Soul Eater - Next Generation

ok then I'll take kid

Name: Death The Kid

Nick Name/Alias: Kid

Gender: Male

Age: (I dont know for sure) 14

Meister/Weapon: Meister


Personality: OCD

Bio: As The Son of Lord Death Kid is a Reaper, and more is expected of him than an average student, Death the kid is obsessed with symmetry and if he notices something assymetrical he will get a nosebleed and he will have a freak out if somethings perfectly symmetrical and even if its an enemy he wont destroy "true beauty" he even chose his weapons the Twin Pistols for the sake of symmetry

Weapon(s): Liz and Patty, The Thompson Sisters

Gender: Both Female

Age: (again I have no clue...) 15 or 16

Meister/Weapon: Weapons

Human Appearance:

Bio: The Thompson sisters used to be feared and Mugged people on the streets until one day they mugged a grim reaper (kid) and they became his weapons

Personality: Liz is your typical teenage girl and is scared of ghosts, Patty is childish in nature and is always energetic and peppy
(is it to late to post this? D: )

Name: Atheris Hispidis Gorgon-Stien

Alias(nickname?): Ahri

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Weapon/Meister: Meister

Human Looks: -- Petite and uber pale, wears a black skirt that goes abover her belly button, black suspenders with gold hooks, a violet vest, white long sleeved shirt with a black bow tie(string) or black dress four fingers thick on the shoulder, poofs out a little at the waist line, with a black and white stripped long sleeve that tightens on the wrist then frills out and crinkly turtle neck under it. Both outfits have black tights and red mary janes.

History: Stien and Medusa have a child, that child was born half witch half sane with the same arrows as her mother, but going from her underarm down her side around her leg and onto her foot. From that moment on Medusa had a soul protect on her. Ahri’s father has done experiments on her since she was a baby, on her mother too. She “died”(Ahri from there on learned soul protect.) then on her “Death” anniversary and Ahri’s 9th birthday father sent her to buy mother flowers and visit her. When Ahri got back Stien had left, with everything but mother’s locket and pictures of the family. Ahri gathered cloths and left. She played her Alto-Sax or violin for money. She eventually had enough to get an apartment. Lord Death hears of this child and sends Kid to gather her. She refuses to speak to him because he is unsymmetrical. After repeatedly coming, his persistence, she went to the DWMA. This is where we begin.

Personality: Friendly, Kind, outgoing, all over the place, childish, bubbly, mood swings. When it comes to a battle is the only time she is serious.

Why they are at DWMA: to be kept under surveillance and be a meister?

(EDIT full name)
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Name: Harry Steele

Alias: Harry

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Weapon/Meister: Weapon

If they are a weapon, what kind of weapon are they, provide a picture: See link below. I am a halberd.

Human Looks: Dark green hair and tall stature. Harry is 6ft tall and has black eyes. His skin is slightly pale.

History: Parents were weapons and raised Harry to be a weapon as well. However he has yet to find a meister. Harry showed no interest to join the DWMA but does so anyway to please his parents.

Personality: Not very talkative and prefers to think things through before fighting. Harry likes to watch and observe rather than engage,

Why they are at DWMA: Parents forced him to join. Reluctantly joins because this is his best option.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/halberd.png.41b025424c30fe6d7c22289fe05147ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/halberd.png.41b025424c30fe6d7c22289fe05147ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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-Name: Tezrian

-Alias: Talon Vetis Mortifena, Boss Death

-Gender: Female

-Age: 17 1/2

-Weapon/Meister: Meister

-Personality: Sarcastic, Humorous, -Energetic, Fun, Partially Self Conscious, Short Tempered, Quirky, Loud, Clever, Poise (sometimes), Caring, Reliable.

-Human Looks:


Except, her hair has purple tips that turn red when she's angry, and her eyes are purple, which do the same. She also has three lines of Sanzu on her head. Two on the right, one on the left.

