*Sogo rolled in*


Oh hey there, i guess I had to introduce myself because I hate how my profile says 'lurker' T-T

I miss anime roleplays that's why I joined here since I grew tired with some other roleplay sites/forums.

So if you want to talk about anime - comment here, I need to make 10 posts to verify my account you know, give me some support *u*


Huh, I've never heard of it. Could you describe it in a couple words?

To be honest, I can't really pick either haha. But maybe Kagerou Project or Beyond the Boundary
Stamper said:
Huh, I've never heard of it. Could you describe it in a couple words?
To be honest, I can't really pick either haha. But maybe Kagerou Project or Beyond the Boundary
It's mecha and psycho, very dark and probably not your type hehe


There was almost no talking in the first episode which impressed me.

Tbh I don't know why I am so impressed by this anime (since so long) but I am just like this.

Lately I liked God Eater but they stopped airing new episodes (shame)

I haven't watced these anime you mention either! >.<

(I'll bookmark them for my list)
It sounds pretty cool from the way you describe it. I'll admit those aren't particularly my first choice in genres but that doesn't mean their bad. I'll probably put it in my queue for later inspection. Never heard of God Eater either >-< Heh..

Judging by what you've watched, I'm not so sure you'll like Beyond the Boundary but Kagerou Project is really cool and somewhat mindblowing. If you only watch the anime it can be really confusing but still not so bad. I'd recommend reading the manga and then watching the anime if you ever have the chance and if you do read manga.
No, I haven't '~' But I'm glad because now I have lots of new anime to watch. I've been looking for good ones.

I suppose darkness is your medium then? xD
Trully, I am really bright person tho T-T

"My youth romantic comedy..." is a good one, I am sure you'll like it, so give it a chance when you can, only the main character is dark hahah and surrounded by annoyingly bright people!

Don't think I am a stalker, but I checked your profile to follow you and I saw a comment "Shut your fish" so I wondered if you like fish-jokes? (cause I do >.>)
Can't have darkness without light they say and vice verse I suppose. ^^ Sorry to misjudge you.

I'll definitely give it a chance. And fish jokes? Why yes I do. It's refreshing to meet someone who also has an interest in fish jokes.
It's okay, you were right to judge me dark and you are right that 50% of me is completely dark!

God, I am kinda obsessed with putting fish everwhere xD I should be punished for profanity XDXD

Okay since it's roleplay site - would you recommend some rp to me? I am up for anything really!

Uuumm~... It depends on what you're interested in. Do you prefer realistic or fantasy? Action or simplicity? Futurisitc or historic? Schools? Circus? War? Fandom maybe?
Have you heard of Soul Eater? Theres a nice fandom out, I could link you. Or if you'd like a fantasy/acad theme, take a looksie at Enemies of Eternity. There are a few rps in my signature that are pretty good, although a couple are unjoinable. Other than that all I can say is explore. There are tons of anime based fandoms too ^^
Stamper said:
Have you heard of Soul Eater? Theres a nice fandom out, I could link you. Or if you'd like a fantasy/acad theme, take a looksie at Enemies of Eternity. There are a few rps in my signature that are pretty good, although a couple are unjoinable. Other than that all I can say is explore. There are tons of anime based fandoms too ^^
Yes, please, link me (but I must go to sleep now, so I'll check it tomorrow!)

I was already looking around, but I am usually have hard time to join/pick
Welcome to the Nation. Although I'm late in helping with your efforts, I'm still giving you a warm welcome. See you around! *Waves*
FrontLine said:
Welcome to the Nation. Although I'm late in helping with your efforts, I'm still giving you a warm welcome. See you around! *Waves*
*waves back*

Neh, you're not late, man, just I fell asleep too early

*tired in the middle of the week*

I was about to spam 10 posts myself anyways, but It's always nicer when you have someone to talk too! xD

Sogo said:
*waves back*
Neh, you're not late, man, just I fell asleep too early

*tired in the middle of the week*

I was about to spam 10 posts myself anyways, but It's always nicer when you have someone to talk too! xD

Yes of course! At least you had a back up plan in case things didn't work out. Right?
FrontLine said:
Yes of course! At least you had a back up plan in case things didn't work out. Right?
It was my plan A tho!

I wouldn't expect people would actually reply to these introductions, so I decided to beg for it directly in stead of trying to praise myself very interesting and worth! lol
Sogo said:
It was my plan A tho!
I wouldn't expect people would actually reply to these introductions, so I decided to beg for it directly in stead of trying to praise myself very interesting and worth! lol
Cleverrrrrr! Play the newbie needing posts and they'll flock right to you.
Azami said:
All I typically RP is anime and I'm pretty active here so if you would like to RP just lee me know! n_n
If you have some certain anime on mind (or you prefer original characters?) I felt like rping some SAO lately

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