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So, uh. New here. I'm looking for a pal who's decent to good at writing.


Writer of Words and Such
First off, I'm new(here, not at RP. I've been RPing for some time now). Have noooo clue how things work around here, and if there's any assumed information. Like things that go without saying. Just an hour ago I googled "RP Partners Site" and got thrown here. So, here I am!

I write in third person, past tense. I don't really attach myself to the character I write for so much, either. But that's not to say I don't flesh them out. I'll get attached to a character just the same, it's fun to see them grow and change. I'd prefer a partner with similar preferences there, but the past/present tense thing is debatable I suppose.

As for the setting, that's entirely up to the two of us. I'm happy to discuss it. I've primarily RPed in sci-fi/futuristic and fantasy settings. Not to say I can't enjoy other things, but it's typically where I'm most comfortable with. I've got a couple ideas for plot and general direction. A fairly large fleshed out universe I've got going is also available, but it's subject to change-- still early in creation. While I do enjoy pairings and the like, and I don't mind RPing with other guys, I can't promise I'll be as invested as I would be RPing with a chick. Just how it is, I s'pose. Dunno how much attention this'll get, but hey, I'm bored and don't have much to lose in doing this. Gimme a poke if any of this interests you! Also feel free to ask any questions I might've skipped over. And by might I mean probably.
Hey, I'm totally up for a RP. And I'll pretty much do any kind of Roleplay. Though I generally pick fantasy/sci-fi stuff because I think it's more fun. I have a few ideas for plots, but I would much rather brainstorm an idea than do it by myself. It's been a while since I've had a good one x one, so if your interested I can send you a personal message and we can talk more about it.
Sounds cool, bruh, hit me up. Dunno how PMs work-- I think it's just that I can't initiate them. That makes sense. But yeah, brainstorming'd be choice.
Sure, I'd be interested in doing some kind of roleplay with you. Fantasy is probably my favourite genre, so we'll be able to agree on that much. I'm willing to do Science-Fiction depending on the plot, just since I'm not always that big into really futuristic settings.

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