Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

Homuraa Akemi

Junior Member
Homuraa Akemi submitted a new role play:

Soul Eater - RP - Soul Eater RP

Star Evans just moved to Death City to train as a Weapon at the Death Weapon Meister Academy. Like many others, she had been a Death Scythe without a meister. She was terrified she would never find the right meister that she would get along with. She desperately wanted to work her hardest to become one of Lord Death's Scythes.


Star quickly finished her bowl of cereal and rushed out the door...
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Kayden double checked and then triple checked to make sure she had everything she would need for class. It wouldn't be the first time that she ended up forgetting something crucial like... say a pencil... or her notebook. Feeling happy with the contents of her backpack she slung it over her shoulders before heading out to school. She met other people's gazes while she walked, smiling politely and nodding to those who acknowledged her. She really liked school- it was a pleasant and predictable routine she felt comfortable in. Finding the proper class room she took her usual seat at the front and prepared for class to start, eyes wandering over other students as she wondered if her weapon was in the classroom and she just didn't know it yet.
She carefully checked her schedule. After already walking into the wrong classroom multiple times she finally found the correct room. "F-Finally..." She quietly whispered to herself. Star scanned her eyes across the room having no clue of where to sit. She felt her stomach begin to tie in knots once more.
Ok... either there was a new student at the school or Kayden wasn't as good at memorizing faces as she thought. Really hoping it wasn't the latter (She took pride in her ability to remember others) Kayden waved to the new person, pointing out that she could take a seat next to her if she'd like. There were a lot of open spaces and Kayden wasn't sure if the girl would decide to sit next to her but it was at least worthwhile to give it a shot, right? The very least she could introduce herself and ask this person's name.
Star sighed quite relieved. She took a seat next to the girl with a nervous smile, "H-Hello, my name is Star, if you haven't noticed yet I'm new here..." She nervously chuckled and looked down. She had never been good with introducing herself or even interacting with other people . However, she promised herself she would try her best to do the opposite at the Dwma.
Kuro awoke to hear his alarm blaring at him... It said 8:30, he was late! Kuro sprang into the bathroom washed himself at the speed of sound and changed into clothes and rushed out into the streets. After all, he had to start at the DWMA today, so he couldn't be late, right? With a shred of luck he got to his assigned class before the teacher arrived, he found somewhere to sit, but couldn't see over the desk... so he had to sit on some textbooks... He hoped he didn't look ridiculous or stood out too much, but that was wishful thinking, as he could feel stares of fellow classmates.
Star had noticed the boy and tapped on Kayden's shoulder, "Who the heck is he?" She held back her giggles not wanting to embarrass him. This school sure had a variety of interesting personalities .
"I'm Kayden, pleasure to meet you Star." Kayden replied, holding her hand out to Star... at the mention of the other boy Kayden turned to look. She must be having a really off day because she didn't recognize him, either. At least Star was new and she wasn't losing ti completely.

"You know, I don't know who it is. Let's go ask!" Kayden said, standing and waiting for Star to do so as well before heading toward the rather short, other new student.
Takashi woke up at the break of dawn, preparing for his first day of school. He had just cleaned his clothing for the next week. "Professional as usual, Takashi" he complemented himself while staring himself eye-to-eye in the mirror. Actually he had been so rapped up in his admiration he forgot he had to go to school. Running with toast in his mouth, which was a bad idea because he began to choke and had to do the hiemlich mauneuver on himself. He threw out the toast after the incident and shortly made his way to school and soon his class. He fastened up his clothing and walked in. He looked into the crowd of people, he was early. Noticing two girls sitting next to each other, he took the opportunity to wink at both of them.

Planning to make his name notable on the first day of class, Takashi slickly walked to the front of the class smiling widely with confidence. "Good day classmates, my name is Takashi, of the Moss blood. Allow thy to acquaint with all of you. I strive for righteousness, and to clean the world of all evil. Of course a master Meister as of myself needs a weapon. And just so you all know any weapon I touch turns into a Phenomenon of mass capabilities, so; pretty ladies or brave men. Contact me if you are a weapon and interested." He finished his speech with a bow and walked to the side, not sure where to sit.
She followed Kayden wondering if the boy had been a new student as well. Without warning she turned to notice another unfamiliar face walk through the door, "Oh lord, not one of these guys..." She muttered under her breath.
Kuro noticed the red-haired girl approaching, he was wondering if she was going to beat him up, she had a baseball cap, do bullies in tv shows have baseball caps... Kuro was so deep in thought that he forgot all about the girl approaching, his thoughts were suddenly broke by a loud... tall person yelling about himself... Kuro shuddered about how loud that boy was.
Hearing the speech about the self-proclaimed 'Master Miester' Kayden couldn't help but smile, turning to wave. She wasn't sure if his confidence was well placed or not but she always believed first and doubted later. She turned back to Star, not really hearing what she said before turning back to the other new student. What was with all the new students?! Had he mentioned his name? She couldn't remember...yeah, yeah. It was Takashi. So Takashi, Star, and this other guy...

