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Realistic or Modern So We Meet Again Characters


New Member
Character Form 

Looks: {realistic, post one from high school and a recent one if there are any big changes}


Age: {23-25}

Title: {ex: The Quiet One}

Location: {has your character since moved from Juniper?}





Change since Graduation: 

Reason for Going on Trip: {why'd they agree to go?}

Any Secrets?: {feel free to add to this as the RP progresses} 
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high school vs. present day

Name: Justin Rousseau

Age: 24-years-old

Title: The Quiet One

Location: San Francisco, California 

Occupation: Architect 

Sexuality: Homosexual


All Justin has ever known was addiction; his parents were arrested because of it, and his older brother wasted his life away for the same reason. It simply runs in their family's blood. Due to this, Justin spent most of his upbringing fending for himself. The only good thing to come out of this was that it made him a very hard worker. He had his first job at 13-years-old and has been working ever since. If he didn't work, his family would've struggled to get by even more so than they already did. Justin doesn't regret his home life, though. If he could change it, he would, but he doesn't dwell. As for school, that's a different story. He was lucky enough to have a circle of great friends, but outside of that group, Justin faced a lot of bullying for his differences. All of the teasing left scars that he masks with alcohol. Justin finds it difficult to admit that he has a problem or needs help, but deep down, he knows his dependency on alcohol isn't healthy. All through high school, Justin kept to himself and that made him good at hiding his drinking; most of his peers don't even know there's an issue. 

Determined to never struggle financially again, Justin set his mind to achieving large goals after graduation. He moved to San Francisco and began at the bottom of an architectural company at eighteen. He continued to bury himself in his work for four years after that and by consuming himself in his work, Justin climbed his way to the top of the company. He is now the CEO. Working so hard has left Justin with little time to make friends, however. Most evenings are spent alone in his apartment, drinking the night away. Justin's prideful of his success, but he yearns for people in his life that care like he used to have with his friends growing up. 


Justin's a closed off person and this often comes off as him being distant or cold. Deep down, Justin has a kind heart, he just finds it difficult to open up. He despises being seen as weak and keeps his guards up because of this. Justin would rather offer advice and listen to others than vent about his own life. He's notorious for saying I'm fine and not meaning it. Under the edginess, Justin's a tad awkward. Even as a grown man, he still finds himself getting all flustered and embarrassed at the mention of anything dirty. He's prone to tripping over his feet. His cheeks are bright red more times than not. So on and so forth. He's a sweetie, it just takes some time for him to show others that side to him. 

Change since Graduation: Justin used to be seen as the edgy one. He had little to no money, wore dark clothes, and listened to hard rock music. Now Justin is a sophisticated business man who's doing very well financially.

Reason for Going on Trip: Justin's often consumed by work and doesn't socialize much. For his own mental health, he feels that living around a group of people will be a positive change. 

Any Secrets?: Justin's an alcoholic. I'll add to this as more characters are made. If anyone wants their character to secretly crush on him, let me know! And vice-versa...if you want him to like your character, let me know as well. c:

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Writing in Process. 


Faceclaim: Possibly Ashton Irwin.

The Secretive/Cunning/Independent One 



I have emotions. Even if I am stupid, I do have emotions. I do get hurt.


Park So Woo


Seoul, South Korea




Woo was born in South Korea, moving to America at 10 and befriending the group. She lived a fine life, she was always the one that got into fights and was a total badass her school year, protecting her friends no matter what it took. she had been boxing and doing martials arts since little. Woo thought nobody need to know her problems, since they all had their own and kept all her secrets to herself. She used to beat up and get beaten up a lot for the sake of her friends. Shortly after the graduation she moved back and pursued singing, and has now been debuted for a year now.

Woo is a very protective person, always wanting to protect and fight for those she loves. Hurt her friends? She hurts you. It's simple. Though she looks delicate, she's tough and hard, doesn't like to show her emotions. Woo is sweet as can be too her friends though. (TBD Through RP) 

The only change is her secretive ness and cunningness. She doesn't like to do either, living as a celebrity you really can't be either. She still trains a lot and hopes to keep training for a long time.  

Her manager told her she deserved a break, and Woo really wanted to see her friends,

Woo just got out of an abusive relationship, but she refuses to tell anyone. She had an eating disorder when she debuted, but its thankfully subsiding. 

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coded by: syzygy

The Secretive/Cunning/Independent One 



I have emotions. Even if I am stupid, I do have emotions. I do get hurt.


Park So Woo


Seoul, South Korea




Woo was born in South Korea, moving to America at 10 and befriending the group. She lived a fine life, she was always the one that got into fights and was a total badass her school year, protecting her friends no matter what it took. she had been boxing and doing martials arts since little. Woo thought nobody need to know her problems, since they all had their own and kept all her secrets to herself. She used to beat up and get beaten up a lot for the sake of her friends. Shortly after the graduation she moved back and pursued singing, and has now been debuted for a year now.

Woo is a very protective person, always wanting to protect and fight for those she loves. Hurt her friends? She hurts you. It's simple. Though she looks delicate, she's tough and hard, doesn't like to show her emotions. Woo is sweet as can be too her friends though. (TBD Through RP) 

The only change is her secretive ness and cunningness. She doesn't like to do either, living as a celebrity you really can't be either. She still trains a lot and hopes to keep training for a long time.  

Her manager told her she deserved a break, and Woo really wanted to see her friends,

Woo just got out of an abusive relationship, but she refuses to tell anyone. She had an eating disorder when she debuted, but its thankfully subsiding. 

