So...would you be interested if...?


Junior Member
I'd like to try my hand at running a game.

I like running weird games.

Take a moment. Reread those two statements, and make sure you fully appreciate the scope of the weirdness that is implicit in my running a game. Got it? Right. So, I'd like to run my first game here--and my first game in quite some time, admittedly--but I've got several ideas. So, I'd like to turn it over to you all, the potential victims. Which, if any of these, sounds most intriguing?

1) Otherworld - This game would probably be the most traditional, in the sense that players would be Exalted mortals going around doing Exalted things. The premise, however, centers around the myriad investigations into and subsequent transport to a strange new world. I could see Lunars and Dragon-Blooded characters as being the primary players, with possible openings for an Abyssal--at his own peril--and possibly a Sidereal. There may even be a single slot open for a character wishing to portray a native of this world as a guide to the other players, though I'm not going to reveal the exact nature save to that player, once accepted. I'd like it to be, at least, a modest surprise.

Focuses: Lunars, Dragon-Bloods, Exploration, Unraveling the Mystery, Bein' Exalted

2) Blessed - If Otherworld is traditional in that it's Exalted doing Exalted things, Blessed is traditional in that it's canon. It'll be a game set in Yu-Shan, but I'm bravely wanting to tackle a romance wherein the gods are the real cast. Obviously, Roll of Glorious Divinity is essential here. You'd be gods of varying repute, brought together by a common threat to your domains, or by a long-standing friendship. Supernatural beings called into action beyond the offices and palaces of Yu-Shan. I could see a Dragon-King fitting too, possibly.

Focuses: Gods, Yu-Shan, Getting Around the Paperwork, What Is A God?, the Duties of Divinity

3) Creation U - I keep trying to run this. Creation, as you know it, is a university. Some come to Cre-U to pursue a doctorate in Sorcery. Others just want their bachelor's in slaughter studies. Some get in on football scholarships...and then have to face down rival teams like the top-ranked Southern Labyrinth University or the College of Bronze. It's about schenanigans and silliness and generally running rough-shot over the canon in a loving and tender way.

Focus: Anything Goes
I'd be a big fan of 2. Yu-Shan is a city full of mystery, and the spirit mechanics are just asking for cool customization (every charm has a restriction unique to your nature? Rock on!).

My only question is how much the Sidereals would enter the equation and how unlike humans the gods would be expected to act?
I love oddball concepts. I love oddball games. So, count me in.

2 sounds like good fun because the spirit charmset is filled with lots of nifty charms filled with wierdness. I like nifty charms with wierdness.

1 would be very interesting, and I could see myself having a blast with a Sidereal of Secrets. That would be so much fun. I think I like this concept more.

Tikor said:
My only question is how much the Sidereals would enter the equation and how unlike humans the gods would be expected to act?
Sidereals would enter basically based on how invested the players are in using/involving them...if no backstory involves them? They'd show up when appropriate, but I wouldn't bend over backwards. There's less than one hundred of them at any given time, and they've got much more to worry about.

If people are interested in spirits, gods and elementals could also DEFINATELY be open for player options in Campaign 1. Either native or Creation-born. That's all I'll say of that for now.
1 and 2 both sound really interesting. Though there would probably need to be good reasons for a mixed party of DBs and Lunars to cooperate, probably something more than just "look, it's a new place, let's be nice to one another for now" kind of approach.

If pressed I'd probably lean more towards 1. But then again, I love the craziness of Lunars' shapechanging.
I could see a savvy Outcaste or a jaded Lookshy officer working with a Lunar for any number of reasons. Now, a Dynast, OTOH, would be trickier, but not impossible.

I am, of course, quite interested in 3, Creation U. I'm quite disappointed that nobody else is, though.

