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Something Stirs in the Force


Elder Member
In the Old Republic, a great tragedy has plagued one former Jedi: the death of his master. One of the most horrible experiences imaginable for an apprentice. But what if the cause of the master's death was more sinister? What dark plot is being brewed within the Council chambers?

With the aid of a "Jedi for hire", the Jedi begin in their search for the lost apprentice...

Coruscant glowed in the shadow of its two moons, lights blurring among the flying cars racing to their final destinations. The buildings towering over the deep slums in the plunging depths below glowed like lighthouses, beacons of the brightest lights in all of the city. A woman slowly emerged from the hover car that brought her right to the nearest landing pad to the Jedi council, her face covered with the hood of a thick and long cloak reaching her feet. Two lightsabers dangled at her belt underneath the cloak on either side of her waist, her body adorned with a cropped top and soft fabric loose pants.

Two guards approached, standing at attention to escort the guest to the masters. "The Council is ready to see you, Sage," said one guard as the woman lowered her hood, revealing a beautiful human woman's face with dark brown hair adorned in hints of gold here and there with a tattoo touching her left cheek. Smiling warmly, Sage Valeri nodded. "Then lead on, sir," she cooed.

It was still as elaborate as the day Sage left the temple years ago. It wasn't too long before the guards lead Sage to the chambers of the Council, the door closing behind her as she bowed deeply to her former colleagues. "Masters..." she greeted seriously. (@Dragon Lancer)
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As one, the masters of the Jedi Council turned to look at the expected arrival. Some wore the stoic disinterest typical of a bored Republic Senator on their faces, some wore a look of commendation, and a couple wore a look of open disdain. The head of the Council bowed his head in respect and returned the greeting. "Sage Valeri. As you are no doubt aware, we have a matter that we wish to employ your services to resolve. A little more than a year ago, two Jedi were sent on a diplomatic mediation mission to the planet Micaya. A master by the name of Irena Izumi, and her padawan, L'kas Rykr. The negotiations broke down when one of the Micayan delegates turned hostile. According to eyewitness testimony, L'kas held the man at bay while the others escaped. Master Izumi was called in shortly thereafter. A battle took place, and then a person matching L'kas' description was seen fleeing the scene. When law enforcement arrived, two bodies were found. The Micayan delegate, who's cause of death was a combination of stabbing by lightsaber and a lacerated throat, and Master Izumi, who died by exsanguination from a lacerated throat. Master Izumi's lightsaber was not found, leading law enforcement to believe that it was taken by her padawan."

The council chamber filled with a controlled remorse. The High Councilor looked at Sage and continued. "We lost two Jedi that day. One was returned to the Force, and the other, it is rumored, has joined the dark side. These rumors are unsettling, to say the least, and we have strong evidence of their validity. Your task, should you accept it, is to hunt down the rogue Jedi L'kas Rykr and eliminate him by any means you deem necessary. Be warned, however, that L'kas is a skilled marksman as well as skilled in the ways of Ataru. Not many Jedi will use a blaster, but he is one of the few who do." The High Councilor looked at Sage, awaiting her response.
"Indeed I am, Head Master," answered Sage seriously before listening intently on the Head Master's explanation of the mission as well as the story behind it, frowning to the mentioning for a second time of Izumi's death. She remembered her heart breaking to the news of her dear friend's sudden return to the Force, thought unfortunately she never had the chance to meet her apprentice, L'kas. She softened a little to the mentioning of the young apprentice turning to the dark side before answering. "No intent on being rude, Master...but it seems you have already judged his fate without any chance for the young man to prove himself. While I am no longer a Master, that is the Jedi way, is it not? To give those a chance to prove themselves before their fate is ultimately decided?" asked Sage.