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coded by: syzygy
Looks: High school:5'6, brown eyes, lean, black,  head, clear skin, glasses and hideous nails.

Modern: 6'4, brown eyes, muscular, black, clear skin, stubble , glasses.

Name: Ryan Amegonan

Age: {23

Title: The Smart One

Location: NYC

Occupation: student

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio/Overview: Ryan was born in NYC city before he move to Jupiter. Because he came when he was 11, by the time he did, everyone knew everyone. Despite eventually join his group, he always saw himself as an outsider and resented the group for it. His attitude extended to every portion of his life. He didnt like people who backstabbed him or used him. But mostly, he hated and resented the smart kids. Because of his laid back and open personality in the way he talked and was open to sharing things that may look bad, peoe mistook him for stupid, an idiot. Someone to laugh at or with, but never truly be friends with. As due to the collapse in his grades in middle school, where he could no longer perform as he did when he fell into a deep depression that year. He finished Tae Won Do Training that year and moved on. He went running around the town and the nearby city woth a girl he met. They kept doing this til he walked away as he got serious about his future. She didnt take it well, having her brothers beat him in a backalley. Finally , his grades went back up the next year, when he had less time to spend with friends and more time alone. He strived academically and finally after high school applied for medical school.

Personality: unforgiving, insecure, contradictory (sometimes is sensitive, sometimes isnt. Etc.) Fun, ambitious, cool, loyal (sometimes). Independent thinker, can easily convince himself to not be.

Change since Graduation: More confident, more muscular, happier, not as angry.

Reason for Going on Trip: he wanted to see how everyone was doing with their lives while he was away.

Any Secrets?:

{His irrational resentment of some of the group members, of people in general and anything outside of his cool laid back and eager attitude } 

He is bisexual, but doesnt really announce it. If someone would ask him if hes gay, hed say no and leave it at that, cause he isnt, hes bisexual 
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His name is Jamie SAGE.
His role is The adventurous.
He is Twenty - Three Years of age.
He identifies as A cisgender male.
He works as a Mobile Auto Mechanic.
He is Heterosexual.
He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia.


w i p
fc: tom webb
obviously male guys
this code is confusing me sry
it's 5am rn i'm so tired will finish tomorrow maybe
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In High School (Picture taken at age 17 at the High School Prom)

Current Day

Name: Harriett Moone French 

Nicknamed: Hattie

Age: 23

Title: The Innocent One

Location: Gloversville, New York

Occupation: Fruit and Veg shop Cashier 

Sexuality: Bisexual (Closeted in high school, out now)


In Highschool Hattie was extreamly scatterbrained, peppy and all around positive. She was well off, her father owning a huge chain of banks having opened the first one in little old  Juniper. He stayed there for as long as he could but eventually got to the stage where he was traveling all the time, leaving her mother to raise her mostly alone. She never had to work, but she did anyway, and was a manager at the local fisho. Hattie got a lot of presents on her birthday and on Christmas. She had all the latest clothes and she was able to treat her friends to nice things. Her friends loved going to her place given how huge and luxurious it was. There weren't many houses that looked like hers in Juniper. Plus everyone was in love with her three beautiful Huskeys  Gem, Dex and Candi.

She wasn't ever stuck up, and she tried her best to be there for all of her friends whenever she was needed. She never really became interested in dating in high school, turning down several boys. She was focusing really hard on her schoolwork, she really wanted to get into a good university and become a business woman, like her father. She was very intelligent, and topped most of her classes. She really wanted to become a veterinarian.

When she left school she also left her hometown for a big vet school in new york. She was sad to leave but one day she said she'd be back. Hattie met a young man in NY and she thought he was the most amazing person ever. He was your token 'bad boy', unbelievably handsome, worked as a bar tender, sleeves full of tattoo's. She was lovestruck, and she couldn't see all the red flags that'd be obvious to any rational person with some dating experience. But Hattie saw past the fact that he always stole her phone, and sometimes followed her to the bars and clubs when she was having a night out with her friends, or the fact that he wouldn't let her wear anything 'too revealing' when she went out, which included shorter skirts and tights.

She noticed when it was too late. She was living with this man, and he was supporting her because she was a student and he was a successful novelist. He began to control her every move. She no longer 'owned' her own phone, as he was constantly taking it whenever he felt like, it made communication with her parents almost impossible to the point where they stopped hearing from her completely, she had almost no social life, and eventually she dropped out of uni because he wouldn't let her leave. Eventually he got physically abusive.

She was petrified of him, but behind his back she saved money, convincing him to let her have a job. After a while she began calling her friends at work, the only time where he couldn't hear her. They tried so hard to organised a reunion, and it was all she wanted to go back to safety, to her friends from highschool. Eventually she filled her car up with gas, and instead of going home that day, she drove the 4 hours it took from Gloverfeild back to Juniper. Her phone was blowing up the minute she was late.


In highschool Hattie was upbeat, outgoing and ambitious. She had all her goals set and she was trying as hard as she could to achieve them. She was a very open person, and had little to no secrets from anyone. Of course, even if she tried she was a terrible liar. She was very smart, but nobody knew it because she was a little bit of a ditz. She would get over excited about small things, laugh at stupid lame jokes and bump into people and things. She always looked kind of adorable when she was mad, she was too sweet for anyone to take her seriously, and a lot of people, even her friends, probably didn't expect her to even leave the town. 

