

One Thousand Club
Alright before I even get into the plot I'd like anyone who wants to join to know that this will be a literate roleplay. I'd like everyone who joins to be able to write at least a paragraph or two in response. Thank you.

Now that that's out of the way I'll continue. The concept of this roleplay is simple: there has been a disease that has wiped out most of humanity, but all of the characters are immune to this disease. With a death rate of 99.9% the survivors are few and society has crumbled. Your character has survived by scrounging but they are terrified that they are alone until now. For some reason a group of immune survivors has converged in a small town and now they are faced with the choices of being alone or cooperating and functioning together to rebuild their shattered lives.

As a note I'd like to mention that this is a character-driven roleplay. It's about a group of survivors in a changed world.







The board is up.

Sign-ups are far from closed though.
This is interesting. Where will it take place? Which city? Will the players meet up and try to survive?
I was thinking just some nameless city. People can be passing through trying to find survivors or they could live there and all of the characters should meet up. I'm planning to start the roleplay by having my character send up a flare from a store he robbed which should help people to gather.

Name: Amber Audaudry

Age: 19

Sex: female

Personality: outgoing and exudes confidence. She is very straight forward and painfully truthful.


Other: N/A
Great! Welcome [MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION] - accepted.

Name: Micheal Cross

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Personality: All of his life Micheal has been independent and distant from people preferring the company of himself over others until he watched everyone die around him from MSK-31. He can be rather arrogant, self-absorbed, and a little withdrawn preferring to act cold and open up to others slowly.



The board is up.

Sign-ups are far from closed though.
Name: Teegan (Tee) Hoffman

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Personality: Teegan can be rather stubborn. She is also a very agreeable lady at times too. Most likely the one to solve problems, but ends up in the problem. Teegan works head at whatever she does, and wants to make sure that the way the does something will make a food impact. Teegan is strong; physically and mentally. She isn't much of a crier. Many are surprised what she can do.


Other: :)

Name: Dylan Timmothy

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Personality: Dylan is a very down to earth man. He wants to make sure that everyone is doing something productive. He can be ruthless when he has a bad day, or gets angry. Dylan likes to have fun, and explore new things. He is very outgoing, but can also be a tad shy when he first meets someone for the first time.


Other: :)
I uh- I wanted to know if I was too late? If not, then I have a sheet ready.

Name: Dot Johnson

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Personality: Quiet easygoing, but when it comes to caution, she can't be beat. You can't gain her trust easily, and even when it seems like you've gained it, you probably haven't. She find it hard to live alone without someone to talk to, and fears of breaking down due to this disease.

Appearance: Long blonde-caramel hair with brown bangs. about 5ft 3" and is usually seen wearing a turtleneck sweater. She has icy blue eyes. Usually wears dark colors. She weighs about 90-100 lbs.

Other: Always carries around a grey-blue backpack which usually contains clothes, food (If possible), arrows, wood bits, knives, and bone/antler (If any).

View attachment 8779
[MENTION=2638]emberthepirate[/MENTION] - It's not too late, you can just have your character... stalk (I guess that's the word I want) ours back to the house where we've all gathered since we left where Micheal launched the flare (but VERY recently).

And food is possible just make sure you remember that electricity doesn't work so fridges/freezers don't work and things that can rot if left alone have rotted, but this is a general reminder so don't think it's specific to you by any means. : )
This looks quite amazing, and I would love to be a part of it. I am assuming you are still accepting members - as it still says accepting - but if not, just let me know. Otherwise, I will just read the post you all have so far and find someway to throw my character into the story. :)

Name: Victor Alan Gove

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Personality: Victor is helplessly shy. He has always been one to run away from danger, though in most cases he was able to figure out the right thing to do. Yet, instead of doing so, he ran. He is really a brilliant man when it comes to surviving - he knows what to do, but can never just do it. He is really kind, but it takes a lot for him to open up to you. He is also very well mannered. His father used to beat him senseless - causing his great fear of angry people - but his mother taught him how to be a gentleman.

Appearance: View attachment 8903

Other: He stutters very much. The doctors believe it was a result of head trauma he suffered as a child - from his dad beating him over the head so much.
I'm still accepting and you've been accepted : )

I'll see you in the roleplay.

Am I too late or no?

Name: Allison Fields

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Personality: Allison is known for her loud personality. She sees herself as an observer and can be socially awkward when around very few people. She knows her way around guns enough to know how to hold and fire one, but beyond that is oblivious.

Appearance: View attachment 9152

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