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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

"then i have no choice but to use my 'Dimensional Blast Z' move" (this move is powerful enough to chop a gods or any immortals head clean off but it takes to much energy) he does hand signals and chants in Irish and a hole with and eye apears
*heals Jack waking him*
Amy: 'It's like Shadow said Sonic his money is on you and him......and now I see why he said himself but i'm still curious why he said you'
Amy: *looks at Sonic and gulps and then to Shadow to see in his eyes that she should at least try. She nods and turns to Rin still shivering a bit but summons her hammer*
'Let's see what they can do......fear affects one dramactilly but if Amy can overcome that fear maybe she could win......'
"i dont hurt women but im still not going to let you win either" he says charging at her but to the point where his sword touches her neck and steps back and fire goes around her "im planning on just knocking you out without hurting you"
Amy: 'um Shadow you kinda.....anaylze can we lose by ring out?" *sounds like beging*
Amy: 't......thank god' *jumps out scared and goes behind Sonic*
( hm Im not really good with fight scenes so maybe not)
Ocean: *she was still in shock of being teleported but had stars in her eyes at the fighting while her sister was standing next to her also amazed*

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