

EMT Extraordinaire
You've all heard of the conspiracy the Mayan calender only goes until 2012 and that is the year the world is 'proposed' to end...But the real question begs, do you really believe in it? Is it a hoax? A far-fetched fairy tale? Or religious propaganda?

I myself, and my best friend, both seriously agree that all is not right in the world. This is probably clicque(cant spell), but I'm getting bad vibes about 2012. Since the begining of 2011 things have started going wrong. It is only until recently that I have recognized this as things have gotten seriously and utterly worse. For example, my dog is about six-some years old and got really sick about two months ago, she started having horribly violent seizures and we where afraid we would have to put her down--shes better, but my family cant help but think that she is having surpressed seizures while we are away; and also, already this year, we have had three emergency room visits; things have been going wrong in my brother and my schools; and our luck has been simply rotten. We have NEVER been this bad, and i can help but wonder... My friends have been having similar complications. One can't blame the ecomomy or the politics--even though i would really like too--because they have been skrewed up for some time as well. I know its not the holiday season, because this has been happening all year...but like I said--nothing has really gone right. When something good does happen, eventually something bad happens to skrew everything up. I'm not complaining, this is an example--haha, believe me or not.

Anyway, my mom is crazy anyway, but she says our family can see the future...kinda, not really, I've thought over it and decided it is quick, logical, and deductive reasoning--told you my mom is crazy--but i 'predict the future' a lot. But not with a vision, I can just see if something is logically going to happen(like a true or false/yes or no question), and majority of times it does work. But the strange thing is, I have always been able to see where I'm going, picture it in my mind, but...for some reason, I can't picture whats going to happen past the end of this school year even though I know exactly what I'm going to do, where I'm going to go....

I'm probably losing my mind here...or else this whole '2012' thing is pulling the wool over my eyes and making me see a placebo. My friends and I are seriously starting to doubt...

What is your oppinion on this daunting and disturbing fast approaching doomsday prediction?

-Has anything weird happened to you? I just want to know if this is bigger than myself.

-Other than that what is your approach? Pausible, Hoax, or Neutral?
Truthfully, I don't hold much faith in it. The reason being that, predictions have been made before, and all of them have never come true (Turn of the Century, 6/6/06, ect). It's all hype, and people looking for something to blame, as the usual way human nature goes, for things in their life turning awful. Just like all the other times.

Granted, taking the prediction at face value of it saying, "The End of the World as We Know It." Key words being : As We Know It, there is a possibility of some truth. Our world is advancing faster than it should, and in turn, our advancement is bringing problems that, in the span of a year, we can't possibly change or fix. This could lead me to think one of two things, that either, our technological generation will malfunction, and that type of lifestyle will end, or, one of the lovely Nuclear War threats that's been looming over us since they were invented becomes a reality in which we all must face.

Of course, my sister also holds the belief that in the case it is the world as we know, a civilization(or civilizations) that holds all of the 'world' so to speak(Ethnicity, Back ground, Culture, Religion,ect, from all over), inside itself will crumble.

But, as stated first and foremost, I don't really put much stock into it. Because, in all reality, even the examples I've given, can just be given the "Start at this Dot. Draw to this Dot." method, in which, we're all just trying to connect the dots to make something seem highly likely, when for all we know, it's nothing.
Anyone ever stop to think that the Mayans had to stop the calander at some point? They couldn't make one for the rest of our lives. Also, anyone ever stop to think these are the same guys that would sacrifice virgins in order to appeal to the rain gods? Long story short, life ends when it ends. We could all be in an accident tomorrow. Live life by the fullest and worry about them pearly gates when you are their.

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Nothing weird has happened to me, I think you may just be having a year of bad luck...

As for 2012, I don't really believe it's going to happen. It probably have more legitimacy in my books if the Mayan's had specifics on why and how. Also in the end run, the Mayan culture had been taken over by the Spaniards the same time that there calender had ended. I'm not really well-versed in mayan culture, but I agree with esme's point on saying it's something like Y2K and sorry to say it, but the apocalypse that was supposed to happen this year.

GgAcE said:
Anyone ever stop to think that the Mayans had to stop the calander at some point?
It's sorta confusing that they chose to end it December 21st, 2012 (the actual date of all things bad or whatever)

Even more so when you take into account that the world was supposed to of start on an August the 1st, and that 2012 is a leap year. (which took a while to figure out, if I'm not mistaken)

I guess what I'm trying to say is after so many years of changes/the betterment of the calender,

For all we know our prescribed hayday could be in the middle of July, or has already passed.
Thanks guys *scratches head* guess I just needed reassurance. Lol my friend and I where talking about the Mayan calendar today, we both agreed that the person who was carving the calendar in that rock probably was probably doing it as eternal punishment for littering or something by carning an everlasting calender and he got his hands chopped off as punishment when he ran out of rock or got tired. It was stupid to think that the world would end because a calendar ran out if space. It's more realistic that humans exhaust all of earths resources natural disasters happen as a result and the world end in a cataclysmic event. That or a solar flare ignites/breaks through the atmospheres and we die because of acute radiation poisoning--or exfixciation(can't spell--suffocation). On a side note, there would be more of a chance of the world ending during the months from Febuary-November, the likelyness of it happening right as a new year begins is slim--the world doesn't have a calendar, just an alarm clock.
buddy, the mayan calender is in a circle for a reason, it symbolizes that time is constant, like a turning wheel.

