Social Experiment


Rains Faithful Companion






(At least a paragraph.)




Why'd you come?:

What are you going to do with the money?:


(Either M/# or F/# and also put what floor)


Any boy room except for #2 and there's only four spots for the second floor.

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Name: Jackson Rivers

Age: 22

Personality: He is a layed back person, and usually takes things well. He doesn't enjoy the "typical guy" things, like fights, objectifying women, or not caring if your clothes don't match. He is very thoughtful and caring towards emotional issues, unless you just want attention, which he will not take well. (He likes to be the shoulder to cry on, just not the attention giver) He is very friendly towards new people, but does not throw himself out to the group. He is very easily embarrassed and likes to cuddle.

Sexuality: Bisexual (but would never have full on sex with a guy, unless it was a spur of the moment)

Why did you come?: It seemed interesting, and He needed a break from college and work.

What are you going to do with the money?: Save it for an apartment after college, or blow it on furniture.


Others: Antisocial to strangers.
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Name: Celeste Mars Ayres 'Cici or just Mars'

Age: 22 years old


Celeste is a very straight-forward person who is tomboyish and not really ladylike. Some people say that she looks sweet and innocent but Celeste knows for sure that isn't the truth, of course using her looks is something she can take advantage on. Cici is secretive and doesn't really like to talk about herself to much but if she is asked she tries her best to not reveal anything to important but she won't lie. Of course lying is something she can do easily but if there's no need for it, she won't. Most of her friends confide in her with their problems because she gives them her thoughts and opinions on the situation without sugar coating anything. Her loyalty runs deep but its something that needs to be worked for or you won't have it at all.


Mars was born in a filthy rich family and in a large mansion but she was always alone. Cici and her friends were known as the trouble-makers in high school and even though they all got in trouble together, Cici made sure she wasn't emotionally attached to any of them. Of course one girl was an exception and her name was Nina, they had been childhood friends since they were in diapers. Sadly as they grew up Nina changed into b*tchy and untrustful girl who soon changed her cliche to the cheerleaders, who Cici had issues with most of the time. At the age of 22 she heard about the social experiment and the money that would be coming, she wanted to earn money without the cash her parents had waiting for her in the bank. She doesn't see it as her money and instead saves it for an emergency, which she hopes doesn't come any time soon. Mars works as a mechanic back at home in LA and keeps her inheritance a secret from everyone.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Why'd you come?: For the money and a bit of romance

What are you going to do with the money?: She's going to donate it to an orphanage


#3 second floor

Others: Social or Anti-social... I'd go with the latter
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My first time doing a role play in almost 3 years, wow!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-28_11-11-16.png.562d7f352c734517ab74d466886d2483.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-28_11-11-16.png.562d7f352c734517ab74d466886d2483.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Dakota Rayn Clarke (Kota)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Dakota is a difficult person to figure out. She's incredibly stubborn and a fighter. She's never been the type to back down from anything and doesn't know when to cut her loses and run. Dakota also hates admitting she's wrong, luckily for everyone she's not wrong that often, although she may not be right she's still not completely wrong. She'll always stand up for what she thinks is right, and won't let anyone knock her down. Also, Dakota has always been very determined and I pity anyone who tries to stand in her way. She's also never been the type to do anything halfway and doesn't plan on starting now. Giving up is another thing Dakota has never done. She'll get right back up every time she falls no matter what. Also planning isn't really her thing. She's beyond impulsive and reckless, and is willing to take a risk just for the rush of it. Dakota is an 'act now. think later.' type. Dakota is much more of a tomboy than a girly girl. Although, Dakota's normally pretty talkative and outgoing, but she doesn't get close to people. People come and go in life that's just how it is. That idea of being so attached to one person that your whole happiness depends on them is incredibly stupid. And for all those people saying 'But what about love?' Love is just a chemical reaction in the brain nothing more. Still, Dakota will do anything for her friends and is extremely loyal. But, if you betray her, she'll never ever forgive you. Ever. Dakota always the person you can turn to for help, but if you're just gonna whine and complain about your oh-so-terrible life just shut the heck up. She never complains about anything, and hates accepting help for other people. Dakota's independent and she can take care of herself, she's taken care of herself ever since she can remember, why would she need someone else now? Also, sarcasm is basically her religion. Finally, Dakota never goes with the crowd and is constantly questioning everything and anything. She thinks and sees the world so differently from other people. She's smart, very smart, but the thing is she argues against 'facts' and knowledge and why things are a certain way instead of something different.