Change since Graduation:

She is quieter, doesn't make eye contact a lot and is always subconsciously touching her neck. She still smiles, but her eyes look in pain. She flinches if someone she doesn't fully trust gets to close, and even when she does trust them she has to make a conscious effort not to pull away. She has lost all motivation for her life and her goals, and just wants to feel safe again. She is a shadow of who she once was. 

Reason for Going on Trip: To escape her abusive boyfriend and get back to where she felt safe.

Any Secrets?: She is Pregnant, 2 weeks, she does not know this yet, there are still healing bruises on her ribs
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Name: Aron Anthony Armstrong 

The Musical/Artistic one

Age: 24

Height: 6'4

Weight: 189 pnds

Eye Color: Deep blue


Hair Color: Dirty Blonde


Build: Fit muscular build

Title: The Artist

Location: Los Angeles California 

Occupation: Composer, Studio Musician, Digital Artist

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Bio/Overview: Mark discovered his musical ability when he first picked up the guitar. He was only four at the time. right off the bat, he was able to form chords from notes that he felt sounded good together. His extreme ear for music caught his parents attention, and they had him classically taught. Mark's skills began to grow expediently, although his ambition did not stop there. soon enough, he was able to apply the same principles that he learnt on guitar to other instruments as well. The piano, cello, violin, and many more instruments fell under his wing, and he was determined to master them all. by the age of 10, he already been trained classically in all the instruments listed before. But mark wanted to be something more than a musician, he wanted to be a Artist. this sudden passion sent him on an even more grand adventure than he could ever hope for. Mark began to draw and draw, and he got extremely good. But by the time he finished high school, He didn't feel happy with himself. he felt as if the person he was, was not the person he wanted to be. After graduating, Mark set out to change himself and fulfill his dreams. and it seems like he did just that

Personality:  Mark has a vary chill personality, being calm and controlled most of the time. Although he likes to socialize, he usually keeps to himself, unless he is invited of course. Mark is also a vary deep individual, taking time every day to stop and think. But above all of this, Mark is an artist at heart. he always likes to play song or draw a picture to cheer himself or others up. He likes to practice often, usually three hours each day. since Mark dose not have a lot of friends, he needs something to pass the time. Determination and the strive to succeed drives Mark each and every day, wanting to do his best in everything he does. You would imagine that Mark would boast about his gifts, although he is not like this. Vary rarely has Mark ever gotten proud or cocky. In fact, he praises others more that he praises himself. But at heart, Mark is just a man trying to be a better man

Change since Graduation: Mark has changed significantly since graduation. First off he has adopted a new hair and clothing style, seeing that what he wore in high school didn't quite express himself. Next he a more muscular physique since graduation. He is not the wimp he was in hight school, and can hold his own in most fights. His voice dropped to a booming baritone voice since graduation as well. You see, after high school Mark wanted to become a better person, he wanted to change. He felt that he wasent quite expressing himself the way he wanted to others, so he decided to change almost everything about himself. Except his passion for music and art that is. He is more cool and relaxed, and has changed his reckless and immature ways. Mark has become a better man

Reason for Going on Trip: With Marks dream accomplished, He wanted to go back a bit and thank the people that got him there. This winter get together seemed like a perfect opportunity to do that, and he has missed them so much since grad. it would be nice to see how all of them are doing

Any Secrets?: None at the moment. Mark isnt too big on crushes, since he has never had a girlfriend. if any of you want your character to have a secret crush on him, let me know. you just might be the one to break him

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Face Claim: Kang, Ha Neul


Nathan Han

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Title: The Theatre Nerd

Location: Essen, Germany - Europe

Occupation: MD student, intern at the oncology department


Nathan is your typical second generation Asian child. Born and raised in Juniper the boy had to deal with much discrimination when he was a young boy. People who didn't quite understand him and his background and asked silly questions. He is sure that they didn't hold any ill intent with them, but they still stung and separated him from the crowd. The fact that the peers also tended to bully him only added salt to the wound. At least he had his friends around who always encouraged him and cheered him up. Nathan was never truly alone because of that and learnt how to stand up for himself and ignore the plagues. 

As a child Nathan tended to hide his emotions, as he does nowadays as well, and often wore a mask of pretence, pretending that he wasn't feeling the pain he quite so often did. He hid his worries and his thoughts by smiles and jokes. Something he got quite good at. However, ironically, while he hated to live with the mask he did he absolutely fell in love with the stage. The thought that he could be someone else instead from Nathan Han gave him peace. A moment in the shoes and the skin of another person, someone who wasn't teased for his appearance, or had heavy expectations laid upon him. Just, someone entirely else. It felt like a breath of fresh air and Nathan thus followed theatre fervently in his school career. 

However, like any other Asian child , Nathan also received much pressure from his parents to excel in his studies and in everything he took part in. Something that often bothered Nathan as he felt like he could ever meet up to the expectations set upon him. They disapproved of his passion in acting and theatre, claiming that it wouldn't put the bread on the table. He had to be realistic and play safer, something that Nathan wanted to rebel against and proof them wrong. It was thus in high school that his parents compromised with him.

He was allowed to pursue his acting and his passions freely, but if he didn't manage to win any competitions, get himself the recognition needed to launch a successful career he was to abide their wishes. Something Nathan greedily took as he knew that was the only chance he would get from his parents to gain approval. He never told his friends about this promise with his parents, not wanting to pain them with his worries and too worried himself that he was going to fail. Instead he completely devoted himself to the art, entering every audition, competition he could. 

