Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]


New Member
The Introduction~

She ran. Her breath escaped her lips in clouds that evaperated into nothing. She had to make it, her time was running out. Her kingdom was in danger. This would deterime the fall or rise of her land. Her arms swung with the rythim of her body. Her mockisons were soaked by the snow that caked the bottom of them. Her entire body ached with the pain, the torture that she had received over the past few years. She frowned, Alelxander would not win this war.

She would be sure of it. If there is one thing she had her heart set on, it was winning the war that was soon coming. She had heard of Alexander's plan, and had to warm them. She had too. She held the note in her hand and had made it to the owl post. She turned, her eyes gleaming with a bit of hope as a white owl nestled cozily on its rail. She moved over to it, and wrapped the note around its foot and gently nudged it off the rail, it flew, far out of her sight in minutes, as if the winged creature knew of her plight. She smiled with relief and turned to go.

She smiled with an overwhelming thought of success. She had done it. Her former companions would hear of her distress, they would know she is still alive. They would know to come and save her. She would be free at long last. Though the echoe of his laughter chilled her to the bone as she turned around. The great wizard stood before her, his hands folded gently across his chest, his black robes billowed in the wind, and his gold chain of authority gleamed as the setting of the sun had fallen upon it.

He approached her, and snapped his fingers. Strange and dark branches rose up from the ground and wrapped the princess by her arms, feet and legs, and yanked her down to the ground with such force it made her teeth rattle. She glared at him, a new hope had rosen in her gut. She knew that nothing this menace could do would stop her now, or for the matter stop the company that would come in search of them. The wizard's mouth curled into a tight frown as he struck the grin off of her face and bent down, his cold eyes to match hers.

“You think you got away with it princess?” He hissed, his voice lost to that of the darkness of the void. “You shall suffer for your insabourdination.”

With that, the two traveled back to the palace, in the Northern Western Realm, the dark world, in Amaran, the two nearest kingdoms being Anuchi, (to the west) and Zantar (to the east) connected together by the great land bridge, and the Voldairian (islands to the south.) The owl stretched its wings and flew, for days, weather, nor rain, nor the ravens that followed his trail could stop his quest. He landed quietly at the next open rail in the owl post, in the eastern land of Zantar, the owl hooted as it saw several villagers that made its way to and from the owl post. It quirked its head, wondering if any civilian would find the note attached to his foot.

The note read: I'm Still Alive. It was signed P.R. T

The Owl would wait until the note had been removed from anyone that took notice.
Ariyah wakes very confused, her gun still in its holster. as she looks around her befuddlement grew into gawking awe, she wasn't home anymore. no it looked almost like she was in a barn. she closes her eyes again and feels a pair of talons on her shoulder not grasping too hard and when she looked there was a note she quickly removes it and reads it hoping for answers her confusion only grows as she stands up and the owl flies off and walks out searching for somebody who can tell her what is going on, but is quickly lost in the town not knowing the area at all.
Anna laid in her room. She wore a Chilling, Strapless Sea foam green dress. It was knee lenght. The the very edge was a light blue ruffle, in a flower pattern. The dress on it own had slightly darker green polka dot's. To match her outfit, was a pair of Sea Foam green, high-heeled boot's. That rose up to her ankles. Her curl black hair, bounced lightly onto her shoulders. Anna was truly bored, she usially stared out her window all day, but today. Nothing the outside world had, interested her.

Every now and then, she would pace to it, just to check out the scene. But, on the last time, something had caught her attention. A single snow owl, perched ontop of a fence. That wasn't even the half of it. A scrony piece of paper was attachedto the ankle of the fethered bird. Anna's eye's narrowed. What if its a trap? She wondered, with a firm gleam in her eye. Anna leaned up against the window, watching everything below her. The owl would not move. Maybe the note was important.
Very slowly Ariyah makes her way to a door [which happens to be Anna's house] and knocks on the door gently almost as if she didn't want someone to answer.
Robin sprinted through the woods, hand grasped on her sword firmly as around three full men ran after her. Let's just say... Never take away a drunk man's beer. She ran out of the woods as quickly as she possibly could, making sure that no one stood in her way or tripped her, then looked back behind her to see the men had lost her. She sighed in great relief and grinned, until she ran right in to someone (Ariyah)

The young girl stumbled back and looked up once more. The men had noticed her again. She sighed and picked up the pace, but yelled a "SORRY!" Back to the girl that she had rammed in to. And with that, she guided a goose chase until she managed to hide in a bush, loosing the men completely.
Ariyah stands and watches her flee, then follows carefully. [this should be a note Ariyah is 5'10 so she is taller than most women in this area]
Something strange was going on around town today, and Roarke was determined to ignore it. His brother, on the other hand, was not.

