Sorry, who are you?

First name- Terrestrial Exalted Iselsi Noyu

First and Last- Abyssal Exalted, Mountain Watching the Slumbering Eagle...ok

First and Middle- Terrestrial Exalted, Iselsi Ahelu

Full Name- Abyssal Exalted, Incompariable River

*sees bunny* That!?!?! That's what we have to worry about!? I nearly soiled my armor over that! *bunny promptly takes head of random knight* Jesus Christ!
In the Swords and Sorceress anthologies Marion Zimmer Bradley edited before her death, there's a rather funny short story that touches on bunnies with large teeth. S&S X--'Taking Shape' by Lisa Deason.
First and surname only:

First Obsidian Season, Sideral Exalt.

Whole name:

Holy Fleet Tiger, Abyssal Exalt.

Nickname(Eccentric ned):

Rude Diamond Bone, Lunar Exalt.
I like to think I got a good one for my full name:

Solar: Harmonious Tower

Funny how I always end up playing Eclipses.
First Name: Doom of Quick Guard, Abyssal Exalt

Middle Name: V'neef Lixe, Terrestrial Exalt

First and Surname: Scarlet Wolf, Abyssal Exalt

Nickname: Silver Jackal, Abyssal Exalt

Full Name: Shield and Nine Bull, Abyssal Exalt

Maybe this is why I like Abyssals so much!? :o
First and sirname: Terrestrial - Nellens Otefo

Full name: Lunar - Deni Fonoli

Nickname: Lunar - Pervasive Emerald Knight
With my first and last name:  Terrestrial Exalted Ragara Tafori

My full name makes it:  Lunar Exalted Fatuyur Wave

with just my first name I'm the Solar Exalted Harmonious Hope
With my full name: Abyssal- Bloody Imperial Oath

With out middle: Lunar- Inseparable Eagle

Just First: Solar- South Servant of Jasmine Lie

Just last: Abyssal- Azure Emerald Bull

Just Middle- Sidereal- Razor Rapid Axe

With Jeriausx- Lunar-Sipo Gray Obsidian Bone
Full name : Vast claws for the Brass Shadow, sidereal exalt

Common name : Blue Three Tiger, abyssal exalt

First name : Hidden Serpent, solar exalt

random5000uk : Eso Miki Azure Axe, solar exalted
Full name:  Solar Exalted: Fiyu Scarlet Mask

First and last:  Solar Exalted: Potent Jasmine Knight

Nickname:  Too lame to post...

Wife's full name:  Abyssal Exalted:  Flattering Guard

My daughter's nickname:  Solar Exalted:  Yaxaron Konun First Unsurpassed Terror


She really is my first unsurpassed terror...
My first name: Bloody Mantis and Rapid Knight (Abyssal)

My full name: Favored Eye to his Fierce Wolf (Lunar)

My nickname: Silver Fangs Greatest of Wicked Flame (Lunar)

My wife's name: Holy Opal Calling Enlightened Sky (Solar)

1st son: Exquisite Imperial Axe (Lunar)

2nd son: Diamond Doom Answering Fearless Skull (Abyssal)

Daughter: Ragara Bogoho (Terrestrial)

3rd son: West Answering Fearless Ancestor (Sidereal)
Birth certificate: Celestial Opal Servant of Fleet Ancestor, Lunar Exalted

First and last name: Hammer to her Forbidden Conqueror, Lunar Exalted

First name: Fist to his Obsidian Season, Sidereal Exalted (Just how many are we...?)

Last name: Lord Five Pinnacle, Abyssal Exalted

Torak: Paragon to his Sinister Flame, Abyssal Exalted

Nickname: Stone of the Forbidden Pinnacle, Abyssal Exalted

Only celestials!  8)
First name - Coral Venomous Dervish - Lunar. Same as Forn's first name.

First and last name - Red Fortress Greatest of Steel Bone - Abyssal.

Full name - Gray Apex - Lunar

Van77man - Luxafo North Answering Baroque Savant . Solar :shock:

What the fuck's a Luxafo?!? No concrete Google hits and it's not recognized as an actual word at Merriam Webster......

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