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Fantasy Someone's a bit too excited about finding partners. Spoiler: It's me.


current mood: ???
Roleplay Type(s)
I’m a noob, guys—you have to PM me for the time being. *sniff*

I’m Torimodosu. Call me Torimo. Or you could call me Sam, since that's my name. But.... I really love my username. Anyway... Hello. Long story short: I started roleplaying 8 years ago. Yes, it’s really been 8 years. After 6 years of being a roleplay nomad on various sites—I quit roleplaying completely. Then, I spent 2 years writing random crap by myself. That was fun. (It wasn’t that fun, actually.)

I’m ready to start roleplaying again. It’s so exciting! I wrote a really long post because I was excited. But it's okay--I used BB code to hide the extents of it so you don't know what you're getting yourself into! Yay!

OH! Right. I don’t have any up right now, but I’ll probably get some ideas sorted out and post them here as a database. Even if you don’t roleplay with me, you’re more than welcome to use my ideas. Just give me credit for them. If you don’t, I won’t hunt you down or anything… but if I happen to notice, well… you might get a sarcastic comment. Just saying.

I also like brainstorming with people. So even if you can’t roleplay with me, assuming I’m not totally swamped (26 roleplays… don’t think that will ever happen again) I’m totally game to just brainstorm ideas that we could use with other people. It’s easier for me when I’m forced to explain my vague ideas and wring them out of my brain. Otherwise, I already know what the idea is, so I’m too lazy to spell it out on paper. So, yeah. Totally selfish reasoning behind that one.

I also wouldn’t mind mentoring a person or two, assuming we get along well. Because, you know… I can be blunt. And constructive criticism can really suck sometimes. Yeah. Moving on.

  • Here’s a quick idea of what you can expect from me, so you don’t have to read the whole post if it doesn’t appeal to you. I’ll go more in-depth on these points later.

    • I’m literate. It’s ingrained in the very depths of my soul. English is my baby. Don’t butcher it in front of me. Please. Pretty please?

    • Post length = 400-2,500 words. My sweet spot is somewhere between 850-1,400 words.

    • If you need a TLDR… run away. Now. It won’t work between us. Save yourself.

    • I don’t post regularly. My replies are extremely high quality, so that takes time. I’m slow. Incredibly slow.

    • Roleplaying with me is very relaxed. I don’t expect fast turnarounds. If you need to put the roleplay on hold for a few weeks or months just let me know. It’s better for everyone if we understand that “real life” comes first. It’s better to postpone a reply than ditch the story completely. I like long-term partnerships with a lot of communication and understanding. Those are healthy. Healthy is good.

    • I’m the type of person you forge a relationship with. It’s not just about posting replies on a thread. I talk extensively about the characters/story and the various directions it could take, but we usually end up talking about completely unrelated things as well. I make friends. I don’t just test out partners. You guys aren’t fast fashion that I pull off a rack and decide to try on after 20 seconds… right?

    • I never do slice of life. It has cooties. Cooties are gross. And I better not hear the words “high school.” I won’t kill you. Nope. I’ll maim you. I’ll do it. Don’t you dare test me, bro.

    • I’m game for just about any other genre… just avoid mundane and any type of school.

    • I’m open to all pairings (MxF, FxF, and MxM) and I can roll with or without romance.

    • I prefer playing male characters, although I can be talked into almost anything.

    • I can be talked into a lot of things. It’s not even that hard, honestly… as long as it seems interesting.

    • I like writing about really dark things. I’m a dark writer. I also focus a lot on psychology and underlying themes. Everything should have some sort of meaning. Even a specific word in my posts can allude to something bigger.

    • I do 1x1s mostly. It’s rare for me to do group RPs.

    • I’m an awesome writer. I know it. It’s okay to flaunt it. I’m an INTJ, a female INTJ, so please excuse my arrogance. It’s a thing. It’s ingrained in my soul. It’s not annoying. *cough*

    • I’m nice, but I’m also a tad blunt, so… don’t be offended. And don’t be afraid of offending me. Seriously. Say whatever the hell you want. I value honesty above… er… censorship.

So that’s it. Anyone interested?
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Hello fellow INTJ person, might I suggest listing rp pairings and/or genres that you do? You would probably get bites faster.
Let me go ahead and make your TLDR for people interested in rping with you :D

-Loves slice of life
-More specifically high school slice of life
-Not a fan of darker themes
-Quick responses
-Does not play favorites
-Not arrogant in the least
-Loves all writing styles
-Never blunt and promises not to offend

Did I hit the nail on the head?
I'm not sure if meet your standards or not, but even with that being said I still wouldn't mind trying my hand at rping with you! You seem like a fun person to say the least. The only problem with that is I too am new to this site and cannot send PMs. Once that small issue is resolved I'll shoot you a pm. ;D
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M o c h i
(Another INTJ?) Well, I can already tell you're an awesome person. I don't know, there's just... something about you. What? It's not because you're an INTJ. That would be so... narcissistic. Don't accuse me of such things. (Shit, I think they're on to me...)

All that aside... you make an incredibly valid point. Thanks for pointing that out to me, seriously--that's so nice! Unfortunately, I'm a ridiculous person. If I made it easy on people, well, I'd have to weed out any weaklings personally. As it stands... they usually don't make it past my lake of fire--er, lengthy post--so I only get strong sacrifi--uh, friends.

^Obviously joking. Except for the gratitude part. Yeah. I get enough people interested without conforming to the usual list of pairings and genres. The people that respond have to work a little harder to really understand me--but in the end they really get me, so it works out better this way.