to say the world will end in 2012 because the mayab calender says so is like saying the world would have ended in 1999 because it was the end of the 19s

2012 will come, people will riot, some will die in the riots, there will be a few earthquakes, american televangelists will be humiliated and/or call for mass-suicides and more.

but 2013 will come, and everyone who rioted will feel like a right moron and i will laugh at everyone who panicked.
xD yeah, but after they're humiliated, theyre gonna try to find a cover up, then they'll start all over again saying 2013 is when the world will end because 13 is suppose to be an unlucky number. When has anything unlucky happened on a Friday the 13? You know, besides the movies...
indeed, and every single time there is a bushfire, an earthquake, a terrorist attack, people will be screaming "end of the world, run for your lives! sacrfice a virgin!" for the next year.

next year the ignorant and the gulllible will be freaking out, that is a guarantee
Twenty-Twelve is a load of crock. Y2K was a sham (Duh). Unless on December 21st 2012,the world goes all Fallout. Yeah...Predetermined apocalypse dates don't fly far with me. We'll either bomb eachother into oblivion when the water/hydrocarbons run our,or suffocate in our own atmosphere after we discover how to synthesize hydrocarbons.

WOW! I sound like a pessemistic jerkass.
Like I stated in my post, the actual date of the Mayan calender ending is December 21st, 2012.

or 12-21-12

Creepy ain't it?
I don't think the world will end this year. I do think that the world will change and that bad things can happen, but I don't think any of us know when that will happen, so there is no use in fretting of things out of our control.

I also feel it's a bit selfish for some people to state the world will end if humans end. Unless the earth explodes into pieces, gets sucked into a black hole or something, the world will still exist without us if it's just people who will perish at the end of the world. Though it could also be taken as it would be the end of our world and that would make sense to and not be as selfish than to assume that the world needs us when it doesn't.

What worries me is that people will go crazy near the end of this year. I don't want innocent people to get hurt because others are paranoid.
It's come to my knowledge as of recent, of one important fact pertaining to this 'end of the world' Mayan prediction. True, their calender ended, but we've missed a little detail that has a rather large impact.

When their calender was created, leap years did not exist.

We've taken those into account to create the number 12-21-12. However, that is wholly incorrect, for, once you remove the idea of a leap year, which they did not have, the actual date of expiration would have been around Eight Months ago (We'd also be in the year 2013 at the current). So, as far as that prediction goes, my previous post here still remains my opinion on it, it's just hype over something that 'already' happened.
Join the year 2013

Also, Y2K wasn't a complete sham, it had to do with computers not being designed to flip over to the right date, but it wasn't the end of the world or anything. Also, esme beat me to the punch
Maybe they all died and didn't have time to finish the calender. -_-

It's really stupid to worry about. Honestly, what did the Mayans know about now? If anything I honestly think it was a long shot of a prediction. Seems like a waste of time. Unless someone has proof that the Mayans could see into the future or something I'm not going to worry about it. A human making a prediction is a human making a prediction. Doesn't matter if it was two months ago or two hundred years. And let's think back to all the other predictions us humans have made just over the past decade. We're all still here.

And if the Mayans were really 'On to something', it would've happened already since they didn't have leap years back then...
Well, did you guys ever think the Mayans ran out of Paper? :3. Just kidding, the propaganda behind this conspiracy is idiodic. I personally believe that the world will know end for a good couple of millions of years. With all the different guessing on when the world was gonna end, (Y2K etc.), a lot of bad stuff happened around those times. And yes I believe it is the 21/12/2012. I've never seen the film, nor really did any research on the particular assumption the world will end this theory. Although, everyone is entitled to their opinions.
a lot of people dont realize that the mayans created their calender before the new type of calender came out, which added months to it, so really shouldn't the actual date have been months ago?

Plus it's been disproven already so no harm done ^^
Sigh ... the Mayans did NOT predict an apocalypse. The catastrophes that were predicted were based on a poor understanding of Mayan texts. What happened on 21 Dec 2012 was the completion of the 13th bak'tun. To be certain it was an important event. Subsequent discoveries, however, show dates in the 17th Bak'tun and beyond. It was very much the equivalent to our end of a millennium fears. The Mayans would have scoffed at those.
A bit off-topic, but...

I remember being terrified of 2012, because when I was 11, I made a bet with myself: "If the first card of the Bakuman deck I just bought is something involving the world ending in a huge black hole, then the world will end."

So I open the thing and... Lo and behold, the first card is, "Black Hole."

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