"Did you see the owl?" Sebastian asked, standing on his tiptoes and peering out the window of the attic room they were renting above an inn. "It's flying all over the place. What do you think it wants?"

"I don't know," Roarke said, looking at his reflection in his blade. The bags under his eyes were telling, and he wished he could will them away. It didn't exactly endear people to him or make him seem reliable for tasks around town or combat jobs. "But stay put, Seb. Don't get into trouble."

"There are people running all over the place, too." Sebastian burst out laughing at something he was watching out the window and Roarke resisted the urge to look.

"You should be practicing. You're gonna get rusty."

"I'm twelve," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes. "I'm not gonna get 'rusty' if I don't spend every second of every day training like you."

"Uh huh," Roarke said, no longer really listening. It was only when his brother was eerily silent for half a minute straight that he glanced up, curious, to see the open window and empty room. Swearing under his breath, Roarke strapped his sword to his waist and headed grudgingly down the stairs to hunt down his young-Wizard-sized pain in the neck.

Sebastian crept up to the bush where [Robin] was hiding, a grin on his face. He glanced to the left, then the right, then cleared his throat. "I think you lost 'em, whoever they were."
Robin looked up at Sebastian for a moment, then quickly stood up, stepping away from the bush. She looked over at the boy for a moment, blinking a few times before looking around. The men had ran into a different part of the town. Thank goodness for that.

She moved her gaze back to the boy again. "Uh.. Yeah... Sorry if this is your bush..." She muttered quietly, stepping away from the bush more. She felt pretty awkward at this moment in time, mainly because a lot of the villagers were staring directly at them and it was getting very annoying. She sighed and looked over at the group of them.

"You have lives! Go and live them!" She yelled. The villagers quickly looked away and began to carry on with what they were doing before. Robin rolled her eyes slightly. People these days.

She bent down and picked up her sword from off the ground, putting it back in it's leather carrier which was around her belt. She looked up at the boy once more. "Well.. I should be going.." She told him, trying to think of an exuse to leave.
Sebastian continued to grin at the strange girl. “Hey, you’ve got a sword. My brother has one too,” he said, totally ignoring her attempt to leave. “You a knight or something?” He rolled forward onto the balls of his feet and rolled back, eying the bush she’d come out of. He thought it was funny to think anyone could own a piece of nature, but perhaps the stranger had meant the bush might have been on his property.

Roarke, meanwhile, was making his way through the town, excusing himself when he bumped into people and scanning the crowd for his missing brother. He sighed heavily and shook his head, wondering if Sebastian was trying to turn the bananas on Finnegan’s cart hot pink again. He was prone to pranks when bored, and Roarke hadn’t been doing enough to keep him occupied the last few days. It really shouldn’t have come to a shock to him anymore that his brother was on some kind of biological timer to run off and cause mayhem every few days.
"No." Robin replied simply, watching him for a moment. She then added "But I'm going to be one."

She smiled at the thought of that. Everyone seemed to doubt her, mainly because she was a girl and girls couldn't do anything like a man could. She actually heard her own father say that to her once, while she was practicing her swordfighting. And it was probably because she was young, too. She was only 13. Most of the Knights were in their early or mid twenties. She grasped the handle of the sword slightly, thinking for a moment, before focusing her attention back on to the boy.

"So, why you out here then?" She asked, raising a eyebrow slightly at him. She knew that he was probably thinking the same about her, but he saw the reason with the men earlier, plus she'd already asked him now. She folded her arms over her chest, waiting for a reply.
“Escaping my brother,” Sebastian said immediately. “I’m so bored. Like, dangerously bored. So bored I might die.” He nodded gravely as if this was a legitimate medical condition. “So you any good with that sword then?” he asked, zeroing back in on the weapon. “You been in any fights yet?” He conjured up a little green butterfly made out of light and floated it over to her absentmindedly, not even really aware he was doing it.

