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Realistic or Modern So We Meet Again {Closed}


New Member


Having a population of just under 200 means the people of Juniper, Vermont are pretty close knit. You've lived in this wintry farm town your whole life and grew up around the same five best friends as well. Because of this, your group was inseparable. Nothing could come between you guys, or at least that's what you thought. As the end of senior year approached, and you all began to plan the rest of your lives, there was less and less time to be spent together anymore. Graduation rolled around, the six of you embarked on your futures, and now the time you had for one another was nonexistent. Every so often, one of you would try to make a call to the others, but nothing ever pulled through. Three years gone, and the efforts stopped; you all assumed it was over. 

That was until the winter of 2016.

Eager to reconnect with some of the closest people from their adolescence, the glue of this group makes it their goal to get everyone together again after six years of missed connections. With hard work and determination, they are successful in planning a reunion trip with the group. To get back to their routes, the trip leads them to a snowy cabin in their home state of Vermont. While each person is excited to see the others again, there also is a sense of worry as well. Has anyone changed? Will they still like me? You'll find out soon, and hopefully you won't be disappointed. 

This will be a character driven roleplay that revolves around how each character has changed since high school. For example, perhaps your character has since developed an illness or maybe they used to be super kind and now are mean. I also thought having minor secrets that pertain to the group could be interesting. Like characters secretly liking one of their friends, or lying in the past to the group, etc. Below I have the six roles for this friend group and things are first come first serve, so let me if you're interested in any role as soon as you can. (: 

Friend Group Roles: (feel free to modify any of these roles to your liking, just inform me that you're going so)

~The Glue/Leader/Founder {Heavy Rain}

This character is the one responsible for the trip. They've fixed any issues the group has had in the past, and they started the friend group as a teenager.

~The Smart One/Ambitious One/Perfectionist {TheIrradiatedWaffle}

This character has always been very bright. They're the one who solves problems, used to help with homework, and always was striving for something. 

~The Quiet One/Wallflower/Cautious One {taken by me}

This character was more of a listener than a doer back in high school. Because of this, their friends always came to them for advice during hard times. 

~The Fun-Loving One/Adventurer/Explorer {Ambela}

This character was always up to something new and exciting in the past. They loved to have fun and got the group out of their comfort-zones.

~The Secretive/Cunning/Independent {Brooke ~}

This character was notorious for getting into trouble. They were a fighter and a total badass, but had nothing but love for their friends. 

~The Sweetie/Innocent One/Privileged {Lava}

This character was well-off and often had more than their friends. They also struggled the least. They never let that get to their heads, though.

~The Athlete {Elizabeth Duchamps}

~The Artist {Akio Chikara}

~The New Kid {Elizabeth Duchamps}

This character moved to Juniper during their senior year and became friends with the group last.

~The Theatre Nerd {Somnia}

This character had a passion for acting and always took the lead role of the school play.

~The Band Kid {Benevolent Creature}

This character was part of the school marching band. 

~The Burnout {2PM}

This character was known to be involved in drugs and other trouble. 

~The Party Animal {TheCandyEmo}

This character loved to have a great time and was a social butterfly even outside of their group.
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Shit, everyone's going for the secretive role. That's what wanted. ; - ;

I'd be interested in the Adventurer role !
Can I take secretive one?

Can I take secretive one?

Sure thing! :)

I want in, can I be the secretive one, or the smart one?

The smart one is open if you'd like that. :)

Shit, everyone's going for the secretive role. That's what wanted. ; - ;

I'd be interested in the Adventurer role !

It's shockingly been a popular role! But the adventurer is all yours if you want. :)

I'm interested! the Leader role if possible.

Of course! :)
Aaah! I really love this idea, but you seem to have a lot of interests garnered already, and I just joined the site moments ago. ;A; 

If you still have a spot left, can I please join? I'm fine with whatever role is left, I'm flexible~ 
This sounds awesome, although im not sure if there is room for me. if there is, i would be happy to join. and if i can, could i be the artistic role? like a guy who always draws, paints, and plays multiple instruments? @VioletteCerise
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Can I bee the sweet innocent one?

Sure :)

Aaah! I really love this idea, but you seem to have a lot of interests garnered already, and I just joined the site moments ago. ;A; 

If you still have a spot left, can I please join? I'm fine with whatever role is left, I'm flexible~ 

I'm going to be adding more roles soon, since more people than I expected took an interest in this. :)  so definitely check back soon if you're still interested!

This sounds awesome, although im not sure if there is room for me. if there is, i would be happy to join. and if i can, could i be the artistic role? like a guy who always draws, paints, and plays multiple instruments? @VioletteCerise

I've decided to add more roles to this and an artistic character would be great if you're still interested!


I was also hoping to claim the sweet/innocent role. Is that alright?

I believe someone already took that role, but if it opens up, I'll totally let you know. :)

This sound so cool T.T there are no more spots, though. . .

If you have any other roles, please let me know.


I'm adding more roles ASAP and I'll inform you once they're up if you're still interested in joining. :)

If you get any spots open up, let me know!

Will do!

I would love to! Thanks.

Im going to modify it abit.

That's totally fine :)

I'm totally intrested!

Awesome, I'm glad!
Yes! I'm still interested. Can I take the Band Kid/Theatre Kid role? 

EDIT: not both, I mean, either one of them if the other is taken, or someone else rather has it. 
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