"One dark Jedi to be hired to eliminate another...what a foolish decision," grumbled one of the ill-favored Masters, leaning back into his seat in comfort as Sage looked back towards the Master with a faint glare. "Careful, Master... I removed myself from this Council to keep my emotional attachment from affecting any of the other students in case they lose their way... Do not mistaken feelings for others as a sign of the Dark Side..." she warned before glancing back towards the Head Master with a smile, pulling back her cloak to show her two lightsabers attached to her waist. "You forget, Master...I am not that bad with two blades myself...or the use of the Force. But I will not use such methods unless absolutely necessary."
The High Councilor gave a silencing glare to the disdainful Master after he spoke. He let Sage give her retort, and nodded as she boasted of her skill. To address her earlier concern, he said, "You misunderstand my request, Sage. It is indeed our way to assume innocence until guilt is proven and to offer second chances to those who wish it. Elimination can be done in many ways. The phrase 'the best way to eliminate an enemy is to make them your friend' comes to mind. Besides, if you can neutralize the threat without killing the offender, so much the better." He glared again at the disdainful Master to preempt any opposing comment.
The angered Master grew silent to the glare, a scowl still curling his lips down as Sage smiled towards the High Councilor, nodding to him correcting himself as she pulled out her own master's lightsaber that she received on his deathbed, a soft frown tainting her lips before she looked up to the Head Master. "Where do I start looking?" she asked gently.
The High Councilor took a couple seconds to recall the information. When he had it, he said, "The latest rumors place him near Tatooine. He could have moved on by now, but from what we can gather, L'kas tends to disappear near some of the less reputable areas near spaceports, so I suggest starting with Mos Eisley."
"And don't think we won't ask someone else to go after you in case you decide to side with the man if he is the killer," growled the same angry Master towards Sage, who simply nodded to the Head Master before turning to the Master with a wide grin, making the Master hesitate a little. "Master...if you send someone after me...you can't guarantee their safety, can you?"
Indignation crossed the Master's face, but any retort was cut off by the High Councilor's glare, which had a tinge of the Force behind it. He disliked the argumentative master, but the man served his purpose well enough that he was almost indispensable. Turning back to Sage, he said, "That is all we needed to discuss on this matter, as that is all of the current information we have. Good luck, Sage, and may the Force be with you."
"And may the Force be with you, Master...all of you," stressed Sage as she glared back to the disgruntled Master on the side and turned to leave, her boot clicking against the tiled floor, the guards lining the hall towards the exit as Sage watched the blur of black colored armor move in streaks in her side vision. It felt so weird...being inside the walls of the Temple again. Nostalgic sure, she had always dreamed of coming back into the Temple to revel in the days of old when she was a Master here...a Jedi with her own padawans and apprentices... But those days are gone. Sage knew there was no other choice but for her to remove herself from the Council and the Jedi Order when she realized she could not keep her emotions in line. She remembered sobbing for hours at the loss of her own Master, the words of anger that steamed from her blood to her lips at any Jedi who sent her off the edge... Leaving was not just the only choice...it was the right choice. It was not as bad as she thought though...the Council still asked her every now and again to do a mission to keep things under wraps, not wanting to cause people to panic or bring a matter to the attention of those outside the walls.

She was a necessary evil for the Council...and to be honest...she didn't mind. She drew closer to the car that brought her to the Temple and sat down in the passenger seat. "Where to, Miss?" asked the human driver as Sage sighed and leaned back. "Take me to the Jedi Shipping Dock. I am going to Tatooine."
L'kas was sitting in the darkest corner of a dark cantina in a particularly seedy part of Mos Eisley. The spaceport city was crowded, but the throngs of less-than-reputable people served their purpose well enough. L'kas was nearly unnoticed, despite his ominous aura. Though he doubted that anyone here could notice his connection to the Force, even with how dark it was.

Right now, he had nothing to do but brood. His thoughts again returned to the blood that soaked his robes when Master Izumi had been murdered. And she *had* been murdered. She had extinguished her lightsaber and turned her back to that vindictive Micayan Ancillary delegate, and he decided to strike then, slitting her throat. Every time he saw it in his mind's eye, it angered him to no end. Even after more than a year, he still struggled with keeping himself from hurting the nearest person in a fit of rage. So instead, he usually most broke something. Like the glass that was in his hand just a second ago. The shards didn't even penetrate his glove, but it was still a shock to those immediately around him. One look from him, though, and they quickly turned away and continued about their business.
Mos Eisley. Sage had not been to the city for a long time. Just for a mission when she was just an apprentice with her Master to apprehend a deadly criminal that was charged with killing a high senator in the Coruscant Senate. But now she was here to apprehend another suspect that has been claimed to have killed his own master... It was not the first time Sage had heard it, but she knew it was very rare for an apprentice to suddenly turn on their own master, let alone kill them. She had to make sure she could convince the man to rethink about everything and find out if he did kill his master or not.

