
Teegan jumped into the water, doing a twist in the air, and letting out a yip of sheer joy. She landed in the freezing water, and soon her blonde hair was out of the neat bun that it had been in. It flopped on her face; she pushed it back behind her ear and came up to be greeted by Micheal's question. "Well, I was a music teacher at a high school. There's really no use for that anymore either." she said giving the slightest chuckle. She looked around at the people that were treading the water next to her, she was curious to hear what everyone else had been doing before the 'outbreak' as Micheal put it. As she slid back underwater, her hair lapped at the side of her head, and stuck to her face. She brought her head back up to the surface, and brought her hair to one side of her head. Her now wavy hair framed her face, and stuck to the side of her neck.

Dylan had taken off his pants, his boxers now the only thing on his body. He took a short step back and called out "Make way!" before jumping into the cold blue water in the pool. As he resurfaced, he heard Micheal's question. "Before the break out, I was the owner of a car body shop. But what can that help me with now." he said with a shake of his head, and a humph. He made sure that his 'swim suit' was still where it needed to be; he didn't think it's be best to flash his fellow survivors. He wiped the water from his brow, and then let out a grimacing smile.
Amber had stayed under for a while, swimming all around underwater like a mermaid. She was good at the dolphin kick and even looked similar to a mermaid. she jumped up, breaking the surface of the water, wiping her hair back and out of her face. she swayed over to the ledge. She lifted her self out of the water and layer on her side next to the pool, swaying her hand across the waters surface. "I'm 19 so I was actually going to Harvard law. Funny right?! Me at Harvard..." she took out her now odd shaped pony tail and wiped her hair around, returning it to its natural form.

She stood up and grinned at everyone. "Well I am going to partake in something I love doing and if you'd like to join me... feel free." She walked with light feet over to the fake water fall. She put one foot in front of the other, hand over hand, and climbed to the top. She braced her self and thought of her years of gymnastics and dance. With a delicate leg out in front, she leaned forward, pushing off that leg and did a front aerial into the water. She was happy with the clean entry she made. She surfaced the water with a fist in the air. "Oh ya! Uh huh!" She giggled and swam back iver to the rest, touching the bottom of the pool. "Never a bad time to relax, poolside..."
"Relax.." Micheal reiterated in a monotonous voice when the sense of unease washed over him once again. He shook his head and bobbed back down under the water... he was going to get a stomach ulcer with all of the worrying that he did and who would fix him then? The mechanic or the lawyer? He had just sort of hoped that among them would be an electrician or a doctor among them but then again what useful skill did he offer? Another language... they really didn't have much to pass onto the next generation.

The next generation... Micheal coughed choking on the water for a brief moment. There was absolutely no need to think about repopulating the earth... or at the very least not within hours of meeting these people.

Once he finished choking on the water that he accidentally swallowed (not a pleasant taste) Micheal said, "Everybody okay with living without electricity?" he laughed in a strange way thinking about how nobody had the skills that they needed.
Before Teegan heard Micheal's remark, she did a backflip underwater. Yes, even for a women in her low to mid twenties was still as flexible as she was in her younger days. When she came up, she finally heard Micheal's comment. "I think, it'll be easier than living with it. We've, well at least I've been living without electricity for quiet some time now." She said, aiming her comment directly to no one. She looked around the pool, and still couldn't believe that someday, somehow, they would repopulate the world. These people; people she had just met about 3 hours ago, and who she had almost nothing in common with. Teegan chuckled to herself, and brushed the hair out of her eyes. "So," she paused, not knowing what to say next; but she knew something needed to be said.
Amber just sat back and listened. "I would love to have electricity back but one problem... we don't have anyone who knows how to do that." She slipped back under, swept all her hair back, and came back up. "Plus I did say we could worry about that stuff tomorrow. You need to lighten up!" Amber was beginning how much pressure was on them. They would have to repopulate, rework a government, help other survivors, and yes, rework electricity. She didn't want to think about the repopulation. She just met these guys and one of them had a stick up there ***.

