Sonic the Hedgehog: the corruption of the world


Three Thousand Club
This isn't going to have a main plot involving some big bad guy to defeat. This is going to be a RP of interaction. Call it a peaceful RP... Unless characters are bad. I don't care if people make characters with sinister intentions. But the main plot will not have a evil villain to beat because I don't want this to be a RP to be beaten and then just kick the bucket. This will be a RP focused on character interaction, relationships, rivalries, and anything else like that. So do not assume there will be some big evil dark plot.

Character Skelly:

  1. name
  2. nickname/alias(if any)
  3. appearance
  4. background
  5. bio
  6. chaos powers(what can he/she do with a chaos emerald or more?)
  7. team(if any)
  8. skills
  9. personality
  10. home(if any)
  11. theme song(optional)


  1. four sentences per post, absolutely no one liners.
  2. no ignoring others
  3. no god modding
  4. no killing off anyone without permission from whoever you're trying to kill off.
  5. if you are inactive for a week with no reason, you will be removed
  6. take anything over pg-13 to private thread

my character skelly:

Name: Shadow the Hedgehog

nickname/alias: The Ultimate Life Form


background: It all starts with Gerald on the Ark, struggling to make the Ultimate Life Form, and doing a bad job of it...

It's never stated but presumably he made the Biolizard, a failure at the Ultimate Life Form. The Biolizard was large, bulky, stupid and to be blunt just plain ugly. However on one of his side projects Gerald manage to make contact with the Black Comet where Black Doom offered to help him make Shadow in return for the seven chaos emeralds. Eager to get his work finished Gerald agreed without considering what his new allies from the mysterious Black Comet wanted....

A young boy, who used to play with Maria saw Shadow being made and fled, had nightmares and would eventually grow up to be a sad obsessive twisted man who would be haunted by the image for the rest of his life...

Too late Gerald realised what Black Doom was doing and left a message warning Shadow that Black Doom would try and use him. He also realised the GUN troops were about to attack the Ark and shut him down, however he built the Eclipse Cannon, in order to destroy the Black Comet.

GUN attacks the ARK, Maria is killed trying to escape with Shadow...

Gerald went mad and programmed both Shadow and the Biolizard to destroy the earth... Presumably Black Doom was saying the same things to him that he was to Shadow "Humans are despicable" "This earth is abominable" "Unleash your evil"

Gerald is captured, sentenced, and executed, but he dies happy knowing that his revenge will destroy the planet, saving humanity from Black Doom.

GUN seals the Biolizard away and Shadow is also encapsulated, frozen for 50 years as the Militaries Top Secret Weapon...

bio: (for this RP a bio doesn't work for Shadow as he hasn't been awakened yet. Therefore having no history.)

chaos powers: Chaos Control, Chaos Blast, Chaos Spear

Team: Team Dark(eventually.)

skills; can snap his fingers causing his opponents to take damage from pure energy. Adept with combat, and chaos emeralds.

personality: currently, cold and hateful towards everyone he meets, being as he is driven with revenge.

home: none

theme song: All Hail Shadow (Crush 40, Magna-Fi)
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Name: Silver the Hedgehog

Gender: male

Species: Hedgehog

Age: 14

Skills: Psychokinesis , Chaos control and Teleport dash

Forms: super silver

Friends: blaze, Amy rose Knuckles and Espio

Rivals: Sonic and Shadow

Enemies: Iblis,DR Eggman and Mephiles The Dark.