The world of theatre and films is harsh, however. Asides from a few minor roles the male didn't get many chances to show his true potential and he couldn't manage to make himself a name either through competitions. Nathan was truly devastated as this could mean that he would lose his dreams forever. However, with no one to speak to the male turned to himself more than ever, something that affected his acting greatly and ultimately made him quit all together when he graduated. 

In the last months before graduation Nathan thus announced to his parents that he would follow their wishes. However, as he was already too late to apply for universities in the US they decided to sent him abroad. Something that Nathan didn't mind as by now he didn't want to face his friends either with his failures. Directly after graduation he disappeared, devoting himself entirely to the preparation of his new life. A choice he would come to regret later. 


High school: 

Back in High school Nathan was known as the cheery jokester in the group who would play all sorts of types to liven up the mood. The one who saw a stage everywhere and a chance to break out into melodrama whenever given one. With his parents he would be obedient and respectful, but while with friends he would appear to be carefree and joyous. Whenever there was a prank going on Nathan was sure to be included as he would never refuse an invitation to a good time. At the same time Nathan was a good listener and cared very much for the well-being of his friends, knowing exactly when to calm down and be stern. 


At present Nathan has grown more stern and distant in his ways. He doesn't joke around as much anymore as he did as a child, referring to them as 'sunny days of a fool'. While he still greatly cares for his friends and their well-being he also has a hard time in getting close with them again, as he has grown so used to pretending that he is fine. He still wears a mask of pretension, acting as if he is still as cheery as he was before, but with a more mature mood about him. The truth is far away from happiness, however, as the male has been plagued by loneliness and failures. 

In a way some may even say that Nathan has grown pessimistic and cynical because of that. His humour changing into something more sarcastic and cynical, something with which he hurt many people with already in the few years that has passed. 

Some things that never changes with Nathan, however, is his nature as a hopeless romantic and feel for melodrama. While he isn't as frivolous about it anymore as he was in High school, he can still recite whole plays from the top of his head, or say the cheesiest lines with a straight face. The love for theatre never disappeared and forever remain, but is just subdued a lot more as he has given it up by now. 

Change since Graduation: 

One of the most surprising changes in his life is how theatre has disappeared from Nathan's life. He doesn't do much with his talents and old passion anymore, leaving it to dust between his papers and books. He barely has any time to sleep between Medical school, internship, maintaining a social life and everything else. Theatre just slowly disappeared out of his life after that he graduated from high school. A great shame, for he still loves it. 

Mentally and personality-wise Nathan has kept his core traits, but also matured and changed in ways. While he is still a cheery and easy-going guy he has also grown more stern and distant in other parts. 

Appearance-wise Nathan didn't change too much. He still maintains many of his handsome facial features. His high cheekbones, sharp nose and smiley eyes are always there. However, he has pulled up his old bangs and replaced them with a more mature and suave look. It takes a bit of maintenance and styling, but in the end worth it seeing how the man doesn't seem to age too much in his years. 

{High school appearance}


Reason for Going on Trip: 

He was either too busy with work, or studies, or travelling around sightseeing in Europe, or his parents came over to Germany. Now, finally after five years he is back in his childhood house and Juniper, just in time to catch the invitation of his old friends for a reunion. However, Nathan is feeling a little blue currently, after a failed relationship and hitting a wall with his path of life. Since he is in the place he might as well go and see how they are doing. Maybe call up some memories and think over his life again. 

Any Secrets?: 

- Has developed Chronic Depression in the years he has been abroad. The constant holding in of emotions, the lack of support around him, the failures, and his loneliness has ultimately eaten up all of his mental health. While he tries to ignore his predicament as much as possible he does take in his medicines diligently, knowing that it helps him feel better. He doesn't speak of any of this with his parents, knowing that they won't understand him and tell him to get over himself. 

- Only recently found out about his sexuality. Nathan had dated some girls back in high school, but while in college he also realised his attraction to men. A revelation that shocked him greatly. While he has accepted himself by now he is worried over how his parents will react, knowing that they expect him to come home with a wife as the only son of the family. 
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Name:  Felix Greyman

Age: 24

Title: The Leader

Location: Miami, Florida 

Occupation:  Stuntman

Sexuality:  Heterosexual 

Bio/Overview: Ever since he was little Felix was gifted at making friends. He always found people who gravitated towards him and wanted to spend time with him and follow his lead. And in high school he started a very diverse friends group in Jupiter. They had a strong bond and always hung out together whenever possible and they looked up to Felix as their leader and he was always there whenever they needed him. In Highschool Felix was full of energy and was always ready to start trouble or have some fun. He took his role as leader seriously and cared about everyone in their group. Felix's fearless personality and his love for living on the edge made what he wanted to do for a living very clear to him. He became a stuntman for movies and TV commercials, it was like a dream job for him as he got to have fun and also have a great salary. When he was 21 he met Sarah, a beautiful nurse and fell in love with her instantly. A year later they got engaged and soon after she was pregnant. Tragedy struck five months later as a drunk driver lost control of his car and crashed into Sarah's car as she was driving home, killing her and the child. Felix was heartbroken and devastated, his energetic and fun personality turned into a sad and defeated one. Anger became a big problem for him and he would get enraged by the simplest of things. In these dark times Felix found himself thinking about his highschool friends a lot. Wondering how they were doing and missing being around them. He knew that he needed to be around people he loves, people who can give him a reason to become the energetic and fun loving guy again. And so he made the decision and contacted everyone from his highschool group and they agreed to meet.

