Songs of Life and Death (RP)


Forever Sleepy
Lapis, Mayu and Miki walked down the darkened streets, the remnants of the Power War all around them. Lapis let out a gasp as she stumbled upon a burnt body, a child by the size of it. Mayu and Miki led their little sister around it, not wanting her to be scarred even more than she already has. Miki looked up at the sky, her eyes straining to see the moon hidden behind the smoke filled sky. Mayu held Lapis' hand tightly, keeping her close as so not to lose herself in the endless maze of streets.
Yui walked alone in the moonlight. The streetlights hadn't been on since the war, the power to them having been knocked out. She looked around her for any sign of life, knowing it was a hopeless cause amongst all these carcasses. Her navy hair blew in the soft breeze that somehow reached her through the rows of abandoned buildings. Yet, as always, she continued searching.
Lapis started to sing a song quietly and eventually her sisters joined in. "Up above in the hidden sky, the stars shine brightly and try to watch over. The remnants of war, a sickening reminder, of the hunger for power which all of us had....." They sang as they continued to walk.
Azeel sat between two old buildings, both falling apart and burnt out from the fires that came and went with the war. His black eyes scanned the ruined city in hopes of seeing anyone, anyone alive, that is. Sighing after several minutes, he laid his head back against the wall behind him and started humming a song his mother, now a burnt body, used to sing to him. He had almost fallen asleep when he heard singing. Sitting up straight, he pulled his hood over his snow-white hair and silently wished that the singing people would not see him.
Yui heard singing and knew that where there were voices, there must be people. She walked in the general direction of the singing. Looking around for signs of people she noticed a boy with his hood up. She glanced at him only momentarily, realizing he was hiding and didn't want to be approached. She continued on looking for the voices and saw three people walking towards her down the street. She just hoped they were friendly.
They walked past the boy, not even noticing. Mayu looked at Lapis, smiling at the little girls courage to sing in spite of their situation. Miki smiled at them both.
Azeel saw the girl and knew she had seen him, though the ones singing didn't. He waited till they were all past him and out of his sight to stand up silently and follow them in the shadows. He thought it was somewhat stalkerish, but he just wanted to know more about the people before he met them, incase they were crazy or going to mug or kill him. He watched them from his new hiding place in the shadows and, as cruel fate would have it, he tripped and fell, tumbling into the street right in front of the girls.
Yui was about to approach the three singing girls when the boy from earlier stumbled out and fell right in the middle of the road, between her and the other females. She gave him a puzzled look. "So graceful." she said quietly, nodding her head. She crossed her arms and looked at the other girls, waiting to see their response to the guy that had fallen face-first in front of all four of them.
Lapis hid behind Miki, warry of strangers as usual. Mayu held out her hand to the boy. "Are you alright?' she asked, her voice low and quiet, not at all like her singing voice. Lapis peeked out from behind the eldest sibling, her lapis lazuli colored eyes gleaming curiously. Miki looked at Lapis and murmured something to her. Lapis then stepped out from behind her sister, slightly less shy.
Azeel glared at the lone girl standing off to the side and stood up by himself. "I'm fine," he told the girl who had offered help. He brushed some dirt off his old jeans, though it didn't help them look any cleaner, and looked at the three in front of him. They were all around the same age, early teens like himself. He ran a hand through his white hair, small pieces of ruble from the dirty street coming out, and looked around cautiously. He didn't know these girls, but he didn't think they would mug him or anything. He smiled a little. "This may sound stupid, but do any of you know where we are? I've been moving around a lot and think I switched cities or something."
"We're in what people called the City of Hopes and Dreams." Lapis said quietly but loud enough to hear. Miki and Maya nodded agreement to their sister's statement. "Supposedly it was a grand city before the Power War...But now it remains in smoldering fire, ashes and burnt bodies......"
and kanade saw some people in the city of hopes and dreams so we ran up to them "we come in piece!" I called out as kanade kept silent just following me.
Miki turned around, Lapis once again hiding behind her. "More survivors..." Mayu murmured, slight happiness entering her lonesome voice.
Azeel looked around the fallen city. When the wars started, lots of people had fled to the city in hopes of shelter. Azeel remembered this very clearly because his father took his sister and brother and left for the city, leaving Azeel and his mother alone. That had been when his mother got sick and died in a hospital that got bombed along with the city. Shaking off the memory he watched the new people run towards them.
Yui looked over to see more people coming their way. For bein such an empty, deserted city, there sure was a plentitude of survivors. What an odd group they were. She wondered if any of them had voice powers like she did? She didn't want to come out and ask, but she figured the three sisters did since they had been singing while traveling. She looked at the boy and the two newcomers.
"so, who else has voice powers and what are they?" I knew it was a bit early for asking something like that but hey it was worth a try ",I can control frozen things and freeze them. and Kanade her got no idea what she can do but it has to do with weapons"

"I can use guard skills to protect myself" kanade said with little emotion in her voice.
"I have the Voice Power of water...." Lapis murmured, though loud enough for them to hear. "I have the Voice Power of Color and Miki here has the power of Fire and Stars." Mayu said, knowing that Miki didn't like talking all that much.
Yui smiled when the others started talking about their voice powers. So they had it too, then. She decided to speak up. "I can cotrol people's emotions." she said bluntly. Her voice was more like a weapon. She could make two people furious with each other for no reason to where they'll beat each other up. She could make one so sorrowful that they'd take their own life. Because of this, Yui tended to remain quiet rather than sing.
Just then, two girls ran up. "Lapis-chan!!!!" yelled the first one. The other smiled at Miki warmly. It had been a long time since Tianyi (second girl) had seen her close friend. Merli (first girl) hugged her little sister tightly.
"Nee-chan???" Lapis said, utter disbelief on her face. She had thought her older sister had died in the war. Miki looked at Tianyi, and spoke for once. "T-Tianyi? B-but I th-thought you d-died" she stuttered.
Azeel watched as two more survivors came running over. "This is a lot of people for one city," he muttered and ran a hand through his hair. He walked over to the girl that was standing alone. "So you can control emotions? Cool. I can control air." He looked at the group then glanced back at the girl next to him. "Is it just me or does it seem like there are a lot of survivors with voice powers?"
"It seems like ALL the survivors have voice powers." Yui said. "And yes I can, but I.... Don't use it." She replied to the boy.

((Sorry for the short response ;A; ))
"It's your choice to use it or not." Azeel shrugged. "I don't use mine much. Oh, I'm Azeel." He turned to the girl and held out his hand for her to shake.

{same. at school and teachers are watching :sweat:}
Yui shook his hand. "Ayuzawa Yui." she responded. She looked around at the group. It did make sense that they all had powers, since they were all survivors. They had to have something the others didn't. It made them special and helped them survive somehow.

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