

One Thousand Club
Sign-ups and plot :

MSK-31 was what they had called it. That ruthless disease which struck quickly and suddenly with no warning signs. It had emerged out of nowhere claiming several million victims within its first week and it only accelerated rather than slowed. There seemed to be nothing that anyone could do against it, masks and gloves didn't appear to do anything and the virus mutated too quickly to create a vaccine to defend against it. There was nothing anyone could do against MSK-31 and it decimated the human population.

Well, there was nothing that you could do against the disease unless you were immune. No virus had a 100% infection rate and MSK-31 was no exception. Micheal was living proof of this... of course he appeared to be the only proof that the disease wasn't invincible. Since his parents had died he had been traveling desperately from town to town in search of anyone else. At every town he stopped at he broke into houses and stole vehicles and filled a fleet of Jerry cans by siphoning gas from long abandoned cars and lit a flare just as he was leaving.

Sadly enough if he had known just over a year ago before the power turned off and society grinded to a halt that he was going to be so alone, he probably would have rejoiced. Before MSK-31 he was terribly fond of being alone and now that he finally was he was miserable and desperate. He couldn't be the only survivor.... he just couldn't be.

Yet here he was in another barren city. He had ravaged a convenience store shoving as many packaged foods into his newly acquired truck as possible, fresh and frozen foods had expired long ago and he would have killed for a glass of milk... a diet of chips, hot pop, and chocolate actually began to become repulsive.

He sighed to himself checking over his new loot once again. The gas cans were full and would be able to carry him to a new city at the very least and he had enough candy to give him diabetes in the truck. He still had one more flare in the flare-gun he had snatched several cities ago and decided to find new flares in the next city. He was surprisingly awake right now and he didn't want to waste any more sunlight in what was to probably be another dead-end abandoned city.

Micheal raised the gun above his head and pulled the trigger launching what looked to be like a ball of fire into the sky and it crackled noisily above him as he watched it disinterestedly for a moment, "I'd kill even for a zombie right now." he grimaced leaning against the truck. He had picked up the habit of talking to himself in his loneliness and he wondered how long it would be until his sanity dissolved completely. But for now he wasn't going to consider going crazy from loneliness... he was occupied with the always present hope that somehow this time would be different and somehow there would be someone else that survived.
Who knew that such a thing might happen? So many ways this could of happened but a disease was the one that did it. Amber was just happy it wasnt zombies. She HATED those things. The human race was practically gone. But no, it wasn't the end of humanity. There were others who survived she was sure. She survived didn't she? She was extremely lucky to survive this tragedy. If you were going to die then you would of died by now so everything was sort of normal exept the dead bodies everywhere. There wasn't any more electricity and even if there was running water in some houses, plumbing wasn't working so it wasn't clean. Amber had lived off the land, growing a garden and eating out of her totally stocked pantry when necessary. Her mother was a coupon person and so she was luckily in that sense to.

Her family didn't stand a chance. They died within the first 3 days of the out break. Luckily she was old enough to fend for herself. Day after day, another dead reletive. Day after day, another burial. It got so bad that she couldn't even stay in that house. To many memories. She packed her things and moved into an abandoned home down the street. They were all abandoned but she chose this one since it was really big with 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. Best part. Now house payment or bills. It also had a pool which she kept nice with chemicals from the grocery store. It was so nice having everything be free. She also lost her boyfriend. That hit her hard. They had been dating for 3 years. But the longing for her family and boyfriend had passed.

Would she ever see another human again? Someone to love? Someone to care for? Talk to at least? She was content and stable but still depressed. She walked out side to take a dip in her pool. What a luxury to be doing at this time of crisis. As she walked out she heard an unreal sound. A flare! She practically had a heart attack. She cried, knowing someone else was out there. She hopped in the car that she now called hers since it was left her by the previous owners who were now obviously dead, and drove like a bullet to the area where the flare was shot.

Her car pulled into the grocery store she had gone to. She didn't even bother to park in a slot. What did it matter? She got out of the car and saw the man who pulled the flare.

"Oh my God! Hello! Your alive! Your a person and your alive!"

She couldn't catch her breath. She didn't know weather to help him or what.
It had been a few good weeks, possibly months since Teegan had talked with someone, or she had seen a breathing person. She had spent the past weeks salvaging what she could out of homes, and the alleys. They often gave her a good find; like little food items, skateboards, buckets, and more. Teegan knew that she was immune, but that didn't mean that her family was, she found that out as the disease grew worse. She had lost almost everything except for: her dignity and position in life. She still carried herself like her normal self, back when the world was not a planet of billions dead, and none coming back.