"Anyone want any food? I'm going to the kitchen." Amber lifted her body out of the water and grabbed a towel out of a pile of towels on the patio. She rubbed the towel through her hair and dried herself off. Walking back to the pool, she sat in a lounge chair, waiting for there response.
Dot had been in her own little world, thinking about what to say, if she should have a long explanation or a short one, what her parents did, and so on, until she noticed that Micheal had asked another question. "I uh... I don't think it would be too hard. I lived on a farm, and once we moved to the city I had a job in a daycare, but I don't think that would do too much good... Also, I'm sure there has to be books about electricity in some libraries."

She dipped her head underwater, basking in the strange feeling of warm and cold. She came up to the surface just in time to hear Amber ask if anyone wanted anything to eat. Remembering that she still had a bag of chips in her backpack, had an urge to run and get it. "I think I have a bag of chips in my backpack!" She said.
Tee was getting a little cold, the once refreshing water, was now a cold water bath. She could almost see the water a rounding shaking as if it was feeling cold too. Surprisingly, Teegan could hear Amber's voice ring out as she got out of the pool, and asked if anyone wanted food. She shook her head, and followed Amber out of the pool. She was soon going up and down her body with the plush towel; her body now dry. "I'm not very hungry, but thanks for asking." She said with a smile. Teegan looked up, and then at the guys still in the pool. "It's getting a little late." She remarked, trailing off.

Dylan swam under water for the last time before he came up and looked at the people remaining in the pool. He shook his head, letting a few droplets of water fly. "Nah, Im good Amber." He said, partially forgetting his manners. He began making his way to the edge of the pool when he could 'feel' ice forming under his elbows, and on his chin. He slowly climbed out of the water; he took a towel and dried himself off before tying it around his waist. Dylan shook his head violently, quickly air drying it. "Yeah, and the later it gets, the colder." He said, talking with experience.
Micheal nodded, "I could stand to eat..." he paused, "Only if it's not chips or chocolate. I'll pass otherwise." he wondered how he was coming off to them. It felt like all he had done was complain and worry and while he had pretty much only done that so far he wondered if at least they were at least going to be understanding. He had gotten used to being alone and now being surrounded by people was a foreign experience. He wasn't even sure if he wanted them to like him because all he had known was death and he seemed to be the only permanent aspect to his own life.

He hopped out of the pool. Maybe he should let down his defenses. All of them. Let them see that his only defining trait wasn't neuroticism and to maybe lessen how neurotic he actually was. But maybe it didn't matter what they thought he finally reasoned as he took a towel and ran it through his hair quickly to dry it.

"Good point Dot." he said acknowledging her previous comment about the library before tying the towel around his waist.
Amber smiled at everyone. "Well I suppose it's time to go in. Good...I was freezing!" Humming, amber walked in through the back door. She missed music and often sung to herself. She was surprised that only Michael wanted to eat. They had to be hungry. She shrugged and led them inside. They could all take a seat in the living room (which was connected to the kitchen) while she grabbed food. She threw her towel on the counter of the kitchen, hoping the rest would to. She hated laundry. She had to do it herself now.

Amber pondered for a moment in the kitchen. "What to get..." She grabbed a banana for her and Michael and apples. She put these into bowels and set them on the island. She had an idea. She would get some nice, refreshing water fir everyone. She took out tea cups for everyone and filled them each with the now unhealthy tap water. Reaching into the cabinet, she pulled out iodine. She poured in the right amount for each cup and waited for the water to purify. She took Michaels bowl and walked over to him, handing it to him and smiling. She came back to the kitchen and put mint leaves in the cups and stirred them. Tea. Very plain tea. It was better than nothing. She put the cups on a fancy serving tray and set it kn the coffee table. "There you go!" She sat down on the couch. "Is everyone enjoying their stay at Audaudry manor?"
Micheal grabbed the cup with a wild grin as if he was a child at Christmas and just held the cup in his hands for a moment before taking a tentative sip. Before the outbreak he would have swallowed the tea and been disgusted with how it tasted and would have put on a brave face and lied about it to avoid being rude. Now it was different and after his hesitant sip of the liquid he sighed contentedly and closed his eyes as if to privately savour the tea. It had been so long since he had had something that wasn't from a can... he had never thought of finding a way to purify the water... actually he hadn't even tried to. He had just assumed that plumbing had gone down.

