Soul Eater...Take Two?


A Ghost of RpN's Past
This RP Takes places forty years before the manga or anime. So, the only canon character that is going to be in it, is Death. You try to make Excalibur and I swear to!....

Okay, basic information.

It is everyone's first day arriving, and they have to find their mestier/weapon, yada yada so on. The antagonists(Villains) will be various witches, murderers and other said things.

And those who are weapons for a meister, you won't be doing much combat wise aside from being swung around by your meister....


  1. All RPN Rules Apply. Keep my thread PG-13. Besides, the most of the characters are kids, so...
  2. No God Modding.
  4. Keep swearing to a minimum.
  5. At least two paragraphs, five sentences each, per post. I will be keeping this one very strict.
  6. I expect decent grammar and spelling.
  7. Have fun!
  8. Maka is insane if you read this!

Character sheet:






If they are a weapon, what kind of weapon are they, provide a picture:

Human Looks:



Why they are at DWMA:

I will post my sheet for Death later, I don't know if I'll have another character for it, as I'm going to be juggling a lot of RP's, and I might not be on as much as I'd like. More will be explained later.
Name: Starke Stahl

Alias: The Iron Skin

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Weapon: Tri-Form Armoured Unit.


The MARS Unit is completely unarmed (that backpacked rocket doesn't exist). It's the exact same size as Starke is as a human,but weighs an extra seventy five pounds. This form cannot be used by a Meister outside of sparring,making this Starke's preferred solo form. It's no stronger than Starke as a human,but significantly more durable.

Soul Resonance Technique: None. As this form cannot be used by a Meister,the MARS Unit lacks a Soul Resonance Technique.


Standing a staggering seventeen feet tall,and with a shoulder span of seven,with the tonnage to match,the S-AMM is a monster. In this form,Starke's defensive capacities are maximized,being far more durable than even most tanks,and even coming with a pair of built-in weapons,one in each arm. The left arm houses a fully automatic machine gun,meant for use against numerous or soft targets at close to medium range,while the right arm houses a semi-automatic rifle,tooled for accuracy and power. Although infuriatingly slow (People can outpace it at a light jog),it does possess a thruster system on the back,only usable by a Meister piloting the suit. The thrusters provide a significant speed boost,but only forward. On the plus side,anything caught between the S-AMM and the destination is generally run over. As the S-AMM lacks wheels in the feet,they simply slide along the surface,more often than not tearing it to shreds in it's wake. Although slow,the S-AMM possesses peerless armour and suitable firepower,and it can even go a buck-twenty in a straight line. For full power and functionality,a Meister must pilot this form,although Starke can use it in a pinch on his own.

Soul Resonance Technique: Magnum Force Obliterator. The right arm becomes an enormous railgun,loaded with a single hypermassive round. When fired,the round travels at hypersonic velocities,making dodging impossible,and it's charged with so much soul and kinetic energy that there is no defense for it outside of godlike power. After the shot,the arm reverts to it's normal state. Naturally,this drains both Starke and the Meister.


The middle one,minus the Spinfusor.

This form cannot function without a Meister operating it. This form is slightly larger than the Meister,and about half a tonne heavier. With a monomolecular edged vibrosword,and a jet pack,this form offers equal parts mobility,protection,and power,although it lacks ranged options. Capable of reaching highway speeds thanks to the powered leg systems,it can close the distance quickly. The jet pack,however,exists primarily to gain elevation,and does not bestow nearly as much speed. It can,however,be used in conjunction with a running jump for insane leaps.

Soul Resonance Technique: Final Insult. When Starke and his Meister resonate their souls in this form,the result can only be described as cataclysmic. The armour explodes in a massive maelstrom of soul energy,vaporizing nearly everything within fifty meters. This leaves both Starke and his Meister quite drained,however,and at the bottom of a fifty meter deep crater.

It should be noted that it's outright impossible to strike at his Meister while they pilot one of his forms. To get at his partner,you have to go through him,first.


Stands five foot seven,and weighs 185 pounds.

Personality: Starke is an interesting young man. He's a bit of a joker,and has the usual teenage belief in his own immortality. However,what sets him apart from the rest is that he has an actual psychological condition;something that the shrinks call "Bodyguard Complex",where the subject has the compulsion to "take the bullet",as it where. This tends to skew others into viewing him as something of a white knight.

DWMA Enrollment Purpose: Starke was enrolled as a means to hone his abilities as a Weapon,and to get the best education in the world.

