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Futuristic Some sort of mecha RP


New Member
Hey guys! I was just wondering if anyone would like a mecha war rp. I've never seen any of the gundams, but I've seen code geass and a few others to f that genre. The only thing I have in mind is that it focus on battles. I'm open to ideas tho :3
I'm currently filled up on RP slots, but it is always amusing to check out the various works! I have never seen any of the gundams, nor code geass for that matter. I simply play games, and have a random fascination! As such, I want to paw at your thoughts and see if I can help drag in anyone for you ^^.

So are you aiming for a fight club type of RP that has barely anything for a story (More sandbox-style), or a fight-driven story?
A fight driven story sounds about right. We would have a plot and goals. Drama would still be prevalent as well, I would just like there to be a focus on hot mech on mech action :3
Calm down killer. First, what do you have on your mind? Throw out the ideas, and accept criticism, did I slell that right? I have done several mech rps, and the one that worked best was the one that had input from the other rpers.

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