, but mostly annoying seventeen year old girl, who his Oliver's weapon partner. She always see's the glass as completely full, even if it's obviously empty. She is a complete airhead, and often forgets things. Many people find her annoying and incredibly hard to deal with because of this. Despite her cheerful personality, she has a rather dark past. Her Mother, an up and coming model, became pregnant with her at the age of eighteen. She tried her best to be a good mother, but she was trapped in an abusive relationship. One day, in a fit of rage when Quincy was nine months old, her Mothers boyfriend attempted to kill the infant Quincy. She was to young to remember the incident, but was left with a lasting souvenir in the form of a blind eye. Instead of trying to cover it up, she is very proud of it and wears bright multi colored eyepatches over it. Her Mother got help, and she soon gained enough money from modeling to send Quincy to the elite boarding school Oliver was attending. It was there that they met, and Quincy confided to him the fact that she was a weapon. She wasn't the least bit surprised when Oliver told her he was a boy ("Come on! When I first met you, I said "any girl who wears that much brown must have no fashion sense."). She wears ridiculously oversized sweaters, often ones she knitted herself. She is a bit plump, and has light chocolate colored skin.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Quincy is a bit of an...unusual weapon. By that, I mean usually rather useless. She transforms into a bow and a full quiver of arrows, which would be amazing, if the arrows didn't have rubber tips. You know those kiddie arrows with the suction cups on the end that are made of plastic and you can buy on retail for a little over a buck? Yeah, thats what she turns into. The only way to actually cause damage with her, would be to beat someone with either an arrow or the plastic bow.

Misc: Oliver always carries around the letter his sister gave him when he told her he was going to the DWMA. He also carries a messenger bag with him at all times, that holds paper, makeup, a change of clothes, and a book of french poetry that he doesn't know how to read, but he keeps on saying he will. Quincy always carries a bag of taffy around with her at all times. Always. No exceptions. Even in battle.


Soul Resonance: Oliver and Quincy have only achieved Soul Resonance once, and they both fainted afterwards because of the effort. When it happens, Quincy in bow form will change from plastic to wood, and the rubber tips will turn into actual arrows. A warm golden aura will emanate from around Quincy, and it will cause a feeling of warmth and happiness. Not exactly intimidating, but hey, it works.

[QUOTE="noir birdie]Name: Oliver Thompson
Height/Weight: 5’1 and 110 lbs

Age: 17

Eye Color/Hair Color: He has light green eyes and orange hair, which he wears in pigtails.

Classification: Meister

History: Oliver was born to Genevieve and Harry Thompson, a former Meister and Weapon pair, who graduated the DWMA together. They got average marks, and never participated in any major battles. Because of this, they decided it would be best for them to settle down. The duo moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Harry worked as an American history professor at a nearby college, and Genevieve as a hairdresser. Genevieve soon became pregnant with their first child, a girl they named Margaret. Margaret showed signs of being an exceptional Meister at a young age. She often said that she wanted to be just like her Daddy when she grew up. Her parents, so proud of their then six-year-old daughter, decided to have a second child. Margaret was overjoyed, and soon she had a new baby brother to play with. He was named Oliver.

Oliver didn’t seem above average as a child. If anything, he seemed a bit below. He preferred to sit quietly and play house while other children his age wrestled, and seemed content to just listen to his parents read. Genevieve and Harry weren’t the least bit disappointed with Oliver, and still loved him very much. Oliver had a generally positive childhood, up until he started kindergarten. He was bullied for being rather, to put it bluntly, wimpy. This bullying continued well into middle school. He never exceeded at anything until second grade, when he showed a love for reading and writing. He has only slightly above par intelligence, but he loves to learn.

When he was in the seventh grade, he finally had enough of being called girly and weak. So after school, he went to the mall and bought make-up, skirts, and dresses. He claimed they were for his older sister. Oliver solved his problem by becoming what he was teased for. His parents were a bit confused as to why he was doing this, but they accepted him for who he was and allowed him to switch schools. He successfully pulled off his feminine masquerade, and soon met Quincy Boyd, a rather air headed girl who confided to him that she was the only weapon in her family. He confided to her that he was a man, and a meister at that. They agreed to be partners, and go to the DWMA together. Oliver soon began to feel an unrequited crush on Quincy.