"This is fantastic." he sighed drawing himself back to the present and he laid the cup down on the counter before he reached forward and grabbed a banana from the bowl with enthusiasm, "I came from a town further north so I've seen a few apples but I never thought I'd see another banana. I used to hate them." he laughed and peeled it quickly stopping momentarily only to take a sip of tea.

He responded to Amber's question finally after he had taken a large bite out of the banana. It assaulted his taste buds with deliciousness and he swallowed heavily, "It beats my truck... well it's better here than I could have imagined."
Dot hurried inside and to the bathroom, grabbing her backpack by the door. She was going to start shivering if she didn't put something on. When she came out, Dot took a cup from off the tray, thanking Amber. She took a sip. Mint tea. She had always loved mint tea, even if it was from the bag. It always tasted so fresh, even if it wasn't.

"This is a nice house you've found. And about my room... I'd rather just stay outside during nights, if I can. I'm much more fond of the outdoors, you see..." Dot trailed off. She really was. And if she ever couldn't sleep, then she could scavenge for food, or carve into wood or stone that she found. She might even be able to see the moon and stars. Her father told her that if you could still see the moon and the stars, then there would almost always be hope.
"Well I'm glad you all like it!" Amber was shocked at Dots remark. "Outside? Are you sure?" Amber couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to stay in this nice house. She shrugged and sipped her tea, taking a bite of an apple. She wished there was more she could do for them. "We should all take showers, yes? Then we can all get comfortable and rest for the night. We have a long journey ahead." She walked back to the bathroom and grabbed her clothes from before. She was going to take a shower upstairs. Skipping, she reached the top and locked the door to the bathroom behind her.

A half an hour later, Amber emerged from the bathroom primped and polished. "Next person can get in!" She came back to the living room, sitting in the same spot. "What a crazy day..."
Micheal couldn't still couldn't believe that Amber had a working shower. He also wasn't able to understand why Dot wanted to sleep outside, but the weather was nice... either way he was too exhausted. Only his stomach felt happy right now as he body was exhausted as if moving more than from his vehicle and then into a store and back was a difficult task.

After he got out from his shower the house seemed empty and dark (more so from the lack of power than anything else) and he groped his way along the wall trying to find his way to any room let alone the one he had claimed. It didn't really matter now because only Amber and himself were in the house.

He found his way into the kitchen and changed his directive into a finding a piece of fruit and once he had bitten into the apple Micheal continued to try to find a bedroom to sleep in. To his surprise cool night air assaulted him as he found his way outside and the familiar dread of being alone struck him. It must be the end of this wonderful dream when all he could see in the cloaking darkness was the inky outlines of distant buildings whose inhabitants were all dead.

"How can you sleep out here?" he asked when he became aware of Dot outside finally and shook his head, "It would just remind me of how big and empty the world is now... oh I couldn't find my way to my bedroom... maybe Amber will come out and guide me.... men and directions." he laughed with a shrug trying to keep his attention from the darkness of the outside world. Houses were secure. They reminded him of what had been just months ago.
Dot had been dazed, her mind rushing through memories and ways to survive. She jumped when she heard Micheal. "I never thought of it that way... The outside always made me feel free. I never really liked to be in small places, it made me feel confined. It's not really claustrophobia, more like a mild dislike of rooms." She said. "Anyway... I'd better help you get back to you're room," she said, taking hold of his arm and guiding him back inside.

When she came back out, she didn't feel tired. That's a sure sign you need to sleep, Dot, she thought to herself. She always knew what would happen next. Stay up too late, go to bed when you're tired, wake up too late. Instead, she thought about how they could get some light at night. Candles. Of course! She was pretty sure that if she left some small things here like her arrows, then she could fit a pack or two of candles and matches in there. Why did she have those, anyway? It's not like she had a bow. She took them out, rearranged her backpack, and then left to scavenge for candles and matches.

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