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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

"hm.. ah the eye of infinite created by James Xavier... Im beyond that but it can at least give you a little strength not to die easily... Ultimate lifeform" he laughs and snaps his fingers causing the area to turn black and increasing his strength to exactly your level if you were in your strongest form
*skids backwards turning normal. I turn to my blue form and then blue evloution removing my rings and asorbing the aura stregething myself up* (On what a Super Sayin Blue Kaioken x250 Goku would be...so 3000 times stronger than Master Ultra Insitinct) "Damn it....using this much power will kill me unless I end this within 13 minutes"
*turns normal with a sigh. My aura now purple insted of green or red. My eye white black as I use my black arm half to stay awake* "Damn it...."
Amy: 'ok...but what if Sonic turns into that again?"
*sighs* "Then I'll have to break the seal on a beeing who outstrips everyone here....The creator of Chaos Energy itself.....luckily he is good though"
Beerus: "Is it Chaos?"
"No it's.....a wolf named Josh he used to be my foe but the seal I used allowed us to talk telepathicly and he has reformed I can tell by his energy"
(Josh The Wolf is a oc of mine and wanna say he and Dark Hyper are dead even not even .0000001 stronger than the other?)
Beerus: "hm.......never heard of him:
"but at all cost I'd like to advoid that...if he dies then anyone who isn't a 100% master of chaos energy will lose that.....so far I'm the only one who is"
Amy: 'So Sonic would lose Super, Dark, Hyper, and even his teleportation?"
*nods slightly*
Amy: 'Is there i don't a different source of energy that could be used?"
*sighs* "Yeah but not even I can use it......Silkedoom is the only one who was ever able to use it......"
Amy: 'Divine energy?"
*nods* "The energy of a god itself"
"I can...well could use it but I lost access....but I mean energy that came from Mobious.....you see Beerus is a mobian like us"
Beerus: 'THE F*CK!?"
"Correct he also has a bit of divine energy. When one unlocks Super 2 they are filled with 1% divine energy...me and Sonic have it but since Sonic is more pure of heart he has more....also Sonic has light energy he is from the Sun clan to......"
*a bead of sweat on my forehead as my aura turns green and my eyes back. I pick my rings up and put them on* "Do you mean like someone he reincarnated from?"
"I thought I and Mac were the only reincarnations..." *my cape disappears reveling my sword and my red turns purple but I stay normal this is just to show I have acesses to all 3 of my reincarnations*
*sighs and begins to leave the room* "I'm going to find someone to train me......not on combat but energy wise" *I leave the room and take off skating*
Amy: 'I forgot he doesn't have control of his energy"

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