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"anyway lets continue training" after a few hours of them beating each other up they decide to take a break "why did you want to train with me my last apprentice died of training with me so why?"
Shadow sighed. "I was getting desprate...I was sealed away for 10 years and then theese god feeling energy people show up...all probally capable of sealing me again and killing my friends killing the girl I'm engaged to...I just...well I think you get what I'm saying..." He says. The fear of losing everyone obvious in his voice.
"i lost others from those same gods you felt the energy of I lost most of my human friends and my human wife so I understand"
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"i guess your right" he lays down "ive been a soul reaper for 15 years and decided to leave the soul society to get away from their new laws and they are corrupt now"
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails return to the soul society
"I don't know suddenly the head captain changed the laws to be more corrupt and they kill anyone in there way and apparently they have this 'big three' now"
"thats where your wrong and youll see for yourself and another thing those three you mentioned are captain leveled reapers so dont underestimate them" he says

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