She had been living in a vacant home that she had found: it had 3 bedrooms, a good sized yard, and 2 bathrooms (even though they were completely out of use.) It was the perfect size for her; not ginormous, but not puny. Every night, she would lay in her bed on the top floor and right before she went to bed, she had to remind herself that there were other survivors. Right? She wasn't the only one that was immune. At least, that's what she hoped; she needed to find other survivors, she needed to!

She had been walking along the chain of abandoned stores and shops one hot afternoon. She stepped through the cracked window of the shops, and trod to salvage what she could. Whether it was clothing, material items, jewelry, food, or home decor. In the state that the shops where in, she could salvage old t shirts, or fancy curtains. Teegan had come out of a tattered and shattered old store after finding nothing.

She had been walking for 15 minutes, and then, she saw the flare. It seemed not far away, so she turned in the direction she saw it. Could she be heading tinder living people?! The thought made her determined. She kept an even pace until the truck was in view as she rounded the corner of a shop. Teegan made her legs carry her faster, and she started calling out to the survivors, well that let she assumed. Because if they weren't immune, they'd be dead, Andorra was clear that they were not dead. "Hello!" She called when she was about 8 feet from the people. "You're alive! And people!" She called again. She was still stunned by the fact that she had four living humans! She rushed to the people and stood next to the girl. Teegan was still in shock about finding the people!

(Im doing my male later)
Amber was bursting into tears. She had found someone. She reached out and touched the girl. Yup. She was real. Amber couldn't help herself. She reached out her arms and hugged the girl. She pulled back and skilled at her, tears down her face.

"Hi. I'm Amber!" She choked. She gave the girl a look of reasurance. Her look said it all. They weren't alone now. She walked over to the man who was looking to be not so healthy. "We should help him." She said to the girl. She bent down to the man. "Are you alright?"
Teegan smiled at Amber "Hi, I'm Teegan." She said, she turned her attention to the man who was leaning against the truck. She didn't know why, but he looked sick. Not with MSK-31, but with a fairly common disease. "Excuse me, sir, but do you have any problems with your health?" She asked putting her hands on her knees brushing the loose hair strands out of her eyes. Teegan looked at the man; she knew that he had something wrong internally, but couldn't figure out what. Se tilted her head the slightest bit and waited patiently for his answer. "What's your name?" She asked quizzically.

Teegan heard something a few meters away from them, she peeked her head around the truck and saw a man walking towards them.

Dylan had been living off whatever he could find. Not being able to find a meal that filled him up, he was starving. Oh how he longed to taste a sweet strawberry, or crisp wafer. He was living in a two story house with two bedrooms and a bathroom about half a mile away from the grocery store. On that particular afternoon however, he was about scavenging for food. "Yes!" He exclaimed when he found a bag of chips. He stuffed the chips down his throat and licked his fingers. The salt parking his mouth and lips. He quickly rushed to the neighboring houses, and stole a drink from their now warm fridge. When he walked back outside, he happened to see a flare! Dylan dropped the small drink and ran to where the smoke was coming from.

His mind raced with thoughts of finding real, and alive people. As he slowed down, he realized he'd reached his destination! The grocery store. Dylan saw two women and a man crouched by a white truck. He walked over to them and saw the man did not look so well. He looked at Amber, then Teegan, and Micheal. "Hey, I'm Dyaln he said to them. "What's wrong with him?" He asked with a little concern in his voice.
The flare hung in the air crackling and it bathed the area in a slight red hue that he was sadly accustomed to seeing. Flares were so hard to find and he glanced at it in the sky feeling unhappy that he had just wasted his last one. Of course there was nobody. There never was. As horrified as he was to admit it, he was beginning to suspect that if anyone had survived the disease they had died after the collapse of society... but... what was that?

He thought he could hear some strange noise nearby and he unconsciously jerked forward towards the noise. Any doubts he had were washed away although a distant nagging voice in his head told him not to get too excited just in case he had imagined that noise. But he couldn't have imagined it... unless he was imagining people before him now. And if this event proved to be in his head... well then who was he to complain? He could live in a dream-world if it meant that he wasn't alone.