Although it's definitely slower and I do get less replies, I think vinegar catches stronger flies.

*Awkward Silence*

Well, I don't know, either. But it's definitely worth a shot! Especially since you did such a great job on that TLDR. Oh, I'm not fun. I'm your worst nightmare! Fear me!

Yes, definitely shoot me a PM when you've finished your initiation. It's sad we have to wait and suffer through. What will our relationship amount to when it begins so tragically?
I fear nothing! Well except my student loans but other than that NOTHING! Tragedy begets resilience or so I hear. Anywho we shall not suffer too much as my initiation ritual only requires two more sacrif... ugh I mean posts!
Well, student loans are completely terrifying, to be sure. Nothing else, though? Literally nothing? Psh. Do you even bleed?

You will.

Resilience, eh? Sounds legit. This could be good. Very good. Hurry up and find more sacrifices! We needn't pretend at this point.
Literally nothing :33: I don't have time to bleed. ONE MORE SACRIFICE and up to fifteen minutes according to the little ten message blurb.
Literally... nothing. Challenge accepted. Hopefully I won't regret this later.
Hm. I forgot about the "15 minutes" thing. The suspense, man...
Woo message number 10, I MADE IT! This was all an elaborate scheme I was using you to reach my ten post goal and now that the shackles of restraint have been broken I shall pm ever member on this site with unlimited spam!

It's jest a prank please don't ban me.
Curses! How could I have been so blind? Deceived by flattery... and the promise of a roleplay... I'm disgusted. I must be avenged. I need to get the attention of the moderators. He's lying! BAN HIM! Ban him at the stake! I shall be avenged! HUZZAH!

This was also a joke. Please don't ban him. I need him for roleplaying.
So, basically... I was avenged. (Yes, it inconveniences me, too... but revenge is never pretty.)
Hm maybe you can't have all of your messages on one thread? The struggle continues >.>

Edit: The struggle has ended!
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Hello /(^o^)/
My name is Sarah, but most people just call me Smol.
I read your post, and I'm interested in starting a roleplay with you! I'm a dark writer (I sometimes scare people with ideas I suggest, oops?), and it's always nice to find a fellow dark writer. I've taken courses in Sociology and a lot of courses in English, so stuff like that is right up my alley~
I normally write a good couple of paragraphs for each reply, and it generally takes me a good couple of hours to a day or two to respond. However, that's mainly because I type e x t r e m e l y fast (almost 90 words a minute now!), so what would take someone a day to write, it'd only take me a few hours to do. Plus I tend to zone out a lot in class, so I get all my thinking done there. ^-^ I'm a terrible student!
Anyways, I got a few roleplay ideas, if you'd be interested? But they're all MxM, since for some reason that's my thing? Let me know if you'd like to roleplay, I'd love to try to roleplay with you! ^-^
INTJ, eh? I'm an INFJ myself, heh.

Anywho! I seriously am digging your style and would love to bounce some ideas around with you! Darker themes that deal with the psychological are my jam, so you are totally speaking my language. I was an English major in college (though more on the literature side so my grammar can sometimes get a little wonk, but nothing that will make the eyes bleed... as far as I've noticed...). I have been slowly edging back into writing as my job has been very time consuming, so posts can be slow. But! I do enjoy cultivating relationships with the people I craft stories with, so I won't be completely silent.

...By the by, can I say I love that you have drafts of your posts? I thought I was a weirdo for spending so long on my replies, most folks seem to favor quick turnarounds to higher quality pieces ;w;
Hello! I'm new to rping so I don't really know what I'm doing, but it looks like you do. I'm pretty busy with school and such so taking time between replies sounds wonderful. Also, friends are cool. PM me if you're up to showing me your ways?

I'm in love with you already.

I'd love to RP with you. Just so you know that I'm not an idiot and can write pretty decently (look who's also an arrogant asshole), I've been writing for ten years and roleplaying for five. I feel like I have more to say, but I'm not even sure where to start.

You're amazing, and I'm probably gonna worship you.
I am also interested in RPing with you! I'm currently craving a dark RP right now, and I do love detail (which I know you have a lot of), so I think it would be pretty nice to try RPing together! Should I PM you then?
Ooh! Pick me, please.

Your thread is an echo of the longing in my heart. Like a "hello Holiday Inn I'll have a room for two" kind of thing. Is that's weird? Probably, but oh well.

My writing can get insanely long too, and I like dark themes. Check out my old Blackbournes thread for a sample, if you'd like. If you aren't already full-up and would be down to try a high fantasy idea that I've been chewing on, give me a ring.

Not like an engagement ring or anything, just, uh, er, yeah, PM me. Or I can PM you...

Anyways let me know. o-o

My name's Kin, bye.
Ohhh! Hello! Hello! I'm also a fellow INTJ! ....An extremely socially inept INTJ.. PICK ME! PICK ME!

Everyone else is so funny... So eloquent.. uh.. But this interest check is really the thing I've been searching for, like an oasis in my desert. Yes, how does that sound, for one? Weird? Probably. ^^;

But it's been so long since I've found a really good, literate interest check that I've been really into. So many of my old partners were so cold.. Didn't want to chat with me or put up with my incessant chatting :p

But, yes! On to what you actually want to hear: I'm a very flexible person when it comes to playing genders, I will talk you upside down in OOC, and I always help my partner plan... My replies tend to go from about 300-3000 words, depending on how into it I get... I do enjoy all genres, but I wouldn't like to do something darker, and I do have to mention, I'm a bit of a sucker for romance... hopeless romantic, really...

Please call me Lulu, or whatever your heart desires c:

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