Solar Dodge

And Leaping Dodge is an interesting alternative to a counter attack.  If someone flurries at you, they're going to get one attack off and then you're out of there.
I dunno...Solar dodge charms just seem a bit bland.

Even the DBs get tricks like safety among enemies and virtuous negation defence.

The solar tree, once maxed out, effectively only has three charms, and what with them being the lords of all creation and all that jazz, it just seems a little lame to me.
Iunno...compared to the old Lunar dodge tree...they had it made...with like two exceptions at most, Lunar dodges didn't even provide the action to dodge with.

Not to mention they got the equivalent of the DB's Safety Among Enemies three charms later in the tree (with higher charm costs no less), costing a mote and a willpower more....oh, and did I mention it was generally a worse charm all around (couldn't be used to avoid counterattacks or used with most of the 1E Lunar charms...)? Oh, and their Perfect dodge is a Simple charm, so has to be all you do that round (or turn, if you prefer). Yay. Yeah...Solars really had/have a worse tree than 1E Lunars....riight.

They do seem to have seriously weakened SAE in 2E, though, as it does cost the DBs a willpower I can't say how 2E will change this. Though, considereing that apparently one of the new dodge charms for Lunars from the SC 2.0 makes it so each dodge only subtracts one from your DV for your essence in actions (don't they do that already? Sheesh), it's hard to say how much Lunars will or won't improve in this respect. *chuckles* Here's hoping, though. :)
Dracogryff said:
Iunno...compared to the old Lunar dodge tree...they had it made...with like two exceptions at most, Lunar dodges didn't even provide the action to dodge with.
Be prepared for the DV system (which, essentially, functions similar to persistent defense) to make Lunars and Fair Folk significantly tougher in 2e.
Let's see Solar Dodge vs. Solar Parry, 2e.

Solar Parry:

Allows attacks with the base skill, offering an immediate advantage.

-Requires three charms to get a perfect defence.

-Requires three charms to get a scenelong.

-Scenelong negates almost all DV penalties; those from own actions and the onslaught.

Solar Dodge:

Only used for defence.

-Requires one charm to attain perfect defence.

-Requires four charms to attain scenelong.

-Scenelong is heavily based on context, only useful against co-ordinated and onslaught.

Solar dodge not only lacks style, it lacks substance. Perfect dodge aside, the trees make no sense againt one another; parry is a better defensive tree if you invest any xp in it beyond the first two charms, and it's based on a tree that allows attack and counterattack also.

In my game I rearranged Solar Dodge:

Shadow over Water, Reflex Sidestep are starting charms.

Seven Shadow remains the same.

Flow Like Blood requires Shadow Over Water and Reflex Sidestep Technique. It no longer requires the excellency or Seven Shadow Evasion.

Seven Shadow Evasion leads into an essence 5, skill 5 charm similar to Protection of Celestial Bliss, which allows preparation of perfect dodges. At any time, a number of dodges may be prepared equal to the number of times the charm was purchased. The charm may be purchased a number of times equal to (essence).

Wow, Dodge is good now. Just like it should be.

As to flavour? Well that's another thing. I just worry about balance first.

Perhaps a "Master Dodger's Techniques" charm, for lesser cinematics and tricksey effects? :P
Also, my Flow Like Blood ignores all mundane DV penalties. Including any flurry/action penalties, onslaught, prone, co-ordinated attacks etc.

Charm aided attacks that reduce DV would still work.

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