Bio: Dakota grew up in the average middle class home, she went to public school and was surrounded by good friends but things all went wrong. When she was 16 her mom died from cancer and soon after her dad became unstable. He didn't know how to handle two girls (Dakota and her younger sister Anna) and he began drinking heavily and abusing illegal substances. Dakota's always feared that he would physically abuse her or her sister. She moved out and went to an art school five states away as soon as she graduated but she had to move back to her hometown and attend community college because her dad lost his job and she wanted to be close to her sister to protect her. Kota has been trying to gain full custody of Anna for the past two years now but she doesn't have the funds or means to hire a proper lawyer and have a proper case.

Sexuality: Straight

Why'd you come: She needed to get away from all the stress of school and the cases and needed time to think about everything happening

What are you going to do with the money?: She's going to use it to pay for an attorney and lawyer

Bedroom: Um, I still don't understand the the numbers but I guess number 4


Others: She has always been interested and art and even though she had to leave art school she is still constantly doodling and trying to make a living out of her sketches and paintings. She's social and tries to befriend anyone before making any judgments

((I can also make a boy if you need me too!))



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Name: Lyric Malone

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Lyric is anti social and is very quiet. She perfers not to talk to people and has no idea why she bothered to come here. Lyric is a emo so she hates life and does not want to talk about it. She is ver lonely and does not want any friends.

Bio: When Lyric was 9 she became an emo, and her parents ditched her. With that, she been going around looking for a family. So far she had 27 families but she only stayed with them for about 1 week because they didn't like her. She was homeschooled til she was 9 and then quit school. She has no brothers and no sisters. She has no friends at 13 she tried to commit suicide but failed. Ever since she doesn't want friends.

Sexuality: Gay

Why'd she came: She saw some mean girls and they said to do this or they would kill her.

Bedroom: F/2

What to do with the money: Buy a dog and give the rest to charity

Other: does not want to be here, and thinks about commiting suicide here, Im here for the money (not really)
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Alright so this is my fault so,i'm going to tell you guys.

Rooms and numbers can be seen in the maps section;you choose one there. M/#=Male/(What room number) or F/# = Female/(What room number)

You are not choosing your own room nor is there any room higher than five for both genders.

If one person already has number three or four of whatever,it is already taken.One person per room.

And this part is not...

Each of you put the wrong password into the Others section and one of you didn't put anything at all.I need all of you to go back and read please.

This is just a reminder that everyone can't be here for the money...please think of something creative.
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ForgottenBlood said:
Alright so this is my fault so,i'm going to tell you guys.
Rooms and numbers can be seen in the maps section;you choose one there. M/#=Male/(What room number) or F/# = Female/(What room number)

You are not choosing your own room nor is there any room higher than five for both genders.

If one person already has number three or four of whatever,it is already taken.One person per room.

And this part is not...

Each of you put the wrong password into the Others section and one of you didn't put anything at all.I need all of you to go back and read please.
so u are choosing rooms

(can u join my RP) 

Fandoms4Ever said:
so u are choosing rooms
(can u join my RP)
click my name and then where it says one role play click that and mine will come up

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf249529e_StasRp.jpg.e8dcd29d26ec0a2e4139edeb22f6e49e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf249529e_StasRp.jpg.e8dcd29d26ec0a2e4139edeb22f6e49e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf2497c7c_Stas2.jpg.16f6473e2873f926575eab7c8939d222.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf2497c7c_Stas2.jpg.16f6473e2873f926575eab7c8939d222.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf249abb0_Stasgif.gif.eaf418c4ff88c056a52a615e8d8a8367.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf249abb0_Stasgif.gif.eaf418c4ff88c056a52a615e8d8a8367.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Amber Lee Spangler

(Austin Lee Spangler)




"Male to Female, transgendered woman, biological male, psychological female... what have you..."