"Survivors." he breathed smiling wildly and then he shut the door to his truck. What he had just said seemed to strike him profoundly and he felt a swell of relief and happiness wash through him and he couldn't wipe the enthusiastic smile off of his face if he had even wanted to.

They approached him quickly and he was just about to speak when they called to him. One of the girls asked if he was alright and at first he was taken aback. It took him a moment to realize why they were so concerned with his health, he had sent a flare which was associated with needing help. Of course he was a little feverish right now, but he had to be much more sick in order for this to be a problem and compared to MSK it was absolutely nothing.

"Oh no, no. I'm fine. I was planning to raid a pharmacy in my next city but...." he stopped feeling a smile stretch across his face. He had finally found people. He didn't have to travel or run now, "I'm Micheal." he grinned wildly.
Teegan nodded "Hmm, I see." She exclaimed "Well, Micheal, Im Teegan." She told with with a slight smile "Glad that you're not sick with anything too serious." She agreed pushing her wavy hair back and into a slick ponytail. She took her hands from her knees and took a stance in front of Micheal. The sun almost blinding her; she very much wished that she had her sunglasses with her at that moment. Oh well, she'd have to do with out them for the time being.

Dylan nodded "Im just glad I found survivors like myself to talk with." He announced with a chuckle. "Do you want to get out of the sun?" He asked "It would suck if one of us got sunburned." He said, expressing his opinion. Dylan scratched the back of his head, and looked at Amber, then Micheal, and finally, to Teegan. He was very pleased with himself for finding these people. Now he knew they had a better chance of bringing he world back to how it used to be.
"Well I'm glad your ok. It would be ashamed to die after surviving a near apocalypse." She now noticed the other man Dylan. "Well everyone, I'm Amber." She smiled at everyone. "Well I'm sure none of us have any other people to go to. We should all stick together." She realized the power they had in numbers. They could re populate the earth. Get electricity going again. Even begin a new government. Unless another country would come and claim what's left of the U.S. But she figured there weren't any more strong governments anymore. She was sure this was world wide.

"Why don't we come back to my place? I have tons of food and ive even kept up a nice pool." She knew that not everyone trusted everyone yet. It was a good idea though. She nodded over to her car. "Hop in!" She figured they could gather a few things from the store first. "Lets grab what we need and head out." She wasn't sure if she was nice and open because that was just her or because she was desperate for people.
Micheal was so overwhelmed upon hearing voices that didn't belong to him that he almost missed Amber's words entirely. He nodded as everyone introduced themselves hoping that he remembered their names, but his joy in meeting these people probably wouldn't let him just forget them. They were all that he had.

As Amber continued to speak he thought he could hear some form of desperation in her voice although he couldn't blame her. He wasn't about to abandon people now that he had found them and if she hadn't proposed to keep them all together then he was sure that he would have. They were probably all equally desperate.

"Food?" he asked quickly without thinking. Of course those were the first words out of his mouth upon finally finding survivors after being alone for so long. He couldn't help it. The idea of eating something that wasn't chocolate or chips was tempting and he hoped that the food she was referring to wasn't the same processed things that he had gotten by on. He moved away from the group and quickly rummaged through his truck pulling out a few objects quickly. He had already been in the store but he had only grabbed a few things near the entrance. After pulling a few objects from his truck including two Jerry cans full of gas and an armful of various clothes he hesitantly edged towards the car and settled into the front passenger seat slowly as if he was expecting to be reprimanded.
Amber chuckled at Michael. That was the first in a while. "You don't have to ask him twice!" She looked at the others. "Come on! I don't bite.... often." She said with a grin. She went into the store and pulled the cash from the register. She came back out. "While you all scour for food, I grab the money while I'm at it..." she realized that in now no one needs money so no one would take it. But she had "stolen" about 50 thousand from the stores she was at. Of she were to ever need money again, she would have it.

She shoved it into her pockets and looked at the other two awaiting there choice. She walked over to Michael's truck and stole a chocolate bar. She chuckled again and sat on the hood of her car. She was maybe a bit too confident...
Teegan smiled "Sure, I'm up for it!" She exclaimed with a smile. She walked a few steps into the store, and then saw a bags of dried fruit hanging from the almost empty rack. She brought out the only four dried fruit bags out to her fellow survivors. "Catch!" She said with a slight chuckle. She placed a bag next to Amber, Micheal, and Dylan. She opened the door to the back seat, and let the men to before her.

