
How to fix Creation?

  • Put the Solars back in charge

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  • Put the Lunars in charge

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reunite Sidereals, put them in charge

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  • Give the DBs a proper Emperor/ress

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  • Put the Dragon Kings back in charge

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  • Get the Incarna off their behinds

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  • Get Gaia off Luna's behind

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let the mortals deal with their own problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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  • Total voters
I'm saying bring the Solars back.  Why, you may ask?

Pros:  Solars rock.  They can unite all of mankind, bring back the DKs, ally themselves with the Mountain Folk and bring the Silver Pact back into Creation...and it'd only take a few good rolls.  These guys are singularly equipped to beat back all the terrors at Creations door and bring back the big win.  Let the golden age good times begin again baby!

Cons:  Eventually they'll go crazy from the curse and kill everybody, or worse.  It's inevitable.  However, with Autochthons aid the Solars could perhaps be cured of the curse and their reign could be a benevolent, immortal one.  It's gonna be a looooooong time before the Solars go wacky again, might as well let them rule for now.  Hopefully a solution will be found to their curse issue before it starts making them psycho again.  And if not?  Usurp them.  It worked once before.
I say, undo the Great Curse.  Wait for Kejak and the Inner Circle of the Bronze to die.  THEN bring back the Solars.
Same as above.

I mean, with that Great Curse, it's a real downer at party occations.  The Solars know. :P
I refuse to weigh in until there is an option to Boogie-oogie-oogie-oogie-oogie-boogie til' the break of day...

Just as a matter of principle.

Because there's just two things that Chuck Xavier loves, that's dancing and his fantastic head of hair...

Oh Twisted Toy Fare...we need more of you and your delcious lampoons.  And cannabilistic Ewoks.  There's always room for those...
Personally I think the Lunars could do it. Provided they get a little help from Autochthon they can get back their lost castes, then finally stomp the DB's, and take over. The world would only be barbaric and a little difficult to live in for most civil people for a few centuries. I'm sure Ma-ha-suchi would come around eventually. And there's enough city-dwelling lunars around they could turn the tides.

besides. Lunars kick ass.
I say put the DKs back in charge.  Why?  They are the best artificers in the entire set of Supernaturals.  The Path of Growing Wood and Solid Earth give them a plus (level) to all vegetative and crystalline artifact creation rolls respectively and they don't require any tools or facilities.  That means that an elder Dragon King could get 14 dice plus six automatic successes and not require even a basic workshop.  They could easily get an extra 10 dice from the appropriate level three artifact.  Such a Dragon King could make a level five artifact in three years, just three years, which isn't too bad.

While humans would be a minor power, they would be necessary.  The Dragon Kings, at most, have the potential for a few million of their species, having lost most of their souls during the Primordial War.  They need humanity to do the dirty work.  In fact, with their few numbers, humanity could deal with them more equally, resulting in a dynamic balance of power.  You would have to get rid of the Celestial Exalted, they are too dangerous, but you could keep the DBs because the DKs could keep them in line, as a DK has a slight advantage in power over a DB of equal Essence.  In fact, you could probably bring the proportion of DBs to Lookshy numbers, about one percent of humanity, allowing most of humanity to have a relative or friend who is DB, matching the number of DKs.  That sort of civilization, with the DBs and DKs working together, would make a world civilization greater than any that has ever existed.
Why do people want to wreak the entire world apart?

A new empress, and everything goes back to normal. The deathlords can have their little skirmishes, but the Realm will stand unified again, beating back any opposition.

Or the old empress, when she beats the hell out of the Ebon Dragon and goes home to rule.

Dragon Blooded for ever!
Zaramis said:
Why do people want to wreak the entire world apart?
A new empress, and everything goes back to normal. The deathlords can have their little skirmishes, but the Realm will stand unified again, beating back any opposition.

Or the old empress, when she beats the hell out of the Ebon Dragon and goes home to rule.
 Bring back, the Empress!

 Wonder how many Brits would want to slap me now...
Zaramis said:
Why do people want to wreak the entire world apart?
A new empress, and everything goes back to normal. The deathlords can have their little skirmishes, but the Realm will stand unified again, beating back any opposition.

Or the old empress, when she beats the hell out of the Ebon Dragon and goes home to rule.
 Bring back, the Empress!

 Wonder how many Brits would want to slap me now...
Not as many as you'd think   :wink:  

Thts a point; even without the games of divinity Gaia and Lunar would be too busy with each other to notice whats going on in creation.
Put the Lintha back in power, if they ruled the world it may be a cruel place, but they dont really have any like eternal enemies.
The Lintha were never in power, per se.

