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Sorta new here but looking for Partners! ^.^

Zero The Shade

Vanity is The Flatterer of The Soul.

"Where once was light, Now Darkness falls...

Where once was love.. Love is no more..."

"It had been... 50 years maybe? It's hard to keep track when the world is a wasteland and the only company you've had is yourself for the past months. You know when day starts and night ends, but what day it is? What month? That's a ridiculous notion at this point. I ramble on, I am sorry. With age comes forgetfulness and distractions. Now once , very long ago, This brown and white desert was once green and lush. Don't laugh! It was. Your Granda was there. I saw the grass when it was green. And the city's bustled with people not Mutants. I tell you before the war the world was peaceful. But now it's riddled with evil and disease. When you grow up and leave this vault, you'll see what I mean. And you best take care of yourself. You hear me?..."

As the memory of his Grandfather fades, the man snaps back to his desolate surroundings. The summers on this rock are harsh. But the winters, such as the one he braves now, are much harsher. Without a fire you wouldn't make it outside through the night. Luckily Damian had learned a lot from his life in The Vault. He had learned how to quickly start fires, how to cook most meat to perfection, how to take apart, clean, and put back together almost any gun. He thought himself a novice at most things, when in truth he was far better then the less fortunate. He had aged far better then others. A lean, tall man he had turned into from the scrawny boy he used to be. His black hair covered his forehead, spiking up at the end. His sea blue eyes scanned his horizon, as the fire he sat near sputtered and cracked for fuel. He knew he'd have to find shelter soon, or risk freezing to death. And in a world full of mutations, cultists, raiders and still politics, freezing to death would be a pretty crappy way to die. He picked up his .307 bolt action rifle "Rose" made sure his satchel was with him, pulled his jacket against him, and strapped on his face mask as he walked out of the forest and into the freezing rain and snow blizzard.

Okay, that's the only plot I have right now sorry TwT But I'd love to do anything you want to! I love just about everything except space-like Sci-Fi Just because I don't watch a lot of Sci-Fi >.< But just message me and I'll get back to you as fast as possible ^.^

If there is anything you need to know or just want to know, please ask me :3 I loves feedback and criticisms
your plot actually sounds really interesting!

(btw, i'm the exact same way-- with the whole, "I love just about everything except space-like Sci-Fi") c':
Well thank you ^-^ I get bored and doodle then doodles become stories~

(That's awesome cx I thought most people were like all about the Sci-Fi's)
aha, same. all of my ideas are a result of me being incredibly bored. xD

i'd definitely be willing to roleplay it with you [& would've sent you a message or something of the sort if i wasn't new and had no idea how to work this website.]

nope! i did an alien/sci-fi/space thing once, and it lasted about four posts before i just went, "guuuuh" and left. uwu
I think boredom brings out the best in my brain. xD

And that would be lovely! But I'm not entirely sure how to work this website either :c

That's more then me xD I can't even sit through some of the movies. Then I get asked to do when and feel mean for always saying no ;~;
I'd be willing to join up on the RP as well, I've done many wasteland like role plays in the past! :D Just message me or whatever and I'll join in!
I think I'm still to "Fresh" to message you but in time I will ^.^ I don't know why but I love Apocalypse Role plays. It's like my Achilles heel.

i'll just try clicking around on your profile to see if that works.

i think i was blessed with friends who aren't into sci-fi things, thank the gods. ;u;

tch. i didn't think about being "too new to message"

shoot. :cc
I'll figure out the message thing and send you both my skype contacts and we can work from there, just sit tight ^_^
I have an idea for a plot! It's not really Sci-fi; more like borderline fantasy. If you like I can show you?
Muse A is the founding owner of a popular restaurant named Seconds, located in an unnamed town. Muse A inhabits a room in Seconds and is woken up one night by a mysterious, ebony-haired girl named Muse B, who gives Muse A a notepad, a single sunflower seed, and instructions for her/his to follow to cast a "do-over" spell in order to fix her/his past mistakes. Muse A finds more seeds and uses them to fix problems arising with the construction of a brand new restaurant, her/his relationship with her/his ex and to prevent the injury of her best waitress. Despite Muse B's rule of one seed per person, Muse A ignores Muse B's concerns and seeks to use the seeds to make her/his life perfect, but unintentionally creates more problems as a result.

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