Dylan the bag and climbed into the car. He looked at Amber, who was sitting on the hood of her car. She was pretty; even though they had just met. He chuckled to himself and waited for everyone to get into the car. He felt as if they were able to repopulate the world, but he wasn't so sure about making a government. Not yet anyway, but he did want the work to he back to the way it was, and possibly even better.
Amber jumped off the hood. "Yay!" She clapped and extended her legs into the car. She put her seat belt on turned the car on and smiled at everyone. "Everyone ready?" She looked back at the road and grinned. "Lets do this." She floored it and off they went. Amber was so happy she couldn't contain it. She drove in the middle of the road. Who was gonna stop her? Not to mention she ran over 4 mailboxes. She was laughing hysterically. She felt like she was a 16 year old again with her friends in the back seat. She even reached for the radio until she remembered there was no electricity. Maybe they could fix that.

As they pulled in she turned off and jumped out with the same exitment. "Okay everybody! There are 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. Perfect right? Don't take my room! Its the biggest one on the top floor. There's a pool out back, a garden, and the water runs but its not clean so don't drink it but it should be good for showers. There's a pantry that NO ONE touched with out my permission. Got it? Yay!" She skipped to the front door and waited for the rest. "Ill give y'all a tour!" She pulled her silky red hair into a sleek ponytail.
Initially Micheal thought that Amber was nuts. She drove wildly in the middle of the lane and hit things on the side of the road which would have been alright aside from the crazy laughing she did. First he thought that he was perhaps better off alone and that maybe that being alone had cracked her in the way he feared it would do to him. But as she continued to drive she struck a mailbox that exploded into a shower of letters when it was hit. For some reason he found the thought that so much mail was now so useless and that nobody would have to worry about debt now was funny and if he was standing he was sure that he would have doubled over with laughter. Maybe everybody was a little crazy.

When she pulled up to a house he was astounded. He had broken into houses to find keys to steal cars and also to find some canned and processed foods, but he had never considered staying in one before. He had always just slept in his car before, it just seemed too frightening to sleep in someone's old house. Then again... he had yet to find a house where there wasn't a body in it as a painful reminder that MSK-31 had killed nearly everyone. Most people had holed themselves into their houses where the disease finally took their lives. Micheal shrugged aside those thoughts. He wasn't alone.

"I call dibs on the second largest room." he said and laughed. His laugh sounded so foreign even though he had just laughed on the car ride but he hadn't heard his laugh by itself since the outbreak. When he regained his composure from hearing it he added with an amused smirk, "Tour away, guide."
The sound of glass shattering echoed in her ears. Dot winced at the sound, not used to loud noises. She held a crowbar in her hands. Before her was an automatic door, which she had just smashed. She let out a shaky breath as she stepped inside, the sound of glass scraping against the floor as she partially dragged her feet. She was tired of being alone. She hoped there would be someone here, maybe raiding the shop, or using it as a home. Yeah, that's it she thought to herself.

Dot sighed. She knew that there had to be somebody else who hadn't died. But she also knew that she had little to no chance of finding them. She shook her head and decided to just continue looking for food. There was a bag of chips that she stuffed inside her backpack, and two cans of pop, one which she drank. She checked the desk, and for some reason picked up a bill. Ha-ha, maybe she could write a note with it. A note to who?

She quickly exited the store. She didn't like small spaces. Before MSK-31, she would've been fine with small spaces. Now she felt like she was trapped in a nightmare of dreams that would never come true. She liked it outside. She could see better, and her mind wasn't as clouded. She started walking at a brisk pace and soon broke into a run. She liked having the wind flowing through her hair. It was a nice feeling, even if she had to run.

She noticed a fowl stench of something in the air and tried to stop too abruptly, nearly slamming into a wall. She caught her breath before trying to identify the smell. it smelled like burning rubber. She followed the still quiet fresh scent to an open road. There were several tire marks, and a trail of letters on the road. Dot smiled. That might mean that there really is someone out there. More importantly, that means she might have found someone, that she wouldn't be alone anymore, that there might be a chance for the world. She rolled up her turquoise sweater sleeves, readjusted her backpack and hair, and broke into a run.

She was quiet out of breath when she came to a car in front of a house, even though she had used all the shortcuts she knew. She had taken rests maybe two to four times, and had drank her can of pop (It miraculously didn't explode in her face). She thought she could hear chattering and laughing from the house. Walking up to the door at a rather slow pace, and knocked, not quiet knowing what to expect.
Amber had been happily showing her new friends her house. The large kitchen, a living room, an entertainment room, the bathrooms, and finally the bedrooms. That's when she heard a knock on the door. When was the last time she heard that? A knock on the door. She cocked her head to the side and looked to her new friends with a puzzled look.