Background: Starke Stahl was born and raised in Stuttgart,his parents researchers and engineers. As he grew up,he was fascinated with the machines that his parents worked on,and the little machines that they made at home. When his abilities as a Weapon manifested,his parents were initially surprised,but when an envoy from the DWMA approached them and explained everything. Seeing that he's potentially dangerous to himself and others without training,Starke's parents agreed to send him to the DWMA,where he'd be around similar people,and get one of the best educations in the world.

And yes,Maka is batshit insane.
Character sheet:

Name: Seren Rozen

Alias: Ogre

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Weapon: Ogre Arm

Ogre arm original form


The Ogre Arms are the massive, close-quarter weapons of Strength. They appear as a pair of very large black mechanical arms that are, unlike any other weapons, always attached to their wielder.The Ogre arms also possess a system for firing projectiles out of the "fingers" of the arms at high rates of fire.STR can deploy at least two more Arms from her back, giving her four Ogre Arms in total.

Ogre arm form two : Machine gun


Machine gun , form two which have an extremely high rate of fire

Human Looks:

History: Seren was born in Orgeon. She lived in a normal sized family with three brothers , a mom and dad. She went to school like normal girls and hung out with friends like normal girls. Her father was a mechanic and was always around metal, and cars. Every weekend she would hang around her father's shop and watched him work. Her mother was a writer. She wrote stories and told tales to her and her brothers. She saw something in Seren that she told her father. Her father pushed it off as another one of her tails. One day while she was at her father's shop. The car he was working on was lifted up so they could work under it. Well something was loose and it began to fall. Seren in order to stop it activated the weapon within her to stop it, from falling on him. Her father finally accepted that what the mother was saying was true. So they sent her to DMWA

Personality: Seren is quiet because of the countless times she was told to hush while walking through the halls of the hospitals. She's not as energetic as most so she's usually calm. She does more of the observing then the go head in and attack. She is a big eater because the food in the hospital tasted like plastic. She rarely get's fits but when she does it' s hard to calm her down.

Why they are at DWMA: To fully understand her ability and to control it.
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  • Tony Avant


  • Alita Âme

Maka es mui Loco, ci, mui loco
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Alice Hellsing I hate to say this, but, ask Riddle. I'm not really much help in the creativity process and such. But, I can say what it lacks. It needs a lot more on the history, and the personality.

ninbinz and GoddessOfGod Nin is accepted, Goddess, however, you are not.

It is logically impossible to be born with metal in your body like that, end even more impossible to holed up in a hospital for so long.

Nin, Alita's pic looks too old for her age.
ill change it 

TheFallOfitAll said:
Alice Hellsing I hate to say this, but, ask Riddle. I'm not really much help in the creativity process and such. But, I can say what it lacks. It needs a lot more on the history, and the personality.
ninbinz and GoddessOfGod Nin is accepted, Goddess, however, you are not.

It is logically impossible to be born with metal in your body like that, end even more impossible to holed up in a hospital for so long.

Nin, Alita's pic looks too old for her age.
how is that
Name: Red Star

Alias: Red, or Red Star

Gender: Female

Age: 15


Human Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/5806101_m.jpg.4550359365b1134233ed7a6c8b33ac1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/5806101_m.jpg.4550359365b1134233ed7a6c8b33ac1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Being born into the Star Clan, a clan of highly trained assassins whose abilities are feared throughout the world. The clan is known for doing anything for money and power. hell bent on obtaining it has given the clan a very negative outlook by others. Driven by the desire for power and knowledge the clan has sent their prodigy to join the growing organization of DWMA. Alas this is all a cover for the true objective to obtain information and steal artifacts that may boost the clans own power.

She was born the youngest daughter to the current clan leader Grey Star. She is the prodigy of the clan and held in high regard to her fighting prowess and ability to kill her targets. Taught at a young age in the arts of assassination and combat, killing is as easy as breathing to her.

Personality: Has troubles interacting with others as she is often viewed as cocky and arrogant. She does not understand others feelings or needs as she finds it not apart of her prerogative. Her view of fun may be taken to extreme as she tries to over compensate for her lack of social skills in every situation.

Why they are at DWMA: To take what is necessary for the clan and gain valuable information in the process.

