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Fandom Soul Eater: Next! (OOC)

Should the OOC move to Discord?

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Aye, i'm deciding which avenue I want to explore. CS should hopefully be done tomorrow as I have the general stuff down already. Its just me and my indecisive self that keeps deciding Ill do this, only for an hour to pass and then decide to do a complete 360
I have my ideas solidified in my head. I plan to start typing them out tonight.

Are partners assigned or do we discuss and find our own partners?
I'm open to being partnered with anyone. Though ignore the Dion's CS currently posted as I wont be using that character. New Char CS is about 75% done
Honestly, I've played similar Weapon archetypes in the past. The first SE rp I was in, my guy was a large flat broadsword. The 2nd, was a mute assassin that basically changed into Giant scissors with the ability to change either hand into a blade of the scissor. I've had a gun character in another RP that didnt last as long and I'm kinda revisiting that character but with a different twist and approach :3

Edit: I am keeping the same history as Dion, though the characters personality is hopefully more flamboyant. Just have to write out his abilities and soul description.
You are brave!!! I kinda wanna swap out Emilio but I'm afraid to... So I saw your thingy and thought, "hey what motivations justify my drive to try something else?".

A gun character aye? Eheheheh. Can't wait! X3

The only SE rp I was in I played a meister.
Aye, not going a full multi-form like I had queried about earlier, but a 'Dormant'/'Awakened' motif instead. :3

Also, not gonna lie. I do kinda prefer playing slightly more theatrical personality characters, which Dion wasn't as much and since a couple of other rps I am in my characters are quite similar in temperament, i felt this was a good chance to diversify a bit :p
I have my ideas solidified in my head. I plan to start typing them out tonight.

Are partners assigned or do we discuss and find our own partners?
I might have everyone discuss it during the RP or I matchmake based on compatability
Posted it o3o
Nice, so does that mean you want me to delete Dion?
You are brave!!! I kinda wanna swap out Emilio but I'm afraid to... So I saw your thingy and thought, "hey what motivations justify my drive to try something else?".

A gun character aye? Eheheheh. Can't wait! X3

The only SE rp I was in I played a meister.
You still have time to change your character. I know how hard it is to choose. Im indecisive as well, and depending how the story goes I will allow a second set of characters to be created if you want both
Phayne Phayne lol Kasper sounds evil xD And the fact that he's a spotlight person makes me want to pair him with Mullen because of how rowdy and honorable he is

Chaotic Neutral perhaps leaning towards Chaotic Lawful is where I'd place his alignment :p. A flamboyant narcissistic Hedonist that seeks to amuse himself in anyway possible, but still takes his role rather seriously, despite how he may go about it :p

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