She quickly ran down the stairs. Walking to the door, she took out her pony tail, and shook her hair out. She rescued for the door slowly. There she saw a girl. "Oh! Hello!" She opened the door wider. "Come on in! Are you alone too?"
Teegan smiled "I call I get the third largest room." She said with a chuckle "although it doesn't matter." She adde with a smirk. She followed Amber through our the whole house. Quite amazed shed found this spectacular home. When they had finished touring, the door knocked. Someone else had survived!! This also meant that one of the four had to share their room. When she turned around, she peeked her head into the room that she would most likely be staying in. It was a fairly decent size, she brought her head back out, and looked at the door.

Dylan followed Amber through the house. He still was in awe at the condition of the house. It was a lucky find for her. "I ll take the smallest room!!" He said "I'm just glad I got it before anyone else did!" He added with a laugh. When there was a knock on the door. He tilted his head. There was another survivor! He underestimated the amount of people that had survived the horrible disease. Dylan waited to see the other survivor, excited, yet nervous.
Dot jumped back and made a strange noise between a happy squeak and and a surprised gasp as the door opened. she paused and stepped back. A girl and a boy. Her mind was whirring and she could hear her pulse in her ears. Were they real? Is she just imagining them? But what if she wasn't? I'm going insane, she thought, this can't be real. It took her a minute to realize the girl had asked her a question.

"I-uh, hello. I'm Dot, and I uh, I am alone." She stuttered. She walked inside, admiring their house. "Are you real?" Is what she wanted to say. But she couldn't. She just couldn't. She could see another girl by a doorway. That would make three. Just how many survivors were here? "I'm so glad that there's other survivors. I-er, not to be rude, but what are your names? How many people are here?" She asked, trying to convince herself that they were real.
While the doorbell ringing should have struck Micheal as even greater news especially given that when it was opened another survivor was behind it... but he had suddenly lost his enthusiasm when a horrible thought struck him. He had had this dream before. It was just once and it had been right after he had first begun traveling but it had played out similarly to this. He had stumbled upon survivors in the dream and more and more people started showing up until he woke up. As a result of remembering this dream Micheal staggered over to the door and gave the newest arrival a strange look as if she was purple or had announced that she was going to turn into a dragon.

"I'm Micheal." he announced and wiped the strange expression off of his face hoping that Dot hadn't noticed its brief presence on his face. Although he was worried that this was going to turn out to be one long vivid dream, he shouldn't let such awful thoughts into his head... they would ruin him.
Amber giggled at the little girl. Well she didn't know if she was younger but she seemed younger. She poked the little girl playfully. "Well if I wasn't real I wouldn't be able to touch you, see?" Amber took in the girls questions. "Well I guess you'll just have to stay here. Welcome to Audaudry Manor! That's my last name. Audaudry. Amber Audaudry. There are five now I think. Me, you, two hansom men and another pretty girl. So ya that's five." Amber was now addressing everyone. "Its not to late, we could all take a dip in the pool and relax for today. But tomarrow we will have to get serious. Find other survivors, find away to get electricity running again, that sort of stuff." Amber looked at the other two girls. "You girls can borrow one of my swim suits. Does a nice relaxing day with new friends sound nice or what?!" Amber headed to grab a bikini for each of the girls.
Teegan walked down the stairs to meet the girl "Hey, I'm Teegan; nice to meet another survivor." She said to Dot, turning her body towards Amber, she smiled "Oh god yes, I'm so up for swimming!" She called out o Amber with excitement. Then she looked at Dot; "Pretty sure you've met this man; Micheal." She said with a smile "And the other man is Dylan." She told Dot, pointing to Dylan. Teegan looked at the guys "And Amber I guess, you'll be bunking with me, unless Amber pulls another house out of nowhere." She said with a Little chuckle.

