Soul Eater RP!


Horror and fiction movie buff and yaoi enthusiast.
This RP is for OC's... Or if you want, the canon characters. Doesn't matter to me.


Name: Nikki

Gender: Male

Weapon or Meister: Weapon

Appearance: Nikki is a slightly shorter and lean-built. He has somewhat messy, and short blonde hair and bright, blue eyes. He looks somewhat childish, and but he happens to be 16 years old.

Personality: Nikki is intensely friendly and happy. He loves to mess around, and and is very sweet.

Background: Not much is known...
Hey, I guess I'll try this and see where it goes :)

Name: Devyn

Age: 19

Looks: Not too short, but not too short. She has beautiful long dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Some people say, her smile is contagious.

Gender: Female

Weapon: She carries around a little knife in the ankle of her tall brown boots.

Personality: Devyn is a generous girl, you lives to make people happy. Everyone comes before herself. Although she tends to be somewhat shy, she can also be very bubbly.

Background: Devyn has gone through a lot as a child, which has made her stronger. Her parents died when Devyn was 6 years old.

I hope we can start something from this ! :)
Nikki paced the halls of Death Academy, and mumbling to himself. He was quite a sight. A couple of girls pointed and whispered... There was a reason to his nervousness. Today was his first day, and he was terrified. The academy was a maze, and it was huge. He stopped pacing and began to hyperventilate. Nikki wasn't usually as nervous as he was today. He slumped to the ground, refusing to stand.
Devyn was just roaming the halls of the school she had be forced to go to so many years ago. She was not the "popular girl" of the school, nor did she want to be, but something made her feel like she was being watched. As she continued walking, someone caught her eye, a boy. He wasn't just any boy, he looked different. Devyn turned to a girl she knew in the hallway,

"Hey, do you know who that is?" curiosity was almost overwhelming.

The girl just shrugged and walked away, leaving Devyn by herself. Something seemed so familiar about this boy, but she couldn't point a finger on it.
Nikki slowly stood up, not wanting to receive anymore stares. He leaned against a locker, covering his face. Why did he have to have a panic attack now? Sighing, he uncovered his face and caught a girl looking at him. He looked at his sneakers, as if they were interesting to him. Another stare that marked him as a freak. Oh, what did he care? By never had wanted to be in the popular crowd. It seemed like a nuisance to hang out with the popular crowd anyways. He shifted a bit, looking up at the girl once more.
Devyn noticed the boy looking at her. Something happened. She finally realized where she recognized him from.. she felt that she knew him from the past or a dream. But what would bring him here, to this academy? Why now? Those questions wondered in Devyn's mind, she wondered if she should go talk to him, when something really strange happened. "Why does everyone have to stare at me?" She heard someone say, but no one was close enough to talk to her. As she started to breathe faster, she thought to herself, had I just heard that in my head? Had he just said that? Once again pondering on those questions, she began walking towards the boy, without even realizing. Trying to look away, and walk the other direction, she bumped in to him. *Bump*

"Oh. I am terribly sorry. I wasn't watching where I was walking, I.. I didn't.. sorry." Devyn found herself nervous talking to him. There was this feeling inside her body that made her really believe she knew him from somewhere. But where?
Nikki flailed backwards and managed to land on his back. He slowly picked himself up, and brushed the dirt on his skinny jeans off. "It's OK. " He said in a soft voice. He tugged at his nose ring, something he did when he was nervous. 'Who is this girl? ' He thought to himself. He wondered why she had been staring at him, but he said nothing. Had he seen her before? No, he couldn't have. He sighed, looking around nervously.
Devyn was feeling bad for not seeing the boy standing there.

"Umm, well sorry again" she began to walk away, when suddenly she felt the urge to introduce herself, yet she didn't know why the feeling felt so strong. "the names Devyn. Nice to meet you. So I see you're new here." She smiled that contagious smile and laughed gracefully. She let out her hand, as a sign to follow her, and just understanding.

Devyn couldn't stop but wonder why he seemed so nervous. I wonder if he feels the same connection that I am feeling right now. I really do believe we have met before.

