Sonic the Hedgehog: The Darkest Hour

Metal Sonic received the ring and felt energy boost inside him. Energy levels: 62%. Oh, more than enough.

Metal Sonic rushed forward and socked Iblis in the face.

"-bzzt- Sarcasm..."

Metal Sonic kicked Iblis in the throat and rocketed to behind Iblis' head.

"-bzzt- Not..."

Metal Sonic pulled back Iblis' head for Shadow and Sonic to attack more readily.

"Appreciated. -bzzt-"
Shadow nodded at Sonic and leaped into the air, delivering a chaos spear to disable the shield then using Chaos Control to keep the shield from recovering quickly. "Chaos... Control!" A wave of green energy surrounded Shadow as Iblis began to slow down immensely. "Sonic, now!"
Sonic already prepped up with his attack positioned himself in a racing position, "Ready..." Sonic said as he looked at Iblis and smirked "Go!" Sonic yelled and in a blink of an eye Sonic attacks giving devastating blows.
Silver was charging while the others were attacking him. The blue light surrounded him as he was releasing his power. He lifts Iblis 200 feet int0 the air. Then Silver slammed Iblis against the ground hard.
Metal Sonic watched as Iblis, weakened by having its gem cracked, was lifted into the sky by Silver. Metal took this as an opportunity and shot up after Iblis, punching and kicking. As Silver got tired, Metal Sonic himself assisted in lifting Iblis. When their elevation level was 221 feet, Metal Sonic felt Iblis descending. He quickly moved out of the way as Iblis, with a burst of neon blue light, disappeared into the ground with a big WHOOMP.

Metal Sonic descended and scanned the small crater Iblis created.

"Neutralized," Metal Sonic concluded.
Iblis disappeared, they had one for now. Shadow crossed his arms and looked over at Metal Sonic. "Why did you help us? Oh and here." Shadow tossed Metal Sonic a few power rings, one to use now and the rest to use when he needed, it was the least Shadow could do, Metal Sonic had helped him after all.
Metal Sonic looked at Shadow and scanned the hedgehog with great interest. Eventually, he picked up the rings and replied:

"Information unavailable."

With a boom, Metal Sonic was up in the air and soaring back to Dr. Robotnik.
Marine comes out of the portal that was created by the warp ring she found she then sails her boat but crashes it on a beach "crikey I must of wrecked my ship on some deserted island" then she passed out.
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Samuel headed toward the underground base with his Beam sabers attached to his hips. He headed down to see if anybody needed help with anything. He also wondered where Sonic was.
Shadow watched Metal Sonic fly away. "He isn't just another Eggman robot, and I will save him from Eggman." Shadow said to no one in particular, with a fist raised he said, "I will save you Metal Sonic." Shadow said running off to his base.

Mephiles watched Shadow run away, looks like he was forgotten about pretty easily. Oh well, that would just make it easier for him. He sank into the floor and disappeared.
Silver watched Metal Sonic go and the watched Shadow follow after him. Silver sighed.

'I hope he knows what he's doing.'

Silver thought to himself and flew after Shadow catching up with him.
Shadow hopped off some rubble and onto the next piece of road and followed Metal Sonic. Then he looked over to see Silver following him. "What're you doing Silver?" Shadow asked curious as to why Silver was following him in his quest to rescue Metal Sonic from Eggman's control.
"Like I'm going to let you go into Eggman's base alone. Yeah right. I'm here to watch your back."

He said smiling and giving the black hedgehog a thumbs up as he flew next to him.
Shadow nodded at the silver hedgehog and increased his speed trying to catch up with Metal Sonic. He stopped and looked up to see Eggman's Egg Carrier. Shadow now needed to figure out how to get up their.
marine who doesn't know she is suffering from amnesia gets up and looks around she then sees her ship "crikey what happened here". marine looks around again and she sees a building on the horizon " I know I will go to that building and ask what happened to this ship" she starts walking towards the building.
Metal Sonic landed in the Egg Carrier and plugged himself into the ship. Robotnik's old messages played through in his mind. He sighed as he watched Robotnik order him around.