 In antebellum Creation, they were simply a large and powerful group with some of Kimberry's lineage. They were no more in charge than the Golden Children of the Solars, before the Usurpation.
... and in what group would you manage to fit a Lintha Lotus? Unless it's an all-Lintha game.
The Incarna would be the best way to sort things out, really.

Nothing to say besides that, you just have to accept: why have MORTALS do something when you've got a bunch of GODS, plus a Primordial.

But the Abyssal approach would work pretty good, too.
To "fix" the Creation, as opposed to just mending it, you have to get the Gods to undo the damage of their betrayal, and beg for the forgiveness of the Primordials they've imprisoned and killed, and go back to being actual functions of the Creation, as opposed to their usurped position.  

The Gods need to perform their functions, as opposed to settling the responsibility on others' shoulders.   And let thems that created the whole ball of wax go back to doing their unknowable thing.

And that's not bloody likely.  With their screw up, they created the Underworld.  They created Demons.  They fundamentally changed the nature of the Creation, by changing the nature of the Primordials.  And even if they were to beg the forgiveness of the Primordials, and release them from their Malfean prison, there's not a whole of chance of the Primordials not taking their sweet time to get their revenge on their former servants--or the critters who backed their play.  

In order to get the Creation back on track, you've got to get the Gods from playing the Games of Divinity, and get them back on the job.  Keep an eye on the store as it were.  The Gods who are left, the functions of the Celestial Bureacracy are limited, and the Sidereals are busy playing their own games, and blinded by their own hubris, aren't keeping their eyes on the prize.  

The Exalted, without the guidance of the Gods, are limited.  While they have great potential, and great power, they have a limited perspective.  And that is what has allowed the Fae, the Yozi, the Malfeans, and all the other factions that are looking to gnaw at the entrails of the Creation to really get a foothold--no one is watching the whole picture.  

The Sidereals try, but even they are limited, both by number, and blinded by their own hubris.  And not knowing that they've been cursed, and the nature of it, hampers them further.  

The Exalted...all of them are supposed to be working together.  Dragon Bloods.  Solars. Lunars.  Sidereals.  And none of them are.  Their teachers and strong right hand, the Dragon Kings have been reduced.  The Celestial Bureacracy has broken down.  No one is enforcing edicts, Gods are goofing off, and no single faction can bring it all together.  

Save one.  The Gods.  That is, if the Gods could get off their Celestial butts long enough to realize how out of kilter things were, and actually cared about their Creation--instead of the Celestial crack they've been smoking.

It all hinges on the Gods.  They betrayed their masters, and took their place.  They used catspaws to do it, who could circumvent the restrictions laid upon them, and those catspaws paid the price for them.  In the end, it is up to the Gods to take responsibility for the mess they've put the Creation into.  Their betrayal is where all the ills stem from.  No Underworld or Malfeans without it.  No Yozi or Demons.  Wyld would be properly walled off.  Behemoths in check and asleep.  Lesser Gods all in their place and doing their jobs.  

And shaming them into getting back on the job probably isn't going to do it.  Getting rid of their addiction, and shoving them face first into the steaming pile of poo that they're responsible for, might.  Or it will erupt a conflageration that will shake the Heavens, and end up with a lot of dead Exalts and dead Gods.  Probably both.  

The thing is: can the Exalts unite to bring this turn of events, so the Gods can't use one faction against another?  Can the Sidereals get over themselves enough to work with the others?  Can the Solars forget the betrayal of the Dragon Bloods, the Sidereals, and their abandonment by the Lunars?  Can the Lunars get off their hairy butts long enough?  Can the united Exalts contact Gaia and Autocthon to present a united front to oppose the Gods and get their attention?  Can the Games of Divinity be shattered so the Gods are forced to pay attention?  Can the Gods get over their Celestial DTs?  Can they ever forgive their Exalts for slapping them around calling them Susan?  

The Exalts can force the issue, but only if they can unite the Creation.  Not under the banner of one faction, but actually unite the Creation as a whole, and as a whole, demand that their Gods start acting like Gods again, instead of abdicating their position to let their lessers handle things.

That's where the Creation went wrong in the first place.  When the Primordials handed things over to the Gods, waving their hands  like Carter Country's Mayor Teddy Burnsides to "Handle it. Handle it."

And then the Celestial Incarna did the same thing to their subordinates, the Exalts.  And the Exalts passed the buck to the Dragon Bloods.  It set a pattern of shifting responsibility to those who have lesser and lesser power, and lesser and lesser capability.  

Which is a great theme to play with.  But, if you want to tell a Story where the Creation gets back on track, you have to get folks to take some damn responsibility and get off their asses.

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