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Futuristic Solar Flare Apocalypse

Ben Brown

Junior Member
In the year of 2026, a giant solar flare erupted from the sun. At this point, society was extremely dependent on technology, and the solar flare took all of that away, causing riots, food shortages, and sending the world into complete terror. Now, having to start their lives over again, without much technology, a few friends must learn to work together to survive.
Daniel stared down at his laptop. It had turned off unexpectedly. Along with all the power. The cars weren't working. Nothing was. Nobody knew what was going on.
Flire was humming happily, when the lights cut out, along with his hums, which faded away. "Power went out.." He whined, sitting down in the darkness. "Why am I even up this late?"
Daniel tried to call His friends Rachel and Flire, but the phones wouldn't work. He couldn't email them either. So, he hopped on his bike, and rode to Rachel first.
Flire yawned. Apparently, nothing was working, no lights, no phones, electricity, nothing. It was all off. It annoyed him. So he got up, and began riding out to go see if the same thing happened to Daniel.
Daniel knocked on Rachel's door. Knock knock knock, "Rachel!" Knock knock knock, "Rachel!" Knock knock knock, "Rachel!"
Flire, as he usually is, was prepared. He had a L.E.D light, and was shining it around. Most were asleep, so not many people were aware. He heard some distant noises, and began running toward them, blindly.
"Rachel..." said Daniel. "This is not a normal power outage. Look, I read in this book somewhere, that if this weird solar ray thing hit the earth it could be like: boom, electricity is gone. I think that is what happened. No rules apply anymore. Thank god it's nighttime, because we are going g to raid some places to get supplies. Now where's Flire?"
"I'm telling you, that's what happened! I know shit like this! I prepare for shit like this! If it's not that, then what happened?"
"I guess it does seem unlikely... but what is it then?" He slumped against a wall, lost in thought. "And I had a whole plan worked out too..." he murmured.
"You're so worried about everything! When was the last time something REALLY bad happened!?" Flire said, throwing his arms in the air. "Like...Never!"
Flire shook his head. "Can't say I'm all too worried, man. You need to calm down. You seem stressed, are you? I know, school can be rough...." He taunted nudging softly.
"All a solar flare would do is fry all electronics. No harm done to anything else. Just say goodbye to your cell phones. Jeez, I thought you were supposed to be smart," he said, and stormed out of the house.

Reply to rooney cloob
Daniel walked back to his house, crawled in bed, and fell asleep, forgetting about the whole thing.

(Reply to rooney cloob)
Rooning cloob

It's something for seath, sorry

Good night

Unless seath replies

In 3.....


1 I'm too tired, good night

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