Personality:  Felix is a fun-loving guy who is always ready to do something crazy. The smile almost never leaves his face as he always tries to lighten the mood. He has a strong personality and cares about his friends. Although his stubbornness and reckless attitude towards danger often gets him into trouble. He's not smart when it came to academics and he barely passes most subjects. Felix is blunt when it comes to saying his opinion and always tells people what he truly thinks , he was never good at sugarcoating. 

Change since Graduation: Even though he always tries to force it, Felix's smile is barely present now. He has anger issues and can easily be angered and provoked. 

Reason for Going on Trip: He arranged the trip because he missed his friends and he needed to be around them.

Any Secrets?: He once started a fight and went to prison for a month. He got a big scar on his chest from a stunt that went wrong. 





Name: Matthew Wright

Age: 25

Title: The Loyal one

Location: New York City, New York

Occupation: Singer

Sexuality: Homosexual


Matthew was originally born in England but after 1 year, he moved to Juniper. As he grew up and developed his group of friends, he became known

as the loyal one. He was loyal to a fault to his friends and while this was a good thing it also came with a downside that he found himself in the occasional fight to defend his friends.

Once Matt finished school, he was scouted as a potential Singer. Spending his time in New York, he worked on a teaching degree while working as a model. It had been his one request that he get a degree before going full time as a Singer. Soon enough Matt was sucked into the world of parties and fame. While he remained the same person, he found himself more popular than he ever was. Unfortunately Matt found out the hard way that his new "friends" were only hangers on because he was the in thing in New York.

Matt found this type of behaviour disgusting. For a while he abandoned any ideas of keeping in touch with his new york friends. It was then he decided to make the trip home for an extended vacation and maybe find himself again.


Matt always had a bright attitude and personality which drew him into his group of friends in school.

He is loyal to a fault and unless shown otherwise generally tends to believe the best of everyone who he considers a friend.

His time in New York has changed his attitude and he no longer believes his friends are completely innocent.

Change since Graduation: 

The Biggest change in matt is his acceptance of his sexuality. Leaving the old fears he had behind in his home town.

Reason for Going on Trip:

He found that he missed his group of friends compared to the fakeness of people in New York.

Any Secrets?:

During high school, Matt hooked up with a guy but got threatened because of it.
[SIZE= 48px]Audrey Ellion[/SIZE]



This was her junior year photo




Audrey Ellion




The Dancer


Los Angeles, California







When growing up, Audrey's parents weren't always present so she mainly relied on her older sister to take of her in the absence of her parents. Carrie, her older sister, was also a dancer and she always went to the rehearsals  and saw the beautiful girls in the black leotards and strong men lifting them high into the air. Everyone was graceful and perfect, everybody was happy at the ballet. When she was around the age of 5, she started a beginning ballet class herself for a couple years before expanding to more styles of dance such as contemporary. When she was around the age of 11 her sister died of an overdose of painkillers. That devastated her more than anything else then she would be non-stop practicing since it was the only thing that ever made her feel better now since her sister was gone.

When high school started, she found a group of friends that she always hung out with, especially one guy named Aron Armstrong. He had of love of music just like she did but the only difference was they were two different forms of music yet they were good friends. In high school, Audrey managed to dance and study at the same time so she could pass a test and manage to give a good audition for the next upcoming performance her ballet school was putting on. Some weeks she didn't sleep for 4 days straight. In her group because of her constant dancing made her known as 'The Dancer"

Now a days Audrey is in Los Angeles with a ballet company that keeps her almost constantly working. Audrey rarely has time off so when she hears they were getting a break after swan lake, she jumped at the trip since she originally thought she wouldn't be able to go.


Fluid like water, Audrey is both peaceful and passionate. She is a tidal force of perplexing emotion, and can be stubborn, compliant, furious, and docile, all in the same hour.  She is strong willed and persistent, but can sometimes be reserved, drawing away and into her own shell if disturbed or provoked. This girl is sensitive, very sensitive but not only to her needs, but to the needs of others, making her one of the most sympathetic and caring girls you would ever meet. If you criticize her she may very well take it personally and it may not be forgotten. She is deeply intuitive, and if she says she doesn’t feel right about someone, it wise to take notice. Audrey won’t know the reason, but she will probably be proved right sooner or later. Similarly, her unerring instinct will tell her at once if someone is to be trusted. This is not about being judgmental, it’s about her instincts and feelings.

Audrey is the one that makes sure everyone gets home safe after a drunken night out, and who calls to make sure you’re doing okay after your bout of flu. There is something comforting about being friends with Audrey, and you know she will be there looking after you should you ever need her. Typically Audrey is very much about her family and friends but ever since this dance company she is rarely seen in her home town because of her need to be constantly practicing and pleasing people.

Audrey can be very snappy with people and then be gentle and sweet the next moment after. Most of the time it isn't the person who she's talking to but another stress in her life and sometimes she doesn't always know exactly what's stressing her. After a little while she'll return to her sweet self, all she needs is to be left alone for a bit. Audrey does love food especially anything sweet but her dancing levels out anything she eats. What helps make her a great dancer is her memory and how well she remembers just about anything. 

Audrey however is quite uptight about most things since dancing keeps her very strict in everything she does. Things balance out from time to time but she really can't find the time to just 'mess around' anymore.

Change since Graduation: 

Audrey isn't really as laid back as she used to be in high school, now she always worries about things and can't never really let loose anymore. Audrey has figured out hair and make-up a lot better and she has grown up but she hasn't changed in the way she looks all that much. SHe however isn't that nerdy girl she used to be but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Reason for Going on Trip: 

Audrey's dance company has just finished their tour of swan lake and she felt like she could use a break and maybe have some fun with old friends.

