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the professor


NAME: Dr. Nicholas Symonds


D.O.B: July 17, 1953

AGE: 34 years old

GENDER: Cis-Male

ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

ROLE: The Professor/Club Advisor

TITLE: Professor of Anthropology with a special emphasis on theological studies and the occult




For those who have the pleasure of interacting with Nick, his positive energy is often infectious. A smile typically adorns his face, and he is not shy about sharing his knowledge with othersβ€”though he is tactful about his approach to not appear forceful. In this sense, he exhibits a certain pride in his work. This same passion translates to all facets of his life, but it is most evident in the classroom, where he uses his natural talents to motivate and inspire his students. It is his responsibility to ensure that they excel in their studies, and he takes this aspect of his job very seriously.

Nick is committed and very disciplined in his chosen profession, and his stubborn tenacity has earned him wide acclaim by his peers on various occasions, especially while working out in the field. One notable trip to the Amazon stands out from the rest, though he rarely shares details about that account, frequently citing it as a very personal experience; one that led to 'enlightenment'. Whatever happened in the jungle directly influenced his professional pursuits, most notably in matters pertaining to religion or the occult. He has become exceedingly fascinated by the subjectβ€”some may even call it an obsessionβ€”and has dedicated his life to uncovering the truth. In order to counteract any negative connotations associated with his interests, Nick often inserts jokes or bits of satire into his lectures. A bit of levity can go a long way, especially with such a delicate subject.

professional, disciplined, kind, optimistic, perceptive, resourceful, workaholic, stubborn, obsessive, impulsive, overly critical and has a tendency to overthink


Having grown up as the only son of a US Navy captain, Nick experienced an unconventional childhood. His family never remained in the same place for an extended period of time, which led to him switching schools often. From California to Japanβ€”and back again, it became a revolving door that made it difficult to establish friendships and adhere to any one place. Nevertheless, it never dampened his spirits, and even from a young age, he made the most out of a less-than-ideal situation. During his trips around the world, Nick learned a great deal about different countries and cultures, and he also gained a fondness for adventures abroad. This would directly influence his decision to pursue anthropology as his career choice.

After an extensive undergraduate program at Santa Clara University, Nick received his B.A. in Anthropology. He would later go on to complete his master's and doctoral studies at the University of California. As part of his academic requirements for the latter, he attended a research trip to South America, and it was during this excursion that he discovered a certain appeal to the supernatural and the divine. He had experienced some kind of spiritual awakening deep in the Amazon, something he rarely discusses, but it served to refine his focus on the theological aspects of society and the occult. He found his calling, and it opened up several pathways for him to explore.

His unique interests also introduced him to his wife, Tera, who was a sociology major with an emphasis on religious traditions. Their relationship was a whirlwind and marriage came quickly, though many suspect that an unexpected pregnancy accelerated the process. Nick became a father to his son, Daniel, at the age of 23. In many respects, he was not ready for the responsibility, particularly with his career ahead of him, and it put a strain on his marriage. As a result, Nick and Tera ended up getting divorced after two short years, which separated him from his son. Mother and son returned home to the East Coast, settling back in her parents' home in Catsborough, Virginia, but Nick was not one to declare defeat.

He eventually accepted a teaching position at Catsborough College. While it wasn't the most prestigious school, and he considered himself overqualified for the position, it brought him physically closer to his boy so that he could keep an eye on him. In addition, the college's Board of Directors offered to fund his annual research trips in the field, a perk that he could not refuse. And so, began his tenure in a sleepy college town located at the edge of nowhere.

Over the years, Nick learned more about Daniel's interests and hobbies, particularly his devotion to the science-fiction and fantasy genre of books and films. That's where he first heard about a roleplaying game called Dungeons & Dragons. His son was apparently heavily involved in all aspects of gameplay and often hosted his own campaigns with his party of friends. Nick felt compelled to conduct his own research into this strange phenomenon, which led him to discover that the college hosted its own DnD club. Despite his limited knowledge of the subject, he went out on a limb and volunteered himself to serve as the club's advisor. He hoped that his experiences with the eccentric group of 'misfits' would help him learn more about the game so that he could reconnect with his estranged son.


dr. nick symonds

coded by xayah.ღ
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just a little reminder that the deadline for applications has passed!! we are currently making final decisions and with the exception of extensions will be sending out invites on monday!! thank you for applying <3

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