-Personal History: Talon is a very...special type of Shinigami. She has remnants of Kishin abilities wrapped up in her Death God powers, thus classifying her as a sort of hybrid. When people find this out, they tend to swing weapons at her, so she tries to keep it a secret. She's also very self conscious about it. Up until the age of 5, Talon lived with her brother and father, who had turned into evil humans. They were former scientists, and often subjected Talon to experiments ranging from vivisections to various types of radiation, which left her with a mutation in her eye ducts that causes her tears to be bloody. She was soon saved by Stein and Spirit and taken to the DWMA, where she met Lord Death and was told she was a part Shinigami, and also a meister. Because she had Kishin abilities, Lord Death wanted to keep a close eye on her, and also wanted her to start training to be a meister early, and therefore Stein took her under his wing and trained her with the help of Lord Death. As she trained, Stein observed her, and eventually came to a conclusion: Talon is something called a "Dormant Kishin" (something he thought of right off the top of his head), which means her Kishin abilities are masked by her Shinigami abilities, but if she is ever provoked or angered to an extent, those Kishin abilities can and will unmask themselves, which sort of explains why her eyes and hair tips change color when she is mad. Lord Death officially called the diagnosis "Dormant Kishinism". Talon excelled in her training, becoming a 2 star meister by the age of 10, and a 3 star by 15. She even started an exclusive Kishin hunting force called the KHM: The Kishin Hunting Mafia. But, she eventually gained an interest in ballet, and signed up for lessons. She soon was offered a spot in the Russian Ballet, and dropped her meister training and the KHM to join. Upon her return, she reformed the KHM, and is now continuing her lessons.


-Name: Phoebe Astaroth

-Alias: Phoebo, Pheebs, Sugary Nutjob

-Gender: Female

-Age: 17

-Weapon/Meister: Machine -Gun/Flamethrower

-Personality: Narcoleptic, Easily Distracted, ADD, Has a Sweet Tooth, Sarcastic, Mean (sometimes), Fun, Smart, Strong, Kind of Lazy, Introverted, Tech Wizz.

-Human Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375539174.804194.jpg.40753e0667952a529e5965f31b106968.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375539174.804194.jpg.40753e0667952a529e5965f31b106968.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Always has a lollipop in her mouth

-Personal History: Phoebe lived with only her mother in their penthouse condo. She suffers daily from low blood sugar, which is how she gained a sweet tooth. She is always seen with a lollipop in her mouth, and if anyone were to pull it out, she'd fall asleep instantly. When she was born, she had her arm amputated because the umbilical chord had wrapped around it, so all her life, she has had an arm of automail. For a while, she searched for a meister, but was only able to befriend a 4-inch tall weapon, who was her only friend, being that she had a hard time in social situations...and no one wanted a disabled, narcoleptic partner. But that all changed when she met the tortured hybrid meister, Talon. The poor thing was cut up and burned, and Phoebe offered her help, which was turned down. Phoebe went to Lord Death and told him of the situation and sure enough, a few days later, Talon was safe and sound at the DWMA. Stein soon started training Talon to be a meister, and Phoebe became one of her first weapons. Years later, Talon achieved in turning Phoebe into a Death Scythe, and Phoebe was forever grateful. The two also began ballet lessons together. Then, the KHM was later formed, and Phoebe became a top subordinate to Talon. But, the KHM was suspended because Talon was leaving for Russia. Phoebe opted to tag along, being that she had been offered a spot on the ballet as well and is now back, in the KHM, and the DWMA.


-Name: Dokueki Scorpionic

-Alias: Doku the Scorpion

-Gender: Female

-Age: 18

-Weapon: Scythe Whip, Syringe.

-Personality: Follows through on everything, Reliable, Rebellious, Fun, Sarcastic, Irritable, Doesn't Tolerate Morons, Agile, Helpful.

Human: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375539399.932236.jpg.e84426680d08a7dabcbd513a48bcaff3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375539399.932236.jpg.e84426680d08a7dabcbd513a48bcaff3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

JUST THE HAIR AND FACE. She wears a black jumpsuit with a purple belt with vials of pink liquid hooked to it. She's also four inches tall.