Any Secrets?: 

Audrey has had a crush on Aron from junior year of high school on but she thinks she over him since it's been several year.
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 : Kιм Nαмjooɴ

: 21

: Tнe Bυrɴoυт

: Koreα, Seυol

:  CEO oғ тнe тop тrαdιɴɢ drυɢ coмpαɴy ιɴ Aмerιcα (Drυɢ Lord)

Cυrreɴтly нe ιѕ perѕυιɴɢ нιѕ dreαм oғ αcтιɴɢ/ѕιɴɢer

: Bιѕeхυαl


/: Oɴιɴ ( Oн-ɴɴιɴ) (Nιcĸɴαмe нe ɢoeѕ вy) wαѕ вorɴ ιɴтo α lιғe oғ ғeloɴy, coɴѕтαɴтly нαvιɴɢ тo вe eѕcorтed вy ɢυαrdѕ ғor proтecтιoɴ ғor тнιɴɢѕ тнαт нe нαd ɴoтнιɴɢ тo do wιтн. Oɴιɴ'ѕ world wαѕ qυιтe dιғғereɴт тнαɴ нιѕ peer'ѕ everyтнιɴɢ ѕeeмed тo вe нαɴded тo нιм oɴ α ѕιlver plαтe, wнαтever нe ɴeeded wнeɴever нe ɴeeded нe jυѕт нαd тo ɴαмe ιт. Deѕpιтe тнe мαɴy lιғe тнreαтѕ нe ɢoт вecαυѕe oғ нιѕ вαcĸɢroυɴd нe αlwαyѕ мαɴαɢed тo ѕтαy poѕιтιve, нιѕ ғαтнer, α мαɴ oғ power wнo нeld тнe drυɢ вυѕιɴeѕѕ ιɴ нιѕ нαɴdѕ, тнe drυɢ lord нιмѕelғ wαѕ ɴoтнιɴɢ lιĸe Oɴιɴ. Ever ѕιɴce тнe вιrтн oғ нιѕ ғιrѕт αɴd oɴly cнιld нe'ѕ вeeɴ very over proтecтιve αllowιɴɢ нιѕ ѕoɴ lιмιтed тιмe αғтer ѕcнool, нe wαѕ reѕтrιcтed ғroм joιɴιɴɢ αɴy ѕporтѕ. Tнαт, oғ coυrѕe, dιdɴ'т ѕтop Oɴιɴ нe joιɴed тнe ѕoccer тeαм αɴd вecαмe тнe тeαм leαder нιѕ ѕĸιllѕ were υɴмαтcнαвle-υɴвeαтαвle eveɴ. Tнe Drυɢ Lord wαѕ ѕтrιcт oɴ нιѕ ѕoɴ wαɴтιɴɢ нιм тo cαrry тнeιr 'ғαмιly вυѕιɴeѕѕ' тнαт ɴeeded тrαιɴιɴɢ αɴd тιмe, Oɴιɴ coυldɴ'т jυѕт тαĸe нιѕ ғαтнer poѕιтιoɴ wιтнoυт αllιeѕ or proper 'тrαιɴιɴɢ' нe'd вe ĸιlled вeғore нe ɢeтѕ cloѕe тo wнere нιѕ ғαтнer ιѕ ɴow. Uɴғorтυɴαтely, ɢeттιɴɢ нιѕ ѕoɴ тo pαrтιcιpαтe wαѕ ɢoιɴɢ тo вe eαѕy ιт wαѕɴ'т мeαɴт тo вe Oɴιɴ'ѕ мoтнer, α нoмerooм тeαcнer, wнo ɢrew тo вe oɴe oғ тнe 3 мoѕт ғαмoυѕ αcтreѕѕ, ĸɴowɴ ғor нer тeαr-jerĸιɴɢ perғorмαɴceѕ ѕнe wαɴтed нer ѕoɴ тo ɢeт нιѕ proper edυcαтιoɴ. So ιт wαѕ тo вe, тrαɢιcαlly oɴ нιѕ ғιrѕт weeĸ нιѕ мoтнer dιed, тнe αcтreѕѕ wαѕ αттαcĸed вy α ғαɴ wнo clαιмed тнαт ιт нαd вeeɴ αɴ αccιdeɴт.

