
The two Fair Folk fighting against Marena as they are riding the Kukla through the Imperial City while Ten Winds battles the Immaculate Order and Karen takes on the Black Helms. During all of this, Misho is in an aerial sorcerous battle against Mnemon while Secret unleashes the full power of Cluivnarihe against the Scarlet Empress and Nova keeps the Sidereals busy.

You said "What would we like" not "What would we like that's feasible"

But if you can do it, I really really REALLY wanna see it. :shock:
I'd like a kick-ass fight scene, with all the cast unloading on a horde of mooks in all their glory.

I want to see Cluivnarihe in it's fully released mode, tentacles of night slashing down the unsuspecting fools who would dare Secret's wrath.
Please note, as an aside, that the management reserves the right to choose and refuse any or all suggestions. For example, I won't do anything that I'm already planning to do in the comic at a later point.
How about...

Cake and ice cream?

Seriously, think about it - a placid kind of relaxation scene, with the crew and the wagon on a nice hillock. The horse(s) are in a paddock with a fresh trough of hay and water, Marena is kicked back on the side of the hill with Secret and Karen who are laying at about a 45 degree angle to her, with their heads propped up on her. Secret has a goblet of The Red Stuff whereas Karen and Marena are drinking wine - Ten Winds is meditating on top of the wagon with his gourd next to him and his pipe in his mouth, and Misho wearing an apron and is setting up cake and ice cream and all manner of treatful goodies he whipped up on his Glorious Solar [Desk] which is doubling as a Glorious Solar [Dining Table] for the time being.

Sometimes Exalted is all about the Epic Relaxation With Your Circle. :)
Note to Flagg: Please post "Tits or GTFO" in this thread for somewhat actually threatening humor.
A fourth wall-shattering milestone comic would be best, I think.

...Maybe with Marena popping out of the cake or something. Have you done that one already?
Since Marena's gettin' all philosophical about alternate realities, how bout a mirrored universe sort of deal. Where Resonance Ben and Secret are Solars and Misho has an Evil Goatee and the like

Fair Folk Marena, Dinosaur King Ten Winds eh, EH?
I might have already suggested this, but;

Resonance Ben and Troper Fae in an epic, no-holds barred, essence streaming, anima banner-inducing Guitar Hero duel.

Alternatively, a text story. Like the Cluivnarihe one. Maybe about Nova as told by the Lectors of Autochtonia?
Hmm...if the snow is spotty in the North, then it might be the Season of Fire, you know, the season right before Calibration.

Let's kick off the most chaotic 5 days of the year! Calibration hoy!
The entrance of our Sidereal:

Or another text filler like the one above. I imagine something from her point of view looking over Misho and the party's quest for the keys and pondering whether or not to intervene.

But really, I like the text fillers so much it doesn't even have to be about the Sidereal. So to simplify, I want a text filler for #200.
I've always been interested in having a god as a member of an Exalted party. I realize this particular party is growing fairly large for a comic, but a god could be written to take up less space (both physically and narratively) than a human, let alone an exalt. Admittedly, Secret's sword has similar traits, but it isn't really a party member...

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