Stepping into a nearby cantina, Sage glanced around under the hood of her heavy cloak, strutting towards the bar to ask the bartender some questions before ordering a drink for herself. Thanking the man behind the counter, Sage glanced around to find any empty seats, finding a table not too far from where L'kas was sitting, recognizing him from his picture immediately. Her heavy boots carried her body towards a nearby table and set her glass down, shedding her robes to reveal the lightsabers at her side, kicking her feet up onto the table and took a long sip of her drink, smiling a little to herself as she leaned her head back. She wondered if he would walk up to her first, she wasn't exactly hiding her connection with the Force...but she was still curious. Maybe not engaging with him directly would be a better way to approach him...
L'kas looked up from his shattered glass as he sensed another Force-sensitive individual entered the cantina. He followed the cloaked person as they made their way to the bar and then to their table. When the robes were discarded, L'kas saw two lightsabers dangling from the woman's belt. Great, so banishment wasn't enough? The Jedi Council had to send someone after him? He had to admit, though she was certainly bold. Most Jedi would try to keep a low profile. She was showing off like a group of howling Sand People. L'kas decided that since she most likely knew he was here, and knew that he knew she was here, and still decided to sit away from him, he'd take the bait. He got up, went to the bar to get another drink, walked to her table and sat across from her. He didn't even give her the chance to say anything. "I don't care what the Council told you, I'm not the one who murdered my Master." That was all he said. That was all he wanted to say right now. He threw back his hood and took a swig of his drink, letting the woman get a good look at him, just as he got a good look at her.
Taking another long sip of her drink, Sage looked up to see L'kas himself taking the seat right across from her, immediately telling her that he did not kill his own master. He even went as far as to remove the hood over his face to show her what he looked like and to meet her challenge of exposing his true identity. Lowering her glass to the table, Sage cleared her throat a little before looking back up to L'kas. "Alright, L'kas. You did not kill your Master. But why have you been in hiding the whole time? Do you have any proof to say that you did not kill your Master?" she asked gently, readjusting herself on the chair, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
L'Kas reached into a pocket and pulled out a datachip. He dropped it onto the table and said "One of the holo-vid company delegates recorded the fight. It'll show what really happened. Of course, the Council disregarded it and threw it out. They said there was evidence that it was doctored. Obviously I made sure to keep a copy. Believe it or don't, I know what really happened that day." Truth was, L'Kas was tired of defending himself. He gave the woman a copy of the evidence, so now the verdict was in her hands. Either way, though, L'kas didn't care anymore. He was what he was, and it sure wasn't a Jedi.
L'kas has pulled a small datachip from his pocket, explaining the situation with the visual evidence he apparently had shown to the Council but they disregarded it, making Sage reach forward to take the little datachit into her hands, pressing the small button to have the video play, watching it intently. Sighing to the horrible scene of the Master being killed, Sage shut off the video and rested her hand back onto the table. "Do you have any idea why they would want your Master dead? I am certain she did nothing wrongful to deserve such treatment," she inquired.
L'kas all but slammed his drink down onto the table. "Of course not! On both accounts. Master Izumi may have been a little unorthodox, but she never broke the rules. Unless there's something I'm missing, her 'enemies' in the Order wouldn't go so far as to conspire to have her killed." L'kas let out a sigh. As much as he disliked the Jedi Order, he could never dislike Master Izumi. She was his mentor. His teacher. And he loved her like a big sister. He felt a single hot tear roll down his cheek. He thought that had passed, but it looked like there were still a few tears to shed for her. He didn't bother trying to hide it. After all, a dark-sider was thru to his emotions. More true than a Jedi at any rate.
Sage did not stir when L'kas blew up in rage to the questioning, a feeling all too familiar for her. Her brow furrowed to the mentioning of enemies within the Order but her features softened at his tear rolling down his cheek. Taking her feet off of the table, Sage's long tattooed fingers reached out and brushed the tear gently off his cheek, leaning back into her chair before speaking. "I knew Master Izumi well...she was very kind, incredibly bright and always had the best of thoughts for her students. You included, L'kas. But...what did you mean by enemies in the Order?"
L'kas didn't back away from the touch. It wasn't unpleasent. Rather, it felt good. He hadn't had someone do anything like it since his late master. L'kas gave an indignant snort at the mention of those who disliked his master. "Corruption in the Jedi Order. Sounds impossible, no? Believe me, after taking a good hard look at it from the outside, you're no different than any other organization. Anyway, yeah, I did mention enemies, but I use the term loosely. There were a few masters that didn't like her, yeah. Like I said, though, I don't know if any of them would have her killed. But then again, they say that log can blind you. She could've had more problems than I could see." He hated admitting that, but it couldn't be ignored.
It surprised Sage a little bit that L'kas did not flinch from her touching his face to wipe away his lingering tear, but he would have responded more violently if he had completely turned to the Dark Side, wouldn't he? The tear was genuine, there was no mistake in that. Saying nothing at first to L'kas assuming she was still part of the Council, Sage nodded gently to his heartfelt confession, looking down at the chit in her hand before she finally spoke. "I am not part of the Council...not anymore at least. I removed myself from my position of power years ago...I was unable to keep my emotions at bay. I am more of a...Jedi for hire for lack of a better word for the Council when they can't get their hands dirty in some business. They call me instead."
L'kas raised an eyebrow. "So they consider me 'dirty work', huh? Can't have a rogue Jedi wandering around pointing out hypocrisies or helping those the Council disagrees with, I guess." He was a bit surprised to learn that Sage was an ex-jedi but still works with them on occasion. He briefly wondered just what they've had her doing. He shrugged and asked, "So, how are you supposed to 'take care' of me?"
"They consider any political blunder that would make them look bad in the eyes of some important people 'dirty work' and they can't have their hands soiled with the hassle...so they hire me," explained Sage before leaning forward towards L'kas when he mentioned how she would be 'taking care of him'. "Just this...talking," she said simply, brushing some of her hair out of her eyes with her tattooed hand.
L’kas leaned back in his chair, an eyebrow raised. “Just talking?” He shook his head in disbelief. “If I’ve learned anything in the last year, especially where the Jedi Order is concerned, there’s always a string attached somewhere. So what is that string?” Sage may have known Master Izumi well, but L’kas couldn’t help his doubt. That was why he was always on the move, why he tried to stay as far away from any jedi as he could. After Izumi’s death, he was so sure that the council would understand that he didn’t do it. He didn’t even think for a second that they would suspect him. But they did. Even banishment for his killing the Micayan was more harsh than most. He had heard of the council trying to rehabilitate people similar to him, but they didn’t even give him the option!