Tнe αттαcĸ нαd вeeɴ ιɴ αɴ αιrporт αѕ тнe αcтreѕѕ нαd jυѕт lαɴded тo vιѕιт нer ѕoɴ, ѕнe нαd ѕιɢɴed αɴd тαlĸed тo α ғew αɴd вeғore oɴe oғ тнe мαle ғαɴѕ pυѕнed тнroυɢн тнe ɢυαrdѕ pυѕнιɴɢ тнe αcтreѕѕ ғroм тнe 20тн ѕтory plυммeтιɴɢ тo нer deαтн. Tнe evιdeɴce (ѕυrveιllαɴce cαмerαѕ ιɴ Koreα, Seoυl) ѕнow тнαт wнαт нαd нαppeɴed wαѕ ɴoт αɴ αccιdeɴт вυт α 1ѕт-deɢree мυrder. Oɴιɴ вlαмed нιмѕelғ ғor wнαт нαppeɴed тo нιѕ мoтнer, αѕ нe wαѕ тнe oɴe wнo тold нer тo тαĸe тнe ɢιɢ ιғ ѕнe нαdɴ'т ɢoɴe тo jαpαɴ ɴoɴe oғ тнιѕ woυld нαve нαppeɴ, coмιɴɢ вαcĸ ғroм jαpαɴ ѕнe woυldɴ'т нαve dιed ιғ I нαdɴ'т тold нer. Oɴιɴ qυιcĸly ғeel ιɴ depreѕѕιoɴ αlтнoυɢн нe αppeαred qυιтe ғeѕтιve oɴ тнe oυтѕιde oɴ тнe ιɴѕιde нe wαѕ ѕlowly ѕнαттerιɴɢ, вeιɴɢ тнe ѕoɴ oғ α drυɢ lord ιт wαѕ αɴ eαѕy αcceѕѕ Oɴιɴ вeɢαɴ ғιllιɴɢ нιѕ вody wιтн drυɢѕ. Soмe ɴoтιced нιѕ ѕтrαɴɢe вeнαvιorѕ oтнerѕ ιɢɴored ιт, ιт wαѕɴ'т υɴтιl нe ғαιɴтed dυrιɴɢ oɴe oғ нιѕ clαѕѕeѕ oғ αɴ overdoѕe ɴeαrιɴɢ тнe verɢe oғ deαтн тнαт нιѕ ғαтнer ѕeɴт нιм тo α plαce ever dαy αғтer ѕcнool ѕαyιɴɢ тнαт ιт wιll нelp нιм. Oɴιɴ ғoυɴd ιт ιroɴιc тнαт α drυɢ lord dιdɴ'т wαɴт нιѕ ѕoɴ тαĸιɴɢ drυɢѕ. 

Aғтer тнαт υɴlιĸely ιɴcιdeɴт, ιт ѕeeмed тнαт everyoɴe ĸɴew wнo нe wαѕ αɴd wнαт нe нαd doɴe, ғor Oɴιɴ нe ɢαιɴed qυιтe α proғιт мαɴy oғ нιѕ ғellow peerѕ αcĸɴowledɢed wнo нe wαѕ ғroм rυмorѕ тнαт нαd вeeɴ ɢoιɴɢ αroυɴd. Oɴιɴ вeɢαɴ ѕellιɴɢ drυɢѕ тo ѕтυdeɴтѕ wнo αѕĸed ғor ιт αlтнoυɢн мαɴy ĸɴew wнo нe wαѕ ɴo oɴe ѕpoĸe or мeɴтιoɴed ιт тo αɴ αdυlт. Gαιɴιɴɢ popυlαrιтy ғαѕт, Oɴιɴ wαѕ ĸɴowɴ αѕ тнe ѕcнoolѕ (jυѕт нιѕ ɢαɴɢ) вαɴĸ, мoѕт o нιѕ ғrιeɴdѕ were тнoѕe wнo were αddιcтed тo drυɢѕ. Oɴιɴ тнroυɢнoυт нιѕ ѕcнool lιғe wαѕ υɴder preѕѕυre ɴow тнαт нιѕ мoтнer wαѕ ɢoɴe нιѕ ғαтнer wαѕ perѕιѕтeɴт тнαɴ ever, eveɴ wιтн αll тнιѕ αɴхιeтy нιѕ ɢrαdeѕ ɴever ѕeeмed тo ғαlтer αɴd нe reмαιɴed αɴ αll A ѕтυdeɴт wιтн ɴo eғғorт. Hαlғwαy тнroυɢн нιѕ yeαr, Oɴιɴ ɢoт ιɴтo α dιѕpυтe тнαт yeт αɢαιɴ αlмoѕт cαυѕed нιм нιѕ lιғe, ғor ѕoмe pυrpoѕe тнιѕ ɢoт нιм тнιɴĸιɴɢ oғ нιѕ мoтнer wнιcн led нιм тo αrт, oғ αcтιɴɢ. Tнιѕ wαѕ тнe oɴly wαy ғor нιм тo вe cloѕer тo нιѕ deceαѕed мoтнer, мαɴy тнoυɢн тнαт нe тrυly нαd тαleɴт, вυт ɢeттιɴɢ тo тнe level oғ нιѕ мoтнer wαѕ αcнιeved wιтн нιѕ ғαтнer'ѕ мoɴey αɴd ɴoт нιѕ нαrd worĸ. Eveɴ wιтн тнαт ιɴ мιɴd, Oɴιɴ cαrrιeѕ нιѕ мoтнer'ѕ вeαυтy αɴd тαleɴт, ɢιvιɴɢ υp вeιɴɢ α вoyѕ вαɴd нe вecαмe α ѕolo αrтιѕт, wнo ɢαιɴed popυlαrιтy ιɴ jυѕт α ғew yeαrѕ мαĸιɴɢ вιllιoɴѕ every weeĸ. Now ιт ѕeeмed нιѕ pαѕт (Fαтнer) нαѕ coмe тo нαυɴт нιм, αɢreeιɴɢ тo нιѕ ѕιcĸly ғαтнer'ѕ тerмѕ oғ вeιɴɢ тнe ѕυcceedιɴɢ Drυɢ lord.