Name: Kusanagi Tsurugi

Alias: Kusa

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Weapon/Meister: Weapon

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Kozato.Enma.full.158614.jpg.5b7bc299ec3fa4c708206e335f480f37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Kozato.Enma.full.158614.jpg.5b7bc299ec3fa4c708206e335f480f37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Born into a world of ash and fire. His mother gave birth the night of their villages destruction large pillars of flames screaming filled the air as this new baby boy took his first breaths. Regarded as a pheonix of the town a new life coming from cinder he quickly was given a special treatment from the adults of the town calling him the hope and soul. The children however were next to nowhere that kind as they saw his special treatment as unfair and undeserving, they bullied him and hurt him on a daily basis. At the age of 13 he left the town to journey the world on his own. After several months his town was destroyed by an earthquake killing hundreds of them. Blaming their good luck charm Kusa for the misdeed they seek revenge for their dead family members

Personality: A coward and a weakling. He has the glow and demeanor of someone you just want to punch in the face, more often then not he is. If he does not have bruises from other people then they are self inflicted due to his sheer clumsiness and incompetence. He was blessed with terrible luck for himself but those around him regard him as a good luck charm. Snarky and whinny he will get on your nerves

Why they are at DWMA: He traveled around the world and came upon the school that welcomed him most graciously as they found out his hidden potential and massive spirit potential.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Kozato.Enma.full.614695.jpg.297c20e234f97888d15a7df227ca5255.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Kozato.Enma.full.614695.jpg.297c20e234f97888d15a7df227ca5255.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

put me down for pending as I would love to learn more about the soul eater world. So i will be finishing the anime pretty soon. =)
Poor, poor Soul Eater, there were so many people interested and they all disappeared
Name: Lucy Bells

Alias: The four elements but she likes ice/water the best.

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Weapon/Meister: Weapon

If they are a weapon, what kind of weapon are they, provide a picture:

Right now, she is a basic weapon.


Then, these are the evolutions of the swords she can transform into. It is only the 2nd one, the 3rd, the 4th, and the 5th. Every 25 souls she eats she evolves. So it is 2nd: 25 souls

3rd: 50 souls

4th: 75 souls

5th: 99 souls


Human Looks:

History: Lucy never seen her dad, only heard about him. He had died 2 months before Lucy was born and her mother was instantly killed trying to save Lucy from a antagonist. She lived alone with her aunt who died when someone raided their house, since then her life was in danger. She enrolled into DWMA the day her aunt died and she has never been afraid of death since.

Personality: Nice, kind, brave, helpful, and strong

Why they are at DWMA: Her mom died saving her life from an antagonist and from that day on, she went to DWMA. She planned on revenge on the antagonist that killed her mom.
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Name: Marc Aurelen

Alias: Flame

Gender: Male

Age: 18(If that's okay)

Weapon/Meister: Weapon, he's a classic scythe

If they are a weapon, what kind of weapon are they, provide a picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/IceScythe.jpg.7a188372e4344d4ce1a4c48d477c84e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/IceScythe.jpg.7a188372e4344d4ce1a4c48d477c84e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/AnimeGuy10vampire.jpg.318f0b4e19cc4a1626dfab67f2a00608.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/AnimeGuy10vampire.jpg.318f0b4e19cc4a1626dfab67f2a00608.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Marc was always the odd kid out, always the kid ignored, until one day someone decided the apparently passive kid would be easy to pick on. The kid almost died of blood loss when Marc went to punch the kid, and instead pierced his right lunch as his hand turned into a scythe. Marc ran away and hid, living on the street for years, until he heard about this place. He came to find out what was wrong with him, and found out he was a weapon. He's waiting for a meister. He's hoping for someone... like him.

Personality: Marc is quiet, calm, and really doesn't talk much. He just acts. He seems lik the strong silent type that girls are always attracted to for some reason, but he doesn't really know how to express himself and is extremely awkward around everyone, which is the actual reason for his silence. He is very protective and highly religious though.

Why they are at DWMA: He wants to learn what's wrong with him, and find someone to help him.

WAIT UP! The only person who read the rules is Riddle. No one else is accepted. READ THE RULES PEOPLE! 
I am revoking every character who was accepted, except Riddles.

The rules people.
I read the rules. I always do. I just thought you meant that as a statement, not a requirement of proof that you read the rules. Maka is insane, this is true. I did not realize that it was required to prove that you read the rules. I apologize.
I'm pretty sure Fall had to drop out of RP nation temporarily...

So i do not know if this is still on.

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