Margaret decided not to go to the DWMA, as she didn’t want to leave behind all of her friends who also weren’t going to attend. She decided to instead travel the world with her boyfriend, Christopher. Margaret told Oliver to go to the DWMA for her, by saying: “Ya know, even if you are a wimpy, cross-dressing geek, your still my awesome lil' bro. You and Quincy go and become famous ‘kay? Can ya do that for me?” Their parents were a bit concerned, but said nothing and soon realized they had done the right thing. Margaret and Christopher were happily married at the age of eighteen, and they own a bookshop in London.

Oliver fulfilled his promise to Margaret, and his pact with Quincy by enrolling in the DWMA. He is nervous and wishes he could back down, but he’s doing it for his sister and secret crush.

Personality: Oliver is usually very quite and reserved in a conversation, and has a very dry sense of humor. He feels woozy at the sight of blood and almost always sees the worst way a situation could end. Despite all this, he is a very loyal and kind friend. He will often try to backtrack if he thinks he’s done or said something wrong. Oliver finds it easy to lie, but he dislikes it and it makes him feel uncomfortable. He acts cowardly most of the time, but if he works towards something and uses all of his willpower, he can usually accomplish it. He has slightly above average intelligence, and enjoys reading.


View attachment 42038

Oliver has a rather petite build, which makes it easier for him to cross-dress as a female. He has wavy light red hair he keeps in pigtails, and light green eyes. He is rather short and has almost no muscle, making it easy to physically subdue him. He also wears long brown or dark blue skirts with a sailor top.


Weapon Partner: (Should I create another character profile for Quincy?) Quincy Boyd is an extremely optimistic, cheerful, but mostly annoying seventeen year old girl, who his Oliver's weapon partner. She always see's the glass as completely full, even if it's obviously empty. She is a complete airhead, and often forgets things. Many people find her annoying and incredibly hard to deal with because of this. Despite her cheerful personality, she has a rather dark past. Her Mother, an up and coming model, became pregnant with her at the age of eighteen. She tried her best to be a good mother, but she was trapped in an abusive relationship. One day, in a fit of rage when Quincy was nine months old, her Mothers boyfriend attempted to kill the infant Quincy. She was to young to remember the incident, but was left with a lasting souvenir in the form of a blind eye. Instead of trying to cover it up, she is very proud of it and wears bright multi colored eyepatches over it. Her Mother got help, and she soon gained enough money from modeling to send Quincy to the elite boarding school Oliver was attending. It was there that they met, and Quincy confided to him the fact that she was a weapon. She wasn't the least bit surprised when Oliver told her he was a boy ("Come on! When I first met you, I said "any girl who wears that much brown must have no fashion sense."). She wears ridiculously oversized sweaters, often ones she knitted herself. She is a bit plump, and has light chocolate colored skin.

Weapon Style/Weapon Description: Quincy is a bit of an...unusual weapon. By that, I mean usually rather useless. She transforms into a bow and a full quiver of arrows, which would be amazing, if the arrows didn't have rubber tips. You know those kiddie arrows with the suction cups on the end that are made of plastic and you can buy on retail for a little over a buck? Yeah, thats what she turns into. The only way to actually cause damage with her, would be to beat someone with either an arrow or the plastic bow.

Misc: Oliver always carries around the letter his sister gave him when he told her he was going to the DWMA. He also carries a messenger bag with him at all times, that holds paper, makeup, a change of clothes, and a book of french poetry that he doesn't know how to read, but he keeps on saying he will. Quincy always carries a bag of taffy around with her at all times. Always. No exceptions. Even in battle.


Soul Resonance: Oliver and Quincy have only achieved Soul Resonance once, and they both fainted afterwards because of the effort. When it happens, Quincy in bow form will change from plastic to wood, and the rubber tips will turn into actual arrows. A warm golden aura will emanate from around Quincy, and it will cause a feeling of warmth and happiness. Not exactly intimidating, but hey, it works.

Okay. So yes, you would need a second profile for Quincy. You can create a new post or just attach it into your main post here. You don't need to write up entirely new descriptions of course, but separate profiles gives more clarity and helps with organization.

My only issue is less so an issue (wat). Basically that, you may actually want to make the weapon and abilities a touch stronger. You've gone to great lengths to make sure the characters aren't over powered, but I fear if the weapons do little or nothing, you may not have much to do! I don't mind the toy style weapons, keep that, it's silly and works. Though if they're too weak, you might be placing needless challenges on yourself, unless you intend on these things being stronger.

Mainly though I see no issues. A profile for the Weapon is helpful but, everything else is approved!

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