Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

Tecna was flying fast over the trees trying to return to the Wizard after he had called her home, i was running late and was rushing. i look down and see a column of smoke comming up just ahead of me, i think nothing of it and fly straight through. the smoke fills my lungs and it is also filled with some sort of dust. i slowly lose conciousness(sp) and fall into the trees. my head hitting a few branches and my hair being covered with leaves. i hit the ground with a thud and blackout near some house.
Robin looked over at Ariyah for a moment, then shook her head slightly. "They're just... I guess..." She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "They used to be friend's of my fathers." She mumbled quietly, then took the pouch greatfully. "Thanks." She replied and gave her a small nod before looking around. She put the bag into her pocket and folded her arms over her chest. Her outfit wasn't the best for cold weather, which was how she felt that morning. It was pretty thin fabric and the cold rushed right through it.
My eyes fluttered open and i pushed myself up with the help of a couple of tree branches. i shook my head and flew into the sky, i raced back to the palace a fast as my wings could carry me. i flew in through a window where i found the Wizard standing with the Princess, i knelt before him waiting for him to hit me for being so late.
Ari shuffles around nervously. "maybe we should go inside, somewhere it is warm." she says noticing what Robin was doing, "I am not a fan of the streets, da, and it is quite cold." Ari is obviously not so cold due to her leather coat, but being as tall as she is she has been noticing people staring at her as they walk by and Ari looks like she is about to break down from all the attention.
The wizard glared at the fairy. His beady dark eyes narrowed upon her. Beside him, the princess stood chained to his throne. She wore a white shirt and brown leggings, hardly keeping out the chill. His robes billowed in the soft breeze that came through the window. The night was drawing near, and the red moon began to sink under the hills, and the blue moon was about to arise. The perfect hour for casting spells. The perfect hour for sending out the scouts to see what damage control the princess had caused from her escape. He circled the fairy, in a menacing behavior. He rose his hand, and it swiftly fell upon her cheek. There was a sharp smack and he backed up. The wizard hardly spoke, but when he did, he was known to send chills of terror through his intended victim.

"You are late." He hissed, as any normal snake would. "But no matter. I shall deal with your incompetence later. Which do you prefer fairy? hot oil or the rack?"

"Wretch." The princess called, and he turned around. "Hmm, yes. You're time will come as well princess, but for now I have other plans for you."

He turned back to the fiary, and took her hand, and led her to the window. His touch felt like the coldest icy river in Anuchi there ever could be. "Look, there is a world full of adventure awaiting to happen. There is a world, full of nonsense and treachery, and I just need to rule it." He paused for a moment. "Your task is this fairy, the princess escaped my palace the other day, and sent a note attached to the foot of a white snow owl. Bring me the foot of the white snow owl, and bring me the note itself. The princess had written but a simple note, I am still alive, and signed her initials. I need you to stop that note from falling into the wrong hands at all costs. If you do this, I shall heavily reward you. And if you fail me, you will die. Are we understood?" The wizard turned back to the fairy, impatient for her answer.
Tecna bowed her head and simply said, "Understood" she turned to the window and took of, her heart racing faster than the quickest horse. she went as fast as she could. she stoped mid air to catch her breath. She thought of the owl and teleported as close to it as she could get without being spotted by anyone that may be near the bird.

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