"Met-kursh-Metal Sonic! Look at the creature ri-kurhs-rising out of the sea. Ana-kursh-lyze it and retu-kursh-urn."

There was an image of Chaos as he rose out of the oceans. Sonic was rushing back and forth, combating the monster. Eventually, he turned Super, whizzing around. Metal Sonic could never defeat Sonic when he was Super... Those were simpler times, when he fought Sonic and listened to Robotnik...

The Egg Carrier detected Silver and Shadow on the ground below them. Metal Sonic lifted off as Robotnik's message continued.

"No!" Robotnik called after Metal Sonic, "You can't he-kursh-help Sonic!"

Metal Sonic landed with a loud "CLANK" in front of Shadow and Silver. He analyzed the two hedgehogs and decided that they were allies now.

"Shadow the Hedgehog and Silver the Hedgehog. I bring news. There is a great probability that you will perceive them as beneficial ones. Robotnik is currently deceased. He was killed when one of his Eggmobiles exploded due to overheating. You have no adversary... except for me, if you wish."

Metal Sonic looked away. "Perhaps we shall combine forces to repair this world. Robotnik is dead, but his conscience was stored in a computer. Perhaps we can use him for his technological innovations."
Shadow uncrossed his arms. "The doctor is deceased? But his consciousness was stored in his data banks? Take us up to the Egg Carrier Metal Sonic." Shadow more asked then commanded, he didn't treat Metal Sonic like any common robot, he treated Metal Sonic like a person. Shadow again crossed his arms over his chest and waited.
ooo....bout time chaos is awake....'' The draco streached his arms out quickly, and cracks his back softly. ''man...ever since that guy did some real damage...its been reaaaal guess ill join the fun too'' the dragon stood up slowly, and leaped into the sea and surfed quckly towards a rock and stood on it. ''hmmm...'' He soon begun to wave arm up and to the side over and over. ''dun dooo dee doo dun daaa dooo dee'' He waved over and over, too create watery waves.
I nodded and grabbed both Silver and Shadow in a magnetic field around me. I rocketed up and landed in the Egg Carrier. I walked over to a computer and pressed a few keys, booting up Egg.vir files and projecting it on a wall.

"What?" a female voice said, "Where am I? What's going on? And... why do I sound girly?"
do ray me sa fooo sho TA!!!'' He opens arms, and sends a wave of water through some rocks as he continued singing. ''moto ra sho fala!'' He claps and sends more water balls towards a large mountain.
Shadow crossed his arms and looked at the monitor. "Dr. Eggman? Is that you?" Shadow asked, the female voice kinda threw him off a little. He looked at Silver and shrugged his shoulders and looked back up at the monitors.
"What is this? Wait... Am I dead? I can't see anything. Please tell me I'm just blind. I can fix that. Not death, but... I suppose I HAVE fixed that. I've made a program so I can rule the world even after I die. Wait..."

There was a pause.

"Am I a WOMAN?"

There was a loud boom in the distance and Metal Sonic clanked over to look outside of the ship. And there it was.

There was a giant sea monster wrecking a nearby mountain. Metal Sonic analyzed it.

"Advised plan of action is to neutralize aggressive life form," Metal Sonic said, "Immediate danger has been calculated. Assistance will be appreciated."

With that, Metal Sonic blasted off towards the mountain.
Sonic seeing the rest depart only made him smirked, but it soon fell to a disturbed looked when he felt the power of a chaotic fiend named Chaos. Sonic face was the set back to his normal smile "Bout time you decided to show your ugly face" Sonic said looking at the direction where he felt Chaos's power. Sonic sped that direction at blinding speed Chaos becoming visible "There you are!" Sonic said standing on a building to avoid the water.

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