"Hmmm... F.E.I.R.C.E.... Did I spell that right? Haha. I don't know, I'm just a very strong independent individual who doesn't take **** from anyone. Cross me and I'll go Naomi Campbell and throw a phone at you... of course I can't do that here, can I...? I mean, that's not to say I'm totally cold hearted, just... well yeah kinda. However, deep, deep, deep, deep... deep down, I have a soft spot and I do have the capability to form close, long lasting relationships. I think I'm probably like that because I sort of have a wall up, you know? Especially going through what I went through, not being accepted by society and losing countless friends over revealing my true self. I think at the end of the day, I just want acceptance... then again, don't we all?


"Well I grew up in a tiny little town with closed minded, like minded people who I pretty much despised. I always knew I was different, I NEVER wanted to do "boyish" things, never liked boy clothes, boy sports, the whole idea of Boy just wasn't doing it for me. It was always a struggle with my parents, mainly because I came out at the young age of fifteen. I was always sneaking out, putting on women's clothing... My mother wasn't having ANY of it. But I'm just not the person to lie down and admit defeat. I was never doing anything wrong, and guess what? I'm still not... Boy was I happy to turn eighteen and move far far away..."


"Umm..Straight transgender female."

Why'd you come?:

"Well I'd be lying if i said ten grand wasn't a contributing factor... that would pay for my sex change..... And I'm a sucker for some good melodrama!"



First Floor





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There are no more females available! Only Three male spots open and only rooms 1,3, and 4 are not taken.

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"Eleanour Marie Ryder"






"Well, I would say that I am a party animal. Eat, sleep, drink, and party. I'm definitely a flirty girl, that's just how I am. I'd say that I am a pretty chill girl. Typically, there isn't much that would set me off to fight, but if I were to pin point something, it would be... Just anyone who thinks they are better than the people that are around them. I try to get along with everyone that I meet, and I usually do. I have a bubbly and outgoing personality, I make friends every where that I go. Sometimes we might end up being more than friends, who knows?"


(To be revealed.)


"Straight, but that doesn't mean that I don't have some fun."

Why'd you come?:

"Well, money is high up on the list, but I came here more for the experience. I love anything and everything social related."

What are you going to do with the money?:

"The money that I would receive I would probably use it for college."


F/5 second floor


Very social


{first role-play on this site...weh. sorry if i mess up.}



?Zion works.?


?I'd say 16.?


?I suppose I'm a male. A pretty one too, huh??


?I am pretty damn perfect. Ah.?

A narcissistic insomniac, Zion is also a compulsive liar and loves to make everything twisted and morbid. As is his wont, he lies about pretty much everything, including his basic information. It's a childhood habit that has transcended too far. Other than that tragic flaw, he's quite the egoist as well. He simply loves himself a lot. Is vanity a sin? If so, he'd be in the deepest pits of hell. Not to mention he's the kind to sleep around with anyone who money to spoil him. Loves the glamour, the spotlight. 'Slut, whore, bastard.' Common words that follow him but Zion is mentally strong. Despite such bold defining points, he is quite understanding. Not one to judge, he makes the perfect listening ear. If one can get past Zion's glittering facade (unless they have money he wouldn't normally spare them a glance so good luck), they might find the vulnerable boy he'd thought had disappeared.


?Raised by a saint, so I turned out a saint.?

It was tough childhood, being raised by a mother who slept around more than she was awake. Zion was a neglected child, but that suited him fine: independence was a characteristic he valued. Despite his mother's flaws (how could she not know his father? ouf lady!), he loved her. She was his only friend, as distant and rare as she was. Growing up, Zion would do anything for money. From begging on the streets as a child, dressing as a drag queen a boy or being eye candy on a rich daddy's arm, he'd done it all. Just for the sake of those green notes that kept him alive. Without realization, Zion found himself stuck in his mother's cycle. He grew up then, realizing the world wasn't all black and white. It was perhaps a twisted learning experience for him.


?Whatever brings in money, baby.?

Why'd you come?

?Should I lie or not? Money. Simple. But, perhaps I'll learn something too. Yay.?

What are you going to do with the money?

?Damn, I don't know. A stripper pole. Huh.?


?Male #1, cuz I'm #1.?


?Social because it gets me places.?


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