His thoughts came to a head, and he couldn’t resist asking any longer. “You knew her, or at least you claim to, so you tell me why someone in the Council would’ve wanted her dead. I’d ask, but I’m a traitor. I set foot on Temple grounds and I’m dead. Last I checked, they don’t take too kindly to dark-siders walking around the Temple.”
Sage said nothing at first to L'kas questioning her response of just wishing to talk. She agreed with him...if she were to be suspected of something from the Council and they had sent someone to 'just talk', she would highly doubt how valid that statement would be. But the ex-Jedi knew she just had to talk to L'kas a little more, then she might have the chance to show him she meant him no harm and was really there to help him. "There is no string. The Head Master of the Council had sent me here to get to the bottom of the situation and to help resolve the issue. He allowed me to use whatever means I need to solve this mystery...and my solution with you is just talking," she answered simply.

"As for why the Council would want her dead...I do not believe the entire Council would wish for such things. Can you think of any of the masters that had an immediate issue with your Master? Perhaps they argued all the time out of the sessions?" hinted Sage, wanting to see if there were any clues in what L'kas knew of his beloved late master.
L'kas furrowed his brow in thought. While he couldn't usually accompany his master in the council chamber, he was usually with her outside it. Now that he actually thought about it, he did remember several occasions where not just one, but two different Masters always talking with Izumi, and each time, she came away more than a little irritated. She would rarely show her irritation, but since L'kas was so close to her, he could usually sense it, though he rarely asked about it. The few times he did, she'd deflect the question, saying that it wasn't anything he should worry about.

He was still unsure that Sage was telling the truth, but he'd cross that bridge if and when he came to it. "Now that I think about it, there were always a couple masters antagonizing her. She'd never tell me what they said, but she was always irritated after an encounter. I think it was masters Yrias Sartori and Jax Baralein." He nodded. He could only barely place the names with the faces, but he was pretty sure he was right. He hoped that Sage would be tactful and do her research before she started fling around accusations. It wasn't so much out of concern for her, but he didn't want it to come back on him.
"Yes...it is understandable. Yrias was the one who actually hated the idea I was called to try and find you," elaborated Sage before taking another swig of the drink in front of her and sighed when the liquid rushed down her throat into her stomach, warming her up from the inside. "Jax I can understand as well, though he can be quiet at times while the Council was at session. But he always had an opinion he would share that the rest of the council aside from Yrias agreed with. Do you remember the last subject they talked about that made Izumi so flustered with the two of them?"

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