Roarke sighed and leaned over, exhausted not physically but mentally. When Sebastian didn’t want to be found he would not be found. Roarke wondered if his brother had cast a little confusion charm on him before he escaped, causing Roarke to wander around and walk right past him. He’d done it before and he was sure he’d do it again.

He finally headed over to a young woman standing near the edge of the woods [Ariyah.] “I’m sorry to bother you, miss. Have you seen a freckled redhead kid running around, perhaps causing havoc? This tall?” He motioned with his hand.
Robin looked up at the butterfly for a moment and laughed quietly before looking back down at him, shrugging. "You tell me." She told him, then looked around. She pulled out her sword and walked into an area with no people around, only a tree. She looked behind her, making sure that no one was behind her. You only ever make that mistake once. She moved into her first position once the space around her was clear, then began attacking the tree with different sword moves.

At the end of it, there was a pile of firewood on the floor. She looked over at the boy again as she put her sword away neatly.
In the middle of town Amelia wandered, and heard the commotion and was in the midst of the town when she heard the younger woman call out to the crowd. She saw the boy and the woman talk and ventured over to them. Amelia didn't talk really, not much. She smiled at the two and smiled, softly.

"Hello." She said to the both of them and eyed their swords, a bit nervous. " I have news." She said, trying to strike up a casual conversation, weary that she had already interrupted their merry chatter. "There's a white snow owl in town today. THe rumor is if you catch one you get three wishes." She bit her lip,
Robin looked up to see a woman walk over to them. She blinked slightly at her comment, tilting her head slightly. "Really, huh? But I've always been told that wishes are just fake and a waste of time." She folded her arms, leaning up against the tree she was chopping up. "But if you want me to go and catch the owl for you then I'll go do it. You didn't have to really say anything about wishing." She told her.

She wasn't the one for believing wishes. Although there were Wizards and Elves walking around, she still didn't believe in making a promise to yourself that you hope will come true, but you just end up forgetting about it.
Amelia grinned. "Who ever catches the owl first gets the wish." She smiled and looked at the boy. "What do you say?" As a slave girl, catching a white owl and making a wish was the one thing she had to look forward too. Maybe she could even wish her way out of slavery. "Excellent." A wide smile spread across her face, she wasn't really dressed much. She just had a torn and tattered dress, and her hair was frazzled. She had been trying to track the snow owl all morning. She just had to make that wish. She turned to the boy, "Well cmon then, I saw it on the fence post but half an hour ago."
Sebastian grinned ear-to-ear. "Sounds like fun! Thank goodness, I was starting to forget what that word even meant." He turned to Robin and her pile of wood. "Silly or no, you know you wanna join the hunt! Plus maybe you can put that swordsmanship to some use and fight off the other people trying to catch the owl," he joked. He was rather impressed with her skills though, and nodded to the pile of wood she had reduced the tree to. "Let's go!" Sebastian said, clapping dust from his hands and starting off. "What're your names, anyway?" he asked his two new companions.
Robin looked up at the two of them for a moment and sighed, following behind them. She looked up when the boy asked for names. She didn't tell anyone she just met her name. Ever. It was almost like a tradition for her. She looked over at him, thinking of something to change the subject. "Didn't you say that your brother was looking for you? Isn't he going to be a little bit worried when he can't find you and we're out trying to find this owl or whatever we're going to find?" She asked, waving her hand around at the whatever part of her question. She folded her arms over her chest, looking at the two of them.
"My name is Amelia." She said and turned to face the new woman to the group and greeted her [Ariyah] with a smile.

"Welcome, would you like to join our group? There's a snow owl in town, and the rumor is if you catch it, you get three wishes."

She clapped her hands, she had never seen such a group turn out for a local hunt. Come to think of it, the boy should really ask his brother before going.

"Hey, I had an idea, why don't you ask your brother to come join us for the hunt on the snow owl?" She inquired, the bigger the group the easier it was going to be to catch it and make everyone's wishes come true. She had never been so happier.
Ari freezes wondering what to do "A..Ariyah, my name is Ariyah my father used to call me Ari for short. I am sorry, but I have no idea where I am, and well you said something about three wishes from a white owl, I woke with one staring at me and all it had was this small message.." Ari replies showing the message to Amelia. "I do not know what it means, and was hoping maybe it would help me find the way home da." her accent is a little thick resembling Russian she obviously is not from around here.