Still, I'm willing to play any of them. I'm just requesting that we do 3, because I've been wanting to play it as long as you've been wanting to run it.
TherealBrickwall said:
I am, of course, quite interested in 3, Creation U. I'm quite disappointed that nobody else is, though.
Still, I'm willing to play any of them. I'm just requesting that we do 3, because I've been wanting to play it as long as you've been wanting to run it.
You just want Creation U because it's the closest you'll come to Creation High. :wink:

In terms of Option 1, Otherworld, there's room for several -smaller- groups to enter at around the same time, and then slowly come together out of necessity and common background--when you're from Creation and all but alone in a strange, alien world...well, alliances of convenience and whatnot.
JerryMcJerrison said:
I like the sound of 1, but what kind of theme does the new world have?
The game begins shortly before you enter.

Unless you're interested in being a native, which is going to be a pretty big deal, the surprise is half the fun.
I think the question is not so much the theme of the new world, as much as the theme of the chronicle. Is it more of an exploration thing, or more of a diplomatic envoy kind of thing? or maybe the group serves as scout before an invasion. Those things can influence the character choices. Mind you, they won't likely limit the choices much, but they will have some impact on the character choices and what abilities and charms they invest in.
I think the question is not so much the theme of the new world' date=' as much as the theme of the chronicle. Is it more of an exploration thing, or more of a diplomatic envoy kind of thing? or maybe the group serves as scout before an invasion. Those things can influence the character choices. Mind you, they won't likely limit the choices much, but they will have some impact on the character choices and what abilities and charms they invest in.[/quote']
Your character is being sent to investigate an anomaly, either by Lookshy, the Silver Pact, or another force that's invested in the health and well being of the Far Eastern Reaches. Like, nigh-Wyld reaches. Why you were chosen and why you accepted is up to you, but as far as these forces know, it's a rather routine investigation. This is Creation. Creation is the U.S.S. Enterprize of settings...why are people still surprised when crazy stuff happens like time paradoxes and alternate universes? Granted, those two might not be the best examples given the metaphysics of Creation.
very intruiging. I will definitely be up for this kind of game, and will most likely play a Lunar. Probably a No Moon specializing in Survival and Investigation. Ferret or cat would probably be his totem.
Ditto, I would also be interested in Lunaring it up in option 1. Trying out for the native is tempting, but I have yet to do anything with my Lunar book. Probably a Full Moon for me, focusing on... dunno. Maybe make like my Abyssal and take Ox Body 5 times at chargen. Man that guy is fun.
Well, it would seem there's a pretty big consensus for Option 1, if not as direct preference then at least as consensus.

So, I'd like to clarify what that would entail: Lunars will likely begin with standard chargen...well, the author's intended chargen. Gods and spirits would begin at Essence 3 for free, with all the goodies that entail, and would thereafter use the Lunar XP table...because unless I've overlooked it, the Spirits lack such a table. The more I think on it, the more I dislike the idea of the Dragon Blooded. If anyone was counting on it, I'm still open to the possibility of one. Ditto Sidereal (I've got an interested applicant there) and possibly, for those desirous of a challenge and interesting drama, an Abyssal.

Oh, and a native...but again, if you apply to be the native, I'm going to have to tell you some things that would ruin the surprise otherwise.
Gryffon said:
Ditto Sidereal (I've got an interested applicant there)
I'll PM the Sid concept to you after work tomorrow (Saturday). If you don't think it will mesh with your game plan, I'd be happy to play a Lunar or Spirit.

I'll send a couple little blurbs your way, and whichever meshes best with the story/group/you shall be expounded upon. Or not if they are all crap or everyone else beats me to the punch.
Another quick question, but not sure if you wanna answer it or not, as it might ruin the surprise:

should people invest much in the Manse background? After all, if you invest dots in it, and the hearthstones don'tgive you anything once you cross over it can be frustrating.
Another quick question, but not sure if you wanna answer it or not, as it might ruin the surprise:
should people invest much in the Manse background? After all, if you invest dots in it, and the hearthstones don'tgive you anything once you cross over it can be frustrating.
Creation-based Hearthstones work in the other world.

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