Theme Songs

Main Theme: dreams of an absolution


Silver is from a distant, post-apocalyptic future, Silver, with his best friend and partner, the pyrokinetic cat Blaze, work together in constant attempts to defeat the fiery monster Iblis; however, all of their attempts so far have been in vain, as Iblis is immortal and can resurrect himself through his ashes. Frustrated with this, Silver desperately wonders how they can permanently destroy him, and are then approached by Mephiles who tells them of the 'Iblis Trigger', the one responsible for the resurrection of Iblis, and reveals that they must kill him to prevent Iblis's return. He states that the Iblis Trigger is Sonic, and sends himself, Blaze, and Silver back in time to when Sonic was still alive, although Silver and Blaze are separated from him in the process. Silver finds Sonic after his failed attempt to save Princess Elise from Dr. Eggman during the Festival of the Sun, but is mistaken for Sonic himself by Amy and distracted before he can strike. Amy decides to help him find the person he is looking for, though he is largely unwilling to accept her help. Eventually, he warms up to her and decides to help Amy in exchange for her help, although they don't know that they are both looking for the same person . Soon afterward, Silver finds Sonic and attacks him. Sonic initially had the upper hand, but showed concern for him, even asking if he was alright in the end. Silver psychokinetically throws Sonic into a building, incapacitating him. Silver wonders if Mephiles was joking, wondering how someone as weak as Sonic apparently could possibly cause the apocalypse. Sonic attempts to run after Silver when Eggman captures Elise again, but Silver knocks him down and is about to deliver the final blow when Amy intervenes, allowing Sonic to escape. Silver tells Amy about the world's devastation due to Sonic's actions, but Amy refuses to believe that Sonic would ever do such a thing. She states that she would choose Sonic over the world any day even if it was true, and immediately leaves Silver. Disheartened, Silver leaves to ponder over whether or not killing Sonic to save the future is truly the right thing to do. Blaze finds Silver at the docks and, after some conversation, she convinces him that they need to save the future by any means necessary. After failing to track Sonic down at Eggman's snowy mountain base they encounter Mephiles, who tells them that Sonic is at the terminal station. After tracking him down, Silver paralyzes Sonic with his psychokinesis, allowing Eggman to capture Elise once again in the confusion, and is about to kill him, when Shadow, whom Silver at first mistakes for Mephiles, intervenes, once again allowing Sonic to escape. The two fight to a standstill, and Shadow uses Chaos Control to evade Silver's intended punch and kicks Silver in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. Refusing to be defeated and desperate to save his world, Silver pulls out his Chaos Emerald and, much to Shadow's surprise, induces Chaos Control at the same time as Shadow, opening up a time portal to the Soleanna of ten years ago. Shadow tells Silver of Mephiles' true intentions, and they both decide to go back to the day that the Solaris Project went haywire and see what really happened. Once they arrive, Shadow and Silver witness the project's failure first hand, with a machine exploding and the Duke of Soleanna getting badly injured while protecting Elise, then only seven years old, from the blast. The hedgehog duo splits up, Shadow pursuing Mephiles, and Silver pursuing Iblis, while the Duke gives Shadow the Scepter of Darkness to imprison Mephiles. Silver tracks down Iblis and paralyzes him with his psychokinesis, and the dying Duke seizes this opportunity to use a Chaos Emerald to seal Iblis within the unconscious body of his daughter, entrusting Silver to take her to a safe place, and telling Elise not to cry, as doing so would release Iblis, in his dying words. Silver carries Elise out of the lab, meets up with Shadow, who has successfully captured Mephiles, and sets Elise down next to a nearby tree. Shadow leaves the Scepter of Darkness with Elise, knowing what becomes of it in the future, and they both open up another time portal to the present, which Shadow immediately jumps through. Silver, however, is just about to follow when he hears Elise call for her father in her sleep. Feeling sorry for her, Silver gives Elise his blue Chaos Emerald as a good luck charm, and then follows Shadow through the portal. Upon their return, Silver reveals to Blaze that Mephiles had lied about Sonic being the Iblis Trigger, and realizing that Eggman may intend to release Iblis, they go to help Sonic save Elise from Eggman, arriving just in time to save Sonic from a small army of Eggman's robots; unsurprisingly, Sonic is somewhat wary of Silver at first, but graciously accepts his help, nonetheless. However, they do not make it before the Egg Carrier crashes into a mountain and explodes, killing both Elise and Eggman. After a moment of grieving, Sonic and Silver use Chaos Control to allow Sonic to travel back in time to before the Egg Carrier exploded in order to save her, and Sonic gives Silver his Chaos Emerald in order for Silver and Blaze to return to their own time, which they do. Silver and Blaze defeat Iblis once more, and he attempts to use himself as Iblis's vessel; while he is not accepted, Blaze is, and she seals Iblis within herself, and uses Chaos Control to teleport herself into another dimension to ensure that Iblis does not return, much to Silver's dismay and sadness. Later on, after Mephiles kills Sonic and merges with Iblis, Silver is among the characters who are transported to Solaris's dimension, where they all work together to gather the Chaos Emeralds in order to resurrect Sonic and defeat Solaris. In the end, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver successfully destroy Solaris, and Sonic and Elise travel back in time to when Solaris was just a flame and extinguish him, erasing the game's events from history, and thus, resetting the timeline. What becomes of Silver's world after this is unknown.

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