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Some Ideas


Professional Daydreamer
I found two brain cells to rub together, and came up with a couple of scenarios. Send me a PM if one of them strikes your fancy. :)


- I prefer to post from my phone while I'm at work, so my posts are usually short -not brainless or sloppy, just short.

-I'd really like a partner who enjoys introducing their own ideas and NPCs into the story. Being responsible for ALL of the world building is no fun.

-If you want to apply a fandom to any of these scenarios, feel free, keeping in mind that I might not be very well acquainted with some of them.


Character A wants to avenge their mentor's unjust death, so they seek out that mentor's most accomplished student, Character B, and beg for training.

Possible Genres: Superhero, sci-fi, fantasy

Possible Twists: characters fall in love, are actually siblings, can't stand each other, or have very different moral values.


Two characters have been kidnapped, tortured, and possibly experimented on by an evil organization. They escape together, and have to figure out what comes next.

Possible Genres: Horror, cyberpunk, dark fantasy

Possible Twists: uncontrollable new powers, government conspiracies, secret destinies


Character A, shy young magic practitioner accidentally ends up with Character B, a demon of carnal pleasure sworn into their service. Hilarity ensues.

Possible Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, romance

Possible Twists: Demon is actually really bad at their job, malicious gossip, magic spells gone wrong, a looming deadline

More to be added as my coffee kicks in ; )
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Hey, the two kidnapped character in the evil organization sounds very interesting. I'm new to the site so I can't PM you but I'm not new to rping itself, having about two years of rping experince under my belt.
@CinnamonShards Hmmm I think we should start out with them escaping the facility that had been holding them captive. Finding out that they are wanted and have to figure out why they'd been chosen for the experiment. Perhaps their familes were activists. Do you have any age range for the main character?
No preferred age for the main characters. :) Are we setting this in a neon and chrome technocracy? An Inquisitior ' s dungeon? A secret military base? I like the idea of them suffering for their parent ' s mistakes. Do we wanna inject them with super serum?
I'm interested in the first idea, with the accomplished student and mentored student

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