Oɴιɴ ιт ѕeeмѕ тнαт ɴo мαттer wнαт нe ɢoeѕ тнroυɢн wιll ɴever мαтυre, eɴerɢeтιc нe cαɴ'т ѕeeм тo ѕιт ѕтιll, нαvιɴɢ тнe ѕαмe eɴerɢy αѕ тнαт oғ α yoυɴɢ тeeɴαɢer. Eαѕιly ѕcαred αɴd lιyed тo αт тιмeѕ нe woɴ'т αdмιт deғeαт вeαcυѕe oғ нιѕ ѕтυввorɴeѕѕ αlѕo нιѕ prιde. Oɴιɴ'ѕ prιde ιѕ very ιмporтαɴт тo нιм wαɴтιɴɢ тo αcт cool, deɴyιɴɢ тнαт eveɴ ғor α ѕecoɴd нe wαѕ ѕcαred, αт тιмeѕ ιт ѕo cυтe нow нe deɴyѕ тнe тrυтн. Cαreғree αѕ α yoυɴɢ cнιld ιт'ѕ ιroɴιc wιтн wнαт нe'ѕ вeeɴ тroυɢн, oɴιɴ ιѕ coɴғιdeɴт αт мoѕт тιмeѕ, нe cαɴ вe qυιт вlυɴт αт ѕтαтιɴɢ wнαт тrυly oɴ нιѕ мιɴd. A joĸer тo тнe нeαrт, нe нαтeѕ ѕeeιɴɢ нιѕ αɴyoɴe υpѕeт нe wιll υѕe every мeтнod тo cнeer тнoѕe wнo ѕeeм тo вe dowɴ. Oɴιɴ ιѕ opeɴ-мιɴded αɴd тαĸeѕ oтнer peopleѕ opɴιɴoɴѕ ιɴтo coɴѕιderαтιoɴ. He woɴ'т вαcĸ dowɴ ғroм α ғιɢнт eveɴ ιғ нe ĸɴowɴѕ wнo тнe wιɴɴer ιѕ, ιɴ нιɢнѕcнool ιт ѕeeмed ɴαтυrαl ғor нιм тo coмe вαcĸ нoмe wιтн α ɴew pυrѕe or ѕcαre. Eαѕιly ғlυтυred, Oɴιɴ ιѕ proɴe тo ѕproυт ɴoɴѕeɴѕe wнeɴ нe'ѕ eмвαreѕed or ғlυтυred. He нαтeѕ вeιɴɢ ѕcαred or тeαѕed, нαυɴтed нoυѕeѕ wιll αlwαyѕ drαɢ нιѕ ιмαɢe dowɴ. 


Oɴιɴ υѕed тo вe ѕнorт ғor α мαɴ wнιcн wαѕ very ѕнαмeғυl нe мαde αɴ ιмproveмeɴт тнoυɢн 5'1 тo 5'4

He υѕed тo вe very ѕcαred oғ нιѕ ғαтнer вυт ɴow нe αɴd нιѕ ѕιcĸ ғαтнer нαve ɢrowɴ very cloѕe

Wαѕ αғrαιd тo vιѕιт нιѕ мoтнer'ѕ ɢrαve ɴow нe ιѕ вαle тo ɢo вυт ɴoт wιтнoυт α coмpαɴιoɴ  

Uѕed тo вe very нeαlтнy ɴow нe мoѕтly eαтѕ rαмeɴ

Fιɴιѕнιɴɢ υp нιѕ тoυr, Oɴιɴ нαd jυѕт ѕιɢɴed тнe coɴтrαcт wιтн нιѕ ғαтнer wнo jυѕт ѕo нαppeɴed тo вe ιɴ Jυɴιper αт тнαт тιмe. Oɴιɴ ѕιɴcerely мιѕѕed нιѕ ғrιeɴdѕ тнιѕ тrιp woυld вe α ɢreαт ɢeт тoɢeтнer.


► Hαѕ α low тolerαɴce ғor αlcoнol

► Scαred oғ тнe dαrĸ

нαѕ Tιɴɴιтυѕ (Rιɴɢιɴɢ ιɴ тнe Eαrѕ) тнυѕ нe нαѕ тo тαĸe pιllѕ oɴce ιɴ α wнιle ( cαrrιeѕ αroυɴd pιllѕ)

► Lιĸeѕ pιɢɢy вαcĸ rιdeѕ

► Scαred oғ doɢѕ

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Character Form 


Junior year of high school:




Name: Alaska Jade Collins

Age: 24

Title: The "model"

Location: New York City,New York 

Occupation: Model/Background Actress

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Bio/Overview: Alaska is originally from Puerto Rico,but when she was just a baby,her family moved to the small town of Juniper. She's been raised there and treats it like it's still her home. Throughout high school,she wasn't the most popular girl,but she was the most unpopular either. She was always called "the model" of her friend group and eventually it paid off for her.

At 18,after just graduating from high school,Alaska's modeling career seemed to skyrocket overnight. Soon enough,her face and body was broadcasted on billboards and TVs across the nation. She didn't know how to react except return home to Juniper for a couple of days to let it sink in. 

Eventually,she turned back to modeling and also got to be in some movies as a background actress. But,with this fame came something else: hardcore drugs and parties. Almost everynight she was in a different club with different people doing different things. Her favorite was heroin. Now,she's clean of the drugs,but still lights up a little blunt every once in a while.

Personality: Alaska is very laid back and a chill,she doesnt like being loud or obnoxious people,so steer clear of her if you are either one. It takes a lot to get her mad,but if you do,she'll hold the grudge for a while and it'll take some time for her to forgive you.

Change since Graduation: She used to be stick thin,wild makeup,and a bad sense of style. Now she has curves,thanks to a healthy diet and workout,and she keeps makeup to a minimum,and her style has gotten better. In high school,she never grew to be over 5'5,but over the summer after graduation,she grew into a lean 5'8. She never really had muscle,as she never worked out,but now it's an everyday thing so she has some muscle. 

Reason for Going on Trip: Part of her wants to take a break from the busy life and the other part wantsyo relive old days with the best people she ever knew. 

Any Secrets?: None as of now 



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