Somehow, Devyn recalls a bedtime story her mother used to tell her when she little. It was told to be in this old castle in the 16 century. |There was a King and Queen, who ruled the land. It was a gloomy day, and the King has just locked up a couple of servants. Later on that day, two little children came running into the castle, wondering if the King had seen there fathers. These two children weren't any regular children, they were best friends; Nikki and Devyn.

She couldn't believe what her mind was telling her. Could it really be? Could we be the re-incarnation from the two children in that old bedtime story my mother used to tell me? She shook her head, and looked at Nikki, trying not to show her concerns.
Nikki smiled softly. "I'm Nikki. Nice to meet you as well." He said quietly. 'Devyn? Haven't I heard that name before?' He asked himself in his head. He ran his fingers through his hair, and then he began messing with his snake bite piercings. Another thing that he did when he was nervous. Nikki couldn't shake the weird feeling he got around Devyn.
Devyn smiled at Nikki, and did a semi bow. When she was near him she felt the need to laugh and run around. Once again, the story that her mother used to tell her ran through her mind. They began walking.

"You have no need to be nervous, I don't know why, but I feel like I know you. You can trust me."

It was weird using that word, "trust" because she has not trusted easily since her parents died.

"So what are you doing at this school?" she said kindly.
Nikki smiled timidly. "I needed a transfer. I had too many panic attacks at my old school." He said, softly. He still couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with Devyn.
She laughed quietly. "ha, well you're welcome to hand around with me if you'd like," She smiled. "I wonder what made him have panic attacks?" she said in her mind. As they kept walking, Devyn was thinking about one thing that she couldn't get out of her mind..

"Hey, I know this is random.. but I get this strange feeling that I know you from somewhere?" She kept wondering if she should mention the bedtime story. How would he react if I told him where I believe we knew each other.. As they kept walking, she just pondered on that thought.
Nikki nodded. "Thanks." He said quietly. He continued to walk with Devyn, staring at the floor as they walked. He continued to think. "So...How long have you been here?" He asked timidly.
Name: Vale Hicura


Weapon or Meister: Weapon


Personality: Vale is very quiet and likes to read. Strangely physically fit for doing nothing but only moving a page and his eyes for several hours he secretly has a desire for Pocki.

Background: An orphan from age 4 he ran through death city savaging food and other things. He joined the academy after finding out of his weapon blood when a gang attacked him in an alleyway. . . . Chains. They make up his blood.
"You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." She gave him a smile to reassure him that he could trust her. "I've been here for a long time now, since my parents died." She couldn't keep that tear from coming out of her eye.

She knew this was the right time to ask him. "Soo.. I have a question for you Nikki, I get this strange feeling that I know you from somewhere.. do you recognize me?" She couldn't tell if this was a good thing that she had asked. Is he going to think I'm a freak?  
As they kept walking, ad she was waiting for a response from her new friend Nikki, she couldn't help but look out the window and notice a boy walking around looking lost. "Hey, Nikki do you see him, that boy outside?"

Nikki looked at Devyn sadly. "I'm sorry." He said, glancing around the halls. After her question, he perked up. "I do recognize you, but I can't tell from where. I was afraid to ask." He said, looking at her face intensely.
Days like this make me smile. Because I feel the agony of others around me.'

He laughed quietly and closed the book and walked into the academy. Looked different from years ago. Many years ago.
Her body started racing, "You do? you recognize me?" She wondered where Nikki lived, if he had any relatives around here. "Hey Nikki, can I ask you something?" She wait a moment and he nodded. "um.. do you believe in re-incarnation?" She felt nervous for asking that question. He must think I'm a freak! 
While being a little nervous, she couldn't help but watching that boy. She pulled Nikki's hand and paced towards the newcomer. "Hello, my name is Devyn, and you are?"
* A boy pushed him right in the entrance of the academy.*

'Fool' said just loud enough to be heard by thee kid. A fight quickly started. Screaming back and forth. thats when a teacher came in the hallway

*looking back to the person who tried to introduce herself he winked.*
Nikki nodded. "I do recognize you..." He tilted his head, considering the next question. "Reincarnation?" He repeated slowly. "I've never given much though about it."
*The teacher walked the two outside for a supervised fight. Vale was smiling the whole time. he finally had the chance to taste some blood in a long time. Now walking down to the walk outside they got in their places.*

Vale thought,' Oh will this be fun' He then spoke up, " You ready to die?" He smirked

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