-Personal History: Doku Scorpionic is the youngest member of a clan of tiny demon weapons called the Scorpions, nonetheless. I say tiny because they're all no more than 6 inches of height, and they're called the Scorpions because along with being weapons, they can also turn into scorpions. The family is also notorious for their "Death Shot", a pink fluid that can kill an Evil Human instantly when injected. But, the fluid causes the Kishin Egg to become brittle, and to possible dissolve away, so it is rarely used unless the situation is dire. Doku was always rebellious when it came to her clan. She never followed the rules, and she never went with the customs. In fact, she wasn't allowed to become anyone's partner until she reached the age of 18, which she hated. So she ran away from the clan and ventured out and befriended Phoebe Astaroth, another weapon in search of a meister. Then, the tortured Talon came into the picture, and Doku offered to help her, as did Phoebe, but the offer was declined. Doku had the idea of taking the situation to Lord Death, which they did. Talon was soon brought back to DWMA, where Stein began to train her, and the tiny Doku became one of her weapons. A few years later, Talon was able to turn Doku into a Death Scythe, and even gave her spot on the KHM as a top subordinate. But, when the KHM was suspended, Doku did not want to be all alone while Phoebe and Talon flew off to Russia, so she came along. Of course, she has now returned with her meister.


-Name: Shane Chepelski

-Alias: Syn

-Gender: Male

-Age: 17

-Weapon/Meister: Dual Sided Scythe

Personality: Strong Willed, Protective, Organized, Fun, Patient, Intimidating, Loud, Chill.

-Human Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375540633.198513.jpg.af574c3a2aead4892cc0b2b2d6bad8ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375540633.198513.jpg.af574c3a2aead4892cc0b2b2d6bad8ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His bangs are frosted green.

-Personal History: Shane, or Syn as people tend to call him, is from a line of very successful Russian dancers, and being that he was the youngest member of his family, he was expected to follow in everyone's footsteps. Syn had been a ballet dancer since he could walk. He was always homeschooled just so he would never be away from the family dance studio. But, although the family bloodline is mainly dance based, many of the members of his family are weapons, who always preferred the ballet over becoming a Death Scythe. Syn, however, was different. Although he took his lessons like he was expected to, he secretly took classes at the Russian branch of the DWMA. He'd never had a meister, and always trained himself alone. Then, he was offered a spot on the prestigious Russian Ballet, and his family wouldn't let him turn it down. So he was opted to join, and had to stop his Weapons classes. But, the lineup in the ballet was different this time around. Two new dancers, Talon and Phoebe had joined and he could tell by the lines of Sanzu on Talon's head that she was a Shinigami meister, and Phoebe was her weapon. This was his chance to finally break out of the line of ballet. Things were only made easier when he was partnered with Talon for practices. Talon offered to accept him as a partner, and Syn was set. He returned to Death City with Talon, Doku and Phoebe, much to his family's dismay, and is now enrolled in the main campus of the DWMA. He also works in the KHM.


-Name: Thanatos

-Alias: Pretentious Fuck, Douche Bag, He-Who-Will-Die, Super Pretentious Fuck Who Will Die (all by Talon)

-Gender: Male

-Age: Unknown

-Weapon/Meister: Neither

-Personality: Sadistic, Smart, Clever, Strong, Rude, Seductive, Evil

-Human Looks:

-Personal History: Thanatos and his father were both scientists before they succumbed to madness and became Evil Humans. He constantly performed experiments on Talon, his younger sister. He saw her as an abomination. Then one day, Stein and Spirit barged in and killed his father and even tried to kill him, but he managed to get away. The duo liberated Talon of her torture, much to Thanatos's anger. He vowed to hunt her down and finish her off, and to become the second Kishin ever. He's off plotting in an unknown location, slowly becoming stronger.



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Holy 0-0 so many characters maybe you should only take like 3... that's my opinion but hey, - Death The Kid in rp plus I think this is dying...
MattieLee said:
Holy 0-0 so many characters maybe you should only take like 3... that's my opinion but hey, - Death The Kid in rp plus I think this is dying...
xD There's only 5. Just long History thingies...and hi, Kid!
lol I didn't count I just saw the absolutely huge page and was like 0.0 wow *mind blown* and hello, welcome to my world of perfect symmetry and balance and I hope your accepted before the rp dies...
MattieLee said:
lol I didn't count I just saw the absolutely huge page and was like 0.0 wow *mind blown* and hello, welcome to my world of perfect symmetry and balance and I hope your accepted before the rp dies...
Yeah, I put a lot of thought into my characters. And I hope so too..

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