"Hey there... this is Star and I'm Kayden." Kayden said to Kuro. "And that over there is obviously Takashi. What's your name?" Kayden extended her hand in a hand-shake, feeling just a little worried about frightening this new student. He seemed a bit... nervous.
Kuro turned to the girls and saw the red-haired girl who called herself Kayden extending her hand out, he took it and shook it carefully, you never know what can happen... It could fall off, this is the DWMA after all. He replied with a friendly "I'm Kuro, nice to meet you!" while smiling gently.
Star tilted her head and asked the boy a bit curious, "Are you new here as well? There seems to be a lot of new students... It makes me feel a lot better about attending here. At least I don't gave to start off alone."
Takashi walked over to the group of 3 people. As he got closer, his eyes fixated on the young pink haired girl. He completely ignored the other two people and sat in front of the girl. Takashi turned his body and stared the girl in the eyes. "My, my, my. You are like a tulip among rubbish, your beauty is distinct and my eyes will never feel the same way after this very day. Might I have the honour of knowing the name of this beauteous tulip. Like I have said before, my name is Takashi, feel free to abbreviate." Takashi's hand went over his heart pretending like it was stopping.
Kuro looked over to Star, replying with "Yeah i'm new too, I don't know why I was made to attend but I was, since we're new wanna be friends?" Kuro asked, still smiling.
"U-Uh..." She blushed a dark crimson not knowing how to respond. "U-Um... My name is Star.. It's nice to meet you, Takashi." She held out a hand to him with a smile. She turned back to Kuro and happily whispered, "Of course."
Kayden eyed Takashi's approach, releasing Kuro's hand after noting that his hands were soft but a fairly firm grip. She felt a little snubbed when Takashi came over and turned his attention solely to Star but pushed it aside. No matter how good looking a boy might be it wasn't worth getting upset over just because he wasn't paying attention to you. She was happy that Kuro and Star were going to be friends... friends were really important to have at this school. Feeling just a bit out of place, now, she headed back to her seat.
"Star, you say? How ironic, because you are like a shining star in my dark cloudy night." He reached to her hand, holding it eloquently. "Your skin is soft and a pleasure to hold." He slowly withdrew the handshake, smiling at her. Takashi's attention flipped to the other two. "Ah yes, how rude of thy. Please, flatter me with your names as well, you two." He looked to the other two people, he had a smaller smile on, but a smile none-the-less.
Kuro turned to Takashi, he wasn't sure what to think of him, but for the time being replied with a short and simple "My name's Kuro, nice to meet you."
She stood still unable to speak. She had never been approached by such an attractive boy in such a manner before. It was really a lot to take in. She quietly whispered to him, "He he, T-Thank you..."
"My name's Kayden, Master Miester. But you can call me Kayden." Kayden replied good naturedly, waving from her seat a short distance away. This guy... she couldn't help but feel just a little irritated. But... not everyone could be a decent person so Kayden too it upon herself to remain decent. It was never good to let first impressions become a permanent reflection on how you treated a person. Besides, Kayden was looking forward to seeing just how good this guy actually was.
Levi woke up half-sprawled on the floor in his messy room, and wiped some drool off his mouth. He yawned loudly as he squinted at the time.

9:00 A.M. He was dreadfully late. But what did he care? It was just school. It was alright to take his time, it didn't matter if he was even later if he was already late. Maybe he'd stop by and see that adorable cat he saw when he first arrived. But if he did, then Levi might forget about going to school altogether.


It was a nice day, and he strolled up to the classroom door, opened the door and stepped inside. He rolled his black and yellow eyes at the reprimanding of the teacher (whose name Levi could never remember) and sat down behind a group of talking students.
Star noticed the other student and politely introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Star. I'm a weapon and I just recently transferred here. And you are---?"
"Ah, such wonderful names, they will offer me great dreams tonight." He looked to Kayden, smiling. "Also, Takashi is fine." Takashi looked at all of them. "So, does this make us friends. Or shall we still consider us acquaintances?"

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