Slowly she evaluates the group all the while her hand near her small gun on her hip. "Maybe if we find the owl again I can ask it to take me home, da.."
Aetherius began walking over to the Blacksmith's workshop. Aetherius opened the door, and was greeted by a short lady. "Torus! Your friend Aether is here." she called. Aether looked at the doorway as Torus walked out, wiping his hands with a dirty rag. His eyes lit up as he made visual contact with his old friend. "Aether! How can I help you?". Aetherius looked at Torus, and smiled. Torus was one of Aether's only friends, they'd known each other for about a decade now. Aetherius pulled out a short blade from his back pocket, one that had been banged up and rusted slightly. "Actually, I came too see if you could do anything about this? I need it cleaned and sharpened for one of my contracts." He handed over the knife, as well as two gold coins. Torus took the knife, but waved his hand at the coins. "I'll fix this up for you, no problem. But you know you never owe me anything." He slid the money back into his pouch and nodded to show he was grateful. As he started walking towards the door, Torus called "Oh. And there is a rumor going around. Something about catching a white owl, worth three wishes. If you're interested." Aetherius paused for a moment. "I'll look into that. Thanks."
Robin stood on her toes as she looked around. Trying to find a white owl flying around in the middle of the day... How hard could that be? She wondered why they needed to even find the owl. It wasn't like it was the most precious thing in the world and that they had to find it unless they wanted to get brutally murdered or taken over by someone from another Country.

Or was it...?

She still didn't understand though, but at least it gave her something to do. Also it ment that if anyone tried to attack her, which was normal since a lot of people didn't really like her, then she'll have back up. Thankfully.
Sebastian heaved a melodramatic sigh at the idea of going to get Roarke, but nodded. "Yeah, alright. But I warn you, he's super boring." With that Sebastian took off through the crowd, weaving between people as he went. Shouts and grumbles followed his path.

Roarke heard his brother's approach before he saw him. "Sebastian!" he shouted, turning around and giving him his best patented older sibling glare. "For the last bloody time--"

"No time, we've got an owl to catch and maybe even friends to hang out with. You know, friends? Those people you go and do social things with? Well, I have friends 'cause I'm awesome, but you're gonna have to work to get them to like you," Sebastian said with a cheeky grin. Before Roarke could do more than swipe for him he ducked away and ran back towards the group. "C'mon!"

((OOC note: I've got some real life issues popping up at the moment, but I'll try to keep posting regularly. If someone is waiting for my characters to do something, though, feel free to take them over just enough to keep the story going. I'm fine with just saying they're tagging along and helping without them really being chatty until I'm able to get back to a more regular posting schedule.))
Amelia grabbed the note from the other woman and opened it. Her eyes squinted to see the tiny writing, the paper in question was a tiny square of fabric, and it there were few blotted parts of red and black... the black she had figured was ink. Amelia was a slave, and being a slave, she didn't know how to read. She tried to make out the bits and pieces, but it was hard. She took a step back and looked at the others in the group that where with her.

"I can't read this." She said clearly, looking at Ariyah and Robin, and hoped Sebastian would return with his brother soon before going on the hunt for the white owl. She looked away, a bit ashamed. See, if any one had caught a slave that had run away they would have to report her back to her household.. which was usually clarified by a symbol on the bottom of the slave's left wrist. She held the piece of weather torn paper in her hand.

The note in question though; had clearly read: I'm Still Alive. P. R. T
Ari looks at the ground, not realizing that Amelia was not able to read. "the note reads I'm Still Alive.. and a few initials P. R. T. I do not know what they mean.. I don't even know where I am, let alone the customs for writing notes.." looks at Amelia "I am sorry I did not know that you could not read.. I could try to teach you, da."

"Oh, umm I think you dropped this after running into me.." Holding out a little bag towards Robin still keeping a distance. "I.. I don't think I got your name, as I said my name is Ariyah.. I am sorry for asking.. but why where those men after you?" she asks as politely as she can hoping to not have caused some sort of conflict.

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