Music Song Recommendations

So I know this isn't exactly song related but I'm hooked on ambience videos as of late! Thought I'd take a moment to share some of my favorite audios that help me fall asleep, work, and study!

I recommend listening to Will Burtz their music is great asf
And I specially recommend ‘Here Comes The Sun’, His newest release.
Spotify Playlist Link | Youtube vids under spoiler!
Red Smoke is my current obsession. I've been playing it on repeat for days! XD

Nothing special I just like the song!

I love Calliope because the bass is so good in my car. I love BLASTING this one my car just booms!

Housewife Spliffin` is just a mood!

Okay the narrator at the beginning is Corin Hardy, director of The Nun and The Hallow; but it sounds like Liam O'Brien to me! XD

Her music has always slapped but this song just UNF gets me (she has many that do but recently this one slaps).

My brother doens't enjoy this cover, but I enjoy this cover because I do enjoy Meg Myers.

I mean I'd RP this! XD

I played this at full volume on repeat in Aug. every day on my way home from 12hr a day fucking bullshit job! THIS WAS MY COPING SONG!!!!!!!!

This is my mental health montra since covid started. I cry when I listen to this, it speaks to me on a lot of levels (like the whole song) when I feel down I play this and I have a good cry to myself.

I learned shame when I was young
I will do better in the morning
Choked libido fucked me up
I will do better in the morning
Suck me dry you uptight fakers
You stole from me lovemaking
I'm always left with the taste in my mouth
I will do better in the morning
Behind my eyes a familiar child
I take his hand and he finally smiles
Be gentle with yourself as you uncover
Your best kept secrets yet to be discovered
In stillness, boys, clear water to the bottom
You will do better in the morning
I will do better in the morning

Reminds me of being a closeted gay kid only coming out 2 years ago at 30. How often I have felt shame, guilt, disgust at myself and who I am and all the chances I missed in my teens and twenties because of how all consuming it was. I missed out on chances for love, relationships, and friendship because I was hiding it from everyone and couldn't trust anyone with my secret. Those lyrics speak to me like they're talking about my experience exactly and how I often resent that it went that way. I try to be kind to myself right now, tell myself it'll get better, that I'm working on my mental health so I can become someone who can be a out gay adult with healthy relationships, friendships and be me!

And the lyrics:

Tired and worn from the patterns I've carved
I will do better in the morning
I'm afraid of who I'd be without you
I will do better in the morning
Twisting up smokes, I'm in control
Til the fire burns out my miniature vacation
But I'm always left with the taste in my mouth
I will do better in the morning
I only do what I have done
I will do better in the morning
Afraid of what I might become
I will do better in the morning
Stuck inside a cycle of opinions
Where there's two clear ways
And I always take the easy one
And I'm always left with the taste in my mouth
I will do better in the morning

These remind me of right now. My struggle and my pain and how I cope and how I make some of the same mistakes but I'm still trying it's not always perfect and I have people who care. I just remind myself I WILL DO BETTER IN THE MORNING and keep trying, moving forward.

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Spotify Playlist Link | Youtube vids under spoiler!
Time for just a list of ones I VIBE with just cuz!

okay this is one of my favorite covers of this song. like I mean I jam out to the original because like who did in my generation! but like this cover is really good! I've always been mixed with The Killers sometimes they put out an album I really enjoy, sometimes they don't, this is one recent release that I did think slapped! Okay this is a long one and when I first heard it I was on a road trip. I didn't realize the song was 10mins and I thought I had listened to at least 2-3 different songs it sort of just flows and shifts . . . BUT if you wanna know my favorite lyrics they are (and for no real reason I just like them and they stick with me; but particularly the red lines!):

Do you understand this Frank? You're in presence of a motherfucker who owns fire from the past
Can you imagine getting high with a flame from 1955? Can you?
Do you feel connected to your ancestors? Do you?
Do you ever feel strange? Wonder how the world's gaze has shaped you?
Do you fear being shaken by the shoulders like an etch a sketch
Being mugged for your memories? I do

They are my first most prized possession
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Spotify Playlist Link | Youtube vids under spoiler!

Here a couple more!

Okay the song song is the trailer, so if you enjoy ambient story games I recommend both the game and the song! (It's on console and PC)
This song reminds me of my OC Simona and would have been her story if he hadn't killed her first in the RP!

Lastly I gotta add some KDA because hey I listen to these on repeat this year too!
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Woah, some really great titles here! Gonna be growing some of my playlists, cheers everyone!

Here are some songs I really enjoy, I hope some of you enjoy them too!


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