Sonic the Hedgehog: The Darkest Hour

Samuel was heading to the ruined city where he saw Sonic and some giant water monster thing. "Sonic! Need some help?!" Samuel yelled.
Sonic turned his head and his eyes met Samuel he smirked and rose his finger and wagged it "Depends if you can keep up!" Sonic said giving him a thumbs up and turning to look back at the creature. Sonic knew that now he was more than capable of defeating Chaos without going super,though the problem was that if he made one mistake he may drown. "Heh let's see what you got Chaos round 3!" Sonic yelled hopping downs and speeding on the water toward the beast.
(OoC: Wait is he Chaos? I thought he was a giant water dragon thing. I'll assume he's Chaos for now)

Metal Sonic blasted off and he hovered in mid-air, watching Chaos wreck the mountain in attempts to crush Sonic. For the first time in his existence, Metal Sonic genuinely wanted to help him.

"Target acquired," Metal Sonic buzzed, and a part of his arm clicked out, revealing a laser. The laser fired into Chaos' eye, but it wasn't enough to do too much damage. At least he had Chaos' attention now.

Metal Sonic shot off and started spinning around Chaos.
(no hes my character scurge, he aint giant, but he is powerful, maybe metal sonic believes hes chaos reincarnate to start or something)

scurge snapped fingers summoning a pillar of water to block the laser looking towards the metal hedgehog. ''oh...a fight..yay finally!!'' He snaps fingers again, before charging and shooting towards the metallic being. ''your not from here are you little boy blue'' He laughs.
Samuel focused his mind as a card appeared floating on the palm of his hand. "EMIYA!" He yelled as he crushed the card. A man in red with Dark skin and white hair and grey eyes appeared. He had a bow in his hand. Something akin to a sword appeared in his hand and he set it up on the bow and fired the spiral sword at Chaos. It left a Spiral trail as it headed towards Chaos's body. It caused quite a big explosion on impact.
Metal Sonic used his thrusters to blast downwards to avoid the attack. He shot up again and fired two concussion blasts at the odd-looking Chaos with his feet.

"Anomaly detected," Metal Sonic reported, "Reports of the god of destruction have shown that he does not speak."

Metal Sonic blasted forward and tackled the weird Chaos in mid-air.
It took Shadow a couple seconds to take in what Metal Sonic just said. 'Help would be appreciated? Was he actually asking for help in a human life like way? So he isn't just a robot.' Shadow smiled at the thought and jumped out of the ship and hit the ground, the impact activating the jet skis in his shoes and he was off like a light. When he arrived he saw the fight was already going on against... Chaos?
scurge opened out his arms creating another ball of water. ''EHHEHE DIE!!'' He puts the orb of water above his head, before throwing it with devastating force, but no matter how fast he threw the ball of water as it turns to a bubble before it splits into thousands and thousands of bubbles. ''ehhe...come and get me you cybernetic abomination''
marine finally makes it to the building " I finally made it to this building but what is it" marine heads into the building and finds out that it is a underground shelter that sonic built.
Metal Sonic hovered in the air, glaring as he targeted the bubbles. They kept multiplying in the air, and Metal Sonic decided sending missiles at them was not a possibility. He shot up in the air, and dived through them, dodging them with metallic grace and eventually punching one that was in his way. He tried to hit the anomalous sea creature with his thrusters at point blank range when-

"Chaos not detected," a female voice inside his head muttered, "Target could not be identified."

"Identify yourself," Metal Sonic said, thrusters roaring, about to fire.
Heh...scurge...servant of chaos and the last thing YOU SHALL SEE" with a sharp snap ofhis fingers, created all the bubbles to explode creating a ring of explosions. "heheh...cybernetic abomination...."
Shadow sprung into action, leaping off buildings to get closer to the creature. He kicked it in the jaw then snapped his fingers causing an explosion of Chaos Energy. "hmph, I'll show you my ultimate power." Shadow said backing up, standing face to face with the creature.
scurge felt abit of pain. ''hmm...oh sorry..was I supposes to say ow'' He snickered, before sticking his long tounge out. ''hmm..i will allow my master's plan to come true''

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