Dylan was the last down the stairs, he hopped down the stairs, and smiled at Dot; "Hey" he said after Teegan had introduced him. Dylan couldn't wait to finally go swimming; he felt like he needed to soak himself in cold water. He leaned against the wall, and waited for Amber's return. "How old are you, Dot?" He asked; she did look slightly younger then everyone else.
Amber grabbed a green spotted suit for dot, a plain red one for Teegan, and a plain pink one for herself. She ran down the stairs. "Well someone since I have the biggest room, someone will have to room with me in my room. Any takers?" She laughed. She handed each bikini to each girl. "Hope you like them. A cute green one with dots for dot, a red hot one for Teegan, and I love pink so that ones mine. Now hurry and get changed, were losing daylight!" She turned to the boys. "Sorry, I don't have any guys cloths..." she shrugged. They probably didn't care. She went to the downstairs bathroom and came out with her cute little bikini. "Bikini. What a weird word... everyone ready?!"
Teegan caught the bikini, and went into the bathroom after Amber. The bathing suit fit almost perfectly. Her stomach still very toned from before the disease. She let her hair down and looked at Amber "Thanks for letting me use this bikini." She said to her with a pleased smile. She couldn't wait to go swimming, she turned to the guys then looked out to the pool; it looked so cold and refreshing! A joyful light filled her eyes a she waited for everyone to get situated. "I'm ready" she replies to Amber.

Dylan nodded "It's ok." He said. He took his shirt off and set it on the chair next to him. "Yea, it is a pretty weird word." He agreed with Amber. The blue water lit his eyes up with a shimmering spark. "I'm all set." He told amber. He knew that it would totally sooth hisself down when he jumped into the water. This was going to be fun!
"Well I'm glad it fits good!" She said to Teegan. She looked in the mirror and pulled her hair into a tight side pony. She was so pleased with her appearance. Shocking in this day in age. She decided that they could go out now. "Were heading out! If your not ready meet us out there." She led the people who were ready out into a pretty backyard enclosed by a white, private fence. There was a pretty patio made of a black shiny stone and off that was the luxurious pool. It was grotto style with a fake waterfall and rocks all around it. There was an in ground hot tube in the same fashion, connected to the pool. She smiled wide and ran full speed, diving into the water.
The idea of going swimming almost seemed too relaxing and Micheal was afraid to let his guard down enough to enjoy himself. The closest he had gotten to having fun was playing Sudoku in one of his stolen vehicles one time before he had burnt the book for heat several hours after. It seemed horrible to play and frolic in the water when so many people were dead and society had crumbled into nothingness... but at the same time... it was tempting... and Amber did say that they would get serious tomorrow.

There was so much to do and he had next to no knowledge on how to restart society. He only had knowledge of French and English, he had worked as a translator before the outbreak. He couldn't restart electricity but he could speak French to them... Micheal shoved aside this thought. Maybe everyone else had more useful skills from their lives before. He would kill for an electrician among them even though tv and radio would still be down... at least if they had electricity they could watch movies and... he was getting stressed.

He needed a break and he wasn't going to worry. He was going to forget how damaged the society that they faced was. Micheal shrugged off his shirt and his jeans. He had underwear on since he had not carried swimming trunks with him. He could change later and he hoped nobody was offended that he wore boxers instead of trunks... especially given that they were pretty much the same thing.

The water was icy cold as he struck the surface of the water and it drove the breath out of his lungs. He surfaced immediately after hitting the water and slicked his brown hair out of his face... he really needed a haircut.

"Man I miss heating." he shivered treading in the water while wearing a broad grin that suggested that he was very happy despite the coldness of the water, "So... what did everyone do before the outbreak? I was a translator... a lot of use that does now." he responded with a laugh. The misery he had felt just moments ago about the idea of repairing society had left just as quickly as it had arrived.
Dot thankfully took the bikini and waited for her turn to go into the bathroom. When she came out, she wasn't very surprised to see that everyone had gone out to the pool already. Hesitating on her way to the door (and opening it), she walked over to the pool where everyone was. Swimming was always a pleasure to her, even though she always felt embarrassed when she wore bathing suits and bikinis.

She tested the water before she did anything. She didn't know why. She knew that water was usually always cold. She remembered something that her grandmother had told her about why you should always jump into swimming pools and other places. "It's always cold when you get in slowly. Jump in, and you'll get used to it almost instantly!" she had said. Taking a few steps back, she looked at the water and felt a small wave of fear pass over her before she shout "Look out below!" and took a running jump, cannon-balling into the water.

When she came to the surface she gasped for breath and giggled. Her bangs stuck to her face, causing her to be unable to see. She was just able to hear Micheal ask what everyone did before the outbreak. She waded over to a wall to think about her answer.

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